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How can I check to see if I have a valid passport?

Question: My last passport expired May of last year. I thought I had renewed it but now can't locate it. Do I need to renew or can I get a duplicate?

Answer: First of all, the State Department does not issue duplicate passports. You can apply for a passport record if you want to discover if you applied for a renewal. The fee is $150 and it takes up to six weeks.

Here is the dilemma. If you did NOT renew the passport you currently posses, then you are eligible to renew it by mail. All you need to send is completed Form DS-82, the passport, a passport photo and payment of the fee. For a complete list of requirements, click the link below.

Apply to Renew Passport

If you did renew the passport and, then, lost it, you are not eligible to renew it by mail. You need to report the lost passport by calling the National Passport Information Center and, then, appear in person to apply for a new passport. For instructions, click the link below.

Get a New Passport

Comments for How can I check to see if I have a valid passport?

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Lost/stolen passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I submitted a lost and stolen passport and got a new one, but after I got a new one I found my last one and was traveling to Europe.

While preparing for my trip to Europe I forgot about the last passport so I grabbed the passport that I reported lost and when I got to England I was directed to the embassy to get a emergency passport.

So when I got back home I had to supposedly get another passport but I already have a passport with me so now I’m confused because I have a good one, but I did get an emergency one once. What to do?

Answer: Having more than one full-validity passport is not allowed. Likely, the passport you initially obtained after the first one was supposedly lost is no longer valid.

The best way forward is to surrender the second passport and have the emergency passport updated to a full-validity passport. Keep in mind that you may be flagged for being issued multiple emergency passports.

Valid Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I got a notice that the check for passport renewal fee bounced and that if I don't remit payment they could suspend my passport. I didn't send them an additional fee but I also never received any additional notice saying that my passport was suspended even though I received my new passport book. Is there a way to verify if my passport is valid? I am going on a cruise in about 4 weeks.

Answer: Since you have received that your passport will be suspended pending payment of the passport fee, your passport is likely now invalidated. You may contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 for confirmation.

Is my passport still valid?
by: Anonymous

Question: In 2022 had to replace a damaged passport before a trip to Italy. I did the replacement process at an acceptance agency but did not receive my replacement passport in time for the trip. I went to an agency out of state and got my replacement passport there. A few months ago I received a letter saying they could not process my replacement passport. I am traveling to the Dominican Republic in a few weeks and want to make sure that this letter does not invalidate the passport I obtained at the passport agency.

Answer: If the passport issued by the agency has full 10 years validity, it should be valid for your trips until 2032.

Has a Child's Passport Been Used?
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a court appointed guardian trying to find out if a woman has traveled with her child recently on a US Passport. I know the child's SSN and DOB, but not her passport number. The mother claims to be overseas, but it's unconfirmed. How do I find out if she has traveled with the child overseas?

Answer: The U.S. government does not keep record of travels of U.S. citizens but DHS may be able to assist you in finding out if the child has exited the United States. You may contact them for assistance.

Passport Validity for Brazil
by: PokeDad

Question: The policies for Brazil (reciprocity, VISA) are very confusing. My passport expires on April 23, 2024 and I want to travel to Sao Paulo, Brazil on November 15th, 2023 (arriving on the 16th) and depart on November 19th, 2023. United Airlines says my passport is valid (and Brazil is on an exempt list), but friends & family say it should not be expiring within 6 months. What is the truth?

Answer: Based on the Department of State's page on travel to Brazil, your U.S. passport only needs to be valid upon entry. You may contact the Embassy of Brazil for confirmation.

I accidentally traveled on previously lost passport but have the new/current passport.
by: Anonymous

Question: I accidentally traveled on a passport that was previously reported lost or stolen and that passport was taken at US customs upon my return.

I have the passport that I received when the previous one was lost/stolen. My new/current passport has never been reported lost or stolen, is this passport still valid?

My honeymoon is booked for the end of the year.

Answer: You may be flagged because of the incident. I recommend that you contact the CBP and passport services at 1-877-487-2778 regarding your concerns.

Can I travel to Morocco?
by: Anonymous

Question: I received my passport in June (expires 2033). I would like to travel to Morocco in October 2023, is my passport valid?

Answer: Yes, your passport is valid. It is valid from its issue date until its expiry date. There is no need to wait for a certain period of time before you can travel.

No email confirmation for lost passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I never received an email confirmation that my passport was reported lost and it’s been 2 months. I found my passport and want to know if I never got confirmation can I still use my current passport that’s no longer lost . Traveling in 4 weeks.

Answer: Even if you did not receive a confirmation, your passport was automatically cancelled/invalidated when you filed the report.

You need to apply for a new passport so you can travel.

In the time you have, you have two options:

1. Call the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 for an appointment. Appointments are extremely limited and you may have to wait for hours, even days, to get one. Some have reported having to call multiple times over multiple days and still failing to schedule an appointment.

2. You may employ the services of a registered passport courier. These companies can get your replacement in the time that you need.

Get Passport Fast

by: Anonymous

Question: I’m traveling to Italy Oct. 2, 2023, returning Oct. 15, 2023. My passport expires Jan. 31, 2024. Is that enough time after my trip? I have read 3 months and 6 months. Which is correct?

Answer: The Department of State recommends 6 months but the actual requirement is only 3 months beyond your planned date of departure from Italy. Your passport meets this requirement so you should be okay.

Passport validity
by: Anonymous

Question: I am going to the Philippines on sept 1-17 and my US passport will expire on March 22. Is it still valid for travel?

Answer: Yes, your passport is still valid for travel to the Philippines. Your destination only requires at least 6 months on your U.S. passport to allow entry.

by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. My wife and I got married 5 years ago and she forgot to change her name on her passport. Can she still use it or does she need to renew it because it's past the year to have it changed for free?

Answer: Your wife may still use her passport. Just make sure her tickets are booked in the name that appears on her passport to avoid issues with TSA.

When/if she decides to apply for a passport name change, she needs to submit a renewal and pay the fees. Please send the original or a certified copy of your marriage certificate as proof of legal name change.

by: Anonymous

Question: I applied for a new passport and forgot that I had a current passport. I got a letter saying that I already have a passport and that I could report it missing if lost. However, I found my passport and did not report it missing. Is my passport still valid?

Answer: Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 regarding your passport.

Is there a way to check and see if my passport is still valid?
by: Anonymous

Question: I went to an appointment with my family to have our passports renewed. I had lost my passport and submitted a passport renewal form at the appointment. On the form, I did say that I lost my passport, but didn’t submit any other paperwork related to losing it. I received a letter in the mail stating that I need to send in the paperwork "statement regarding a valid, lost or stolen US passport, book, and or card" back to the US Department of state. I have not sent in the statement paperwork and I have since found my passport. Is my passport valid or do I need to send in the statement and receive a new passport? Thank you so much for your help!

Answer: You should submit Form DS-64.

How to check if my passport is "Active"?
by: Anonymous

Question: Someone told me that his passport wasn't "active". We are going on our honeymoon in 20 days to Aruba. My passport expires June 2026 and my husband June of 2027. How do I know if it's "active"?

Answer: If you did not receive any communication from a government office that your passport has been revoked for any reason, it is "active". You may contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

passport still valid
by: Anonymous

Question: I submitted a passport renewal and received a letter from the US Department of State requesting me to send my valid passport to resume the process. However, I need to travel now. Is my passport still valid to travel or since I kicked off the renew passport process, my valid passport will not work?

Answer: Since your application has already been received, your current passport is already invalidated. You can no longer use it for travel. You need to send that passport to the address indicated in the letter so that your renewal will be processed.

Valid passport book?
by: Anonymous

Question: I reported my passport card as missing. Does this mean my passport book is invalid now?

Answer: Your passport book and card are two separate documents. Your passport book is still valid.

Passport 6 Month Validity
by: Anonymous

Question: Customer traveling Oct 30 - Nov 13. Her passport expires on May 4, next year. Should she renew now or is it ok?

Answer: The answer depends on destination. Please check the destination country's entry requirements to find out whether or not she needs to renew her passport.

dmv can't verify might passport card
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. I have been trying to renew my driver's license using my passport card as proof of lawful presence as required by my state. However, when they scan the card it will not verify. I just received the passport card on 4/4/2023, and it doesn't expire till 2033. so I'm not sure what's going on.

Answer: Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 regarding your concern.

passport validity
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. Planning a trip to Italy from July 29 through August 9. Passport expires on Feb 20, 2024. I think this is fine but can you please confirm?

Answer: Yes, you are okay to travel to Italy with your current passport.

Passport card invalidate book?
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. I applied for a passport card online and my payment was processed. The email from mygov states that my passport book is invalid now. Is this true?

Answer: Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 regarding your concern.

Lost passport, but found it
by: Anonymous

Question: I submitted a DS-64 because I lost my passport. Since then I found it but went back and checked and the info I put in my DS-64 was all the information from my previous passport which is now expired, before my current one, which is the one I thought I had lost.

Do you know if once I submit a DS-64 for an old expired passport that makes my current one which is not expired invalid?

Answer: Yes, it is likely that the most recently-issued passport was invalidated once your lost passport report was received. You may contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 to verify.

Valid passport?
by: Anonymous

Question: My original passport had the wrong information on it. I submitted the form to correct it but was told I was past the year mark. I’m getting ready to travel to Canada in less than 8 weeks but I am sending my information out to get a new one.

Can I use my current passport until my new one comes with the corrected information?

Answer: You were misinformed. Corrections can be done at any time during a passport's validity.

Having said that, that passport in your possession is no longer valid. It was invalidated the moment the new application was received.

Valid Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I have tried all avenues to check if my passport is valid. None work. I got a letter several years ago from the IRS saying they "might" revoke my passport if I don’t pay back taxes. I never got a letter from them saying it was revoked. I’m traveling in a couple of weeks to Punta Cana and need to make sure I don’t have any issues. Please Help!

Answer: Unfortunately, we cannot check your passport's validity for you. If you settled your tax debt, your passport is likely still valid. If you did not, it may be safe to assume that your passport has been revoked. Please contact the IRS for a more certain answer to your question.

Can I still use my passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I owe 6500 in back child support but I have a passport. Can I still travel to Mexico?

Answer: If you did not receive any notice that your passport has been revoked, you may use it for travel to any country including Mexico as long as it meets the entry requirements.

by: Anonymous

Question: Can I travel to the Dominican Republic if I have a criminal record?

Answer: There is nothing on the Department of State's page on the Dominican Republic that mentions criminal records being a detriment to entry. Having said that, we recommend that you contact the Embassy of The Dominican Republic to find out if they will allow entry.

Never completed the lost passport form
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi! I thought I lost my passport so I began filling out the form but ended up finding my passport before I submitted the form. I got all the way to the form to get a new passport and am worried that my passport is now invalid. Will it still work or is it now invalid do i need to still apply for a new one?

Answer: Since you did not submit the form, your passport is still valid.

I need to have issue addressed
by: 520408987Anonymous

Question: My ID was issued to someone while I was incarcerated. The individual did not have my permission for my property.

Answer: This is a situation best handled by law enforcement. Please contact the local police office to report the problem.

Passport validity
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello,
I am traveling to France in April. My passport expires in January 2024. Am I still valid for this trip?

Answer: Yes, you may use your current passport to travel to France. Have a safe trip!

Travel to Spain passport still Valid
by: Anonymous

Question: My current passport is valid until September 5. Traveling to Spain from June 2 till June 12. Is my passport still valid for this trip?

Answer: Spain and the rest of the Schengen countries require at least 3 months of validity counted from your date of exit (June 12). Unfortunately, your passport falls a few days short of this requirement.

You need to renew your passport so you can go on your planned trip. If you submit soon and request expedited service, you should receive your passport in plenty of time before your departure date.

Lost Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I have seen this previously asked. I lost my passport and started the online application (DS-11) to declare it lost. I don’t think I submitted it and have since found my passport.

Do you receive a confirmation email if you submit a DS-11? I never did so I think I’m in the clear. Thanks!

Answer: Hello! We are a private company and do not have access to the Department of State's system. Please contact the National Passport Information Center at 1-877-487-2778.

Also, the form to report a passport as lost is Form DS-64. DS-11 is for when you apply for a replacement of the lost passport.

Passport less than 6 months from expiry - 3 day trip to Mexico possible?
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. I have an international trip to Mexico planned on Apr 1, just 3 days, so no visa needed for valid US passport holders. I have a US passport but it's expiring in Aug. I have held off on starting the renewal process so I can go for this trip. Will my passport/ entry be revoked because of how close it is to expiry? Thanks!

Answer: Yes, you may travel to Mexico and back with your current passport. Have a safe trip!

Traveling after renewal submitted
by: Anonymous

Question: I called the 877-487-2778 number and spoke to someone that said my current passport will still work. I submitted an online application for renewal 2 weeks ago and my current passport expires Dec 2023. I am traveling to Paris, France next week.

Can I please have confirmation that my current passport will indeed work? The representative said some countries will still accept my current passport even though I have a renewal in process?

Answer: Hello! One of the requirements/qualifications for renewing online is that you are aware that your most recent passport will be immediately canceled when you submit your application and you cannot use it for international travel.

The passport you currently hold is no longer valid. You should wait until you receive your new passport before making any final travel arrangements.

