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Top Passport Expediting Services

top passport expediting services.

A quality passport expediter can help get a new passport or passport renewal fast. There are many passport expediting services in our directory; but the one that we recommend the most is Rush My Passport.

This recommendation is based on our over 20 years of helping readers with their passport questions and needs.

We recommend this expedited passport courier service for 3 important reasons:

  1. They are well-established businesses with over a decade and a half of experience helping clients get their travel documents quickly and efficiently.
  2. They have excellent ratings with the Better Business Bureau.
  3. Their highly-rated service earned them thousands of positive reviews from satisfied customers and an Excellent rating from TrustPilot.

Below, you will find links to our directory of registered passport expediting couriers, followed by links to passport expediters by city.


RushMyPassport homepage screenshot

RushMyPassport is one of the most popular and reliable passport expediting services available to U.S. citizens who travel internationally.

The RushMyPassport reviews from our readers are routinely positive and reflect a true satisfaction with the level of service and care they receive through the entire passport application proccess.

RushMyPassport.com passport courier service has helped thousands of American citizens get their passports within two weeks to as little as 24 hours.

Visit the RushMyPassport website and get your application started today.

List of Passport Couriers

The U.S. Department of State requires passport courier services to register with each of the regional passport agencies where they intend to submit applications on clients' behalves. The current list includes over 200 expediting services.

That said, just because a expediter is registered with the State Department, does not ensure their quality or reliability.

We at the U.S. Passport Service Guide keep a more curated directory of registered passport expedited services. These businesses are all registered at one or more regional agencies.

What's more, many of the expediters on our list have multiple offices and are registered to submit applications at multiple regional agencies. This can make a big difference in the speed and efficiency of service they can provide in getting passports quickly-especially when demand is high. To learn more, visit our guide to the Top Passport Expediting Services with Multiple Locations.

Expediters Near You

Click the location nearest you to find the available passport expediting services serving your area.

Top 5 Questions About Expedited Passport Couriers

1. How can you get a passport when you're in a hurry?
2. What exactly does a passport expediter do?
3. Are passport expediting services legitimate?
4. How can I identify a reliable passport expeditor?
5. Is expedited passport service worth it?

Get answers to these questions and more in our Ultimate U.S. Traveler's Guide to Passport Expediters.

You can also visit our library of articles about passport expediting.

In a Hurry? Get Reliable Expedited Passport Courier Service:Expedite My U.S.Passport Now!
About the Author: For over 20 years, the U.S. Passport Service Guide team has helped hundreds of thousands of travelers with their travel document questions and shared advice about how to make traveling abroad simpler, safer, and more enjoyable.

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