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Comments for Can I re-enter the US with an expired passport?

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Passport expiring 1.5 months after traveling to the US
by: Ana

Question: Hello, my daughter has dual citizenship. Her US passport expires 2/24 and we want to travel to the US over Christmas and New Year, return to Europe on 1/7 - is it possible for her to travel to the US and return to Europe with the passport expiring 1.5 months after we return to Europe?

Answer: Hello, Ana. Yes, your daughter may enter and depart the United States without issue as long as her U.S. passport is valid. Have a safe trip!

Dual citizen
by: Anonymous

Question: I am flying in 2 days to the US from France. I have double passport French and American. My American passport is expired. Can I travel with my French passport and enter American ground with both my French passport (not expired) and American passport (expired)?

Answer: As an American, you need to enter the United States with a valid U.S. passport. You need to contact the U.S. Embassy in Paris or the closest U.S. consulate for a passport renewal or an alternative travel document.

by: Anonymous

Question: Hello, my son (under 16) has a USA passport expiring January 20 next year. We will be flying from Greece to the USA on Dec 15 and leaving the USA to return to Greece Jan 5.

Will he have problems leaving the USA with his US passport expiring within a month? He also has a valid Greek passport with years of validity left, so I was thinking he can show that also when leaving the USA so that he will be able to board his outbound flight to Europe without issue?

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, he may enter the United States with his valid U.S. passport. He also needs to show his U.S. passport upon departure and then he can use his Greek passport upon arrival in Greece.

Green Card Minor, almost expired Mexican Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: We will be traveling out of the US on 11/7 and returning on 11/13. My stepson's Mexican passport expires on 11/28. He’s a permanent resident and his green card does not expire for another 8 years. Will we have trouble entering the US by air since some passports need to be valid for min 6 months?

Answer: As long as he presents a valid passport and green card, there shouldn't be any issues traveling back to the United States.

Entering with expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a German/USA dual citizen with an expired American passport (expired March 2023) and a valid German passport. I am told I will not be able to enter the country on an expired passport and that I'm not allowed as a citizen to enter using my German passport. What are my options? My flight leaves in 4 weeks.

Answer: You need to call 1-877-487-2778 to schedule an appointment at a regional passport agency.

Can I leave the USA for Europe with my mexican passport (as I have dual citizenship) and enter with my american passport?
by: Anonymous

Question: I have dual citizenship (American and Mexican). I'm leaving on June 21st to Spain but my passport expires on August 2nd so I don't have the required time on my visa from Spain (3 months). I have my Mexican passport with 3 years of validity. Can I use the Mexican one to leave the US and enter Spain and enter the USA with my American passport when I return(it would still have one month left)? Thanks!

Answer: You may present both American and Mexican passport when you leave and present your American passport when you return to the United States.

Passport expires day after I come back
by: Super mario

Question: I plan to travel to Mexico by air on August 4th and return on August 12th. My passport expires on August 13th. Will I face any problems?

Answer: You should not have any issues. You may return to the United States as long as your U.S. passport is valid.

Traveling with USA & Canada Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello, I live in the US and will be flying to Singapore next week and I just realized that my US passport expires in 3 months. Singapore requires 6 month remaining on the passport. I am a dual citizen with a valid Canadian passport. Can I use my Canadian passport to enter Singapore?

Answer: Yes, you may use your Canadian passport while you are abroad. You just need to use your U.S. passport to depart and re-enter the United States. Have a safe trip!

Re-enter US from Mexico by land
by: LuAnonymous

Question: Hello,

Can I re-enter the US from Mexico land if my passport expires in 3 months?

I plan to return on July 31 to US from Mexico, but my passport expires on October 17. I’m worried about the 6 month rule, but I don’t know if it applies in this case.

Answer: If you are a U.S. citizen, you may re-enter the United States by land, air and sea as long as your passport is valid.

Departure Date
by: Anonymous

Question: I am traveling from the US to Spain and my passport expires a day after my departure date. Will I still be able to travel to and back from Spain?

Answer: Spain requires at least 3 months of validity beyond your departure date. You need to renew your passport and wait for the new one to arrive before you make any final travel arrangements.

by: Peter

Question: Hi, I am planning to visit Germany, Austria, and the Czech Republic in May (2-3 weeks visit). My US passport expires in September (less than 6 months). Is it OK to exit the US with my 2nd valid Czech Republic passport and return back to the US with my US passport, please? Thank you.

Answer: Hi, Peter. You need to exit and re-enter the United States using your American passport. You may use your Czech passport while you're in Europe. Have a safe trip!

Canada to US with expired US passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Will I be denied entry into the US from Canada (by land) with an expired passport if I also have a valid US birth certificate as well as a valid US ID?

Answer: While Canada may admit U.S. citizens presenting U.S. birth certificates, you are required to present a valid passport book, passport card, or any other WHTI-compliant like an enhanced driver's license to re-enter. Your birth certificate and U.S. ID will not suffice. Please contact the CBP for more information.

Reentering US driving from Mexico with cancelled passport (punched holes in it)
by: Anonymous

Question: My passport was canceled as part of the renewal process, it has not yet expired. Can I reenter the US walking from Mexico with this passport? ETA on renewal was missed and I don't have a new ETA.

Answer: A valid passport book, passport card or any other WHTI-compliant is required to re-enter the United States from Mexico by land. You will likely have issues returning with a cancelled passport.

Expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My passport expired last year and I just realized it. I have also Mexican citizenship and I was planning on going to the USA next week but there are no appointments for this year here in Mexico City. What can I do?

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, you are required by law to enter the United States with a U.S. passport. The good news is you may be eligible for a mail-in renewal. You may check your eligibility here. Currently, mail-in renewals from Mexico take 4 to 6 weeks.

Reentry to US
by: Dan

Question: My passport expires on 5/14 and I will be traveling to Canada from 4/23-5/5. Will I have any issues reentering the US so close to the passport expiration date? Thanks.

Answer: Hello, Dan. You may re-enter the United States without a problem as long as your passport is valid when you arrive.

Entering the US as US Citizen with a valid passport that expires in less than 6 months
by: M.B.

Question: Hello,
I have dual citizenship and plan to visit my family in my birth country in Europe in the summer. So, I will enter my birth country with my European passport. My U.S. passport expires in September. As long as my U.S. passport is still valid, I should not have any difficulties coming back to the U.S., as the 6-month passport validity only applies when you enter a different country as a foreign National, is that correct?

Let's say I come back from Europe one month before my U.S. passport expires. As I am entering the U.S. as a U.S. Citizen, that should still be ok, or should I wait with my U.S. passport renewal until I return as the current application processing times can take up to 4 months?

Answer: You will be able to re-enter the United States without issue as long as you arrive with a valid passport. You are correct; the 6-month validity rule does not apply to U.S. citizens returning to the United States. Have a safe trip!

Expired Venezuela Passport + Valid Greencard
by: PK

Question: I live in the US and currently have an expired Venezuelan passport, but I do have a conditional green card. Was wondering if I am able to go to Canada to renew my passport and if I will be able to cross the border from the US to Canada and also come back to the US to do this or not?

Answer: Please contact the Canada Border Service Agency regarding entry to Canada. As for returning to the United States, you should be able to as long as you arrive with a valid green card and ID.

Expired Venezuela Passport but have a US greencard
by: PK2

Question: I have a Venezuelan passport that expired (less than 5 years ago) and a valid US green card. I wanted to travel/visit Canada, and was wondering if I would be able to exit and re-enter the US without any problems.

Answer: As of April 2022, Canada requires both a valid passport and green card in order to allow a lawful permanent resident of the United States entry into their country.

You need to renew your passport before you can visit Canada.

Traveling with almost expired passport
by: lyn

Question:Can my daughter travel with us with almost one month before her passport expires? We will come back a month before expiration.

Answer: The answer depends on the entry requirements of your destination country. As for re-entry to the United States, there should not be any issues as long as she returns with a valid passport.

by: Anonymous

Question: My son is in Sint Maarten and wants to go to NY to renew his US passport. He will be traveling on his UK passport. He is unvaccinated, will he be able to enter the US?

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, your son needs to travel to the United States using a U.S. passport. He needs to renew his American passport before he travels. He may seek U.S. citizen services at the U.S. Consulate in Curacao.

Child’s passport book expired
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. I’m a US citizen and stuck with my 2 kids in Uzbekistan. They have dual citizenship (Uzbek and American). One of the children’s passport books has expired last year (November 2021).

The Embassy in Uzbekistan is asking for a consent form from the father. I cannot locate the father since August 2021. I don’t have his phone number or address. He disappeared. We don’t have not lived together since September 2020. I explained the situation at the embassy but they still want consent from the father. Father is nowhere to be found. Nobody knows his whereabouts.

I should return to the States with the kids. I cannot leave them alone in Uzbekistan. What should I do? Please help.

Answer: As a private entity, there is nothing we can do to change your situation. The consent form is a requirement for minors whose parents share legal custody.

If you do not know the father's whereabouts, social media is usually a good way to start looking.

Re-enter US Expired Passport
by: Dan

Question: Hi, my US passport expired July 22. Can I enter the US by land, from Mexico to Texas with an expired passport? I have double nationality (Mex and US) and will renew my US passport in the coming weeks but I need to attend a matter in Texas before I renew it. Thanks

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, you need to enter the United States with a valid U.S. passport. You need to renew your U.S. passport before traveling back.

expired passport, plan to re enter USA
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a US. citizen, 20 years old.
I have an expired passport. I am in Mexico, my passport expired las year (July), and there are no available appointment at the embassy to renew it. Can I enter with my birth certificate?

Answer: You cannot re-enter the United States without a valid U.S. passport. Passport services (by appointment, walk-in, mail-in) are available in 19 locations across Mexico. You may apply in any one of them so you can travel back to the United States.

U.S. Embassy and Consulates in Mexico

Expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I'm a US citizen. In 2020, I renewed my 8-year-old daughter US passport at the American embassy in Jordan and due to COVID-19, they renewed the passport just for one year. Her passport expired in Dec 5, 2021. I am in the states, my daughter is in Jordan and I need my daughter here with me. Can we renew the passport without the citizenship certificate or a birth certificate, and is there a risk that the embassy can take the passport from her?? I've had problems with my husband and i need my children here with me as they are all American citizens. I only have my daughter's expired passport and there’s no one taking care of them there. They are all under 16 age.

Answer: The expired passport may be used as proof of citizenship since they are still minors. Please contact the U.S. Embassy in Amman for assistance.

Expired child passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I’m flying back to the US from the UK in less than 2 days. We reside in the UK and children have dual citizenships. I have been trying to get an apt to renew this passport for almost 3 years and couldn’t get one and was told I should go home and renew there.

Now I see you can travel with exp passport only until June 30th! I saw on the website a month ago that there are exemptions with kids passport and they ticked all the boxes but now as of today I cannot find that page on the website. We are flying directly to the US, passports were issued when they were not yet 15 and passport was valid for 5 years. Can you please let me know if they are able to fly or not? Thank you.

Answer: Your children need valid U.S. passports to enter the United States.

Traveling to Bermuda and Reentry into U.S.
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi,

My mom will be going on a cruise from a port in New Jersey to Bermuda and returning a week later. Her foreign passport expired but she still has a valid green card and driver’s license / ID. Will she have any troubles getting back into the U.S.?

Answer: As long as she can present a valid ID and green card, she should be able to re-enter the United States. Please contact the cruise line for more information on travel requirements.

Re-enter with an expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My son is traveling to Colombia on July 30th and his passport expires in November. He will be coming back to the US in December. Can he use his expired passport to come back to the US?

Answer: No, he cannot re-enter the country with an expired passport. He needs to either return home before his passport expires or renew/obtain a new passport at the U.S. Embassy in Bogota before he travels back to the United States.

expired passport
by: Sally

Question: My son is traveling to the UK on Tuesday. I just saw his US passport expired in April of this year. He also has a current UK passport as he is a dual citizen. Can he travel to the Uk and then travel back to the US using both these passports?

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, your son is required to depart and re-enter the United States using a valid U.S. passport. While he may be able to leave the country using his British passport, he will face issues getting back in the United States if he arrives with an expired U.S. passport.

Expired US child passport in Belarus
by: Anonymous

Question: My son was born in the USA. He is a citizen of the US. I'm wanting to come back to the United States with my son but his American passport expired in April .He also has a Belarusian passport that is still valid.

We are in Belarus right now. The US embassy in Belarus or Russia doesn't work for this time. Can are we go to USA with his expired passport? My passport is valid. Or what can we do in this situation? Thank you!

Answer: Entry into the United States with an expired U.S. passport is no longer permitted as of June 30th. What you can do is travel to a country where there is an active U.S. Embassy or Consulate using your son's Belarusian passport. Once there, you may apply for your child's new U.S. passport that he can then use to travel home to the United States.

Expired US child passport in Belarus
by: Anonymous

Question: My son was born in the USA. He is a citizen of the US. I`m wanting to come back to the United States with my son but his American passport expired in April 2022. He also has a Belarussian passport that is still valid. We are in Belarus right now. The US embassy in Belarus or Russia doesn't work for this time.

Answer: Your son may leave Belarus on his Belarussian passport and then apply for his new U.S. passport in a foreign country where there is an active U.S. Embassy or Consulate before traveling back to the United States.

Passport expired
by: Ramon

Question: My American passport expired but I am in Venezuela. We do not have an American embassy or consulate. How I can renew my passport?

Answer: As of April 18, 2022, U.S. citizens in Venezuela who are eligible to use Form DS-82 can apply for a passport renewal by mail. You may contact the U.S. Embassy in Bogota, Colombia regarding your renewal.

Enter the us on passport that expires 2 days after landing
by: Anonymous

Question: We are traveling to the US on July 28 and my daughter's US passport expires on July 30th. Haven't been able to get her passport renewed in Australia. Will they let us in without issue?

Answer: Yes, your daughter will be allowed into the United States without issue since her passport will still be valid upon entry.

US passport expires one day before I return to the US
by: Ava

Question: My passport expires one day before I return to the US. I also have a valid Canadian passport. Will they let me back into the US?

Answer: You need a valid passport to re-enter the United States. Please renew your passport before traveling.

Get Passport Fast

Extension for expired Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I was praying and hoping that the June 30 date was going to be extended. I was planning on traveling at the end of July. Would I be denied entry with my expired US Passport?

Answer: There hasn't been any announcement of extensions. You need to renew your passport before traveling back to the United States.

Travel from canada
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm a U.S. citizen and I have an expired passport. I'm in Canada, can I get back into the U.S?

Answer: If your passport expired on or after January 1, 2020, you have until June 30th to enter the United States with the said passport. After that date, you will need a valid U.S. passport to enter the country.