DMV states my passport is invalid
by: Anonymous

Question: I’m trying to change my MI driver's license to GA. GA DMV states that my passport is invalid. It does not expire until January 2024. Why is it invalid?

Answer: There could be a number of reasons why your passport is invalid. It is possible that the chip is unreadable. It is also possible that your passport was invalidated by the Department of State. Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 to find out the exact reason why.

IRS issues solved
by: Anonymous

Question: We had an IRS issue that caused us to receive a notice that our passports may not be valid. We have since settled the issue with the IRS and received a letter this restriction has been lifted.

Is there a way we can verify this? We are leaving the country on vacation soon.

Answer: You may contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 regarding this.

by: Anonymous

Question: Reported lost but I may not have done it correctly. No confirmation email received report was received from NPIC to cancel the passport. Is it still valid? I was told to send a letter to the VA passport unit for them to check. Can I walk into an Airport and have someone scan it to check? Traveling in April.

Answer: Yes, you can have your passport scanned at an airport to check its status.

Is my issued passport valid
by: Anonymous

Question: I applied for and received my renewed passport and my old passport was returned. I then received a call that the form was not signed and had to go back to the post office and complete the form with a photo and have it signed.

The request was legitimate and I completed the request in person without issue, but I was never told if I will receive a second renewed passport with the new photo. It's been 3 months. Is the first renewed passport valid?

Answer: Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 regarding your concern.

by: Anonymous

Question: I owe federal taxes. Is my passport still valid? It expires in 2024.

Answer: If you did not receive any communication from the IRS regarding the revocation of your passport, it is likely still valid. However, you will have issues renewing unless you settle your debt.

Valid or not?
by: Anonymous

Question: I started to fill out the lost passport online but it says it could not find a passport with my info so I am unsure if it went through or not, I have now found the passport, but the NPIC doesn't have someone to talk to about checking if it's valid or not when I call.

Answer: If you have not submitted the report, your passport is likely still valid.

Stolen passport card
by: Anonymous

Question: My wallet got stolen and my passport card was in it. I reported the passport card stolen online. I know that my passport card got invalidated but did my passport book get invalidated as well?

Answer: Since your passport card and book are two separate documents, your passport book is still valid.

by: Anonymous

Question: I lost my passport and reported lost online and I received that it was successfully submitted but it also says, "Please note that this is only an acknowledgment that your report has been received. A confirmation email will follow once your report has been completed." I never received or sent anything else.

Is my passport still valid? I recently found it and want to be able to use it if possible. Or do I need to fill out a new application for my passport? If so, what form? Thanks.

Answer: Your passport is no longer valid. To protect your identity, your passport was invalidated when the report was received.

The process to replace a lost passport is similar to applying for the first time. You need to submit the requirements in person at a local acceptance facility.

1. Form DS-64
2. Form DS-11
3. Evidence of U.S. citizenship plus a photocopy
4. Proof of identity plus a photocopy
5. One new passport photo
6. Payment for fees

by: Anonymous

Question: About a year ago, I applied for passport renewal and I got a letter stating it was denied due to serious delinquent taxes owed. I hired an attorney to help me and we finally got a payment arrangement submitted to the IRS regarding the taxes owed.

The payment arrangement has not been approved as of yet from my understanding, but randomly I received a phone call from the national passport office saying a delivery they sent went to my old address (I moved since I applied)- long story short I updated the address and received my old passport back, my documents and my brand new passport.

If they mailed it to me it had to be valid, correct? They wouldn’t issue it to me otherwise, right? Either way, I don’t want to ask directly because I really need to travel for work.

Answer: It is not customary for the Department of State to call regarding an address issue but since your documents were also returned, the new passport should be legitimate. You may call the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

Passport Valid While Being Renewed
by: Anonymous

Question: I submitted in early December my passport that expires in April 2023 for online renewal. I'm waiting to receive my new passport. Is my passport valid during this interim period?

Answer: No, it is not. Your current passport was automatically invalidated when you submitted your online renewal application.

Not sure if passbook is valid
by: Anonymous

Question: I had a passbook but at a later date got a pass card. I still have my passbook and the date is still valid but I don't remember if I a did replacement of the passbook. How can I tell if my passbook is still valid or not?

Answer: Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 regarding your concern.

Lost and found
by: Anonymous

Question: I lost my passport on a cruise, I started filling out the paperwork for a replacement but before I could send it all in I received a notification that it was found. Will I still need to replace it? I have a trip to Ireland soon and I don't want to have issues at the airport.

Answer: If the report has not been submitted, your passport is still valid. You may definitely still use it for travel.

Passport information
by: Anonymous

Question: I renewed my passport in November and just got my new passport. I’m flying to Cancun, Mexico in February. Is my passport valid to travel with?

Answer: Yes, you may travel with your passport. Have a safe trip!

Was told my passport looks fake
by: Anonymous

Question: I had my passport expedited through the National Passport Agency. I received it about 2 weeks before my departure. In Vienna (travel destination) the passport control said that my passport looks fake and is using an old version. Where can I confirm and have it rectified?

Answer: You may contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778.

Validating my passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I recently tried to use my passport to renew my ID and when they input it into the system it said that my passport was invalid. It is not damaged, the expiration date isn't until 2019 and the address is the same. I want to check to see if my passport is valid and if it is not, how to correct the issue before I have to use it to travel.

Answer: If the passport expired in 2019, it is no longer valid.

Record Check
by: Matia Montes

Question: I want to know if my passport is valid or canceled.

Answer: We need more details to answer your question properly. Have you reported your passport as lost?

Passport Book Validation (while passport card lost)
by: Anonymous

Question: Is my passport book still valid if I reported passport card loss?

Answer: Since the book and card are separate documents, reporting the card as lost does not affect your passport book's validity.

Passport vs pass card issue
by: Anonymous

Question: My dog chewed my passport card. Can I still use it for mail-in renewal?
Also, I have a passport but I am unsure if it is valid because of my passcard. Is there any way to check if the passport is still valid?

Answer: Your passport book and passport card are two separate documents. Your passport book is still valid even though your card no longer is.

You cannot send the card in for a renewal. However, you can send the book for renewal to get a new card. In addition to the renewal reqiurements, please include a signed request for the book to be returned to you as valid.

UK Travel
by: Anonymous

Question: My US passport expires on May 21 next year. I will be traveling to the UK for Christmas and returning on 4 Jan. Will my passport be valid or do I need to renew?

Answer: You may travel with your current passport. Enjoy your holiday!

DMV states passport invalid
by: Anonymous

Question: I am trying to transfer from NV to MO driver's license and the MO agency stated my passport is listed as invalid. Why is this and what do I need to do to get it valid so I can get my MO DL???

Answer: Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 regarding your concern.

Passport Validity
by: Anonymous

Question: My passport expires on June 18th 2023. Will I be able to fly to Dubai on December 24th 2022?

Answer: The UAE requires at least 6 months of validity on your passport upon your arrival in their country.

Your passport will have less than 6 months by December 24th. Because if this, you need to renew your passport before your trip.

Get Passport Fast

by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. I am not sure if I reported my Passport lost. I couldn't find it in July and I just found it. I never signed a paper stating it was lost and never applied for a new one. How do I find out if it is valid? It doesn't expire until 2031.

Answer: You may have it scanned at an airport if you have access to one.

Is my Passport still valid or not?
by: Anonymous

Question: I traveled to Brazil on 01/24. I was coming back from to U.S. on 4/11. While at Sao Paulo Airport, I realized that I had lost my passport sometime after using it to check in at the United Airlines kiosk.

When I got to the security checkpoint, I couldn't find it. I asked an employee for help to find it so I could fly to New Jersey and be allowed to pass through immigration on 4/12.

I was allowed to do this because I had a copy of my passport + photo ID sent from Sao Paulo to N.J via email. I requested that border security that my passport be canceled to prevent anyone from tampering with it.

My passport was found, and it is now in my possession. I didn't sign any paper or report it to lost and found. Is my passport still valid? It will expire on 10/17/2026. I made a call to the Passport department. They informed me that no one can invalidate my passport but me. Did the border security person do it? I Have a trip to the Dominican Republic coming up on 01/1. How can I find out if I will be able to pass DR security checkpoint?

Answer: Your passport is likely still valid since you did not report it to the NPIC. The best way to check your passport is to have it scanned at an airport.

Can I travel?
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm leaving for Honduras middle of Nov 2022. My passport expires on April 21, 2023. Can I still travel?

Answer: Honduras requires at least 6 months of validity on U.S. passports. Yours will only have 5 months by November. You need to renew your passport before your trip.

Get Passport Fast

by: Anonymous

Question: I got my passport in April 2014 and it expires in April 2024, can I still use it? Is it still valid?

Answer: Yes, you have more than a year of validity left.

Is it valid
by: Anonymous

Question: I had an issue with receiving my passport in the mail and submitted a form to get it reissued. A few days later the original envelope with the passport arrived but I heard nothing back about the form I'd submitted. How do I know if they just resent it out (originally wrong address and returned to sender) or if I need to wait for multiple months to maybe get a reissued passport?

Answer: Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 regarding your concern.

Passport validity past return
by: Anonymous

Question: I am traveling to the Netherlands, France, Switzerland, and Germany. These countries are in the Schengen Area. My passport is only valid 5 months and 4 days past my return date. I know the recommended amount is 6 months. Will this be okay to travel? I believe these countries require at least 3 months of validity past return.

Answer: The Department of State recommends 6 months but the actual requirement is just 3 months beyond your exit from any of the Schengen countries. You should be able to travel with your current passport without any issues.

Unsure if I renewed my original passport.
by: Anonymous

Question: I can’t recall if I renewed my original passport, which expired in 1995. I need to apply for a new passport. however, it asks for the most recent passport book number, which, if I renewed it, I do not know. Should I enter the number of my original passport book?

Answer: You may leave it blank if you are not sure.

by: Anonymous

Question: Someone who WAS NOT ME reported my passport as lost. How do y'all deal with allowing identity theft? You're all about protecting identities except for when it comes down to the identity actually being stolen.

Answer: We are a private company and are not connected to the Department of State. Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 regarding your concern.

Problem with Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Had a passport. Lost it. Notified the Passport Office and went through the renewal process. Received a new one and in the meantime found my old one which I took to the Post Office and they voided it. I had my new passport absconded by Customs on a recent trip. Told me I failed to notify the Passport Office I lost my first. Had to reapply and received a new one. Is there any way to know if this will happen again?

Answer: You may contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 for clarification on the matter.

by: Anonymous

Question: I lost my passport card but not my passport book. I went online to report my passport card lost but not my passport book. Is my passport book still valid?

Answer: Yes, your passport book is still valid.


Question: I thought I had lost my passport and went ahead and reported lost. However, I found it right after I reported. I still haven't got confirmation that it was reported as lost.

Answer: Hi, Melissa. Once a passport is reported as lost, it is automatically invalidated. If you attempt to travel using that passport, it is likely that you will face issues at immigration. We strongly recommend applying for a new passport.

Speak to a representative
by: Anonymous

Question: I have called the phone number listed over 10 times, and have not been able to speak to a representative. How do I actually speak to someone?

Answer: Customer service representatives are available Mondays through Fridays 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Eastern Time (excluding federal holidays). Outside of these hours, you will only be routed to automated passport information.

The NPIC is catering to a large volume of calls per day. If you get disconnected while on queue, just call back and wait until a representative picks up.

I still have the burgundy passport.
by: Clare

Question: I still have the burgundy passport, it was issued in May 2014 and expires in 2024. Can I still use it to travel to Portugal this August 2022?

Answer: Hi, Clare. Burgundy/maroon U.S. passports are official passports. These can only be used for travel on behalf of the U.S. government. If you are traveling to Portugal for business or leisure, you need to use a blue civilian passport.

How to Apply for a Passport

Get Passport Fast

by: Anonymous

Question: I renewed my passport in May 2014 and it runs out in 2024. Can I still use it?

Answer: Yes, you may definitely use your passport until it expires or as long as it still meets the requirements of your destination.

Valid Passport 2023
by: Anonymous

Question: Is my passport still valid if it was issued in July 2013 and expires in July 2023?

Answer: Yes, your passport is still valid.

Is it valid?
by: Anonymous

Question: I reported it lost then found it. I never received a new one & reported I found it. How do I check if it is valid?

Answer: Once reported as lost, passports are automatically invalidated to protect the owners from possible identity theft. The Department of State will not send you a new one -- you need to apply for a new passport.

Passport Validity
by: Glenn

Question: I'm traveling to Australia in September and need to make sure my passport is valid. I can't check it at the airport since I won't have a boarding pass until Sept. and the local passport office says they can't check it either.

Answer: You can check your passport's validity on the data page. The issue and expiration dates are indicated. If you are concerned about physical damage, it is best that you apply for a new passport to be safe.

Passport went through the wash.
by: Anonymous

Question: I accidentally washed and dried my passport when it was left in one of my pockets. The pages are a bit wavy, but everything is still visible. The cover has some fraying on the edges and a few strings hanging. The page with my photo and information still scans, but I am unsure if the NFC chip still works. How can I find out if my passport is still good for my trip to Greece in 3 weeks?

Answer: You may have the passport scanned at an airport accessible to you.

Is my passport still valid?
by: Peter George Jackson

Question: I have a red passport from the European Union, United Kingdom and Northern Ireland. I intend to travel to the USA in October this year. Is this passport still valid?

Answer: The answer depends on whether or not the passport is not past its date of expiration. Please contact the CBP regarding entry into the United States.

The DMV of my new State says my passport is not valid.
by: Anonymous

Question: I have tried to get a new DMV license from my new State. They say my passport is not valid when they enter the number on the passport. I took it to the post office and they say it is valid. They don't have to enter the number. But I want to take a trip out of the country in November but now I am not sure if it is valid. It was issued in Oct. 2018.

Answer: You can go to an airport to have it scanned by an official.

Old passport
by: PTgirl

Question: Can I physically invalidate my expired passport (i.e. punch a hole, cut a corner off, etc.)? The government did not do this before returning it back to me.

Answer: It's not necessary and you may do as you please. Note, however, that you may no longer use a damaged passport as evidence of citizenship in case you lose your current one and do not have any other citizenship documents to submit.

Old Passport Cancellation
by: PTgirl

Question: I recently received my renewed passport and my old one. My old one does not show proof of invalidation/cancellation. What should I do?

Answer: You do not have to do anything. Your old passport was automatically invalidated when the application for the new one was received.

Is my passsport still valid
by: Anonymous

Question: I owed the IRS $60,000 in taxes and since I tried to make an arrangement The IRS deemed what I owed non-collectible. What I need to know is if I plan a trip outside the U.S. can I use my passport. How can I find out if it is suspended or not?

Answer: Please contact the IRS. Their phone number is printed at the top right corner of the tax debt notice.

by: Anonymous

Question: My passport was issued in Sept. 2017 and expires in Sept. 2027. Is it still ok to travel to India?

Answer: Yes, you may travel to India with your current passport.

by: Anonymous

Question: I thought my passport was lost but I didn't go all the way through with reporting my passport lost so when I went to get a new I explained it to the lady who told me it was invalid.

I did the necessary things and got a letter stating that my passport was still valid now the agency still has my birth certificate and the money I paid for my passport to be expedited. How do I get my money back?

Answer: Passport fees are non-refundable. You may request for a refund for the expedite fee.

IRS form
by: Anonymous

Question: Does notice CP5083 mean my passport is revoked?

Answer: A CP508C notice means your tax debt has been tagged as seriously delinquent. You will not be able to renew or apply for a new passport. The U.S. Department of State may also place restrictions or revoke your passport. You may call the IRS at the number printed at the top right corner of your notice. You may also call the National Passport Information Center at 1-877-487-2778.

Lost Passport Online Form
by: Anonymous

Question: I thought I lost my passport last year, and at one point I started to fill the form online for a lost or stolen passport (the DS-64 one that can be filed online or through the mail).
I recently found my passport but I can't remember if I finished submitting the form online; I remember thinking I'd finish it later, but I don't remember if I did.

We are traveling at the beginning of July and I'm trying to find out if my passport is still valid (since it won't be if I did submit the form online), but I can't get ahold of anyone at the State Department that can look it up and tell me.

When submitting the form online, is a confirmation email sent to confirm the form has been submitted? I don't have any emails, so I'm hoping that a confirmation email is normally sent and since I don't have one, it means I never actually submitted it.

Answer: Yes, there should be confirmation. One way to check if your passport was successfully reported as lost and therefore invalidated is to have it checked at an airport.

Lost my passport
by: Anonymous

Question: If I submitted the online form for a lost passport but never received a confirmation number does that mean my passport is still valid since I found it that night?

Answer: There are three ways to report your passport as lost.

1. Online
2. Calling 1-877-487-2778
3. Completing Form DS-64 and mailing it in

Since you did one of the three methods, your passport is likely invalidated.

Thought I lost my passport.
by: Brian Daniels

Question: Hi, I traveled to Mexico and returned last Sunday. I looked through my backpack on Monday and didn’t see my passport so I filed a lost report online yesterday. My passport was found that night. Is my passport still valid since I didn’t receive a confirmation email?

Answer: Check your SPAM folder, the email may be there. Since you used one of the three ways to report the passport as lost, it's already invalidated and can no longer be used for travel.

Lost/found passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I couldn't find my passport so claimed it was lost online. I never received a confirmation email but did print out the form and never mailed it because I found my passport. I tried calling but cannot get through to speak to someone. Will my passport still be valid?

Answer: Since the passport was already reported as lost, it is already invalidated. This is to protect you from potential identity theft.

Reported Lost, Needed Updated Pic, Found Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I thought that I have lost my passport, so I reported it lost online and mailed in the necessary forms. The photo I sent in was apparently too old, so I just received a letter in the mail notifying me I needed an updated photo. I have since found my original passport though, which is not expired. I am leaving in 5 days for Europe. Would my current passport have been invalidated yet? Or since I didn't have the photo correct, will it have not processed yet? Can I still use my current passport?

Answer: Your passport was invalidated when the application and report were received. You have to send the new photo in and wait until the new passport is issued.

Passport valid.
by: Kevin Milian

Question: Hello. I travel in July to the Dominican Republic. My passport was issued August 2017 but expires next August 2022. Must I renew before going to the Dominican Republic? I am 17 years old. Thanks.

Answer: You do not need to renew your passport before your trip. Just make sure you return before your passport expires.

Email Address
by: Anonymous

Question: I thought I lost my passport so I freaked out and did the online cancellation. However, I found the passport but when I go look for the confirmation email to see if I really canceled it I don't see anything specific. Is there a certain email address I should be looking for to see if it really got canceled?

Answer: You need to print the form and mail it in to complete the lost passport report. In all likelihood, your passport is still valid.

Lost passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I lost my passport in Panama I called to report it lost but never gave my passport numbers. My passport was found and sent back to me from Panama when I got it at the airport no one would check its validity how can I check if it is still valid?

Answer: Once reported as lost by phone, your passport is automatically invalidated to protect you from identity theft. While we could not say for certain whether or not your passport is invalidated (we're not a government agency), we recommend you just apply for a new passport.

Lost or Stolen Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I submitted a lost passport report online but never mailed it in. I got a confirmation email but nothing else. I reapplied for a new passport and have since found my passport. What should I do?

Answer: You may keep that passport and just wait for the new one to arrive. The old passport is now invalid and can no longer be used for travel.

Lost passport overseas
by: Amy

Question: I lost my passport and claimed it was lost online. I did not print it out and mail it in. I have since found it. I am overseas and worried about having an issue coming home. Is there some way I can find out if the passport is still valid? I’m not able to reach anyone on the phone to ask this question. It’s all automated.

Answer: Hi, Amy. Your passport is likely still valid since the report was incomplete. The only way to check is to have the passport scanned at an airport. It would be flagged if the report went through.

by: Anonymous

Question: I’m flying to Greece on the 5th of August. My passport was issued on the 29th of December 2017 and the expiry date is the 29th of April 2023. Is this passport valid?

Answer: Yes, your passport is still valid for travel. Greece only needs it to be valid for at least 3 months beyond your planned date of exit from their country.

Valid Passport
by: Chad

Question: I have had my passport since 2017 but was charged with a felony in 2019. The case was dismissed and expunged from my record. I was told the passport was suspended during my case. Is it valid again now that the case is over? It expires in 2027.


Answer: Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 regarding your concern. You may also go to the court that handled your case to find out if the suspension has been lifted.

Don’t know
by: Anonymous

Question: I’m flying to Greece on the 5th of August 2023. My passport was issued on the 29th of December 2017 and the expiry date is the 29th of April 2023. is this passport valid?

Answer: Since your passport will expire before your travel date, you cannot use it for travel.

Is passport still valid
by: Analexonymous

Question: I'm flying over to Spain in June. My passport was issued on 22 June 2015 and runs out on 22 June 2026. Am i still ok to fly or do I need to renew?

Answer: Your passport still has four years of validity remaining. Spain only requires 3 months. You should be good to travel to Spain until at least January of 2026.

Lost passport found
by: Anonymous

Question: I reported my passport as lost but I did not receive a confirmation that it went through. I now have found my passport. How can I check to see if the lost report went through?

Answer: If you called the NPIC to report the loss, your passport is no longer valid. If you just completed the form online, your passport is still valid. You needed to print the form and mail it in to complete the lost passport report.

No option on phone
by: frederick mcdewell

Question: ma. rmv could not verify if my passport n/g it says exp 01jan2029.

Answer: As long as the passport is not damaged, it is still valid since the expiration is 7 years from now.

Changed my mind about passport being damaged
by: Anonymous

Question: Does calling about a passport being damaged make my passport invalid? I thought my passport was damaged but I changed my mind.

Answer: Reporting a passport as damaged does not invalidate it. You only invalidate a passport if you called to report it as lost.

Is my husbands passport valid for Spain?
by: Anonymous

Question: It was issued on March 27, 2013 and we travel to Spain on 4th September 2022.

Answer: Assuming that your husband's passport was issued with 10 years of validity, it should expire around March next year. That means he will have about 6 months by the time you travel to Spain. As long as he will have 3 months left when you depart Spain, he should be okay to travel with that passport.

Passport validation
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I’m wondering if my passport will be ok to travel with. I'm going to Turkey in July and my passport dates are Oct 13- Oct 23. Will I be ok? Will appreciate your response. Kind regards.

Answer: Turkey requires at least 6 months of validity. Since your passport has more than a year left, you are definitely okay to travel with your passport.

by: Rob

Question: My passport was issued on 25th July 2012, it expires 25th April 2023. I want to go to Turkey from 5th-12th Sept this year. Is my passport valid?

Answer: U.S. citizens need to present a passport that has at least 6 months upon entry to Turkey. Your passport meets this requirement so you may still use it for travel.

by: suzanne

Question: Hi. My passport was issued on 15 April 2015 and expires on Dec 15, 2025. Is it valid for Tenerife on 20 June 2022?

Thank you.

Answer: Yes, you may use your passport to travel to Spain.

Passport validation
by: Irene

Question: My husband and I are heading on a cruise in September around Greece. My passport's issue date is 25 April 13 expiry 25 April 24. Do I have enough time on my passport?

Answer: Hi, Irene. You have more than enough validity left on your passport.

Will my passport be valid
by: Leanne

Question: My passport was issued on 13/01/13 & expires on 15/03/23. I fly out to Gran Canary on 07/07/22 and return on 18/07/22. With the new 10 years from the date of issue regulations, will I be ok to travel?

Answer: Hello, Leane. This is what the Embassy of Spain says in verbatim:

"The document must be valid until three months after the planned date of departure from the Schengen territory, and must have been issued during the ten years immediately before the date of entry."

Your passport has more than 3 months beyond your planned date of departure from the Canary Islands and it was issued within ten years of your entry date. It meets the requirements described above.

Added destination
by: Anonymous

Question: UPDATE: I was told that my passport doesn’t meet the requirements for the holiday I booked for June 3rd. My issue date is 14 April 2013 and expires April 2023. I have checked with Ryan air on live chat they said it should be fine, but I need an actual answer and not "should be fine" You can only imagine what state I’m in! Malaga, Spain

Answer: Spain and the rest of the Schengen countries require at least 3 months of validity remaining on U.S. passports. The 3 months (90 days) are counted from your date of departure from any of the Schengen countries. Assuming that you are staying the maximum visa-free stay (90 days), your passport still meets this requirement.

You are okay to travel to Spain. Enjoy your holiday!

Passport status
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughters' and my passports dates are:

Issue date: 22 April 13, Expiration: 22 May 23 Issue date: 08 May 18, Expiration: 08 July 23 Issue date: 08 May 18, Expiration: 08 May 23

We are due to fly to Lanzarote on the 14 July 22. Are we covered to fly? Can’t get an answer from the passport office Jet2.com or the Spanish embassy.

Answer: Spain requires at least 3 months on your passports, counted from the date of your exit from their country. Since your passports have until next year, they all meet the requirement. Have a safe and wonderful trip!

Is my passport valid?
by: Anonymous

Question: I was told that my passport doesn’t meet the requirements for the holiday I booked for June 3rd. My issue date is 14 April 2013 and expires April 2023. I have checked with Ryan air on live chat they said it should be fine, but I need an actual answer and not "should be fine" You can only imagine what state I’m in!

Answer: Most countries require 6 months of validity on U.S. passports. Your passport has more than 6 months so it should meet the requirements. We cannot tell you for certain because you did not mention the country. Please get back to us with the country/s you are traveling to so we can check their validity requirements.

Valid or suspended passport
by: Pedro Cordero

Question: How can I check to see if my passport is still valid or suspended?

Answer: If your passport is revoked, you would have been notified by mail.

passport valid
by: Anonymous

Question: I reported my passport as lost or stolen on 2/8/22 online. I got a reference number but never an email confirmation. It said this only acknowledges that a report has been received. A confirmation email will follow, I never received an email, is my passport still valid? I have the reference number.

Answer: Your passport is likely still valid. You needed to send the lost passport form in the mail to complete the report.

by: Keith

Question: My passport was issued on 1/11/2016 and expires on 1/11/2026. Is it ok to travel to Spain on 10/9/2022?

Answer: Yes, it is okay to travel to Spain anytime between the present and September 2025.

Found "lost" passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Following a move, I could not locate my passport which I need for a job application. I reported the passport lost online last week so that I can get a new one issued. I found my current, unexpired passport this morning. Is there any way to cancel the lost passport report? If not, would it still be valid to use a form of ID for a job application if it has been deactivated?