Extension for expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Will there be an extension of June 30th deadline for expired passports? Post offices are booked solid and my son is 16 tried booking in May and both May and June were booked solid the first week am only getting an appointment in July. Will that be an issue for me to travel once I have proof of the July appointment when am traveling?

Answer: The June 30th deadline is for re-entry into the United States with expired passports, not for outward travel. Your son will not be able to depart the United States with an expired passport. Even if he manages to leave, he will likely be denied entry at your destination and face issues upon re-entry into the United States. Having a confirmed appointment will not change anything.

Expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My child's US passport expired and I need to take him to the US to make arrangements for school in September. We are in Grand Cayman and the Consulate office has been closed for an extended period therefore I have not been able to process the new passport. Will I be allowed to take him to the US without a challenge?

Answer: You have until June 30th to take your child to the United States with an expired U.S. passport. After that date, standard passport regulations will be implemented.

Passport expires exactly
by: Anonymous

Question: Will I be able to return to the U.S. from the Philippines if my passport expires 4 months and 10 days from my re-entry? Traveling June 27-July 13th. The passport expires on Nov 23, 2022. Thank you.

Answer: If you are a U.S. citizen with a U.S. passport, you should be able to enter the country without any problem. If you carry a passport issued by a foreign government, you have to make sure you have a green card or any other valid immigration paperwork.

Traveling to Canada
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, my passport expired in September 2019 and my son's passport expires in June 2021. We are traveling to Canada by land. Are we able to travel and return to the U.S?

Answer: While you will only need proof of U.S. citizenship to enter Canada by land, you will need a valid passport book, passport card, enhanced driver's license or any other WHTI-compliant document to re-enter the United States.

Passport expired
by: Anonymous

Question: I already bought tickets to go to Canada but I just found out my passport has expired in February. I am a US-born citizen and I was wondering if it would still be possible to enter Canada on an expired passport.

Answer: A valid passport book is required to board an international flight. You will also need a valid passport to re-enter the United States.

Get Passport Fast

Passport expire
by: Anonymous

Question: My friend's passport expired on May 19 2022. Can she come back to the US on July 1st.

Answer: The extension to enter the United States on an expired passport is just until June 30th. After that date, U.S. citizens are required to present valid U.S. passports upon arrival.

Dual citizen
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi there.

My sister and I are dual Australian/American citizens. Our passports expired after January 2020. We have a family holiday to Hawaii planned from June 30-July 11. Will we be allowed to exit America on July 11 granted we are allowed in on June 30 based on the expired passport leeway period? My sister plans to return to Australia, I plan to travel to Europe.

Thank you.

Answer: As U.S. citizens, you are required to leave the United States on valid U.S. passports. Please contact the CBP for more information.

The passport is expired
by: Anonymous

Question: Will the State Council extend the way to return to those citizens who have expired overseas passports overseas?

Answer: There has not been any update. U.S. citizens whose passports expired overseas on or after January 1, 2020 may return to the U.S. with said expired passport only until June 30, 2022.

Expired passport
by: L.F. Lee

Question: I am a US citizen and have already purchased tickets for myself & my son to fly from Taiwan to the USA on July 4 via United Airlines.

I just discovered that my US passport expired on January 17 last year.

Due to the USA's One-China policy, there is no embassy or consulate in Taiwan for me to go to for emergency travel documents.

What are my options?

Answer: U.S. citizens may enter the United States with passports that expired after January 2020 until June 30, 2022. If you cannot change the date of your flight to the 30th, you need to go to mainland China to apply for a renewal.

My husband's passport expires on July 10
by: Anonymous

Question: My husband's passport expires on July 10. We are supposed to be in Portugal until July 21. Can he still come into the USA?

Answer: While your husband will not be expressly denied re-entry into the United States, he will face issues even boarding the flight home. A valid passport is required to get on an international flight. He may also face considerable delays at the airport when he arrives in the U.S. while officials verify his citizenship and identity.

Expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My U.S. passport expired in October 2021. Would I be able to cross the border from Canada by land using this passport?

Answer: You may re-enter the United States with your expired U.S. passport until June 30, 2022.

by: Anonymous

Question: My son's (12) passport expired in November last year. Can he come back to the States from Mexico with just her birth certificate?

Answer: Your son may re-enter the United States with his expired passport until June 30, 2022.

US passports
by: Anonymous

Question: Hey, I’m currently overseas and my passport is expired. I’m going back to the US on August, but my passport is expired and there are no appointments available in the US embassy until the end of September.

Can I enter the US with an extension or can I just walk in to renew my passport? Btw I’m in Amman, Jordan.

Answer: Citizens whose passports expired on or after January 1, 2020 while overseas are able to return to the United States with their expired passports until June 30, 2022.

Unless the Department of States extends this date again, you need to renew your passport at the closest U.S. Embassy or Consulate before you can return.

Thank you!

Travel on Nearly Expired Passport
by: Geoff

Question: We're looking at booking a flight entering and leaving the USA with 'nearly expired' passports (they'll expire a couple of weeks after the end of the trip).

I think this is legally OK but will airlines be OK with it or impose their own weird rules? Kid in question is a dual citizen so will be reentering Australia on another nearly expired passport. I would think being a citizen of both countries means this is OK but I'm worried the airlines will "improvise" a 6-month restriction.

Answer: Airlines reserve the right to impose their own travel requirements as they see fit.

Expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, my mom traveled to Mexico on May 4. We did not notice that her passport expired on May 11 and she traveled with my special needs sister. How can they return back to the US?

Answer: Your mother needs to contact the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City or any of the U.S. consulates located all over the country for assistance.

Expired passports
by: Anonymous

Question: I’m driving into Canada. My kids’ passports expired 4/26/22. I couldn’t make an appointment with the nearest state agency. My kids are 17 and 19. Would they be able to travel to and from with their birth certificate and state ID?

Answer: While you and your children will only need proof of citizenship and identity to enter Canada, re-entering the United States have different requirements.

At their age, your children will need a WHTI-compliant document to re-enter the United States by land. Any of the following will suffice:

-U.S. Passport Book or Card
-Trusted Traveler Program card (NEXUS, SENTRI or FAST)
-U.S. Military identification card when traveling on official orders
-U.S. Merchant Mariner document when traveling in conjunction with official maritime business.
-Form I-872 American Indian Card, or (when available) Enhanced Tribal Card

Traveling Jun 2 -16 but expires 9th
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi there, I'm traveling from June 2nd - 16th from U.S. to Costa Rica. But my passport expires on the 9th. I'm a U.S. citizen. Will I have issues flying or returning?

Answer: Yes. Since you are leaving the United States with the knowledge that your passport will expire while you are overseas, you will likely have trouble getting back in. Also, a valid passport is required to board a flight back to the United States.

Only those whose passports expired while overseas and cannot renew at an embassy are allowed to re-enter the United States with expired passports.

Passport expired in 2019
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I am a US citizen. I live in Mexico since before my passport expired, it expired on November 9, 2019. I´m trying to go back to the US in a week, will I be able to enter the country?

Answer: Only those whose passports expired after January 1, 2020 may re-enter the United States with expired passports. You need to renew your passport before traveling back to the United States.

Returning to U.S. Issue?
by: Anonymous

Question: I have dual citizenship (German and U.S.). I am traveling to Germany in 2 days and I won't have problems getting in due to my German passport, but my U.S. passport expired on 01.10.2021, will I be able to get back into the U.S. or will there be issues?

Answer: Yes, you will potentially have issues getting back into the United States. Only those who are already overseas and whose passports expired while there are eligible to re-enter the United States with expired passports.

You need to renew your U.S. passport before traveling outside of the United States. As a U.S. citizen, you are also bound by law to depart and re-enter the United States with your American passport.

Re-enter on expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My son is traveling back to the US in 4 days. His US passport expired on May 8, 2022. He is a dual citizen and flew out on his Finnish passport on May 16th. We tried to get an appointment for an expedited passport but failed before he left. Will he be allowed back into the US with the June 30th extension?

Answer: Yes, your child may re-enter the United States using his expired U.S. passport.

passport is expiring
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. I'm an Italian citizen and I'm going on vacation in Italy from July 14 to August 4. I have a green card and regular job here in the US. My passport is expiring on Sept 11. Am I able to reenter the US?

Answer: Yes, you should be able to return to the United States without issue. All you need are a valid passport/ID and green card.

Dual USA/UK children returning to USA
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. My children are dual citizens. We have been trying to get appt to renew in London for 2 over years. Can they return to the USA after June 30 (as school does not end here until the last week of July) using UK passport but bringing their USA expired passports as evidence (and renewing them in USA)? If not, is there another way to renew as so few appts are given at the London embassy?

Answer: As U.S. citizens, your children need to enter the United States using their U.S. passports. They may board the flight using their British passports.

As of this writing, the last day that U.S. citizens may return to the country with expired U.S. passports is June 30th. This may be extended as it has been in the past several months. I suggest that you keep trying to secure an appointment to get new passports for the children and hope that another extension will be announced soon.

Passport expired in 2013
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. I'm a US citizen and I haven't been to the United States in 11 years. My passport expired on 03 Jun 2013. I need to go back to US on July 15. Is it possible for me to get back? I have my birth certificate, my passport, and an ID from Mexico to confirm my identity. Today I'm 19 years old.

Answer: Only citizens whose passports expired after January 1, 2020 can get back to the United States with an expired passport. Since yours has expired long before the said date, you need to enter the country after you obtain a new passport.

Please contact the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City or any of the U.S. Consulates located all over Mexico for assistance with the application.

Foreign passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi.
My dad is in Lebanon and returning to the US the day his Lebanese passport expires. He has a green card and a passport expiring on the same day of his travel. Can he enter the US?

Answer: Yes, your father may re-enter the United States as long as his green card is valid. He may have to present another valid ID at the port of entry.

Dual Citizen - Travel from US with expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, my kid's passport has expired, but we need to travel within one week. Can we leave the U.S with another citizenship passport and renew the U.S passport outside the country before returning to the U.S?

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, you child is required to depart and re-enter the United States using a valid U.S. passport.

US Citizen, passport expiring 3 days from my return date.
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a US citizen, I will be returning to the US from the Dominican Republic on August 5th and my passport expires August 8th. Can I re-enter the country?

Answer: Yes. You should not have any issues re-entering the United States with your current passport. Have a safe trip home!

Can I return from Mexico with picture of expired Passport?
by: Anonymous

Question: Can I enter the US from Mexico while my expired passport is getting renewed? I have a picture of my expired passport but do not have the actual passport.

Answer: You cannot. You have to present the actual passport upon arrival.

Expired April 16 2022
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello!

I just realized my passport expired this past April. I have a trip planned outside the US returning on June 12. Can I re-enter with my very slightly expired passport or do I need to apply for a costly emergency renewal?

Thank you!

Answer: You cannot leave the United States with an expired passport. You also cannot re-enter the country easily with the said passport. You need to request an expedited renewal so you can go on your planned trip.

Please call 1-877-487-2778 to set an appointment at the closest available regional agency to get your passport renewed.

Entering on expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My passport is going to expire this month of May, the USA embassy says I can enter the USA on my expired passport up to June 30th.

Is this correct or do I need to apply for an emergency option to re-enter the states in the middle of next month. This is the soonest flight I can afford.

Answer: Yes, you may re-enter the United States using your expired passport up to June 30, 2022.

Re-enter US
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. I'm not a US citizen. I only have a green card. I will travel to Mexico on 5/16/2022. However, my passport from my origin country will expire on 07/25/2022. Can I reenter the USA?

Answer: You may re-enter the United States as long as you have a valid green card and passport/ID.

20 days to expire passport
by: Praveen

Question: Can I travel back from India to the US with 20 days remaining on my passport?

Answer: Hi, Praveen. You may enter the United States as long as your U.S. passport is valid.

Covid Vaccine for US Citizen
by: Anonymous

Question: Can a US citizen with a valid Canadian passport, enter US land border unvaccinated? The US passport is expired.

Answer: Please contact the CBP regarding vaccination requirements for entry.

Dual Citizen - Travel to/from US with expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. I am a dual US citizen (Saudi & USA passports). My US passport expired in September 2021. I read on the US Department of State's website that I can enter the US with my expired passport before June 2022.

I am staying in the US for a week only, so it seems I don't have time to renew my US passport. Can I leave the US for Saudi with my Saudi Passport knowing that there is no passport control in exiting the US?

Thank you.

Answer: You may enter the United States on your expired U.S. passport until June 30, 2022. However, as a U.S. citizen, you are bound by law to depart the country on a valid U.S. passport.

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Renewal of Expired passport before entering US
by: Anonymous

Question: My 14-year-old daughter has to renew her US passport but she was born abroad and we do not have an original birth certificate to identify the names of us (her parents) to renew it here in the US.

We need to go in person to her country of birth to get the certificate of birth to renew her US passport, but her US passport is expired. Can we leave the country with her expired US passport and renew it in her birth country? She has a valid European passport to exit the US. Is that possible?

Answer: As a general rule, U.S. citizens are required to depart and re-enter the United States on valid U.S. passports. We recommend that you contact the CBP about leaving the country on a foreign passport with the intention to obtain documents required for a new U.S. passport.

Expired over 15 yrs ago
by: Anonymous

Question: My mom wants to cross into the US from the Canadian border, but her US passport expired over 15 yrs ago. Can she still use it?

Answer: No, she cannot use an expired passport. She needs to renew it or use any other WHTI-compliant document to cross.

Expired US Passport to re-enter
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, my daughter is 15 years old and has 2 passports, a US one and an Italian one. her US passport expires in May, but I have purchased tickets to go to Italy in June and come back in August. I am afraid we will not be able to renew her US passport by June. Can she re-enter the US with her Italian passport and show her US expired passport?

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, your child is required to leave and re-enter the United States with a valid U.S. passport. If you apply for a new passport now and request expedited service, you should receive the new one in 5 to 7 weeks.

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Traveling back into US
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a 16-year-old and I will be traveling back to the U.S from the UK on May 14 (my passport expires on May 22). I am a legal resident with a valid visa. Will I be allowed back in?

Answer: Yes, you should be able to enter the United States.

Can I re-enter the US?
by: Anonymous

Question: I am 74 years old and traveled to Mexico, I did not realize my passport expired in Feb 2022. I plan to return to the US on May 1st can I re-enter? Or what do I need to do?

Answer: You may enter the United States with your current (expired) passport until June 30th. Please contact the closest U.S. Consulate or the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City for more information.

Dual Citizenship US and Colombia
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. My US passport expired on Mar 5th. I am traveling to Colombia for an urgent matter on April 27 and will return on the first of May. Can I travel like this? what are my options?

Answer: You cannot travel with an expired passport. You need to call the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 for an appointment to get a new passport issued ASAP.

Reenter USA
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. I am a US citizen. My US passport will expire on June 18 and I will return on June 18. I can re-enter the US on this day without any problem?

Answer: Yes, you may re-enter the United States with your passport and not have any issues.

Return to the US with a limited validity passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a US citizen and currently, I have a limited validity passport (I lost my previous one). I am traveling to Bangladesh after one week and will return to the US on August 17, 2022. Also, my limited validity passport is valid till March 9, 2023. Can I return back to the US with that limited validity passport?

Answer: Yes, you may return to the United States with a limited passport. However, we recommend that you contact the Bangladeshi Embassy or Consulate to check if they will allow entry when you present a passport with limited validity. Some countries do not even if your passport meets the requirement.

5 year old expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My 5-year-old son has an expired passport as of 10/30/2021. We are traveling back to the States from Mexico (where we are temp residents) on 04/13/2022.

We tried to get an appointment at the consulate in MX, but the local consulate closed with COVID, and the closest is 1000 miles away in TJ. We have been unable to travel to have this renewed due to health reasons.

We will have an appointment to have the passport renewed while we are in the states if we are allowed in. With a birth certificate and multiple other forms of identification, will they not allow him in the US as a Citizen? We do not have any other options to get his passport renewed before we leave in Tijuana, and we are only 13 days past the March 31st end date. Any help is great! Thank you!

Answer: The date has been extended to June 30th so your son may enter the United States with his expired U.S. passport. Please make sure to obtain a new passport for him as soon as you arrive because he will need it to exit the country. Have a safe trip home!

Travel with out of date passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter is 18 and has dual US and UK citizenship. She would like to visit family in the US but due to her age, my wife and I have to accompany her to the US embassy in London to get her a 10-year passport.

The problem is, there are no appointments available. What can she do? Can she travel on her UK passport and bring her expired US passport with her? She would like to stay in the US for 10 days. Can she renew her US passport while there and have it sent to her in the UK? Thank you.

Answer: If her passport expired after January 2020, she may enter the United States with her expired passport until March 31st. If it expired before January 2020, she needs to obtain a new U.S. passport before she can travel. As a U.S. citizen, she is required to enter and depart the United States with a valid U.S. passport.

If she is able to enter the United States on her expired passport, she will still need to apply for a new one fast so she can exit with it. She cannot apply and have the passport mailed overseas. At this time, only regional passport agencies can issue passports in the timeline you provided (10 days). She needs to secure an appointment and this can be tricky because she needs to do it over the phone and appointments are extremely limited.

Passport expired
by: Anonymous

Question: I am now 16 years old. My passport expired in 2021 and I am not able to get an appointment at any post office. I am in the islands with a scheduled summer trip in July hoping by then I can get an appointment. Will I be allowed in with proof of appointment after March 31st deadline? Will there be any consideration to extending past March 2022?

Answer: So far, there has not been any update on the last day U.S. citizens can re-enter the United States from overseas with an expired passport. Please contact the closest U.S. Embassy or Consulate to find out if there are any considerations and for more information.

Cannot get a date at post office for passport renewal
by: Anonymous

Question: My passport expired on the 24th of March 2021. I have seen the extension for US citizens trying to enter the US with an expired passport extended until March 31st.

There is still a backlog to get an appointment at post offices in the US, I have tried numerous times to get an appointment. We are in March and April is already booked solid. Will there be any considerations after the date taking the backlog into consideration? I do think the extension should be until December 31st.

Answer: If your passport was issued with full 10 years validity, there is no need to set an appointment. You may apply for a renewal by mail.

Renew your Passport
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Trying to reenter the U.S. from Switzerland
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a friend from Switzerland whose passport and visa had expired. How long does it take to get them renewed? She has been in New York customs for 5 days now trying to get into the U.S.

Answer: Please contact the USCIS or the National Visa Center for information regarding U.S. visas. As for her expired passport, she needs to contact her country's embassy. If she is a citizen of Switzerland, she needs to contact the Swiss Embassy for assistance.

Greencard holder but passport will expire in less than 6 mos
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. I'm a legal resident. My non-US passport will expire in September which is less than 6 months from now. I'll be traveling to the Philippines on March 17 and will be back here in the US in May. Will I still be able to re-enter the US even if my passport will expire in less than 4 mos upon arrival here in the US?

Thank you!

Answer: Yes, you may re-enter the United States as long as your passport and green card are valid.

Can I return back to the US?
by: Seattlegirl

Question: I'm a US citizen and I have a trip to Thailand from April 4 till April 10. I did not intend to travel internationally this year, and my passport expires on Apr 22. Am I eligible to re-enter the US on an almost expired passport? I see that Thailand does not require the 6-month validity rule, I am worried that I won't be able to re-enter back into the US.

Answer: While not strictly required, the Department of State strongly recommends that your passport be valid for at least six months beyond the date of your arrival in Thailand to avoid possible denied entry. As for re-entry to the United States, you should be okay as long as you arrive with a valid passport.

Expired passport, travel to US
by: Anonymous

Question: Can I travel back to the U.S. with an expired passport since march 28th 2020. I want to travel back on June 30th.

Answer: As of the last update, U.S. citizens whose passports expired after January 2020 may return to the United States until March 31st of this year. This period may be extended but there are no guarantees. You may want to reschedule your trip back to the U.S. or renew your passport to make sure you can return without issue in June.

Expired Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My passport expired in May last year and I'm going in a urgent manner and coming back in a few weeks. I have My State ID, SSN and Expired passport and Card.

Answer: If you are traveling out of the country, you need a valid passport.

Schedule an appointment at the closest regional passport agency by calling 1-877-487-2778. Alternatively, you may employ the services of a private courier.

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Dual citizenship and expired US passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My family and I are living in the middle east, and we are residents of Kuwait using our Colombian Passports. We just traveled to the US and did not notice that our daughter's US passport (she has dual citizenship) expired on Feb 05.

The flight tickets were bought (round trip) using our Colombian passports because of our residence in Kuwait.

Could my daughter leave the US with her Colombian passport and apply for the US passport renewal back in Kuwait?

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, your daughter will need to depart the United States on a valid U.S. passport. You need to apply for the child's new U.S. passport before leaving the country.

Renew Passport, Absent parent
by: Anonymus

Question: I am Ecuadorian and I live in Ecuador. We have to renew my daughter's passport (she's American) but her dad lives in the USA. Is Form DS-3053 "Statement of Consent." and the notarized copy of his ID enough? Or does he have to notarize the form in an Embassy or Consulate office in the USA?

Answer: A notarized DS-3053 and a copy of the father's ID should suffice. It does not have to be notarized at an embassy or consular office. You may contact the U.S. Embassy in Quito for further assistance on the process.

My passport expired in may 2021
by: LorenzaAnonymous

Question: My passport is expired would like to go see my aunt in Mexicali who is very ill and come right back. Can I re-enter with my expired passport my driver's license and my birth certificate?

Answer: No, you cannot. In order to re-enter the United States by air, you need a valid U.S. passport. If traveling by land or sea, you need a valid passport book/passport card or any other WHTI-compliant document.

My Passport Expires on March 15
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. I want to travel back to the U.S. from Spain with my American passport. But it will expire on March 16.

Can I travel at the end of February or do I need to renew this passport? Thank you!

Answer: You may travel to the United States with your current passport. You may apply for renewal while you are in the country. Have a safe trip!

Dual citizen with connection flights through US, US passport is expired
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. My son is a dual citizen (Canada, U.S.) living in Canada. We are traveling to the Caribbean and our connecting flights are through the U.S. His U.S. passport expired in April of 2020, it was issued to him in 2015 when he was 12 years of age. Will we have trouble connecting through the U.S. because his U.S. passport is expired? His Canadian passport is valid.

Answer: Please contact the CBP regarding your concern.

US minor travel with expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My niece, who is 13 years old, needs to travel back to the US from Mexico. Her passport is expired and she is unable to get to an embassy to renew it. She is a US citizen. Can she travel home with her expired passport?

Answer: Your niece may return to the United States with her expired passport if her passport

1. expired after January 1, 202'
2. was valid for 5 years
3. is undamaged
4. and is in her possession.

She has to travel before March 31, 2022.

by: Anonymous

Question: I am planning a trip in May, and my US passport expires six weeks after I intend to return to the United States. Would this be acceptable for re-entry?

Answer: Re-entry to the United States should not be an issue as long as you arrive with a valid U.S. passport.

Please check the entry requirements of your destination country to make sure your passport meets them all.

Re-enter with expired passport because of positive Covid test
by: Anonymous

Question: I fly to Costa Rica on January 5 and return on January 12. My passport expires on January 17. If I get a positive Covid test and get stuck there for 10 more days, my passport would expire. What would I do then?

Answer: You cannot board a flight to the United States with an expired passport. Seeing that it is possible that you may get stuck in a foreign country if you contract COVID, your best course of action is to renew your passport before your trip.

Only a regional agency can process your application in time for January 5. Please call 1-877-487-2778 for an appointment.

Your other option is to travel with your current passport and practice health protocols to avoid infection. Have a safe trip!

Do I need to renew my passport?
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm a US citizen living in Norway. I'm traveling to the US on Feb 7 and will travel back to Norway on March 10. My passport expires on June 19. Do I need to renew it before traveling?

Answer: You may enter the United States without issue as long as you arrive with a valid U.S. passport. As for returning to Norway, there should also be no problems as long as you have the necessary immigration/residency documents.

Can my child travel with expired passport and renew in a different country?
by: Wesli

Question: Can my child travel with an expired passport and renew in a different country? We are not able to get her mom's notary because there are no appointments at the embassy and so we have to travel to where she is using that country's passport. To return, can we renew the expired American passport over there?

Answer: As I understand it, your child has two passports and you are traveling to the country that issued the other passport. If this is the case then yes, your child may travel with her other valid passport and obtain a new U.S. passport in the next country.

Minor Expired passport
by: Ana

Question: Two of my children have their passports expired. I did not notice it until the day before. They are US citizens. Can they return to the US with no problem?

Answer: If their passports expired on or after January 1, 2020, and if their passports were issued with full 5 years validity and are in good condition, they may return to the United States with said expired passports until December 31st.

Green card holder with passport about to expire
by: Anonymous

Question: Can I re-enter the US as a legal resident with a foreign passport about to expire?

Answer: Yes, you can enter the United States as long as you have a valid passport and green card.

Border Traveling
by: Chris

Question: I'm a US citizen and my passport expired 6/16. I wanted to accompany my wife on her weekend to Mexico (crossing by land). Can I cross back to the US on my expired passport?

Answer: No, you cannot. You need to have a valid passport book, passport card or any other WHTI-compliant document to travel to Mexico by land or sea.

Minor Traveling to USA on an expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, my daughter is a minor and is a US Citizen. We live outside the USA. Because she is a minor I cannot mail in for her passport renewal. Can she travel to the USA on her expired passport without issue? While there we will seek to renew it.

Answer: If the child's passport expired after January 1, 2020, she may be able to return to the United States with her expired passport until December 31st. Some other conditions must be met which are outline in the Department of State's website.

Travel back to US in January 22
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello, my passport expires on Dec 22. I’m currently in Croatia. With the contagious omicron variant, I prefer to wait until after the holidays to fly home. Will flying on my expired passport be an issue?

Answer: Currently, the U.S. Department of State allows citizens to return to the United States with expired passports until December 31st. This might be extended but there are no updates so far. So at this point, you need to arrange travel before the New Year if you're traveling on an expired passport.

You can find more information of the Department of State's website.

Renewing passport in Canada as a college student
by: tim

Question: Our son is an 18-year-old college student in Toronto. His passport expires in April 2022 and was originally issued when he was only 13. He will come home for ten days at Christmas and return to school on Jan 4 for the spring semester, but then he's not scheduled to be home again until May when the passport is expired.

We can't do a mail-in renewal because he needs the passport to get back to the U.S. next month, to get back to Canada on Jan 4 and I assume he should always have it while living in Canada as a student.

The Consulate General in Toronto does not have any appointments available in January and February, and I assume doing it there would mean he would be without his current passport while it was being processed. What are our options? Thank you.

Answer: Passports issued when one was a minor cannot be renewed so mail-in applications is not an option for your son at all.

Since he needs the passport to travel over the holidays, he can apply for his first adult passport in person at the Consulate General in Toronto when an appointment is available. He does not have to submit his current passport for this. He needs to submit the following instead:

1. Form DS-11
2. Original or certified copy of U.S. birth certificate or other citizenship evidence
3. Government-issued ID plus a photocopy
4. One new passport photo
5. Payment for fees

Please have him contact the U.S. Consulate General in Toronto for assistance.

UK/US dual citizen
by: Anonymous

Question: Our daughter is a minor and a dual citizen - UK and US. Her US passport expired recently and we are planning to travel to the UK and wanted to see if we can return to the US on her UK passport and expired US passport? Thanks.

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, your child is required to depart and re-enter the United States using a valid U.S. passport.

by: Anonymous

Question: My husband is from another country but he came to the US. After him being here for a while we got together and decided to get married. While waiting on approval, he had to travel back home because of an emergency but wasn't able to file travel documents and I'm disabled. How can he return to the US?

Answer: Please contact the USCIS regarding immigration issues.

Dual citizenship
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter's US passport expired on January 26 2020 and we forgot to get a new one. We're now flying to Germany. We can use her German passport to get into Germany but the question is on the way back, will we be able to get back into the country?

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, your child is required to depart and re-enter the United States using a valid U.S. passport. The problem will not just be with re-entry, you will likely have issues leaving the country.

US passport expired
by: Erika A.

Question: Hello, my brother is a US citizen and he wants to come back to the USA in December from Honduras. I think it is fine with an expired passport due to covid, but would he be able to return to Honduras with the expired passport?

Answer: He may travel to the United States with his passport if it expired after January 2020 and he cannot renew it overseas due to the pandemic. If it expired before January 2020, he cannot travel to the United States without renewing beforehand.

He will also be unable to travel back to Honduras with an expired passport.

Expired passport by one day
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. I am a US citizen and I plan to travel internationally on December 26 and fly back to the USA on January 10th. My passport expires on January 9th and it is a 5-year passport. My plane officially lands on the 11th in the US. Will I be denied entry?

Answer: While you will not be expressly denied re-entry, you will face considerable delays at the airport. It is best that you renew your passport before you travel.

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Dual citizenship
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. I have dual citizenship (French and US). My US passport is expired, and I am traveling to NY for a business trip. Will I be able to obtain an ESTA and travel with my French passport?

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, you need to enter the United States with a U.S. passport. The good news is that U.S. citizens whose passports expired after January 2020 and cannot renew due to the pandemic can re-enter the country with expired passports until December 31st of this year. Please contact the closest U.S. Embassy or Consulate to find out if you are eligible.

Returning to us on expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Can I enter the U.S. on a passport that has been expired for twenty-five days?