Answer: If you did not print the lost passport form and mail it in, the report was incomplete. Your passport is still valid and can still be used as an ID and travel document.

by: Anonymous

Question: My passport was issued on 10 May 2013, expiry date 10 July 2023. I go to Cyprus on 6th June for a week. Is my passport valid? Thank you.

Answer: Yes, your passport is still valid for travel to Cyprus. Have a safe trip!

by: Anonymous

Question: I am travelling to Tenerife on 6/27. My passport was issued on 16/2014 , expiry date 06/04/2024. can I still travel to Tenerife, Spain? Thanks.

Answer: Yes, you may travel to Spain. Your destination only requires 3 months beyond your stay; your passport still has at least 2 years.

Made a mistake
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. My passport card was stolen and I reported it. But I mistakenly put my passport book number because I thought they were the same. Is my book now invalid and what should I do?

Answer: If you just completed the form online, the report was incomplete and your passport book is therefore still valid. If you called and provided the passport book number, it is no longer valid for travel.

Passport renewal
by: Anonymous

Question: My son's passport was issued 06 Sept 17 and expire 06 June 23. Would it still be valid to travel to Greece in Aug this year? I have seen different answers. Flying with Ryanair.

Answer: Greece requires that U.S passports have at least 3 months of validity remaining beyond the traveler's date of departure from the country. Since your son expires next year, it meets the requirement.

Can I travel?
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi my passport was issued on 28th May 2014, expiry 28th February 2025. Can I travel to Turkey on 20th July 2022?

Answer: Turkey requires at least 6 months on U.S. passports to allow entry. Your husband's passport will have 7 months left come July. He may still travel with his current passport.

I would like to replace my passport card
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello, I have my passport book but have lost my passport card and reported that through the website. I was never given clear directions on how to get a new card, but I do not want my book to be invalid. Can you assist?

Answer: Your passport book and card are two different documents. Reporting one does not invalidate the other unless you mistakenly provided the passport book number.

You passport book is still valid.

Passport validity
by: Anonymous

Question: My husband's passport was issued 12 July 2012 and expires 12 Feb 23. Can he travel to Greece in May?

Answer: Yes, your husband may travel to Greece with his current passport.

by: Anonymous

Question: I renewed in 2015 October, runs out 2025 October. Is it ok to travel to Spain? Thanks.

Answer: Spain requires at least 3 months beyond your planned departure from their country. Your passport has more than 3 years. You're good to go. Have a safe trip!

by: Anonymous

Question: My husband’s passport was issued in 29th March 2012. We are going to Tenerife from Manchester, UK. The expiry date is 29th September 2022. Is it still valid?

Answer: If your husband is a U.S. citizen with a U.S. passport, he may enter the Canary Islands (Spain) since he has 4 months left on his passport. This is provided that he will have at least 3 months left when you exit Tenerife.

If your husband has a passport issued by the UK, please contact the Embassy of Spain for entry requirements specific to British passport holders.

Extremely worried
by: Anonymous

Question: My granddaughter's passport was issued on 30th Jan 2018 and expires on 30th March 2023. They travel to Florida on 24th July and return 9th August. Will her passport be valid to enter and exit the USA.

Answer: There is no need to worry. The child may enter and depart the United States using her current passport.

Reported stolen passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I thought I lost my passport and went online to inform them of a lost or stolen passport. I submitted it online but did not receive any notification, or emails, proving that the submission was received? How do I know the State government received the message? I am not able to call in to verify?

Answer: You may complete the lost passport form online but in order to complete the report, you needed to print the form and mail it to the indicated address. Your lost passport report was incomplete.

Is my passport valid for Cape Verde?
by: Anonymous

Question: Is my passport valid for Cape Verde? It was issued 29th November 2012 and expires 29th August 2023.

Answer: Your passport only needs to be valid upon entry to Cabo Verde so yes, you may travel with it.

In date
by: Anonymous

Question: My son's passport is valid from Aug 2018 until August 2023. Is it still okay to fly on 14th May for one week?

Answer: Since the passport has more than a year of validity left, it can still be used for travel.

Please check your destination's entry requirements to make sure you have everything covered.

by: Anonymous

Question: My passport was issued on 7th November 2012 and expires on 7th February 2023. We go to Spain for a week in May. Is it still valid?

Answer: Based on the expiration date you provided, you may use your passport to enter Spain without a problem.

Lost Passport
by: Chris Timby

Question: Hello, I temporarily misplaced my passport. I completed the lost passport paperwork, but I'm not certain if it was ever processed. Is there a way to determine if I have a valid passport?

Answer: Hi, Chris. If you did not mail the form or call to report the loss, your passport is still valid.

by: Anonymous

Question: I thought my passport was stolen when my vehicle was broken into. I found it a couple of months later hidden in my closet. Not sure if I ever reported it stolen online or not. I definitely didn't mail anything in reporting it lost or stolen. I'm just wondering if it is still valid? I tried calling the number listed but wasn't able to get ahold of a specialist or find an answer through the telephone options given.

Answer: If you did not call to report the supposed theft and did not mail in any form, your passport is still valid.

by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, my passport was issued on 31st January 2013 and expires on 28th February 2023. I travel to Turkey on the 16th of July 2022 arriving back on 26th July. Can I travel with this passport and will it be valid?

Answer: You may travel with that passport. U.S. citizens are required to present passports with at least 6 months of validity remaining upon entry to Turkey. Your passport meets this requirement. Have a safe trip!

Travel to Spain
by: Steve

Question: Hi my passport expires April 2023. Can I travel to Spain in May 2022 returning on June 6, 2022.

Answer: Yes, Steve, you may use your passport to enter Spain.

Daughters passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I'm going to Spain with my little girl on the 16th of July. Her passport issue date is 21st Feb 18 and expires 21st Feb 2023. Is her passport ok to still travel?

Answer: Yes. Your daughter may travel to Spain with her current passport. Have fun on your trip!

Repatriation hold
by: Anonymous

Question: I had to utilize a repatriation flight during COVID. There are rumors that there might be a hold on my passport. Is there any truth to this? And if so, who do I call/email/ask to make sure. I'm trying to go out of the country and want to make sure before booking a flight.

Answer: Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 regarding your concern. You may also seek answers through the USCIS or CBP.

by: Anonymous

Question: My granddaughter flies to us on 25th July returning on 9th August. Her passport was issued on 30th Jan 2018 and expires on 23rd March 2023. Does she need a new passport for the USA?

Answer: If the child has a U.S. passport, she may enter the United States using it without issue.

Issued 23rd December 2013
by: Anonymous

Question: If I got my passport on 23rd December, is it OK to travel on the 20th May 2022?

Answer: Assuming your passport was issued with full 10 years validity, you have more than a year's validity left. You may still travel with that passport.

by: Anonymous

Question: My passport was issued 03 July '12 and expires 3 April '23. Is it valid to travel to Cyprus on 17 May?

Answer: Based on the expiration date, you may travel to Cyprus with your current passport.

Passport validity
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, my passport was issued on 12 March 2013 and expires on 12 May 2023. I travel to Spain in September 2022 arriving back on 14 September can I travel with this passport and will it be valid?

Answer: Yes, your passport is valid for travel to Spain. Have a safe trip!

by: Anonymous

Question: Travelling to the Canaries in June, passport expires Feb 23. Is this ok?

Answer: Yes, it is okay to travel.

In date?
by: Anonymous

Question: I travel to Majorca on the 6th of August. My passport expires in 2023 but was issued on the 6th of December. Will my passport be valid?

Answer: You should not have issues entering Spain (Majorca) with your current passport. Enjoy your holiday!

Passport valid
by: Anonymous

Question: My passport was issued on 3/12/2012 and expires on 3/9/2023. I am traveling to Spain on 22/6/2022. Is my passport valid?

Answer: Yes, you may use your passport to travel to Spain.

by: Jade J

Question: Hi. I need help with my passport validity for my upcoming trip to Cyprus from August 22nd to August 29th. My passport issue date is 9th August 2013 and the expiry date is 9th August 2023.

Please can someone tell me if I will be allowed to board and if my passport meets the requirements? Thanks for your help.

Answer: Yes, your passport meets Cyprus' entry requirements as well as the Department of State's recommendation. Have a safe trip!

Is my passport valid?
by: Sara

Question: Hi, the issue date on my passport is 30 Nov 2012 and expires March 2023.
Is this valid for me to travel to Denmark on May 7th? Thanks.

Answer: Yes, you may travel to Denmark with your current passport.

Passport check
by: John

Question: My passport was issued on 1 oct 2013. I am traveling 3 June. Am I okay? Thanks.

Answer: If your passport was issued with full 10 years of validity, it still has more than a year before expiration. You should be able to use it for travel.

Just checking
by: Anonymous

Question: I go to Spain in June and my passport expires in August. I've heard mixed stories, so was wondering if it is still valid.

Answer: Your passport does not meet Spain and the rest of the Schengen area's entry requirement of three months beyond your planned stay. You need to renew your passport before your trip.

Get Passport Fast

Valid or not?
by: Peter

Question: My Passport was issued on 17 July 2015 and expires on 17 March 2026. Can I travel to Greece (Corfu) on 28th July and return to the UK on 11th August?

Answer: Yes, you can.

by: Paul

Question: My passport was issued on 22 June 12, expires on 22nd Feb 23. Can I go to Spain in May.

Answer: If your passport was issued in June 2012, it should expire by June 2022. Please verify your passport's expiration date. If it's in June, you cannot travel to Spain with it.

Passport validity
by: Jane

Question: My passport issue date is June 2014 and expires June 2024. I hope to travel in October to Spain. Am I Ok to travel?

Answer: Yes, you may travel with your current passport.

Is my passport valid for Eurpean travel this year
by: Anonymous

Question: My passport was issued on 6th June 2016. Is it valid to travel to Spain this June?

Answer: If your passport was issued with full 10 years validity, it will not expire until 2026. You should be able to travel to Spain with it.

by: Anonymous

Question: My passport was issued on 15th May 2012. I travel to Spain on 16th June. Is it still valid to travel?

Answer: Your passport will be expired by your travel date. Please renew your passport ASAP.

Get Passport Fast

Is my passport valid?
by: Anonymous

Question: My passport issue date is Nov 2013 and expires in 2023. Can I travel to Spain on May 1 and return on May 11?

Answer: Yes, you may travel to Spain with your current passport.

by: Anonymous

Question: Good morning. We are traveling to Majorca on 17th May and my husband's passport was issued on 18 Sep 12. Can he travel with it, please?

Answer: Your husband's passport still meets Spain's (Majorca) three-month post-departure requirement. He should be able to travel with it.

by: Anonymous

Question: My passport was issued on 07 March 13 and expires on 07 July 23. Is it okay to travel to Tenerife?

Answer: Yes, you may travel to Tenerife (Spain) with your current passport.

Validity of Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My passport expires in January next year. I am taking a scheduled business trip to Somaliland in July-Aug. Will my passport still be considered valid?

Answer: Somalia, which Somaliland is technically still a part of, requires at least 6 months of validity on your U.S. passport. You need to renew your passport before your trip.

Get Passport Fast

Passport still valid
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm going to Canada by car around May, my passport is still in my maiden name, and my social is in my married name. Does it make my passport invalid? And can I cross with proof of the name change like a marriage certificate?

Answer: The name mismatch does in invalidate your passport. You may travel with your passport as long as it meets the requirements of your destination. Just make sure to book tickets in the name that appears on your passport to avoid issues.

You may bring your marriage certificate but it is unlikely that you will need to present it or your SS card. Your passport suffices as both ID and travel document.

Is my passport valid for travel
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. I am traveling to Cancun on Monday. Could you please check if my passport is valid #516499154
Expiration date - 2/4/2024

I have been unable to get through to anyone in the office.

Answer: Since the passport is not expired, it is still valid. Unless there is a reason that it was revoked (usually federal debt) or it is damaged.

Found passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi there, I filled out a DS64 online but found my passport soon after. I never actually mailed it in, just submitted it online. Is my old passport still valid?

Answer: Yes, it is likely still valid. The form had to be mailed in to complete the lost passport report.

"Lost" Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Would you please check the status of the passport? A01512664 Exp. 11/2/23
I reported it as lost/misplaced online but I have never gotten a confirmation of the lost report. I later found the passport and sent a letter to request to stop processing the lost report.

Answer: We are a privately-run website so we do not have access to the Department of State's data.

If you did not call and just completed the form online but did not mail anything in, your passport is likely still valid. Please contact passport services at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

by: Anonymous

Question: I have a passport card and it was confiscated by TSA. But I still have my book. Is my passport book still valid?

Answer: The book and card are two different documents. Your passport book is still valid unless the reason for confiscation bans you from ever leaving the country.

Validity of passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. I am a returned peace corps volunteer and therefore had a diplomatic passport which I returned when we returned to the US.

I am traveling abroad this summer. I just found my pre-peace corps passport, which does not expire until 2026. Is this passport still valid? I have tried calling 1-877-487-2778 and found no option to check the validity and also sent an email to NPIC@state.gov, which told me no one would respond to my email and to call the phone number. This passport does scan through TSA but I was not sure how it would work at the border.

Answer: Your civilian (blue) passport should still be valid as long as it is not damaged. Have fun on your trip!