Answer: As a general rule, U.S. citizens may re-enter the United States with expired passports up to December 31st. However, this is subject to criteria and approval. You need to contact the U.S. Embassy or Consulate in the country you are currently in to discuss your eligibility.

Expired Mexican Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I flew to Mexico due to a family emergency but did not realize my Mexican Passport was expired since February. I still have my green card and driver's license valid. Will I be denied my entrance back into the United States if I try to fly back?

Answer: The issue may not be with re-entering the United States. You should be able to as long as you can present valid identification with your green card. The issue may be with boarding a flight back to the United States with an expired passport. You need to contact the airline you are flying with to find out if you can fly back without a valid passport book.

Green card holder traveling to USA
by: Anonymous

Question: My mother (green card holder) will be travelling to Bangladesh and returning 1 month before her passport expires. Will she have any trouble returning to the United States?

Answer: She should not have issues getting back into the United States as long as she arrives with a valid passport and green card.

Traveling to Canada on a shortly expiring passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a US citizen traveling to Canada on October 9 and returning on October 10. My passport expires on October 11. Any concerns as long as I return on the planned October 10 date?

Answer: There should not be an issue as long as your passport is valid when you re-enter the United States.

Wife and son traveling to Mexico for a few days
by: Antonio

Question: My 8-year-old will be traveling to Mexico with my wife for a 4-day vacation. We live in the US and we are green card holders.

My son has Mexican nationality. His Mexican passport will expire in December and his trip will be during in October. Is there a validity period requirement for his reentry into the US or does his passport just need to be valid at the time of reentry?

Answer: Your son's passport may re-enter the United States without issue as long as he arrives with a valid passport and green card.

Since the child is a Mexican citizen, please provide a notarized consent to travel so that can enter and exit Mexico without issues.

St.Lucia Passport Expire
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. I am trying to travel back home (to Saint Lucia) to renew my passport which expired in July. I want to know if it is possible. I am a permanent resident in the U.S. but no citizenship.

Answer: A valid passport is required to board an international flight. Please contact the Embassy of St. Lucia about renewing your passport or securing a travel document so you can go home.

Dual Citizen with US Passport Expiring February
by: Anonymous

Question: My son is a dual citizen (US and Philippines). His US passport is expiring on Feb 6. We plan on traveling to the Philippines this December 11 and returning on January 10 to the US. He doesn’t have a Philippine passport yet but has documents for dual citizenship. Can he still travel there during that period?

Also, with the current range of US passport renewal time of 12 weeks, expedited, should we process to renew now or after the trip?

Answer: Your child may travel to the Philippines with his U.S. passport. It only needs to be valid for the duration of your stay in the Philippines and upon return to the United States.

You may apply for your child's new passport when you return from your trip. Safe travels!

Expired US passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Can a Dual Citizen of the US and Canada return to the US from Canada by land with an expired US passport which expired 10 years ago. What documents are needed to cross a land border for this US dual Citizen?

Answer: U.S. citizens may re-enter the United States from Canada using a valid passport book, passport card or any other WHTI-compliant like an enhanced driver's license or a NEXUS, SENTRI, or FAST card.

Passport close to expiration date
by: Alvin

Question: I am a US citizen. I am planning to travel to Mexico on 11/22 and return to the USA on 12/1. My US passport expires a few days after my planned return, on 12/6. Is this OK or should I renew the passport, and risk not getting it back in time to travel?

Answer: Hello, Alvin. Your passport only needs to be valid for the duration of your stay in Mexico. You may travel with your current passport and renew when you get back.

Have a safe trip!

Re-entering the US with a valid Green card but due to expire foreign passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Can I re-enter the US with a foreign passport due to expire in 2 months but I have a valid US green card?

Answer: Yes, you may.

Passport expires in April next year
by: Kevin

Question: Hi, I'm a dual citizen with both my U.S and Philippine passport. I currently live in the Philippines, studied nursing here. All my paperwork is done and I already scheduled my NCLEX this December in New York. I checked my U.S passport and it says it will expire in April next year. My two questions are:

1) Can I return home to the U.S with an expiring (Not expired passport) despite being September 2021 as I'm writing this right now?
2) Should I renew my passport just for safe measures by renewing my U.S passport at the nearest embassy?

Thank you.

Answer: Hi, Kevin. There is no need to renew your passport before traveling back to the United States. You may return to the country without issue as long as you arrive with a valid U.S. passport. Have a safe trip home and best of luck with your exams.

One year Limited validity passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My son was issued a one-year validity passport while inside the US expiring in two months. He is planning to re-enter the USA.
Can he return to the USA with a passport expiring in less than 2 months?

Answer: Yes, your son may re-enter the United States without issue as long as his passport is valid when he arrives.

In Mexico with expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My mother is a US citizen living in Mexico, her passport expired in 2020 she was unable to renew it due to COVID. She is seriously ill and needs to return to the US. Can she use her expired passport? If not, how can she get it renewed in Mexico?

Answer: U.S. citizens whose passports expired after January 2020 and cannot renew due to the pandemic may use their expired passports to return to the United States until December 31st. Please contact the closest consulate or the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City to verify your mother's eligibility.

Coming back one day before passport expires
by: Anonymous

Question: Good afternoon. I need some answers. I’m traveling from Miami to the Dominican Republic and I’m coming back to Miami on October 15 and my passport expires the next day, October 16th.

Will I be able to do my trip with no issues? I’m asking because I have been seeing everywhere that now we have to have 3 to 5 months of validity or before it gets expired, to be able to travel with no issues, but I’m going for a family reunion and I just noticed how close to being expired my passport is. If I send it now for renewal it won't be back on time for me to go on my trip. Please help, I need your guidance to be able to go on my trip.

Answer: Based on the information currently posted on the Department of State's travel page on the Dominican Republic, your passport only needs to be valid for the duration of your stay in the country. Your passport still meets this requirement.

You should also not have issues getting back in the United States as long as you arrive with a valid passport. Have a safe reunion with your family!

Expired passport
by: Joanna

Question: I just purchased a ticket to Poland that leaves on Oct 14th and noticed today that my passport expired in March 2021. I am a dual citizen and my other passport is valid. Could I get back to the country on an expired passport since it takes up to 12 weeks to expedite during Covid? Where can I find out if I would be one that can?

Answer: You cannot leave the United States with an expired passport. You need to renew your passport to travel.

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Dual citizenship
by: AnonymousAnonymous

Question: My daughter is 16, American born and also Belgium citizen. She lives abroad and needs to enter the US.

Her US passport is expired and the appointment in the local embassy is after her scheduled date of travel.

i) Can she enter the US with her expired passport?
ii) Can she enter the US with her European passport and ESTA visa approval
iii) Is there any problem applying for the ESTA visa approval being a US citizen with an expired passport?


Answer: 1. If her passport expired after January 1, 2020, she may enter the United States with her expired passport. Conditions apply, you need to contact the embassy about eligibility.

2. As a U.S. citizen, she needs to enter the United States with a valid U.S. passport.

3. Yes, there may be an issue.

Passport about to expire
by: Anonymous GG

Question: My passport is about to expire on 08/30.

I am leaving the country on 08/23 for emergency personal reasons. I might need to stay overseas after my US passport expires. I tried to contact the embassy and they say I could potentially return to the US with an expired passport. Will the covid expired passport rules apply to me? would I be able to return? Thank you.

Answer: The provision to return to the United States on an expired passport is applicable to those who cannot travel back home because their passports expired while overseas and cannot renew them due to the pandemic. Return under this condition is subject to qualifying criteria. It might not apply to you. Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

Expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My sister was born in the US but had to leave for Mexico at the age of 7 and now she is 18 with an expired passport. Her passport expired in 2014. She still has her passport, can she return to the US with her expired passport?

Answer: No, she cannot. She needs to apply for her adult U.S. passport at the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City or at any of the U.S. Consulates located all over Mexico. Once she is issued a passport, she can travel to the United States as an American citizen.

Re-enter US with 3 months validity left
by: travlr

Question: I have a flight to Mexico on October 15th returning on October 17th. My passport expires on January 22nd (originally issued January 23rd, 2012). Can I re-enter the US with this current passport or do I need to try for an expedited renewal now and risk not getting it in time? Thank you.

Answer: Your U.S. passport only needs to be valid upon entry into Mexico and re-entry into the United States. You should be able to travel with your current passport without issues. Have a safe trip!

Travel for US Resident to and from Mexico
by: M. Martinez

Question: My passport shows the date of expiration to be 11/07. Today's date is 8/8/2021. Did my passport expire? Can travel to Mexico, get an emergency passport in Mexico, and travel back by land?

Answer: We cannot tell you whether or not your passport is expired. It depends on the date format the issuing country is using. You can check other dates on your passport like your birth date and issue date and you can tell from there whether your passport expired in July or will expire in November.

If your passport has not expired, you may travel. If it has, you need to renew your passport while in the United States and travel once you receive your new passport.

Daughter passport expires whilst overseas
by: Carolina

Question: Hello.

My daughter has dual citizenship (UK and US). We are visiting the US and traveling from the UK from 9 August to 31 August and entering with a U.S. passport.

The only issue is her US passport expires on the 22nd of August whilst we are in America. Will this cause issues getting into the US? Can we enter using the US passport and depart using the UK passport (which is valid until 2025)? Shall I apply for an ESTA?

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, your child is required by law to enter and depart the United States using a valid U.S. passport.

by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I was wondering if my daughter could enter Mexico with her Mexican birth certificate? She is American and Mexican. She is 17 and she wants to enter by land in san Ysidro port of entry.

Answer: As a 17-year-old U.S. citizen, your daughter needs to leave the United States and enter Mexico by land with a valid U.S. passport book, passport card or any other WHTI-compliant document.

I wanna go home
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a Jamaican citizen and I live in Jamaica. I visited the US but my passport has expired but my U.S. visa is not expired. Can I travel home on my expired passport then get it renewed?

Answer: As a general rule, a valid passport is required to board an international flight. You need to contact your country's embassy to find out if they can issue a temporary travel document so you can go home.

Expired passaport
by: Anonymous

Question: If I travel on October 03 and come back October 17 but my US passport expires in November, will I be able to re-enter the US?

Answer: Yes, you will be able to re-enter the United States without issue as long as you arrive with a valid passport.

Passport Services
by: Anonymous

Question: I’m a U.S. citizen living outside the US and my passport expired in 2019. I need to get back to the US as soon as possible to attend school. Will that be a valid reason for an emergency passport? Are there Expedited services for the US embassy in Barbados?

Answer: The U.S. Embassy may be able to issue a limited-validity passport for you to travel back to the United States. Expedited service is not available overseas but embassies/consulates generally have shorter turnaround times than in the United States.

My passport expires 2 days before I return to the United States
by: Anonymous

Question: I booked a trip to the island of Dominica but my passport expires 2 days before I leave the country. I will only be gone for 12 days what should I do.

Answer: You will likely encounter issues boarding a flight back to the United States with an expired passport. And even if you get on a flight, you will face difficulties re-entering the country.

If you cannot renew your passport before your trip, you will need to cut your trip short by 2 days.

Dual citizen minor expired US passport/ valid German passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My 6-year-old child’s US passport expired 05/21 and his German passport is still valid. Can we travel by land with a US birth certificate to Canada and fly from Toronto to Frankfurt and return the same way? I’m a green card holder German national, both documents are valid.

Answer: Yes, you may enter Canada by land using your child's U.S. birth certificate and travel overseas from there using his German passport. You may also return the same way.

Have a safe trip!

Expired Minor passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My son is a minor but has dual citizenship (UK and US). We are due to fly to the UK on Aug 1 (12 days away) but his US passport has expired. I was planning on flying to the UK with his UK passport and hoping to get an appointment at the US embassy in London while we are there to get him an Emergency passport - is that possible?

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, your son needs to depart the United States with a valid U.S. passport. You need to apply for your child's new passport before you can travel out of the country.

Minor Passport expires on day of return of travel
by: Anonymous

Question: Will I have any issues with my 12-year-old son traveling to Dom. Rep. on 8/5 and on the same day we return 8/15 his passport expires? I have attempted to renew his passport after noticing the date of expiration and return travel are the same and there are no available appointments for in-person renewals. Will his passport be considered expired after 8/15 or on 8/15? We are returning on a 6:00 am flight to the US.

Answer: U.S. citizens may re-enter the United States until 11:59PM of their passport's expiration date. Your son should be able to return home without issue.

Emergency passport expired
by: Anonymous

Question: I am an American citizen with dual nationality. I am currently in Mexico City and my US emergency passport expired in August. I have tried to go to the embassy but was denied entry and there are no slots available for appointments. Can I go back to the US with an emergency passport that expired? Please help.

Answer: Some U.S. citizens whose passports expired after January 2020 are allowed to return to the United States with expired passports. Please contact the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City or any of the consulates to check if you are eligible to return to the country with your expired passport.

Passport is expired
by: Anonymous

Question: My girlfriend (soon-to-be wife) was born in the U.S. and is in Mexico because her parents got deported. They had to go back when she was 15. She is now 18 and trying to come back to the U.S. but her passport is expired. What can she do?

Answer: If her passport expired after January 2020, she may be able to return to the country using her expired passport. She needs to check her eligibility with the U.S. Embassy or Consulate close to her or with the CBP.

If her passport expired before January 2020, she needs to obtain a new passport at the U.S. Embassy or Consulate.

Dual citizenship, passport expired few days ago
by: AnonymousaAnna

Question: Hi, my daughter has a Polish and US passport. Her American passport expired a few days ago, can we still go to Poland using her polish passport, and come back with an expired one?

Answer: No, you cannot. As required by law, your daughter needs to leave the United States with a valid U.S. passport.

Dual US and UK citizen
by: Anonymous

Question: We live in the UK and my son is a UK and US dual citizen. His US passport has just expired so he is allowed to fly to the US according to the new rules.

My question is: will he be able to fly back from the US to the UK using his British passport - we would then plan to renew his US passport from the US Embassy before our next trip back to the States. Would this create any issues assuming we renewed his passport before our next trip to the US?

Answer: Yes, it is a potential problem. As a U.S. citizen, your child is required to leave the United States with a valid U.S. passport. While he may re-enter with the expired American passport, you need to apply for your child's new passport before you travel back to the UK.

expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My passport expires in October. Can I return to the US with my expired passport before December 31?

Answer: Returning to the U.S. on an expired passport is subject to eligibility screening. Please contact the U.S. Embassy or Consulate closest to you to find out if you qualify.

Expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My passport expired in April last year. I’ve already sent it in for renewal but taking longer than expected. Can I re-enter the US with my old passport or do I have to wait until I receive the new one?

Answer: If you already sent the passport for a renewal, you will not have an expired passport to enter the United States with. It is best that you wait for your new passport before traveling to avoid issues.

8 year old - expired passport - coming from UK
by: Anonymous

Question: My son has a US passport. He is 8 years old and his passport expired in Aug last year. The US Embassy in London says he can travel with an expired passport. Will there be any issues in JFK when we get there in few weeks? Thanks.

Answer: The U.S. Department of State has announced that they will temporarily allow U.S. citizens currently abroad whose passports expired after January 2020 to re-enter the United States with expires U.S. passports. If the embassy has examined the passport and ascertained its bearer's eligibility for re-entry, you should not have issues in JFK when you arrive.

Re entering with an expired US passport in 2022
by: Anonymous

Question: My US passport expires 2 months before my flight back to the US is scheduled. Will I be able to reenter in 2/2022 with my expired US passport (expires 1/2022) that meets the certain eligibility restrictions outlined by the state department? I know it's possible until 12/31/2021. Thank you.

Answer: If the Department of State extends the period wherein U.S. citizens can re-enter with an expired U.S. passport and your passport meets every eligibility requirement, you may be able to get back in.

If they don't extend the period beyond December 31st of this year, you will have to renew your passport before you can travel back to the country.

Minor with expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Two of my kids’ passports expired three years ago. If they’re the only passports they have, can I still bring them back to the US from Canada?

Answer: Minors age 15 and below may enter the United States from Canada by land or sea with just proof of citizenship. This can be their original U.S. birth certificate, naturalization certificate, or citizenship certificate, whichever is applicable.

Leave USA with an expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I have to travel to Argentina on 7/20 and my passport expires on 7/15. Can I leave the US with an expired passport? I also have Argentine citizenship so entering there would not be a problem. Unfortunately, there are no appointments available to renew it.

Answer: As an American citizen, you are required by law to leave and return to the United States with a valid U.S. passport. You cannot travel with an expired one.

Expired Jamaican passport minor
by: Anonymous

Question: My 11-year-old daughter who has a green card has been out of the country for a few months because of Covid. I recently booked her a flight only to realize two days before that her Jamaican passport expired on March 20. Will she be able to re-enter the United States with just her green card, she is being accompanied by my mother who is a citizen of the United States.

Answer: A valid passport is required to board a flight to the United States. Please contact the CBP for more information.

Need advice
by: Gus

Question: I have dual citizenship, American and Spanish. I need a flight in 5 weeks to another country and my American passport is expired. Can I use my Spanish passport? Is an emergency.

Answer: As an American citizen, you need to exit the country and come back using a valid U.S. passport. You are free to use your Spanish passport when you're overseas. You can renew your passport through a private passport courier and get it in 4.5 weeks.

Get Passport Fast

Dual citizen with expired passport
by: Pedro

Question: My 15-year-old daughter has Swiss and US citizenship. I understand that minors can enter the US with a birth certificate as long as entering by land.

Can she enter the US by air with a US passport that expired several years ago? She does have a valid Swiss passport to board the plane.

Answer: No, she cannot. All U.S. citizens, regardless of age, are required to re-enter the country with a valid U.S. passport. While she will not be expressly turned away, she may face considerable issues and delays at the airport.

Reentry from Iceland
by: Anonymous

Question: I am traveling to Iceland from Aug 4 to August 9. My passport expires on Feb 5 next year. Will I be able to travel with no difficulty? We are only 3 weeks away from this trip and I don't want to risk sending my passport in for renewal as there might not be enough time.

Answer: Your passport meets Iceland's three-month post-exit validity requirement. It also only needs to be valid for re-entry to the United States. You should be able to travel without issues.

Have a safe trip!

Expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, my passport expired last June but I have plans to travel to Cabo San Lucas in August. Can I still go and come back with my recently expired passport?

Answer: You need a valid passport to enter Mexico and get back in the United States. You need to renew your passport before your trip.

A private passport courier like Rush My Passport can get your passport renewed in about 4.5 weeks. If you apply soon, you will get your passport in time for your August trip.

Get Passport Fast

US passport expired 11/20
by: Anonymous

Question: I’m traveling to Mexico on 7/19. Just realized not too long ago that my passport expired on 11/20. Tried but unable to renew my passport before travel because the passport office is backlogged. Will I be able to travel to Mexico and back to the USA with my expired USA passport?

Answer: No, you cannot travel. You need a valid passport to enter Mexico and re-enter the United States.

Expired US Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a US citizen traveling to Ensenada, Mexico by car. Can I enter the US with a passport that expired in July of 2020?

Answer: In order to re-enter the United States from Mexico by land or sea, you need to present a passport book, passport card, or any WHTI-compliant document. If you do not have any of these documents or attempt to re-enter the country on an expired passport, you will likely face difficulties at the border.

Only U.S. citizens whose passports expired after January 2020 while they are overseas may re-enter the country with their expired passports. This type of entry is subject to eligibility. Since you are knowingly leaving the country without a valid passport, you do not qualify.

Minor with expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I recently booked a flight for my husband and daughter, however my daughter's passport is 2 weeks expired. Will she be able to fly there and back without issues?

Answer: A valid passport book is required to board an international flight. Your daughter will not be able to travel with an expired passport.

If you are traveling domestically, it would not be a problem.

June 2021 expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My 20-year-old son has dual nationality, Mexican and US. He needs to travel to Mexico within the next few days and come back to the US in a couple of weeks. His US Passport expired on June 6. Will he be able to enter the US where we live? We already called the airline and they say he will be able to get on board his flight back.

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, he is required by law to depart and re-enter the United States with a valid U.S. passport. He may be able to board a flight back with his Mexican passport but since he knowingly left the United States with an expired passport, he will likely face difficulties when he tries to get back in with one.

by: Anonymous

Question: I am traveling to Jamaica on 8/21 and returning 8/26. My passport expires on Nov 21. Can I travel and return to the US with out any problems?

Answer: Your passport just needs to be valid upon entry to and exit from Jamaica. You should not have any issues.

Expiring Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I have an upcoming trip to Mexico on August 18-21 but my passport will expire on August 26. I’m a little hesitant to renew my passport seven weeks prior to my trip because it may not arrive on time. They also require me to send my old passport if I’m renewing. Will I have problems at the airport if I go back to the US and my passport expires five days?

Answer: You may travel to Mexico and get back into the United States without issue as long as your passport is valid. There is no minimum validity requirement.

My US passport expired January 2019
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm a US citizen living in Peru and my US passport expired in 2019. I couldn’t renew it back then and then the pandemic happened and I can't get an appointment at the embassy in Peru. Can I still try to come back to the US with the expired passport? Or come back by land with my birth certificate?

Answer: Since your passport expired before January 1, 2020, you are not eligible to return to the United States with an expired passport. You will need to have your passport renewed in Peru before you can return to the U.S.

You may read the Department of State's announcement on returning with expired passports here.

Will I be able to travel?
by: Anonymous

Question: My passport expires on Dec. 6th. I will be traveling back to the US soon and will have one connecting flight in the EU not direct. Will I be able to travel?

Answer: You should be able to travel and get back in the United States without issue. Most EU countries require at least 3 months of validity remaining counted from your date of exit from their country. If you are just transiting through and will not leave the airport, there should not be an issue.

If you plan to leave the airport during your layover, make sure that your passport meets that country's validity requirement.

Expired passport enter USA with non US family members
by: Mona

Question: Hello, I am a dual citizen and I am planning to travel to the US a month from now. I have bought tickets for me and my non-US citizen family members.

Unfortunately, I noticed that my US passport has expired, June 2020. Will I still be able to enter the US together with my kids and husband that are not citizens?



Answer: Hi, Mona. You will be able to return to the United States with an expired U.S. passport as long as you meet the eligibility requirements. Your husband and children may also enter the country without issues as long as their documentation are complete.

Renewal passport in process, have dual nationality
by: Dena

Question: Good morning. I'm renewing my USA passport and I applied expedited. I don't know If I will receive it on time, I have my valid Spain passport and my kids have both. Can I use my Spain passport to leave and come back to the USA with documentation proving I'm a USA citizen?

Answer: No, you cannot. As a U.S. citizen, you are bound by law to leave and re-enter the United States using a U.S. passport. You are free to use your Spanish passport to enter Spain and any other country you wish to travel to.

Leaving the US with an expired passport - no appointments available to renew before leaving
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter is a dual citizen (US and Israel) who wants to travel to the US and then return to Israel at the beginning of August.

Her 5-year passport has expired. I understand that she can enter the US on her expired passport, but how does she leave the US to come back to her home in Israel?

There are no appointments in Israel to renew her passport before she leaves.

Answer: U.S. citizens are required to enter and depart the United States using their U.S. passports. While she will be able to enter the country on her expired passport, she may have issues leaving.

You will need to apply for the child's new passport while you are in the United States and before you leave for Israel.

Dual Citizen, UK and USA, USA passport expired
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a dual citizen living in the United Kingdom, I need to travel to the United States for a job that I have been accepted on that may last several months. Am I able to use my expired US passport (expired October 2020) to travel to the United States, even though I may not reside there permanently after the job ends?

Answer: The Department of State has recently announced that U.S. citizens currently overseas and whose passports expired after January 1, 2020, may return to the country with expired U.S. passports.

This will be subject to eligibility based on certain criteria but you will most likely be able to return based on your explanation. Please contact the U.S. Embassy in London or a nearby U.S. consulate to confirm if you are qualified to return to the U.S. with an expired passport.

There is no mention of conditions related to the length of stay in the country so it should not matter that you do not plan on residing in the country permanently.

Dual Citizen - USA and Brazilian. USA Passport Expired
by: Anonymous

Question: Can I leave the USA with my valid Brazilian passport, and re-enter with my expired US passport, driver's license, and Naturalization Certificate? There are no appointments to renew my passport in person 3 days before my business trip.

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, you are bound by law to depart from and return to the United States using a U.S. passport.

U.S. citizens may return to the country with expired passports but that is still subject to eligibility criteria. Based on the official statement released on May 24, only those who are stuck abroad because their passports expired after January 2020 may return under such conditions. Since you are knowingly leaving the United States with an expired passport, you will most likely run into issues trying to get back in the country.

Expired Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I am overseas in Israel. Can I travel back to the U.S. with an expired passport? I am 18 and my passport expired in June last year. I can't renew it at the embassy due to COVID.

Answer: Yes, you may return to the United States with your expired U.S. passport. The Department of State has recently announced that citizens overseas whose passports expired after January 2020 may return to the United States with an expired passport.

You need to verify your eligibility to travel with an expired passport before booking any flight. Please contact the airline you plan on traveling with or the embassy for this information.

Passport expires soon
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. I’m currently set to travel to Mexico on Thursday June 10th but my passport expires on June 13th. Will I still be able to fly to Mexico?

Answer: Yes, you will be able to fly to and enter Mexico. However, you will need to fly back before your passport expires or renew it while in Mexico. A valid passport is also required to fly back and get back into the United States.

Travel from Italy
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a U.S. citizen. We have flights returning to the U.S. from Italy on July 6th. However, my passport expires in August. Will I be able to enter the U.S.?

Answer: Yes, you will be able to enter the United States with issues as long as you arrive with a valid passport.

Dual national leaving the US with expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I am an EU resident with dual nationality (EU + US). I am due to go to the US and my passport will expire while I am there. Can I use my EU passport to go back to the EU and show my expired US passport?

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, you are bound by law to enter and depart the United States with a valid U.S. passport. We recommend that you renew your passport before traveling or while you are in the United States.

by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. I'm trying to cross to Tijuana to pick up my 14-year-old brother. I'm his guardian and we're coming back the same day. Both of our passports are expired. Can we cross back to the US with expired passports?

Answer: In order to travel to Mexico by land, you need to present a valid passport book, card or any other WHTI-compliant document. The minor may enter the United States with just his U.S. birth certificate or any other citizenship document.

You must renew your passport before traveling or find another way for your brother to get to the United States without you having to travel to Mexico.

by: Anonymous

Question: I am booking a trip from June 21 to August 21 and my American passport expires July 20. I did not realize it would expire and it is now too late to get a new passport in time. Would I be able to get a new passport in Nigeria since I will be there when my passport expires? The processing time in Nigeria is about 2-3 weeks which should be more than enough time to receive it while in Nigeria.

Answer: Yes, you can apply for a renewal in Nigeria. However, please note that passport services in the United States and overseas are influenced by local COVID conditions. Processing times may change without prior notice.

Traveling back to the US with an expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: On May 25 the US announced that Americans with an expired passport abroad can travel back to the US and their passport will be honored so that we can enter the country.
Does that mean it's okay to book the tickets on an expired passport? Will the other airports accept the expired passport?

Answer: In light of the recent announcement, airlines should allow booking with an expired passport. We recommend that you contact the airline you plan on flying with to confirm their requirements.

Traveling to Mexico
by: Tropojani

Question: Hi. I am traveling to Mexico with my family on May 31st and returning on June 6th. My daughter's passport expires on July 13th. Will she be able to enter Mexico and return back to the US?

Answer: The government of Mexico only requires that U.S. citizens present passports that are valid upon entry into their country. You will also only need valid passports to re-enter the United States. You should not have any passport validity-related issues during your trip.

Expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello, my residence passport already expired in April. I want to travel to California, I live in Texas. I applied for my citizenship last year in October, I received a response in September that my case is processing. but I want to travel by car this June, I don't know if I can travel.

Answer: If by residence passport you mean your Permanent Resident card (green card), we do not recommend moving around with an expired one. Your green card proves that you are a legal resident and questions as to your status may be raised since it is already expired.

If you meant the passport issued by your country of origin, you may travel by car to California without it. Just make sure you have your green card in case you need to present it.

Renew U.S passport
by: Luis Olvera

Question: Hello, I’m going to travel to Mexico on July 6 and I’ll be back on August 8 but my passport will expire on July 12. I’m not able to renew the passport. I will travel by air and I don’t know if they will deny my entry.

Answer: A valid passport is required to board a flight and re-enter the United States. Please re-enter the country before your passport expires.

Going back to the US with an expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: We have plans to go to Japan on June 8 to July 15 and my son (11 years old) has a US passport that expires on August 11. If for any reason he's not able to come back on July 15 (positive COVID test, for example), what are the steps?
Unfortunately, only one parent will be with my son.

Thank you!

Answer: U.S. citizens may enter the United States without issue as long as they arrive with a valid U.S. passport. Even if your son gets a positive covid test on July 15th, it is unlikely that the delay will take a month. Should this happen, you may contact the U.S. Embassy or Consulates in Japan for assistance.

by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, my daughter is 16 years old and she will be crossing by land through Tijuana and her passport expired in March. Due to Covid she couldn't get even an emergency one, she only has her birth certificate and expired passport will they send her back to Mexico or let her in she is a US citizen?

Answer: The CBP website says "when U.S. citizen children under the age of 16 arrive by land or sea from Canada or Mexico they may present an original or copy of their birth certificate, a Consular Report of Birth Abroad, or a Naturalization Certificate." Since your daughter is already 16, rules for adults already apply.