Trying to see if passport is Valid
by: D Foster Sr

Question: I'm trying to see if my passport is valid. It was issued on 06Dec21 and expires on 05Dec31.

Answer: Yes, your passport is likely valid since it was issued less than a year ago. It will only be invalid if it is damaged or you reported it as lost.

Notified passport was not "Valid" when sent in for renewal
by: Anonymous

Question: I sent my passport in recently for renewal since it will expire later this summer. I got a letter back stating that you received my passport request but that I didn't submit my "valid passport". Then it said that the passport fee I paid and evidence of U.S. citizenship have been retained by this office??? I also saw that the check I sent in was cashed. What could it possibly mean when it says that the passport I sent in isn't "valid"?

Answer: Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 for clarification regarding the issue.

Is my passport valid?
by: Angela T

Question: Can I please check if my passport Nxxxxxxx is valid for going to Bali in September?

Answer: Hi, Angela. We deleted the passport number you indicated to protect your privacy and identity.

Please provide us with the expiration date of your passport so we can check if you may use it for travel to Bali.

by: Claire

Question: Hi I am going on holiday to Spain on 26th June and coming back on 3rd July. My passport runs out on 2nd January next year. Can I still travel?

Answer: Yes, you can still travel. Your passport meets the Schengen requirement of 3 months validity beyond your planned departure from any of the Schengen countries including Spain.

Valid passport
by: Sarah

Question: Is my passport valid for travel to Europe this month? It was issued on July 16, 2013, and expires on July 16, 2023.

Answer: Yes, Sarah. You may travel to Europe with your current passport. Have a safe trip!

Reporting lost passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I mailed the package to renew my passport through USPS, and got the confirmation number. I checked 5 days after, and no information was found about the package.

I contacted USPS, they called me back stating the package is nowhere to be found. I went online and submitted a lost passport report, and got a confirmation number, but never received an email confirming they received my report.

However, my new passport arrived a day after and 2/3 days after my old passport arrived. Therefore, I don't know if my new passport is still valid. How do I find out if it is? Thanks!

Answer: A lost passport report is only applicable to existing passports, not passport applications. Your new passport is valid.

How can I tell if passport is valid without having physical copy?
by: Anonymous

Question: I lost my passport, and I am going overseas in June. I don't know when my passport expires. Do I have to file for a new passport or just a copy? And is there a way of knowing if my passport is still valid if I don't have a copy of it?

Answer: You need to apply for a new passport. Please submit the following at an acceptance facility:

1. Form DS-64
2. Form DS-11
3. Proof of U.S. citizenship (original or certified copy plus photocopy)
4. Government-issued photo ID (present original, submit a photocopy)
5. One new passport photo
6. Payment for fees

To protect yourself from identity theft, please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 to report the passport as lost and have it immediately invalidated.

Since you are leaving soon, we recommend paying for expedited service to get your passport in 5 to 7 weeks.

Confirm invalidation of lost passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I mailed the form to report my child's passport lost but can not verify. I have emailed NPIC@state.gov but got a response email with links to various web pages. I called and was told they are unable to confirm. How can I find out if it was invalidated?

Answer: If the tracking says the form has been received, the passport is likely invalidated. You may also call to report the loss.

Child support
by: Anonymous

Question: When I tried to renew my passport, they didn’t let me due to child support arrears. But I did have an emergency and they gave me a passport for 10 years. Is the passport valid or will it be blocked or suspended? How can I check?

Answer: You would have received notification if the passport was invalidated or revoked. Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

Lost passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a question regarding my lost passport 1 week ago USPS lost my passport and filled out an online form DS-64 but did not sign and did not receive any confirmation number or anything like that now got a text message that they actually found it. But now I don’t know if my passport is still valid or not??

Answer: You need to mail in the form to officially report the passport as lost. Your passport is still valid.

Valid Passport?
by: Anonymous

Question: I applied for an expedited passport and mistakenly sent in an old book. I have since found my 2020-2030 passport. I received a letter stating for the new passport to send in the 2020 book. Can I cancel the recent application and use my 2020 book? Is it valid?

Answer: Normally, a passport is automatically invalidated once an application in your name is received. Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 to find out if your current (valid) passport is still good or if you need to proceed with the renewal application.

No live service person
by: Anonymous

Question: I called number 1-877-487-2778 to check if my passport is valid, I only hear automated, no live person service, and no option to check if my passport is still valid or has been suspended, what else I can do?

Answer: You may send an email to NPIC@state.gov. If you have the passport in your possession, you can also go to an airport to have it scanned.

Can I travel to the Gran Canaries
by: Anonymous

Question: My passport expires in August. I am looking to go to the Gran Canaria on the 3rd of March for only 4 days. Can I still use my passport or do I need to get a new one?

Answer: Since your passport has more than 3 months beyond your planned date of departure, you may travel to the Canary Islands without issue. Have a safe trip!

Check my passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I want to check if my passport is revoked.

Answer: You would have been notified by mail if your passport was revoked. Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 regarding your concern.

by: Anonymous

Question: I am going to Mexico on February 28th, and coming back into the United States on March 5th. My passport expires on March 7th. Will I be able to enter Mexico and come back into the US?

Answer: Yes, you may still travel to Mexico and back to the U.S. with your current passport. Travel safe!

by: Jean. Steel

Question: My passport expires on February 11 next year. I am cruising on February 15th arriving back on 15 March. Is it still valid?

Answer: Yes, it is.

by: Anonymous

Question: My husband lost his passport in Mexico. We filed a police report and then they let us fly home. We never filed a police report. The man we rented from found his passport and mailed it back to us. Is it still valid?

Answer: Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 to confirm whether or not a lost passport report has been made.

Lost and found but not processed
by: Anonymous

Question: I submitted online my passport lost and received an email that it was received. However, the email said I would receive a confirmation email once processed which I have not received and this was 4 months ago. I have since found my passport and no human to speak to on this provided phone number. Is my passport still valid then or do I have to do the entire process?

Answer: You needed to print and mail the lost passport form in order to complete the report. Since you did not mail anything in, your passport should still be valid.

Passport page colour change
by: Dhirendra

Question: Some of the pages on my passport like Endorsement, Visa pages, and some pages were generic information are mentioned like the Oath page have changed their color. Due to the moisture, it has some rust-like color on them.

Is my passport still valid for travel?

Answer: The discoloration may be considered normal wear and tear. As long as the passport looks in good condition and the chip is intact, it should still be valid for travel.

Emergency Passport Valid
by: Anonymous

Question: I was traveling 2 years ago and lost my passport. I got an emergency passport issued. I found my initial passport a year later, is this passport valid or do I need to renew it? Initial passport says valid until May 2029.

Answer: The old (initial) passport you found is no longer valid for travel. You need to follow the instructions that came with the emergency passport in order to get a full-validity passport.

Passport Validity
by: Melina

Question: Hello, I am going to ask this again because most answers are contradicting.

I thought I lost my passport. I filled out a form on Passport USA, which I learned later is a third-party agency. They then sent me an email with the link and steps to proceed. I then found my passport. I have not done anything beyond that filler on Passport USA. I called the 877 number, and the guy told me he had no way to verify if my passport is valid, even though EVERYTHING on here says to call that number to validate. I need some peace of mind here. Please help!

Answer: There are two ways to report a passport as lost:

1. Call the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778
2. Complete and mail Form DS-64

You can complete the form online but you still need to mail it in to officially report your passport as lost.

Since you did not mail anything in, your passport is still valid.

Stolen card ID also invalidates passport booklet?
by: Anonymous

Question: I had my passport card ID stolen overseas and submitted the online form that it was stolen once I got back stateside. However, I traveled with my passport booklet (I was using the card ID as a form of identification exactly for this reason, as to not have my proper passport stolen).

During the online process, one page said that this would also invalidate my passport booklet but didn't see any more info on the final page nor the email confirmation. Is my passport booklet invalid? Can I travel or do I need to get a new one? Did reporting the card ID as stolen automatically also revoke my passport booklet?

Answer: You need to actually mail the form in to officially report the passport card as stolen. Since you have only completed the form online, nothing has been reported yet.

Also, reporting your passport card as stolen does not invalidate your passport book. The two are separate documents.

Stolen Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: If you report a stolen passport online do you get a confirmation email or a reference number?

Answer: You only complete the lost passport form online. You still need to print it and mail it in to officially report the passport as lost. You can also call the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 to report the loss.

Passport renewal
by: Anonymous

Question: I traveled to Cabo San Lucas many years ago but can’t remember if I did or didn’t have a passport when I traveled with my dad. I am inquiring, if I did have a passport would this be something I can renew and if so how would I go about renewing it if that is possible? I believe I traveled there 20 years ago.

Answer: You need to be in possession of the actual passport for you to renew it. Also, it should have been issued in the last 15 years and when you were age 16 or older to be eligible for a renewal.

You need to submit a new passport application in person.

Report passport missing online
by: Anonymous

Question: I've read questions about reporting passports online and finding them afterward, and if they're still valid.

One answer said that they're not valid anymore, but a couple of others said they are only invalid if you report it through phone or mail. I reported mine online and found it later. I would like to know if it truly is invalid, I don't really live anywhere close to an airport so asking them is preferred not to. I tried calling, and it didn't give me any answers to my question.

Answer: We still maintain that once a passport is reported lost, it is already invalidated. But to clarify, the online form filler is not the actual application/report. The form filler allows you to electronically enter your data and print a paper form with a barcode unique to the data entered. Once you electronically complete your answers and print the form, you will then submit the form in person when you apply for a replacement (new) passport.

Since you have already reported the passport as lost online and entered your data, it will most likely be invalid in the system. But to be sure, you can call the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 and ask for a specialist to verify your passport's validity status.

Is passport valid
by: Roberta

Question: My mother thought she lost her passport so we ordered a new one. She apparently found the old one and didn't tell me and went on a cruise. The old passport was confiscated by the officials and they accused a 90-year-old of using a stolen passport. I want to be sure the new one that I have held for her is valid.

Answer: Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 regarding your concern.

Cannot update new passport renewed in Global entry
by: Daniel M

Question: Recently I renewed my US passport and when I went to update the passport number on the Global entry webpage, it comes up with a message saying that cannot verify the passport number. What should I do?

Answer: Please contact the CBP regarding the issue. It is possible that it is just a website problem.

Paid passport fees late, how do I know if my passport is still valid?
by: Mark

Question: Short story, the State Dept sent me TWO different passports. They lost my original application and told me to apply for another. That went through fine. But then FOUND my lost application and processed it. So five months later I received a second. After trying to get it sorted I just went ahead and paid for the second one. However, my payment was sent in a week past the 30-day mark. How do I know if my passport is still valid? Or do you have to pay much later to run into issues?

Answer: At least one of the passports should be valid. Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 to find out which one.

I want to check my passport if not invalid
by: Shannen Galis

Question: I want to check my passport if not invalid.

Answer: You may check the validity of your passport on its data page.

Passport Not Verified
by: Anonymous

Question: Upon renewing my driver's license I was told that my passport could not be verified by Homeland Security and my renewal was denied. How do I correct this?

Answer: Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 regarding your passport.

Child support
by: Anonymous

Question: I owe child support a lot of money because I don't make too much. But I want to travel out of the country. How do I know if my passport is valid?

Answer: Passports don't get automatically invalidated because of child support debt. You will have been notified if your passport was revoked. As long as your passport is valid and it meets the requirements of the country you are planning to visit, you should be able to travel.

I dont know if I had a passport before
by: Anonymous

Question: I made my boyfriend an appointment to get a passport card, but I submitted the request as a new applicant. Would he be able to do the process if he had a passport before, he isn't sure he has never left the country.

Answer: You did the right thing. A new application must be submitted if he cannot submit his most recently issued passport if he was ever issued one.

Last name change
by: Anonymous

Question: If I changed my last name back to my maiden name, can I still use my last name on my old passport to travel since it has not expired?

Answer: Yes, you may use the passport to travel as long as you book tickets in the name that's printed on it. Names on your ticket/s and passport must match to avoid issues with TSA.

Is my passport valid
by: Cat

Question: I had applied for and received a replacement passport for a previously lost one a while ago.

I recently was going through my files and found one of my passport cards. How do I know if this is the valid one or the one I reported lost from previous? There is no phone number for me to call so I can provide the passport # on there for them to let me know. All phone numbers I've called are all automated and either is to apply or follow-up on an application or questions on applying for a passport. Need to speak to someone to verify.

Answer: Hello, Cat. You can usually tell by the issue date and expiration date. Or you may try to take the cards to a land border with Mexico or Canada to see which one goes through.

Checking passport status
by: Dwayne Hamilton

Question: I applied for a passport and was wondering if it was returned back to you all since I was not able to receive it.

Answer: Hi, Dwayne. You may check the status of your application online.

Check Your Application Status

Cancelled Online
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, a few years ago I thought I lost my passport when I moved to a different state. I remember filling out a form online reporting it as lost. I remember submitting the form, but I do not remember any confirmation number or email or anything, so I’m not sure if it’s valid.

I’ve had someone tell me that you cannot report it lost online, is that true? If so, then what did I submit and how do I check if it’s still valid? I’ve already tried calling the number provided, but none of the options match my issue and I am unable to get anyone due to high call volume.