While she will not be expressly denied entry when she arrives at the border with an expired passport, she may face delays while authorities verify her identity and citizenship. Please contact the CBP for more information.

Live in Venezuela
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. I live in Venezuela, my daughter’s US passport expired and there’s no way to get a new one here, can we travel to the US?

Answer: A valid passport is required to travel by air. If you do manage to get on a flight to the United States, your daughter will likely face considerable delays at the airport while officials verify her citizenship and identity. She will not be expressly denied entry but the delay may be stressful, especially to minors.

If you can, it may be best to travel to a nearby country like Brazil, Guyana or Trinidad and Tobago and apply for the child's new passport there.

You may contact the U.S. embassy located in these countries to find out if they can provide you with assistance:

U.S. Embassy in Brazil
U.S. Embassy in Guyana
U.S. Embassy in Trinidad and Tobago

Renew my passport
by: Marie M

Question: My passport expired May 1st. I need to go back to the USA to do my annual medical tests. I couldn't leave Lebanon because of COVID-19. I need to renew my passport as soon as possible and go back to the USA. Thank you.

Answer: Hello, Marie. Please contact the U.S. Embassy in Beirut for assistance in renewing your passport. Stay safe and healthy!

Passport renewal appointment not available
by: Anonymous

Question: No passport renewal appointments are available for months to come in Lebanon. Can I take a snapshot of the no available appointments and travel with an expired passport back to the states? It is urgent.

Answer: If you need to travel because of an emergency, you may contact the U.S. Embassy in Beirut regarding an emergency passport to be used for your trip back to the United States.

Entry to USA
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm a US citizen who has been living in Mexico for the last 7 years. My passport expired in 2018. I would like to return to the US to get my ID and all legal documents in order. Can I enter the US with an expired passport or do I have to renew it?

Answer: It is best that you renew your passport at the U.S. Embassy or the closest U.S. Consulate before you travel back to the United States.

Passport expires while out of the country.
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm planning on traveling to Mexico on June 10th and my passport expires on June 13th. I've already applied for a new passport but don't know if it will get here on time. If it doesn't get here on time will I be allowed back into the U.S?

Answer: Since you already submitted an application for a new U.S. passport, the one you currently have is already invalidated. You can no longer use it for travel to Mexico.

Two nationalities
by: Anonymous

Question: My wife is a (US) citizen and her US passport is expired. However, she also holds Colombian citizenship and her Colombian passport is current. We live in the US. Will she be ok to travel?

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, your wife is required to depart and re-enter the United States with her American passport. She may be able to exit the country with her Colombian passport but she will likely have trouble re-entering the country with an expired U.S. passport. It is best that she apply for a renewal first and wait until she receives the passport before planning any overseas trips.

Get Passport Fast

Dual citizenship travel (valid italian expired US)
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello, I’m traveling at the end of May to Costa Rica but realized my US passport is expired. I have applied for expedited renewal but in the event that my new one does not arrive in time, I know I can travel to Costa Rica with my Italian passport (there is no visa requirement). However, will I be able to re-enter the US with my Italian passport?

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, you are bound by law to re-enter the United States with a valid American passport. While you will not be expressly denied re-entry, you will most likely face considerable delays at the airport as authorities verify your identity and citizenship.

Expired US passport and valid foreign passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Can I enter the US with an expired US passport together with a valid foreign passport?

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, you are bound by law to re-enter the country with a valid U.S. passport. You may face considerable delays at the airport if you arrive with an expired passport. Please contact the CBP for more information.

by: Anonymous

Question: I will be traveling into Mexico 4/28 and staying for the day. My passport expires 5/06. Will I be ok to travel?

Answer: Yes, you should be okay. Your U.S. passport only needs to be valid when you enter Mexico and when you return to the United States.

Expired Passport
by: Leah

Question: Hello, I am an American citizen and I'm currently in Israel with my children who are all citizens. We need to return to the US however my 9-year-old daughter's passport expired 4 months ago and due to covid, we were unable to obtain an appointment to renew it. Can she enter the US with an expired passport?

Answer: Hello, Leah. A valid passport is required for international air travel. Your first problem will be boarding the flight without a valid passport. If she does manage to fly out of Israel, she may still face issues during layovers, if any.

Finally, she may face considerable delays at your point of entry when she arrives in the United States with an expired passport. While she will not be expressly denied re-entry, the delay may be stressful and expose her to more people than it's safe in this current global health crisis.

In order to avoid issues, we strongly recommend applying for the child's new passport before booking any flights. While it is true that appointments are limited, openings may come up suddenly, especially when there are cancellations. Check the embassy's appointment site regularly to chance upon one.

US citizen in venezuela going back to USA
by: Anonymous

Question: There is no US Embassy in Venezuela and my passport expired last year. I'm trying to get back in May, would I be allowed to re-enter the United States with my passport expired?

Answer: The issue is not just about getting back in the United States, I'm afraid. A valid passport is required to book a flight and actually board the plane.

If you do manage to fly out of Venezuela, issues may still arise during layovers, if you have any.

When you arrive in the United States with an expired passport, you may face considerable delays while authorities verify your citizenship and identity.

We strongly recommended contacting the Venezuela Affairs Unit of the U.S. Embassy in Bogota, Colombia at ACSBogota@state.gov for assistance.

Can a US citizen with an expired passport apply for a visa instead of renewal?
by: Anonymouus

Question: We are US citizens living in Israel. Our child’s passport expires in July and we plan to travel to the US in August. It doesn’t seem like we will be able to book an in-person appointment in time because of lack of availability, and minors are not allowed to apply by mail.

Is it possible for a US citizen below the age of 18 with an expired passport to apply for a visa in place of renewing the passport and if so would that be a quicker process that could be done by mail?

Answer: The U.S. government does not issue U.S. visas to U.S. citizens. As American citizens, you are bound by law to enter the United States with a U.S. valid passport. Since your planned trip is still a way off, we recommend regularly attempting to set an appointment to get a new passport for your child.

Minor Passport Expired Sept 2020
by: Anonymous

Question: Can a 10-year-old US Citizen living in St. Lucia re-enter the US on an expired US Passport? Passport expired Sept 2020 (6 months ago). We want to re-apply once we arrive in the US. Minor also has U.S. Birth certificate, SS Number, and expired passports.

Thank you.

Answer: A valid passport is required to board a flight to the United States. If the child does manage to get on a flight, he/she may still face considerable delays at the airport because of the expired passport.

Expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, my Father is a United States citizen and he’s been in Guatemala for a couple of years. My brothers and I would like to bring him back; he just had a stroke and needs special care and therapies. His passport is expired and due to the Covid-19 pandemic, everything is taking longer than usual. Is there any possibility of obtaining a special permit so that he can enter the country due to his medical condition and renew his passport once he’s here? Thank you.

Answer: Your father may qualify for an emergency passport only to be used to return to the United States. The American Citizen Services office of the U.S. Embassy in Guatemala City should be able to assist you.

US citizen living abroad now looking to return to US with expired US passport
by: EricG

Question: My mother is 92 with an expired US passport. She has dual citizenship with the US and Peru, we are unable to schedule an appointment with the US Embassy in Peru to renew her passport. Is there any way she can travel to the US with a VISA and while she is here/home she can get her passport updated?

Answer: Please contact the CBP for entry requirements specific to returning citizens of the United States.

Passport expiration
by: Anonymous

Question: I want to travel to the states this year but my passport expires in October and I want to travel in August. That means I'll have 2 months till my passport expires. Is that an issue? I will renew it in the states once I arrive.

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, you may enter the United States without issue as long as you arrive with a valid passport.

by: Anonymous

Question: I’m planning to travel to Mexico from April 10 to 5. My passport expires on September 19. Can I return to the USA with no problem? I would still have like 5 months till it expires.

Answer: You only need a valid passport to travel to Mexico and re-enter the United States. You should not have any passport-related issues when you travel.

Expired passport -urgent
by: Anonymous

Question: I’m a permanent resident but both my green card and passport expired a couple of weeks ago. I am still in Mexico. I bought my plane ticket so I can come back to the U.S. Will I still be able to re-enter? I did apply for my citizenship. I am waiting for them to call me for my appointment. I applied before I left the U.S. I did not qualify for the info pass. Will I still be able to enter again even though I bought my plane ticket?

Answer: A valid passport AND green card are required of legal permanent residents to re-enter the United States after international travel. Even if you already have tickets, you may not be allowed to board the flight for lack of a valid passport. You need to contact the CBP for advice regarding your situation.

by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. I brought my son a flight for March 29 to the Dominican Republic and I just noticed his passport expired the same day he is coming home on April 13. Would he be able to travel?

Answer: The Dominican Republic has recently imposed the six-month validity rule for U.S. citizens. Your son cannot travel unless he expedites his passport renewal.

Since expedited renewal takes 4 to 6 weeks, his only chance to get a passport in time is through a regional agency. Unfortunately, appointments at regional agencies are extremely limited at the moment and applicants in life-or-death emergencies are prioritized.

Set an Appointment

Please call passport services at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

by: Anonymous

Question: I’m a resident and my passport expires in 4 months. Due to the pandemic situation, the appointments to get a new passport to have up two months of delay. Can I enter the USA using the resident card?

Answer: Please contact the CBP about re-entry into the United States.

Expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My niece who is under 16yo is in Antigua and Barbuda and her passport expires Sunday. Can she enter the country with her expired US passport?

Answer: While she will not be expressly denied re-entry, she may face delays at the port of entry while officials verify her citizenship and identity. To avoid unnecessary stress and exposure, you can have her return to the country before her passport expires or obtain a new one before traveling back.

81 year old with expired passport needs to return to US ASAP
by: Isabel

Question: My father is an 81-year-old American citizen who got stuck in the Dominican Republic during the pandemic. He now has an appointment for his vaccination coming up and will risk travel back to the US. He just realized that in the meantime his passport expired. Will he be allowed entry into the US to fulfill his appointment for vaccination?

Answer: Regardless of age, a valid passport is required to board an international flight and re-enter the United States. Please contact the U.S. Embassy in Santo Domingo regarding passport renewal before your father travels back.

Almost expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I’m traveling to the Dominican Republic on March 15 to see my husband and on March 17th we have an immigration interview for his visa and my passport expires March 17th. Can I enter the United States with an expired passport? I return on March 21st.

Answer: The Dominican Republic requires that U.S. citizens present a passport with at least 6 months validity for entry. You may have issues entering the Dominican Republic or even boarding your flight with a passport that is about to expire.

Of course, if you have a foreign passport, you may use that to enter the DR if it meets their requirement.

And while you will not be expressly denied re-entry into the United States with an expired passport, you may face considerable delays while officials verify your identity and citizenship.

It is best that you renew your passport before leaving. To get it in time for your scheduled trip, you need to apply at a regional agency. Please secure an appointment and prepare all requirements to avoid delays.

by: Anonymous

Question: I’m a permanent resident and I will travel out of the country for 2 weeks but my passport will expire 17 days after my arrival here in the USA. Will I have any issues?

Answer: As long as you arrive with a valid passport and green card, you should not have issues re-entering the United States. Please contact the CBP for any COVID-related requirements they may impose on arrival.

US embassy is not renewing passport due to COVID19
by: Margaret

Question: I contacted the embassy 2 months before my passport expired in December. After a couple of exchanges of emails, and 4 months later, I can't get an appointment to renew the passport or get my last email answered because of another lockdown due to COVID 19. I need to travel in 2 months, what should I do?

Thank you.

Answer: Hello, Margaret. At this point, only the U.S. Embassy or Consulate in the country where you are currently located can assist you. If you are in Europe, particularly in the Schengen area, you may be able to cross the border to another country where passport services is operational.

Please visit the embassy's website for more information: http://uspsg.net/usembassyconsulate

My daughter's passport will expire
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, my daughter's US passport will expire in March. We are currently in Venezuela and we will return in June to the US. She also has European citizenhsip. Will she have a problem entering with an expired US passport? She's a minor.

Answer: Your daughter will need a valid U.S. passport to re-enter the United States without issue. You need to apply for a new passport for her before traveling to the country. Unfortunately, the U.S. Embassy in Venezuela has ceased providing consular services in March 2019.

Her dual citizenship may help. If she has a valid passport issued by the country of her other citizenship, you may travel using that passport to a country that has an operational U.S. Embassy or Consulate. You can then apply for your child's passport there before heading back to the U.S.

Expired US passport and re-entering the USA
by: fadel

Question: My elderly parents (who have dual citizenship) have expired US passports and there is no US consulate or embassy where they currently live. Can they come back to the USA via Paris on their valid Syrian passports (France require a Visa for Syrians which they do not have) and renew their American Passports in the USA?

Answer: Hi, Fadel. If they do not have a valid visa for France, they cannot enter the country. The best thing to do is contact the closest U.S. Embassy or Consulate in a country that they can legally enter with their Syrian passports and seek advice on how to get back to the United States or renew their expired U.S. passports.

Almost expired.
by: Dora

Question: Hello. My mom is returning after been in the Dominican Republic. She just realized that her passport will expire one day after she gets into the United States. Would she have any problems entering the United States even though her passport is not yet expired?

Answer: Hello, Dora. Your mother should not have issued entering the United States since her passport will still be valid upon her arrival.

almost expired.
by: Dora

Question: Hello ,
My mom is returning after being in DR. She just realize that her passport will expire one day after she gets to the United States. Would she have any problems entering the United States even though her passport is not yet expired.

Answer: Your mother should not have issues entering the United States as long as she arrives with a valid passport.

My daughter's passport has expired while abroad
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello, we have been staying in Russia (we have dual citizenship), and my daughter's passport just expired. Because of the COVID-19 restrictions, the embassy in Moscow currently handles only the emergency cases but I feel it is not safe for us to stay here with our daughter not having a valid passport. Is there any procedure that will allow us to travel to the US and renew her passport there? Thank you.

Answer: A valid passport is required to board a flight from Russia to the United States. If she does manage to get on a flight, she may still face difficulties and delays at the port of entry in the United States.

As a U.S. citizen, your daughter needs to enter the United States using a U.S. passport.

US- Italy travel close to expiration date
by: TB

Question: Hello. I have dual citizenship and passport (Italian and US) and I'm planning to go to Italy at the end of January, with return date end of February-beginning of March. My US Passport expires on the 28th of April. Can I travel and re-enter the US with no issues?

Answer: Yes. You may use your U.S. passport to depart and re-enter the United States and your Italian passport to enter and depart Italy.

Emergency Travel
by: Anonymous

Question: Good Evening,

I have to travel to Mexico as my grandmother is very sick and according to her doctor won't make it past two weeks. I have dual citizenship but couldn't reserve my flight as my passport was expired.

I reached out to the passport agency and they asked for a flight itinerary and proof the doctor sent me a letter. And I booked my flight.