Answer: There are now three ways to report an adult passport as lost: online, by mail and by phone. Once reported as lost, the passport is already invalidated in order to protect your identity.

If possible, you can have your passport scanned at an airport to double-check its validity. We strongly recommend just applying for a new passport to avoid any hassle and frustration.

Lost passport
by: Cynthia

Question: I couldn't find my passport, my husband surprised me with a trip to Mexico for our 35th.

I filed for a lost passport, got a reference number, this is back in June. Our trip is from August 21-28. Every time I tried the number provided it's always busy.

I recently found my passport is it still valid, if not will I get a new one in time, I'm getting nervous I might not be able to go and it's all paid for.

Answer: Hi, Cynthia. The passport you just found is no longer valid since you already reported it as lost and applied for a new one.

At this point, there is nothing you can do but wait until it is 3 business days before your departure date. You can then call 1-877-487-2778 to schedule an appointment. If you get one, you will be issued a passport in 72 hours or less.

Passport validation
by: Anonymous

Question: I just received my passport for the first time and I am wondering if I need to go online or call to activate my passport or it’s ready for use once I have it with me.

Answer: You may use your passport straightaway. Have fun!

Expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I need to go to Canada for a funeral in August (that's when the border opens). My passport expired in March. I only have 2.5 weeks till the funeral. What do I do?

Answer: If you are traveling due to a qualified life-or-death emergency, you may call for an appointment and be prioritized. Please contact the NPIC at the following numbers:

Mondays through Fridays 8 AM to 5PM ET: 1-877-487-2778 (TDD/TTY:1-888-874-7793)
Outside of these hours: 202-647-4000

The State Department will NOT verify passport status over the phone!
by: Anonymous

Question: NONE of these comments where you are telling people to call the 2778 number at State Dept to check the status of their passports due to child support or back taxes is true! They do NOT give this information over the phone. For taxes, you are referred to the IRS, and for support owed, you are referred to the state in which the support is owed. Why are you giving this patently false answer?

Answer: This is what we ALWAYS advise commenters here:

You may contact the Department of State passport services at 1-877-487-2778 to check on the status of your passport application.

Check Status

For concerns regarding the status of your removal from the passport denial list and other issues involving child support, you have to contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency.

Blocked Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I pay child support and have never missed a payment. Can my kid's mother have my passport blocked somehow some way so I can’t travel? I do have some back child support that was added to my monthly payment. But I have never missed a payment.

Answer: Individuals who owe over $2500 in child support are entered into the passport denial list. If you do not owe this amount and are updated on your payments, there is no reason for you to be in the denial list. Your child's mother also cannot prevent you from traveling unless there is a legal reason decided by a court of law.

Emergency contact
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. I forgot to mention that I went over the pen with a pencil on my emergency contact page to conceal the pen. I guess this won't be a problem right?

Answer: It should not be an issue but if it does, you can just erase the pencil marks.

Emergency contact
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. I made some mistakes on my emergency contact page in the passport. I used a pen instead of a pencil and could not fix the mistakes. Will this be a problem for getting on the plane? Thanks

Answer: No, it will not be an issue.

Renewal of expired passport
by: Cheryl Baird

Question: My passport expired July 2020. Can I renew it? I can answer yes to all renewal questions.

Answer: Hi, Cheryl. Yes, you may apply for a passport renewal by mail.

Repatriation flight being reviewed
by: Chris

Question: We needed a repatriation flight from Peru in 2020. We are contesting the charge by the State Department. While this is being reviewed are our passports still valid for international travel?

Answer: Please contact the National Passport Information Center at 1-877-487-2778 to verify your passport's validity.

Check if Passport is active
by: Anonymous

Question: Is it possible for me to check to see if my US passport is still active? I just want to make sure it has NOT been marked as lost. Can I call the State Department or can I ask a ticket agent to scan it to make sure it is still active? Thanks!!

Answer: Yes, you may have the passport scanned by an airport official to check if it is still valid. You may also contact the National Passport Information Center at 1-877-487-2778. You may have to try several times before you can get through -- hold times are very long as there are limited agents and high volume of calls.

Help me pleaseeee
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. I lost my passport and reported it. But I don’t remember who I reported it to. Is there any place I can check to see if it’s valid?

Answer: If you called 1-877-487-2778 to report the loss, then your passport is no longer valid.

Valid Passport
by: Anthony

Question: I thought my passport was lost and I reported lost on the website. I found my passport. How can I check if the lost report went through so I can determine if it is still valid?

Answer: You need to mail the form you completed online in order to officially report the passport as lost. Since you did not mail it yet, your passport should still be valid.

Passport validation
by: Gregory Arthur Estes

Question: I went to the Oregon DMV today to renew my driver's license. I used my valid U.S. Passport to prove I was a citizen, but for some reason my passport was rejected as proof. The DMV called your office, but got no confirmation! Could you please check and make sure my passport is OK? #509800843 expiration 11 may 2023
Thank You, Gregory Estes.

Answer: Hello, Gregory. As we are a privately-run website, we do not have access to the State Department's passport records. Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 regarding your concern.

Reported lost but never confirmed if it was cancelled
by: Anonymous

Question: Hey I lost my passport and called to cancel it but since I only spoke Spanish no one understood me. I found the passport the same night after canceling it and I’m now trying to know if it’s active.

Answer: It is likely that your passport is still valid since you were unable to successfully report it as lost.

Valid passport back taxes
by: Anonymous

Question: I received a letter saying they can revoke or not renew my passport due to back taxes but never got anything more and have my accountant set up payments for taxes. Can I find out IF my passport is valid or not online somewhere?

Answer: You may contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778.

Validation of my passport
by: Roberto Rodriguez

Question: I will travel soon. I'm checking the validation if my passport.

Answer: If you have a U.S. passport, the expiration date is printed on the data page (the page that has your name and photo). If it has not expired and it meets your destination's entry requirements, it is still valid for travel.

Line on house
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a line on my house due to back taxes, and on the back of letter it said about putting a hold on passport if u owe over 50k dollars. We owe less then that and we have not received a letter saying passport is invalid. So since no letter can I assume that my passport is still valid?

Answer: Yes, your passport should still be valid.

Lost but found passport
by: Tech

Question: Hi, my wife misplaced her passport, she found a copy of one but it was not of her current passport it was a temporary one, she submitted a claim for a lost passport but used the invalid/temporary passport number on the claim. She has now found her misplaced current passport. Is her current passport still active or does she need to apply for a new one?

Answer: If the report was made under the other passport's number, the current one should still be valid. Please call the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

by: Anonymous

Question: Would I get a notice if my passport got invalidated for taxes reasons?

Answer: If you are referring to certified tax debt then yes, you will be notified if your passport is invalidated.

by: Scott

Question: I have not paid my 2018 Federal taxes yet would my passport be valid? I have filed chapter 12 bankruptcy.

Answer: Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 regarding your concern.

Can’t remember if I reported it lost.
by: Heather

Question: I misplaced my passport and thought that I had reported it as such. I found it, and now I can’t remember if I reported it or not. How do I check the validity of my passport?

Answer: You can go to the airport and request an official to scan it.

Parental rights
by: Jennifer

Question: I think my ex husband got a passport for my son without my permission. How do I find this out?

Answer: Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 regarding your concern.

"Lost" Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I reported my passport lost but then found it. I received an acknowledgment email for the lost report. I did not, however, receive a confirmation email that the report was completed. Would this make my passport valid or invalid? Thank you in advance.

Answer: Once reported as lost, passports are automatically invalidated to protect you from possible identity theft. You need to obtain a new passport.

I Have 2 Passports
by: Anonymous

Question: I was traveling overseas from NYC and left my passport in San Francisco. I applied for and received a new passport in NYC. My old one expires on Jan. 20, 2020. Which passport is valid and should I use for international travel?

Answer: The most recently-issued passport is the one that's valid.

Damaged Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My passport got wet and I filled out the form online to get a replacement passport. I clicked "yes" to damaged or mutilated passport online when filling out form DS-11. However, the passport dried out and looks completely fine. I did not submit the form for a new passport. Is my passport still valid?

Answer: It's hard to tell if the passport was damaged. The chip could have been damaged because of getting wet. To be safe, you can either apply for the replacement or have it checked at the airport.

Having said that, completing the online form does not invalidate your current passport.

Is my passport valid?
by: Anonymous

Question: I lost my passport overseas and reported it stolen in 2014; the US embassy gave me a temporary one which was valid for one year.

I have another passport that appears valid (exp Jan 2025) except that it has an older photo of me than the temporary passport and the pages look dingy and old as well. I'm traveling internationally in three weeks time, applying for a VISA and would love to confirm that this passport is valid.

I've contacted the National Passport Information Center but they cannot verify it's validity.

I saw online that there are Special Passport Acceptance Fairs near my area. If I attend one of these, can they verify that my passport is valid?

Or is there any other way to verify with certainty that the passport I have is valid?? I would really like to know before I travel.

Thank you.

Answer: Since you were issued two passports after that one that you have, it is most like invalidated. I say this because a passport is automatically invalidated when an application for a new one is received.

One way to find out for sure if your passport is valid is to have it checked by a boarding officer at an airport.

Is my passport still good?
by: Anonymous

Question: I remember misplacing it and reporting it online as I was providing info requested but was not able to complete the last few question recall answering most but not finished

Answer: If you did not call the NPIC or mail in the lost passport form, your passport should still be valid.

Passport validation
by: Anonymous

Question: I just renewed my passport and I went in to renew my driver’s license. The RMV said that they couldn’t validate the passport. What could that mean?

Answer: Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 regarding your concern.

Is my Passport still valid?
by: Sal

Question: My daughter applied for a passport renewal. She used an old application form that I used to renew my passport a few months earlier. But when she finally got her passport, it had her picture but my information was on her passport, my name and date of birth. She reapplied and got her passport fixed. It seems that she had my passport number on her application. Does this invalidate my passport? How do I find out my passport is still valid?

Answer: The mix up should not affect your passport. Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

Lost passport
by: Denise

Question: I misplaced my passport during my move and also I am newly remarried and I think the old one is expired! With that said I want to know if I can renew it and change my name all at the same time? Please please help me!!!

Answer: Hi, Denise. You cannot renew since the passport is not in your possession. You need to submit a new application.

by: Joe

Question: How do I check to see if I have a valid passport or not? I can't remember when I got mine and know that it is deep in storage.

Answer: You may request for a passport record but that can take a long time. You need to see the actual passport to check the expiration date. If you're in doubt, you can always just apply for a new one.

Passport Valid
by: Anonymous

Question: I just recently gotten off felony probation. How do I check to see if my passport is still valid?

Answer: If you did not receive any notice that your passport was invalidated, it should still be valid for travel until it expires.

Passport validity
by: S Smith

Question: My passport expires March 31 next year. For a trip to England from September 17-October 1 this year. Is my passport valid?

Answer: Yes, you passport only needs to be valid for the duration of your stay in England.

by: Anonymous

Question: I need to renew my passport that expired July 2019. It was issued July 2009. I don't remember if I was issued a passport card. How can I check if I was issued a passport card? I do have a Passport Services Information Card. Is that the same thing?

Answer: The information card is not the same as the passport card. You may call the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

Passport Revoked due to Child Support
by: Anonymous

Question: How do you know if you passport is revoked in writing due to child support if your address changed from the address you applied for your passport?

Answer: Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case regarding your issue.

Lost passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Will the State Department notify me in some way if my passport has successfully been reported missing? I found my passport but I am not sure if I ever reported it missing online.

Answer: To report a passport lost, you either need to call the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 or send Form DS-64 in the mail with an application for a new passport. If you did neither, your passport is most likely not reported as lost and is still valid.

Is my passport still valid after applying for a new one
by: Anonymous

Question: I applied for a new passport forgetting I had one from 2014. I received a letter stating to send in my valid passport that was issued in 2014. With that letter was a lost/stolen form to fill out and mail back. I never filled it out. I found my passport from 2014 the next day. I called in and got a few representatives . I asked them if my 2014 passport is still valid and they stated they aren’t sure since I submitted an application for a new one. They put a ticket in for the agency to call me: I received the call today from the agency and was told that my 2014 passport is still valid since I never reported it was lost and never sent in the DS-64 form. I asked if me applying for a new one would make it invalid and the lady said no and that I can use my 2014 passport. Is this correct? I know this is coming from the agency and not the customer service you get when you call. But just want to make sure this is correct.

Answer: If you were told the passport is still valid, it most likely still is. The best way to find out for sure is to go to the airport and check if it will be accepted at the gate.

If using passport to apply for REAL ID
by: Anonymous

Make sure your passport is signed. My REAL ID application was held up in legal as fraudulent because I forgot to sign my passport. DHS would not verify it as valid.

Passport IRS issue
by: Anonymous

Question: I received a letter that the IRS had certified my delinquent tax debt to the State Department. I have since paid that debt in full as of today. I leave for an international trip in 6 days. Does the State Department usually revoke a passport? I have never received a letter from the State Department about my passport. How could I verify that my passport is still valid?

Answer: Please call passport services at 1-877-487-2778 for answers to your questions.