Now that I called to reserve my renewal appointment, they said there are no appointments available in the state of Texas at all. Now I'm stuck with a flight. If I do travel, is there a letter they can possibly provide for me explaining that there are no available appointments? And if not, when I do get thru boarding if I am able to, once I reach the American airport, can there be a consequence?

Answer: There is no letter the Department of State can provide in lieu of a passport. In order to travel by air, you need a valid passport. You will likely be denied boarding. If you do manage to travel to Mexico, you may face considerable delays when you return with an expired passport.

Expired passport while in Colombia
by: Anonymous

Question: My brother has dual citizenship American and Colombian. He had to travel due to an emergency with my father and he realized his American passport has expired. The American embassy in Colombia is taking a long time for appointments due to Covid-19. Can he travel back to the USA on an expired American passport?

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, your brother needs to re-enter the United States on a valid passport. He may be able to use his Colombian passport to board the flight back but he may face considerable delays at the airport when he arrives.

Considerations may be provided due to the current global health situation. We recommend that you contact the CBP prior to travel.

Can I re-enter the US with an expired US passport BUT with a valid GERMAN passport.
by: Anonymous

Question: I have dual citizenship and found out that my US passport is expired a month ago.
I'm flying in 2 days to The Bahamas from LA and would like to know if I can re-enter the US with an expired US passport BUT with a valid GERMAN passport. Do I need to feel out the ESTA? Or is there a way to renew my US passport on the same day?

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, you need to depart and re-enter the United States with a valid U.S. passport. While you will not be expressly denied re-entry, you should expect considerable delays if you arrive with an expired U.S. passport. Please contact the CBP regarding re-entry.

You may schedule an appointment at a regional agency to possibly get 24-hour service. Note, though, that appointments for non-emergency-related travel are very limited. If you do secure an appointment, please bring proof of imminent travel.

by: Anonymous

Question: My husband and I need to travel to Mexico because his grandmother is very sick and she won’t make it into the new year. My passport is expired from when I was a minor. Can I still get back to the U.S if it’s expired and I have my driver's license, SSC, and birth certificate?

Answer: Air travel to Mexico and back to the United States requires a valid passport book.

If you are traveling by land, you need a valid passport book, passport card, or other WHTI-compliant to enter Mexico and re-enter the United States.

The Department of State issues expedited passports in 72 hours for applicants in life-or-death emergencies involving immediate family members. Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 to find out if you qualify for an expedited passport due to your husband's emergency.

Expired US Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I have plans to visit my family in Honduras on 12/20. I'm a US citizen and also have Honduran citizenship with a valid Honduran passport. My US passport expired on 9/27, am I able to leave the US with my Honduran passport and re-enter the US with my valid Honduran passport and showing my expired US passport that proves I'm a US citizen?

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, you are required to depart and re-enter the United States with your U.S. passport. While you will not likely run into trouble using your Honduran passport to travel to Honduras, you may face dealys at the airport when you arrive with an expired U.S. passport.

Please contact the CBP for more information about re-entry.

Traveling with expired passport and minor.
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. My sister and I both have dual citizenship from Mexico and the USA and we want to come over to the USA. She has her passport expired and she also is a minor. What could we do in that case? We are traveling by land. What should we do?

Answer: Your sister can present an alternative proof of citizenship like a U.S. birth certificate, citizenship certificate or naturalization certificate to enter the United States. Also, since you are Mexican citizens, you need to secure minor travel consent from your parents if you are traveling without them.

Child passport expired
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter is 7 years old, we are scheduled to leave for Mexico this Saturday, I just noticed her passport expired last year. No appointments are available, can we use her birth certificate?

Answer: If you are traveling by land or sea, your child can use her U.S. birth certificate. Air travel, on the other hand, required a valid passport.

Traveling on expiration date
by: Anonymous

Question: American citizen holds a passport that will expire on 20 Dec 20. He will enter the US on 20 Dec, can he do it?

Answer: Yes, he can. He may enter without issue up to 11:59 PM on December 20.

Re-enter with expired passport
by: Elena

Question: Hello, my return ticket to the US is for January 15, but my passport will expire on January 5. So I sent a request for my passport renewal to the US Embassy in Russia and due to the pandemic, they couldn’t accommodate my request, and suggested to fly back home with an expired passport! Will I have problems entering the US?

Answer: Hello, Elena. A valid passport is required to board an international flight. If you do manage to get on a flight, you may face considerable delays at the airport. But you will NOT be expressly denied entry into the country. Please contact the airline you are traveling with and the CBP before traveling.


Question: Hello. Due to the pandemic, we have not been traveling. We had plans to travel in December to visit relatives in the states.

My son's passport is expired. We currently live in Mexico City and all appointments to renew are full. Could I travel and enter the United States with his expired passport (it expired June 2020)? Are there any allowances due to the global situation? Thank you very much.

Answer: If you're traveling by land, your son may enter the United States with proof of U.S. citizenship like his U.S. birth certificate, naturalization certificate or citizenship certificate, whichever is applicable.

5 days expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi my flight to the Philippines is on Dec 5 but my Philippine passport expires on Dec 10. I’m staying for 40 days. Will they allow me to board and I already have an appointment to renew my passport in the Philippines.

Answer: Since you're traveling to your home country, it should not be an issue.

Traveling with my son and he has and expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. I'm traveling out of the USA by air with my minor son in two days. We are both US Citizens and we just found it his US passport expired a few months ago. He is also a Spanish Citizen and has a valid Spanish passport. Will he be able to re-enter the USA with his expired US passport and his valid Spanish one once we return? I will take his US birth certificate with me. Thanks in advance.

Answer: Hello! While your son will not be expressly denied re-entry, you may face delays while his citizenship is verified. All U.S. citizens are advised to always travel with a valid U.S. passport.

expired passport but permanent green card
by: Anonymous

Question: My wife has her 10-year green card but her Philippine passport will expire soon while she is in the Philippines. Due to Covid-19 constraints, she may not be able to renew it by Dec. 11th when it expires. Can she reenter the USA on just her green card and expired Philippine passport? She will try to renew it, of course, but if it takes too long to get, can she enter on 'just' her green card?

Answer: Your wife needs a valid passport to board a flight to the United States AND to enter the country. She needs to have her passport renewed before she can travel back.

Expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Driving to Mexico border for the weekend. My passport expired in July 2020, will there be a problem returning?

Answer: Yes. You need a valid passport book, card or any other WHTI-compliant document to enter Mexico and re-enter the United States by land or sea.

Vzla Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello -

My daughter's U.S. passport expired in April and we live in Venezuela where the consulate has closed indefinitely. We were informed we need to go to Colombia for the renewal, but currently the country is only flying to Santo Domingo. Is there anyway we could get an emergency travel permit from Santo Domingo? Or she is a dual citizen, could she fly with her Venezuelan passport and get into the US with her expired US passport? My daughter is 10 years old.

Answer: It may be possible to get into the United States with her expired U.S. passport. She will not be express denied entry but may face delays at the airport while authorities verify her citizenship. Please contact the CBP for details on what you will need for re-entry.

Crossing the border with a expired passport.
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm going on vacations this weekend. My family and I are going to Mexico 🇲🇽. But my passport is expired since 2013. Although I'm an American citizen 🇺🇸, I'm doubting if I could re-enter the U.S once again. So, can I enter the U.S 🇺🇸 with same passport, even if they let me in previous trips?

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, you will not be expressly denied re-entry into the United States but we cannot guarantee that you will not face difficulties and/or delays at the point of re-entry. Also, we strongly discourage traveling internationally (even just to Mexico) without a valid passport as this may cause issues with immigration authorities.

by: Anonymous

Question: My 5 year old daughter was visiting her grandma in Canada and her passport has expired. I need to get her home ASAP for school. Am I able to go and get her and bring her back by plane using the expired passport?

Answer: A valid passport is required to board an international flight even if it's just from Canada. Even if she does get on the plane, she may face delays the the airport when you arrive while authorities verify her identity and citizenship. Kindly contact the CBP to find out if adjustments can be made considering the current situation.

Dual Citizen needs to travel to Europe
by: Jens

Question: I have U.S. passport valid until mid-October 2020 and a Swiss passport valid for another 6 years. I will need to travel soon. Can I re-enter the USA after my U.S. passport has expired? I also have Global Entry on both passports and I can take my Naturalization Certificate with me as proof of citizenship.

Answer: You will not be expressly denied re-entry if you arrive with an expired U.S. passport but you may face considerable delays at the airport while officials verify your identity and citizenship. Your Naturalization Certificate will definitely help move things along.

Regarding my sister
by: MB-Anon

Question: Back in December 2019 my sister left to South Africa to visit. Her passport expired literally the week of COVID shutdown. Being she would have to fly by herself with 2 layovers, she made the decision to stay in S. Africa.

Now she is trying to return home, she is worried that at the South Africa airport (or any other country she would have a layover in) they would penalize her with jail time for an expired passport.

Is this even possible? What would be the consequences if she had tried to fly back to the US with an expired passport? Or is there anything we can do to get her an extended passport without giving an arm and a leg (she was told by the "embassy she’d have to pay 20,000 in Raans to start the process of an extension). Can they even do this? Like who has 20,000 (or 1500$ in dollars) to give during a pandemic? She is a U.S Citizen.

Answer: The issue will be more if she will be allowed to board an international flight with an expired passport. If she does get on a flight, we do not know whether or not she will be penalized for traveling with an expired passport. Each country has different immigration laws. At this point, the best thing to do is contact the airline regarding the expired passport and find out if the layover countries will have issues with it.

Entering USA from Mexico on expired US passport and valid foreign passport?
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello! My daughter's U.S. passport expired and we've been waiting the renewal for 3 months now. Can she enter the USA with her foreign passport (she holds dual citizenship) and present her U.S. Birth Certificate at the airport?

Answer: It is best that you contact the CBP regarding re-entry requirements. There may be some adjustments because of the pandemic.

by: Anonymous

Question: My son, who is a US citizen, is scheduled to travel to New Jersey, via O'Hare, from London, on the morning of Tuesday, August 18, 2020. The purpose of the trip is to meet with his US Air Force Recruiting Officer, as he is in the process of enlisting in the USAF. This is urgent as it has to happen within a month after the process was initiated, and we were finally able to make those arrangements yesterday.

His US passport expired on July 14th, 2020.
Please confirm that, as a US citizen, he would be allowed to travel to the US; or that there is some recourse available to obtain an emergency passport or other emergency travel document to facilitate his travel at this time, in which case, he would see to the renewal of his passport on arrival in the US.
We did not foresee a complication as we are aware of persons having used expired US passports for travel previously. On booking the ticket, however, the airline was prompting for a valid passport.
Urgent guidance on how to facilitate and ensure a smooth travel experience on Tuesday would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Answer: We cannot guarantee a smooth travel experience, only the airline can do that.

While your son will not be expressly denied entry to the United States if he arrives with an expired passport, he may face delays at the airport while immigration verifies his citizenship and identity. The issue will most likely be with the airline and whether or not they will allow boarding a flight with an expired passport.

Returning To US
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello, my son is returning to New Jersey to meet with his Air Force recruiting TSgt. for further processing of his case file to join the air force. He is 18 years old and his Passport expired on 14 July 2020. Can He get an extension to travel for his appointment with the recruiting officer?

Answer: The Department of State does not extend passport validity. Your son will not be denied entry if he arrives in the United States with an expired but may face considerable delays. The issue may be with boarding a flight to the country. Please contact the airline he is traveling with regarding this.

Crossing Back into U.S from Mexico
by: Anonymous

Question: Can I return by land from Mexico to the U.S with an expired passport due to Covid passport renewal delays?

Answer: You will not be expressly denied re-entry into the country but you may face considerable delays at the port of entry while officers verify your U.S. citizenship and identity.

by: Dena

Question: Hello. Can I leave the US if my passport expires in less than 6 months? I'm going to Jordan as soon they open the airports over there but my passport is valid only for 6 months. Is this going to be a problem for me? Plus I cant renew it before i leave because they told me it will take a long time due to COVID19 and I need to leave as soon as possible!

Answer: You need at least 6 months on your passport to enter Jordan. Please contact the Embassy of Jordan to find out if the requirement can be adjusted in light of the pandemic.

US citizen living abroad now looking to return to US with expired US passport
by: Eric

Question: My elderly mother, a dual citizen of Peru, has been living in Lima for the past 5 years. Due to her age and increased health issues (non-Covid), I am looking to bring her back to the US so we can take care of her. Her US passport is expired. I am going there as soon as possible and plan to get it renewed at the US Embassy, but while waiting can she return to the US? My cousin mentioned something about a "humanitarian" flight?

Answer: While she will not be expressly denied re-entry, there may be some delays at the airport while authorities verify her citizenship. Also, you will have to check with the airline if she will be allowed to board a flight without a valid passport. Please contact the CBP for more information.

Exit and re-entry into US on foreign passport while US Passport is stuck in renewal processing
by: Matt

Question: I am a dual citizen. If I surrender my passport to the renewal process with an indefinite processing time and subsequently learn that I need to travel for an emergency while my renewal is stuck in processing, can I exit and return on my foreign passport and/or Nexus/Global Entry card which is linked to my current US Passport?

Answer: You may leave the country with your foreign passport but you need to re-enter the country with a valid U.S. passport. If you're arriving by land or sea from Mexico or Canada, your Global Entry/Nexus card may be used. Please contact the CBP for more information regarding re-entry.

Essential flight and Renewal Request
by: Anonymous

Question: My passport has expired and I have an essential flight to Mexico scheduled in 4 weeks time. I am submitting my documents to a local passport processing office at a US post office. What is the current processing time for passport renewal?

Answer: An acceptance facility is only for new applications. Since you are submitting a renewal, you need to submit it by mail or go to a regional passport agency to request for expedited service in person. Unfortunately, regional agencies only cater to life-or-death emergencies as of the present.

Normally, standard service takes 6 to 8 weeks to complete but because of COVID-19, processing will be significantly delayed. There is no set timeline for processing.

Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

Travel to USA
by: Ana

Question: I have a dual citizenship (Mexican-American) living in Mexico. I need to travel to the USA but my American passport is expired. Can I enter the USA with my expired passport? Will leave Mexico with my Mexican passport.

Thanks for your help!!

Answer: You will not be expressly denied entry into the country but you will likely face significant delays if you arrive with an expired American passport.

Passport expired 3 months ago
by: Nay

Question: I have a booked trip to Brazil in September 2020. I was going to renew in March, since my document would expire in April but we all got caught in this COVID-19 mess. I will use my Brazilian passport to leave the country, will I be able to enter the US with an expired passport?

Answer: While you will not be expressly denied re-entry when you arrive with an expired passport, you will likely face significant delays at the airport.