How to tell if passport is still “active”
by: Anonymous

Question: I lost my passport in an airport and reported it lost/stolen because I couldn’t find it the 5 hours I was in that airport. Months later an official from that airports customs section contacted me saying that it had been found and it was not showing that it was reported lost stolen and that he was going to mail it to me however it would take months to get to me. But I received confirmation when I submitted the lost/stolen form. I am on a time line for needing to use my passport so how can I figure out if mine is still valid or I need to apply for a new one?

Answer: Once reported lost or stolen, a passport is automatically invalidated to prevent identity theft, among other issues. Please apply for a new passport.

by: Anonymous

Question: I halfway filled out a lost or stolen DS-64 online but didn’t submit it and exited out of the page. Did my info get saved? And is my passport still valid?

Answer: The form will need to be submitted to officially report the passport as lost. Your passport is still valid.

Stolen passport was returned
by: Anonymous

Question: I had my passport stolen out of my car with many other belongings two years ago and it recently made its way back to me. My question is- I can’t remember if I claimed that it was stolen or not. How can I find out if it is still valid?

Answer: You may have the passport checked at a nearby airport's international gate, if you can. Please call customer service at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

Passport book still valid or no more?
by: Anonymous

Question: I lost my passport card but not my passport book. I did call and report the loss of my passport card and submitted DS 64 indicating the lost of my passport card but not my passport book, so my passport book will still be valid, right? Just clarifying, thanks!

Answer: You're right. Your passport book is still valid

IRS delinquency
by: Anonymous

Question: When my passport expired last year, I sent it, along with my filled out application and fee, to have it renewed. I heard back that the IRS had me certified as delinquent and my renewal was denied. I have now received a Reversal of notice of certification as delinquent from the IRS. Since I no longer have my old passport, am I still eligible for a renewal or do I now have to apply for a new passport?

Answer: Since you cannot send your most recently-issued passport in the mail, you need to submit a new application.

Is my passport still valid?
by: Anonymous

Question: I had a picture of my passport compromised last summer. I called the state department and I am not sure if they cancelled my passport or not. I tried to apply for a new passport but it said i don't need to report it lost. I have my passport, but I am worried that it is invalid. How do I check to see if I can leave the country with my current passport?

Answer: You may go to the closest international airport to have a gate officer check your passport.

Tax Debt and Passports
by: Anonymous


I do owe more than $51k in federal back taxes. I've hired an attorney and they're working with the IRS. I'm supposed to be traveling abroad soon but am nervous that my passport won't work.

I don't know if they've mailed me a letter because I've moved residences 3x in the last 6 years but have been at the same one for 4 years. Is there a number I can call or a website I can go on to see if my passport is still valid? I had a payment plan set up at one point but once the debt went over $50k they stopped that plan and we'll be focusing on a solution after I pay 2018 tax due next month.

Answer: Please contact the IRS regarding your concern. You may also call passport services at 1-877-487-2778.

by: Anonymous

Question: Where can I call to see if my passport is suspended because of child support?

Answer: If your passport was suspended or revoked due to child support arrears (rarely happens), you would have been notified by mail. Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency for more information.

Did they cancel my passport book too or not
by: Anonymous

Question: I lost my passport card at the airport in Canada on my flight back to the US but I still have my passport book with me. Thus I went online to report my lost passport card, while filing up the form on one page there was a selection between passport book and passport card which both I have to fill up my info needed otherwise it won’t get me through the next page, and there was 4 questions on both too that needs for me to select and click the questions. For passport book I click a) yes I still have my passport book on my possession but for passport card I click b) the selection of Lost. It then went through the next page and I clicked submit. Will that cancel both my passport book and passport card? Or just my passport card. How can I be sure that my passport book was not cancelled? Need response ASAP thanks.

Answer: If you tried to complete Form DS-64 online but did not submit the form by mail, your passport book is still valid and your passport card is still not reported as lost.

Is my passport current
by: P.S Hamilton

Question: I've misplaced my passport. is it still current or do need to get a new one? Going out of the country march 10th.

Answer: Whether or not your passport is current does not matter since it is misplaced. You need to apply for a new passport to use for your upcoming trip.

limited validity passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I received a limited validity passport outside the United States in November last year. It has an expiration date of November this year. I have not replaced it yet and now i need to take an emergency overseas trip next month. Can I still use the limited validity passport for the trip?

Answer: Some countries do not allow entry to individuals who use limited-validity passports. Please contact the embassy of the country you are traveling to to verify their requirements.

Is my passport valid
by: Anonymous

Question: I filled out an form for lost passport but inadvertently typed my SS# incorrectly - since then I have found my passport - how can I check to see if my current passport is still valid?

Answer: If you filled out the application online but did not submit it by mail, the process was not completed and your passport is still valid.

by: sera

Question: If I never received a letter stating that my passport is invalid, am I still able to use it? I called the guy and told them it had been lost but I recently found it. I never submitted the paper work required for a lost passport.

Answer: Hi, Sera. If you called 1-877-487-2778 to report the passport lost, it is already invalid. You need to submit Form DS-64 when you apply for a replacement.

Is the passport book still active?
by: Anonymous

Question: I reported my son's passport card (looks like a drivers license) as lost- and received confirmation. However wanted to make sure my son's passport book itself is still valid?

Answer: Yes, it should still be valid.

Passport information
by: Anonymous

Question: How do I check to see if my passport is valid?

Answer: If the passport is undamaged and the expiration date on the data page has not passed yet, it is most likely valid. If the State Department has invalidated your passport, you would have been notified via mail.

checking if a passport is valid
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi all. I applied for a passport renewal for my daughter who's 10 years old and it came. My wife filed it away & forgot to tell me so I called the U.S. passport service to report I never received it (but then I looked around the house and found it a few minutes later). I called to report that I found it and was told by another US Passport rep that the first rep didn't seem to cancel or report the lost passport. But I am worried that they may have cancelled my daughter's passport. Can I go to the nearest airport and check to see if my daughter's passport is still valid? Help me please!!

Answer: Typically, when a passport is reported as lost, it is automatically invalidated. Since you are getting conflicting information, you can either call passport services again and ask to speak to a supervisor to confirm the status of your child's passport. You may also have an airport gate official to check the passport.

Passport validation
by: Abdul

Question: I have misplaced my U.S. passport and applied for a new one. Now that I found the old one, can I still travel with it? I don’t know if I filed a form to cancel the old one or not who can I ask and check?

Answer: Once an application for a new passport is received, any old (albeit valid) passport is automatically invalidated. You can no longer use your old passport for travel.

by: Anonymous

Question: That's what I thought but I have an open application under my name now and they keep sending me letters to fill out the lost or stolen form or i won't receive my new passport. I explained to them that I have my new passport as well as the lost one.

Even a supervisor could not tell me yesterday if my new passport was valid or not.

Answer: You may go to the closest international airport to have a gate official check if your passport is still valid for travel.

Is my new passport valid
by: Anonymous

Question: I applied to renew my passport October 1st. After weeks of no tracking, I was advised by an agent that it was lost and to file the lost or stolen form and apply for passport in person.

I did this on Oct 31st. Three days later, I got my new passport. Two weeks later, the agency found my lost passport, sent it back to me with holes punched in it. I keep getting letters by mail and email from the agency that I need to file the lost or stolen form or I won't receive my new passport. I already received my new passport and the lost one. Every time I call someone tells me something different, including a supervisor. I am trying to book a vacation and don't even know if my new passport is valid.

Answer: There should be no reason for your new passport to be invalid. What you reported lost was the old one which was returned to you with holes punched. If you did not report your new passport as lost or stolen, it should still be valid.

Check to see if I have a passport
by: Michael K

Question: Just wondering...if I was adopted and had a passport then, can I check now?

Answer: You may request for a passport record.

Finding my passport
by: Anonymous

Question: How can i find out if i have a passport? I'm quite sure i had one when went out the country with my grandmother. My grandmother is deceased and my mother doesn't remember.

Answer: You may request for a passport record. Alternatively, you can proceed to applying for a new passport.

Can my passport be revoked/flagged for student loan delinquency?
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello, I have defaulted on my student loans. I have lived outside the U.S. for over 10 years now but will be visiting soon. A friend from an old job told me they're getting notifications about garnishing my wages (from IRS?) even though I've been gone 10+ years. I'll be visiting family soon and am worried my passport could be flagged somehow upon entry and I won't be able to enter US. Could IRS revoke my passport over defaulted student loans?

Answer: Please contact the IRS regarding your concern.

Name Change
by: Anonymous

Question: If I have a passport under my married name and have now gotten divorced, does anything prevent me from using my passport under my married name as long as I book my travel with that same name? The DMV now has my name changed back and does not match my passport.

Answer: There should be no issue as long as the names on your passport and ticket/s match.

Child/Spousal support
by: Anonymous

Question: Can an existing passport be revoked, restricted, or otherwise impacted by a child support claim over $2500 from a state child support agency or is this limited to passport applications?

Answer: Revocation is possible but it rarely happens. Also, the passport holder will be notified by mail if his/her passport will be revoked.

Check if Passport is Valid
by: Anonymous

Question: I got about halfway through reporting my passport as lost/stolen on the state department's website, when a family member informed me that they had my passport. I want to make sure that the request for a stolen passport didn't go through. I called customer service and they told me they couldn't help me, and to mail in a request to the PO box in Virginia. Is this accurate information? Is there a simpler way to check if a passport is valid?

Answer: Your passport is still valid. It will only be invalidated if you mailed the form or called 1-877-487-2778 to report the loss.

follow- up question
by: ade

New Passport
by: Ade

Question: My son was born in the USA and he has a US birth certificate and passport. He has been living in the Phillipines for almost 7 years. His US passport expired in 2014. Could you please tell us how to save his US citizenship and renew his passport? My son is now 8 years old.

Answer: If your son has U.S. citizenship by birth, he will not lose it just because he lives outside the United States. Your son needs to apply for a new passport with both parents at the U.S. Embassy in Manila.

Follow up:

Question: I'm planning to renew his passport by next year, and the total years of living in Philippines is 10 years. Aside from renewal fee, are there any penalties I need to pay for overstaying?

Answer: If your son is also a Philippine passport holder, there should be no issue with overstaying. However, if he is not a Filipino citizen and has stayed in the Philippines without a visa or residency permit, you may face issues. I recommend that you contact the U.S. Embassy in Manila for further advice.

by: Anonymous

Question: Hello,

I filled out the form online to change my last name after I got married. I printed it out but never sent it in. Is my passport still valid?

Answer: Yes, it is. You will need to mail the application with the rest of the requirements to finalize the passport name change.

by: Jacqueline A

Question: Trying to figure out if my passport is still good or not.

Answer: The passport's expiration date is printed on the data page. If you are planning on traveling, you may also check if your passport still meets your destination's entry requirements.

by: Anonymous

Question: I am going to take a tour overseas. I would like to check my passport to make sure there is no any problem with it before leaving in about 6 more weeks. Is there any website that I could use to check? Or do I have call to any place?

Answer: Your passport is good for travel as long as it is not expired and/or damaged and still meets the entry requirements of your destination country. You may check the expiration date of your passport on the data page.

How to check if my passport is still valid for travel
by: Anonymous

Question: Can I check to see if my passport still valid for travel?

Answer: You may check your passport's data page to check the expiration date. Also, you need to check the entry requirements of the country you are traveling to.

Son not sure if he has a passport
by: Anonymous

Question: We are planning a family trip but unsure if my ex husband has already obtained a passport for my 11-year-old son. He won’t tell us. How can we find out if a passport already exists for the child before we spend to apply for one?

Answer: Please contact customer service at 1-877-487-2778.

by: Anonymous

Question: Will a valid U.S. passport be revoked or just not renewed on due date after IRS debt certification notice?

Answer: Your renewal application may be denied or your passport may be revoked. Either way, you will be notified in writing once this happens.

Valid Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I called the 877 number. They only asked my name no other information. Because they were going to send me the Form DS 64. I never received it to fill out. My former husband took my passport and put it in his safe! Once I called, he returned my passport. Is it still valid? I went to TSA and they stated as far as they could tell it was valid. I called the 877 number and received the same information. As long as, I did not give my social nor passport book number and did not fill out anything it should be valid?

Answer: Once a passport is reported as lost, it is already invalidated. Submitting Form DS-64 is used when you are applying for a new passport.

Valid Passport?
by: Anonymous

Question: I renewed my passport about 4 years ago. I didn't make my flight so I never used it. I did receive a letter in the mail that the payment wasn't processed (check) but I view my account and payment was taken out. Never bother looking in to it but I'll be taking a trip on 8/11 and like to know if my passport is valid to travel.

Answer: If you are in possession of the passport, it should still be valid. You may call customer service at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

Passport flagged as lost or stolen but it isn't
by: Anonymous

Question: Family member is detained at the Paris airport. Customs is saying the passport is flagged as lost or stolen but it isn't and never was. He went for vacation but was taken to a 4 by 4 holding cell. Please HELP!

Answer: Please contact the U.S. Embassy in Paris to seek assistance for your relative.

Lost and found
by: Patricia

Question: I lost my passport then found it. I do remember that I called to have info on what to do but I don't remember if I report it lost on the same call. I never fill out the form of lost or stolen. How can I confirm if is still valid? Expiration date is on July 2019.

Answer: Hi, Patricia. If you did not report the loss during the call, it is most likely still valid. Also, you only need to submit Form DS-64 when you are applying for a new/replacement passport.

To confirm, you may go to the closest international airport and have an official check your passport.

Can someone report my passport lost/stolen?
by: Mist

Question: I have a family member who is angry that I’m traveling and knows my personal info such as birth date and SS number. Could they report my passport stolen and invalidate it without my knowledge?

Answer: Yes, it is possible. Please call customer service at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

by: Anonymous

Question: I thought I lost my passport, "reported" it but never received an email confirmation. I did get a reference number online when I reported my passport lost.

I ended up finding it. I want to know if it's still valid. I need to know if I can use it or if the confirmation was correct and that it was reported lost. I called 877-487-2778. NO ONE HAS BEEN ABLE TO HELP. I called a few times over and over again. They give me different information every time. Is there some way online to check to see if my passport is still active or a different number to call to have them check and tell me if it's still active or not. And also give me information on how I can get a new one.

Answer: You cannot report a passport lost online. You can fill out Form DS-64 online but you still need to print, sign and mail it to the address on the form. Since you have not done these things, your passport is most likely still valid.

You may confirm by having it checked at an airport gate.

Proof of passport
by: Anonymous

Question: How do I obtain proof that I never had a passport?

Answer: You may request for a passport record which may take a long time. Please call customer service at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

Filled out but didn't sign DS64
by: Anonymous

Question: I misplaced my passport and filled out a lost passport form online. I did everything until the last step which was to print out a signature page, sign it, and scan it in. (Before I could sign and scan the page in, I was informed that someone had found my passport). Is my passport still valid? Or did everything the form I submitted without the signature invalidate my passport?

Answer: You cannot submit Form DS-64 online. You still need to print. sign and mail the form to officially report your passport as lost. Your passport is most likely still valid.

Passport still valid
by: Anonymous

Question: I found out the IRS has mistakenly flagged my SSN saying I’m deceased which I am not. I have a trip to Europe next month. Is my passport still valid?

Answer: It should be. Please contact the National Passport Information Center at 1-877-487-2778 for further assistance.

Passport valid
by: Dominique

Question: How do you know if your passport is revoked to travel?

Answer: Please call customer service at 1-877-487-2778.

If one owes taxes is passport void?
by: Anonymous

Question: On the news they stated if you owe taxes your passport is going to be void. My friends and I are going to Canada for the weekend in May and one of my friends was concerned because she owes taxes from a couple of years ago. How do we find out if her passport is good as well as the others and my own?

Answer: What you may have heard is about the IRS certifying tax debt and possibly revoking passports or denying passport applications of those who owe more than $50,000 (including interest and penalties).

As of last report, the IRS started tax debt certification in January 2018. The IRS is required to notify you in writing at the time the IRS certifies seriously delinquent tax debt to the State Department. The IRS is also required to notify you in writing at the time it reverses certification. The IRS will send written notice by regular mail to your last known address.

If your friend has not received any notices or knows for a fact that her tax debt does not amount to be considered seriously delinquent, she should be allowed to travel to Canada and get back to the United States using her current valid passport.

Check for valid passport
by: James SS

Question: To whom may it concern, I'm inquiring if I was issued a passport back in the 90's. I've had multiple addresses and might have lost it during moving. Thank you for your time.

Answer: You need to request for a passport record in order to find this information out.

Peace Corps Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I returned from my Peace Corps service in 2015, but my Peace Corps passport is still valid until 2020. Can I use this passport or does the Peace Corps notify the consular section and make the passport void?

Answer: You cannot use the Peace Corps passport for personal travel. You need to apply for a new 'civilian' passport to use for leisure or business travel.

How to check if my passport is active.
by: Edwin alarcon

Question: Checking my passport because I fly the 25th of this month and would like to know if I could fly out.

Answer: There is no system in place where you can check the validity. The expiration is printed on the data page of your passport.

by: Maryann L

Question: Hello, I don't remember if I had a passport in my maiden name of Maryann (Last Name). It would have been many years ago. Please advise.

Answer: We edited out your last names and email address for your security.

You may request for a passport record through the National Passport Information Center. Please call 1-877-487-2778 to speak to a customer service representative.

Lost Passport then Found It
by: Anonymous

Question: I lost my passport. I called in to report it lost. I was told to fill out a form and fax it in. I never filled out the form and months later my passport was found and returned to me. Again, all I did is call in and reported the passport lost/stolen but DID NOT fill out or submit a form. Is my passport still valid? It is not expired.

Answer: Since you already reported it lost, your passport is already deactivated and can no longer be used for travel.

You need to submit Form DS-64 with your application for a new passport.

Need to find out validity of my passport please!
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a US citizen currently residing in France for a couple of years. I lost my passport a couple of days ago and went to the police to report it. It has since resurfaced. I'm trying to find out if it is still valid after having been reported it to the police. It's unclear to me because of the language barrier whether there was a form submitted to invalidate my passport. When I call 877-487-2778 I'm told they can't help me because I'm not in the US, and when I call the consulate in France they give me the number 877-487-2778. Can anyone help me?

Answer: If you have not officially reported the loss of your passport online or by submitting Form DS-64, your passport is still valid.

Showing invalid number
by: Arvind

Question: Hi my name is Arvind HXXXXX KXXXX. Just two months ago I came from Saudi Arabia after completing my employment contract. Now when I am searching for new job and writing my passport number in the requirement box,
it shows 'YOUR PASSPORT NUMBER IS NOT VALIDATE'. How is this happening? My passport is valid until 2020.

Answer: We edited your name for your security.

If you were able to travel with your passport and re-enter the United States, the problem may not be the passport. Please contact the administrator of the website you are using to find out if they are having issues.

Need to know
by: Clive

Question: I don't know whether or not I have a passport.

Answer: If you have been issued a passport in the past, passport services should be able to pull up a record through a file search. The fee for this service is $150 and is non-refundable.

I can't locate my passport
by: BB

Question: I can't locate my passport and i have a cruise 29 Oct. how can I find me out if it is still valid?

Answer: Passports issued to adults are valid for 10 years. If you can remember when the passport was issued, you may be able to tell if that passport is still valid.

Having said that, you need to report the loss of your passport then apply for a new one before your trip. If you apply for expedited sevice now, you will get your new passport in 2-3 weeks.

Do I need a passport for the Bahamas?
by: Maurine

Question: I am taking a cruise to the Bahamas. Do I need a passport?

Answer: If you are taking a closed-loop cruise to The Bahamas -- one that starts in a U.S. city, travels to the Bahamas and ends in the same U.S. city, you may not need a passport. The U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency says this about closed loop cruises:

"U.S. citizens on closed-loop cruises (cruises that begin and end at the same U.S. port) will be able to enter or depart the country with a birth certificate and government-issued photo ID. Please be aware that you may still be required to present a passport to enter the countries your cruise ship is visiting. Check with your cruise line to ensure you have the appropriate documents."

We recommend that you contact the cruise line you are traveling with to verify document requirements.

Valid passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I cannot find my passport and do not know the expiration date. How do I check if it is still valid?

Answer: Passports issued to citizens age 16 and above are valid for 10 years. If you remember when your passport was issued, count ten years and you get a approximate expiration year.

In case you find out that your passport is still valid, you need to report the loss by calling 1-877-487-2778 or by submitting Form DS-64.

Possible damage
by: Anonymous

Question: My passport has been in my pocket on hot days and some of the print on the front cover has faded slightly. All pages are in tact, as are the covers. wondering how to tell if it's been in too much heat or bent too much to be considered invalid.

Answer: What constitutes significant damage is ultimately decided by the officer who inspects your passport at ports of entry/exit. We recommend consulting an airline you have flown with in the past to see if your passport is still valid for travel.

by: Anonymous

Question: I have a valid passport and I know the number and the expiration date. I do not have it in my possession right now and need to know the exact name it is under (whether or not I used my full name or just first and last). Is there a way I can get that quickly?

Answer: Passport details are protected under the Privacy Act. You have to submit a request for your passport information in writing, along with proof of your identity. Please call customer service at 1-877-487-2778 for more details.

Want to know if passport is still valid
by: Anonymous

Question: The only reason I am asking this question is because the last time we used our passports was in 2010 or 2012 but it will expire on March 04, 2018.

Answer: Yes, your passports are still valid. You may use them for travel until the expiration date.

However, you still need to check the entry requirements of the country/countries you plan on visiting to see if you have enough validity left on your passport.

Lost or Not? expire
by: Anonymous

Question: How can I determine if my passport has been reported as lost. I filled out forms online, but didn't submit anything. I also sent an email to the airport asking if they had found it. Then I found it myself. How can I determine if it is still valid?

Answer: If the passport has not been officially reported as lost, it is likely still valid. You may call 1-877-487-2778 to speak to a customer service representative.

by: Anonyjmous

Question: I have found my passport. Is it still valid?

Answer: Please check the data page of your passport. The expiration is indicated there. If it has not expired, it is still valid unless you reported it as lost or stolen. In which case, it is already invalidated and you need to apply for a new passport.

Do I need to renew or apply for a new passport?
by: Anonymous

Question: About 15 years ago I think I got a temporary passport, it was a half size sheet of paper with my info on it. I had to rush to get it for a surprise vacation to Mexico. Not sure if I need to renew or file for a new one.

Answer: If it was a temporary passport, it would have been expired for more than 5 years by now. You need to apply for a new passport in person at an acceptance facility. You will need the following:

1. Form DS-11 (completed but unsigned)
2. Evidence of U.S. citizenship
3. Proof of identity
4. Photocopy of ID
5. One passport photo
6. Payment for fees

Routine service takes 6-8 weeks to complete. If you pay for expedited service, you will have your passport in 2-3 weeks.

Passport lost and found
by: Anonymous

Question: I lost my passport last year, reported it lost/stolen, and found it a month later. I never received a confirmation email stating that my DS-64 form had been submitted successfully. Is there any way to check if my passport is valid? I'm wondering if maybe I didn't submit the form correctly.

Answer: Once reported lost, a passport is already invalidated and can no longer be used for travel. Please call 1-877-487-2778 to speak to a customer service representative.

Passport limbo
by: Anonymous

Question: Old passports were lost so forms mailed in for new ones. Then of course the old passports were found. We received an email that one of the forms (DS64) wasn't signed, so this would mean are old passports are still valid, correct? Is there a website or phone number of a service than can run your passport information to confirm it's valid?

Answer: Please call 1-877-487-2778 to speak to a customer service representative.

Lost then found
by: Anonymous

Question: I lost my passport and filled in the online form to report it missing then i found it a few weeks later. Is it still good or do I need a new one?

Answer: Once reported lost, a passport is already invalidated and can no longer be used for travel. You need to apply for a new passport.

Passport renewal
by: Mark

Question: I had a passport 30 years ago and have not used it for 30 years. Is it still good for a renewal or do I have to apply all over?

Answer: You need to apply for a new passport. You need to submit the following in person at a passport acceptance facility.

1. Form DS-11
2. Proof of U.S. citizenship
3. Proof of identity
4. Photocopy of ID
5. Passport photo
6. Payment for fees

Do I have a passport?
by: Ricardo

Question: Hi. My name is Ricardo. I am a US citizen and living on the USA my whole life. Believe or not, I never question myself if I ever had a passaport until know.

My parents passed away few years ago and I have no idea if they ever applied for me. I was searching information and it looks like you need to submit a true statement of what happened to your previous passport. Now, I am afraid if I request for a renewal I will get into trouble.

Answer: You will not get into trouble. Since you cannot state for sure that you had a passport, do not check the box on the application about previously being issued a passport. For new passport instructions, click here.

Is my passport still valid?
by: Anonymous

Question: I lost my passport and obtained a new one that was only good for one year. It is now expired. I just found my original passport but is it still good?

Answer: No, it is not. You need to apply for a new passport.

New Passport
by: Ade

Question: My son was born in the USA and he has a US birth certificate and passport. He has been living in the Phillipines for almost 7 years. His US passport expired in 2014. Could you please tell us how to save his US citizenship and renew his passport? My son is now 8 years old.

Answer: If your son has U.S. citizenship by birth, he will not lose it just because he lives outside the United States. Your son needs to apply for a new passport with both parents at the U.S. Embassy in Manila.

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More Passport & Travel Information

Getting a Passport Expedited at a Post Office
Requesting express service at post offices and other facilities that accept application forms from U.S. citizens.

Applying at a Regional Passport Agency
Where processing centers are located. How to schedule an appointment. What documents to take with you.

Using a Registered Courier Service
How to pick a legitimate courier service company to assist in getting your passport quickly.

Routine vs. Expedited Passport Service: How to Choose
Guide to help you decide if standard or fast track processing is the best option for your situation.

How to Renew a U.S. Passport Fast
Learn to expedite passport renewals as quickly as the same day. Where and how to renew passport in a hurry.

Top 5 Questions About Expedited Passport Couriers

1. How can you get a passport when you're in a hurry?
2. What exactly does a passport expediter do?
3. Are passport expediting services legitimate?
4. How can I identify a reliable passport expeditor?
5. Is expedited passport service worth it?

Get answers to these questions and more in our Ultimate U.S. Traveler's Guide to Passport Expediters.

You can also visit our library of articles about passport expediting.

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About the Author: For over 20 years, the U.S. Passport Service Guide team has helped hundreds of thousands of travelers with their travel document questions and shared advice about how to make traveling abroad simpler, safer, and more enjoyable.

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