Re-Entry to US from MX
by: Anonymous

Question: Our family will be driving to MX in two weeks for a personal matter. I just realized that my youngest daughter's passport expires in May 2020. I am going to renew her passport this week but it is very likely we will not get it in time due to the COVID delays. Will she be allowed to re-enter? Should I bring additional documents (birth certificate) just in case.

Answer: Your child's original U.S. birth certificate will allow her re-entry into the country.

Expired Passport
by: Maggie

Question: Hello, my passport expired this year and I went to renew it last week. I was told there are great delays in processing times for passport renewals, however I already have a essential flight to Mexico in about 4 weeks. Will I be able to travel by air with any other documents?

Answer: Only a valid passport book can be used for international air travel.

Return to US with and minor’s expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello.

My daughter’s passport has expired 10 months ago and I want to return with her to the US from Egypt. I couldn’t renew her passport because of COVID-19. She is 6 years old. Will she be allowed to enter the country?

Answer: While she will not be expressly denied entry, there may be considerable delays at the port of entry. It is best to bring her original birth certificate or proof of U.S. citizenship.

Please contact the CBP for more information.

Expired passport
by: Brianna

Question: I was visiting family in Mexico when the corona virus crisis hit and my return flights got cancelled. My passport expired while I'm still in Mexico and the US embassy is not taking appointments for renewal.

What options do I have? I need to go back to US.
Will I be able to come back with expired passport since this special situation?

Answer: You will not be expressly denied re-entry into the United States but may face some delays at the airport. The issue may be with boarding a flight back to the country with an expired passport. Please contact the airline you are flying with regarding this issue.

Also, please contact the CBP for the latest re-entry regulations.

Weird situation with dual citizenship but expired passport
by: Alejandro

Question: I need to travel from the US to Mexico this July for a family wedding. I'm a dual citizen with a US (born in USA) and Argentinian passport. I just realized my US passport is expired, and I cannot renew it because the Department of State just opened up and is only expediting passports for life/death situations and all other options are 3-6 months.

1) Will the airline clerk stop me from boarding if I use my Argentina passport to print my boarding pass and leave the US? And

2) Will the the airline clerk in Mexico stop me from printing my boarding pass and leave Mexico?

I spoke to customs at my local airport and they told me they'll probably let me in if I show them my expired US passport, I just will be delayed. I'm more concerned with the airline staff.

Answer: Airlines implement their own regulations. You need to contact the airline you are flying with for answers to your questions.

Expired pasport while overseas due to COVID-19, cancellation of travel
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, my mom was visiting family in the EU when the corona virus crisis hit and her return flights were canceled until now. Her passport has expired while there and the US embassy said they are not renewing passports there yet. What are her options? She cannot stay overseas indefinitely until they do and they say when they can renew it can take up to 90 days. Can she come back with expired passport and get a pass due to the special situation?

Answer: Your mother will not be expressly denied re-entry into the country. However, she may face considerable delays at the airport. The issue may be with the airline as most do not allow boarding an international flight without a valid passport. Please contact the airline your mother is flying with to check their travel requirements.

Expired US passport
by: Nini

Question: My son who is 22 years old has an expired passport but has dual citizenship for Canada. We are driving up to Canada for my daughter's wedding this July and can't apply for a passport due to COVID. I believe he can enter Canada with his Canadian citizenship card, but can he return to U.S. with expired US passport, birth Certificate, driver's license?

Answer: Please contact the CBP regarding re-entry requirements.

Expired Passport
by: Juanjose

Question: I'm in Mexico at the moment and I'm planning to go back to the country but I have 2 questions:

1. Will the border patrol and The Immigration Customs Enforcement stop and not let me re-enter the country if my passport is expired?

2. If another American citizen picks me up at the Mexican side of the border and we try to cross the border, would they let both of us American citizens re-enter the country?

Answer: 1. While you will not be expressly denied re-entry, you may face considerable delays at your point of entry.

2. You will both need travel documents to re-enter. You cannot rely on someone else's travel document to re-enter the country.

by: Anonymous

Question: I'm an Iranian citizen and green card holder of the USA. My Iranian passport will expire on Aug 25th. May I get back to the USA on Aug 6th with the same passport or it should be valid for a specific time period?

Answer: You may re-enter the United States without issue as long as you arrive with a valid passport and green card. Please contact the CBP for more information.

Passport expires - Embassy is closed
by: Alejandra

Question: Hello, I am currently living in Mexico and have to go back to the US in August and my passport expires that same month. I had an appointment to renew but the Embassy in Mexico City is closed due to Covid-19. What can I do?
Thought maybe fly to the US in July and renew there directly but the renewal services are also apparently closed.

Answer: Hi, Alejandra. You may enter the United States as long as your passport is valid. Hopefully, passport services will be back to normal operations by August so you can apply for your renewal while you're in the country.

Passport expired
by: Anonymous

Question: We are currently in Cairo, Egypt. We are all US citizens. My son's US passport expired on may 6th, 2020. I had an appointment for renewal on April 21st which was cancelled by the US embassy in Cairo. We are all US citizens and need to travel back to the US by July. I have tried to contact the Embassy several times before and after my son's passport expired and every time their answer was that we have to prove an emergency in order to renew his passport. What do we do?

Answer: At this time, passport services overseas are only available for emergency cases. Please contact the CBP to find out of any leniency can be given to your son when he arrives with an expired passport. Also, please contact the airline to see if they will allow boarding with an expired passport.

Trying to get home
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello,
I am an American citizen living in the UK and I have been trying to get back home to the US. Due to the Corona virus, the embassy in London is not processing any passport renewals. My passport expires on August 3rd, if I purchase a ticket to fly home to the US will I be stopped from boarding? I know it's risky but I need to get home.

Answer: You may enter the United States without issue as long as you arrive with a valid U.S. passport.

Expired passport
by: Cristiana George

Question: Hello. I am in Sao Paulo, Brazil and have been quarantined here due to Covid19. I am an American citizen and was supposed to return to NY on April 7th, my passport expired on May 13th. I have been trying to contact the US consulate without luck. I need to renew my US passport in order to return home. It appears the consulate is not issuing any passports. I can leave the country with my Brazilian passport but how do I enter the US with an expired passport?

I am still here due to covid19 and quarantined but need to go back home soon! Thank you.

Answer: You should be able to board a flight to the U.S. using your Brazilian passport. You may face delays at the airport when you arrive with an expired American passport but considerations must be provided given the lack of services at the consulate.

Entering with German passport (US passport is expired)
by: Anonymous

Question: My husband and I are German citizens. Our 10-year-old son is a German and US citizen.

Are we allowed to enter the USA all three together although there are currently corona entry restrictions? Also, my son's U.S. passport is expired but he has a valid German passport.

Answer: Please contact the CBP regarding entry into the United States. Also, your son MAY face significant delays at the airport if he arrives with an expired U.S. passport.

Daughter's expired US passport
by: Calvin

Question: Hello. My daughter's US passport has expired but she has a valid Hong Kong passport. Can she enter the US with her valid HK passport and expired US passport?

Answer: She will not be expressly denied entry to the country but you may face significant delays at the airport.

Passport expired
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello,

My passport expires on May 18th. I’ve been stuck on an island in the Philippines for two months due to Covid-19. Since the embassy is closed and I cannot get an emergency renewed passport, I am worried I won’t be able to enter the United States as I am a US citizen. What can I do to come back home?

Answer: Certain solutions are in place for stranded American citizens. Please contact the U.S. Embassy in Manila to find out what you need to do so you can come home even with an expired passport.

Exit the US with an expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I have dual nationality and I have both US passport and Hong Kong passport.

My US passport expires on 2020 JUN 20th and my Hong Kong passport is valid until 2024.

I am staying in Hong Kong currently, and I am planning to travel to United States on 2020 JUN 10th and exit on Jul 10th. I realize that I am able to enter the US due to the valid US passport, and yet it will be expired when I return to Hong Kong.

Due to the COVID-19, the passport application will be "significantly delayed", as stated by Bureau of Consular Affairs, and thus I am not able to renew the passport through mail before my trip.

1. Could I travel to US on my valid US passport on JUN 10th, and depart US to Hong Kong on JUL 10th with my expired US passport and valid Hong Kong passport?

2. Under this circumstances, do I need to apply for the travel visa on my Hong Kong passport?

Answer: 1. The best recourse is to enter the United States with your U.S. passport, apply for expedited renewal while you're in the country then exit with it. As a U.S. citizen, you need to depart the United States with an American passport. Hopefully, passport services will be back to normal by then.

2. Since you will be entering using a U.S. passport, you do not need a visa on your foreign passport.

Expired passport
by: Valeria

Question: Hello, my 5-year-old son´s US passport expired while here in México where we reside. We have tickets to travel to Los Angeles in July. Can he enter the country with an expired passport? Due to COVID, there are no appointments to renew his passport. What can we do in this case?

Answer: Considerations may be given. Please contact the CBP to confirm alternative re-entry documents.

Passport will expire one day after arrival.
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello,
I am a US citizen traveling from Iran to the US. My passport will expire the day after I arrive. Will I be facing any problems regarding my boarding and entry to the US?

Answer: You may enter the United States as long as your passport is valid.

Passport renewal
by: Claudia

Question: I need to renew my underage daughter’s passport. Due to COVID-19, do I have to go to the postal service to renew or can i do everything through the mail? Thanks.

Answer: A minor's passport cannot be renewed. You need to apply for the new passport in person. Some passport offices are still open but processing will have significant delays. If it is not absolutely necessary to have the passport now, we recommend waiting until passport operations are back to normal.

Expired Passport in Mexico
by: Anonymous

Question: I am living in Mexico and have an expired passport. I want to travel back to the USA on August through bus company. Will there be any problem crossing? Or do I need to renovate my Passport to enter the USA?

Answer: You need to renew your passport before making the trip back to the United States.

Expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I have to go to Mexico for a few days but my passport is expired. I am a U.S citizen. What documents would i need to come back in?

Answer: Due to the current health situation, all travelers entering through the border from Mexico and Canada will be subject to stringent checks. Because of this, we recommend that you not travel to Mexico unless absolutely necessary or travel with appropriate WHTI-compliant documents.

Expired Mexican Passport with unexpired green card
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a US resident with a green card that is not expired. My Mexican passport has expired. Can I got to mexico and come back only with my green card if my passport expired? Can I fly back to the USA or can I only return by land?

Answer: You need a valid passport and green card to re-enter the United States. Please contact the CBP for more information.

Passport expired in Canada
by: Anonymous

Question: My sister is in Canada for school and needs to come home because of the corona virus. However, her American passport has expired. She has a valid Canadian passport (we are dual citizens). Will she be able to come home, given the new border restrictions?

Answer: Please contact the CBP regarding the latest policies on re-entry as it relates to the corona virus outbreak.

by: Anonymous

Question: I am an American living in Mexico and I have flights to travel in June 2020. Passport expiration date is April 2020. Due to the consulate being closed due to corona virus here in Mexico I can not renew my passport. Will I still be able to travel back to my home country United States if I can't get the renewal?

Answer: You will not be expressly denied entry into the country but steps will be taken to verify your identity and citizenship.

Foreign passport expires the date of arrival in USA
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a valid green card until 2025. I am traveling to Greece in August for a month and returning to USA 7 September 2020, which is exactly the same date when my Greek passport expires. Am I going to have a problem to enter USA if I will not renew my passport in advance?

Answer: Although renewing in advance of travel is recommended, you should still be able to re-enter the country as long as your passport is valid. Please contact the CBP to confirm.

Dual national child, expired US passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Can my child enter the USA from Japan with a valid Japanese passport and expired USA passport?

Answer: While you will not be expressly denied re-entry with an expired U.S. passport, you may face considerable delays at your point of entry. This may cause stress on the child. To avoid such, it is best that you obtain a new passport for him/her at the closest U.S. Embassy or Consulate.

Emergency passport expiring
by: Alejandro

Question: I am an American living in Peru. I have an emergency passport which expires on March 26th. I need to travel to the U.S. on March 15th and return on the same march 26th. Will i have a problem?

Answer: Hi, Alejandro. You should be able to enter the United States without issue. Peru requires that your passport be valid for at least 6 months upon entry but if you're a permanent resident and have proof of such status, the requirement may be different. Please contact the Embassy of Peru regarding re-entry requirements.

Passport expired
by: Lily Nguyen

Question: My grandparents when to Vietnam for 6 weeks and flying back to U.S. but just realized that their passports are 2 days expired. But in Vietnam they're checking them in already. Can my grandparents re-enter the U.S?

Answer: While they will not be expressly denied re-entry, they may face considerable delays at the airport when they arrive with an expired passport. Also, they may have issues boarding an international flight. It is best that they renew their passports in either the U.S. Embassy in Hanoi or the U.S. Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City before traveling back to the United States.

Can I re-enter the US on the day my passport expires?
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a US citizen and resident of the UK, returning to the US. I have a US passport. Can I return to the US on the day my passport expires?

Answer: Yes, you can.

Renter with passport expiring in less than 3 months.
by: Anonymous

Question: I am traveling to Mexico for a weekend but my passport is going to expire a month after I arrive back in the US (I am a US citizen with a currently valid passport). Is this a problem for me coming back or is it okay since it is still valid when I come back through?

Answer: You may travel to Mexico with your current passport.

Expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I want to travel to the Dominican Republic but my passport is expired, I have no embassy close by , can I travel with my expired passport and valid green card?

Answer: A valid passport is required to board an international flight.

Renew my passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My passport expired on 2010. I left the US about 4 months ago and I do not have a valid ID, will I be denied entry?

Answer: While you will not be expressly denied entry into the country, you will most like face considerable delays while border officials verify your citizenship and identity.

by: Anonymous

Question: If I have an expired passport and am in Canada with proof of US citizenship, (exp passport, birth certificate, social security card, drivers license) is it likely I will be denied entry back into US? Or just delays?

Answer: You will not be expressly denied entry to the United States but you may face delays.

Entry to the US
by: Anonymous

Question: My kids are in Yemen and their passports are expired. Can they enter the United States? Yemen is a war zone; there is no embassy. What must I do?

Answer: Hi, AbuAhmed. They may face considerable delays at the airport but as long as they can present proof of U.S. citizenship, they will not be expressly denied entry. The issue will be if the airline will allow boarding with expired passports.

Expired passport
by: Inetta

Question: I am being told by this media that my daughter, who has an expired US passport, would not be denied entry. However, that was not the case as the ticket agent would not even process her ticket and allow the US immigration the opportunity to process her. I, as the mother, was told that she would not be allowed to travel and we were turned away.

Answer: We always maintain that while those who arrive with expired passports will not be expressly denied re-entry into the United States, he/she may face delays at the point of entry. Also, there may be an issue with boarding an international flight with an expired passport. This is why we always recommend traveling with a valid passport.

Expired Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I have dual citizenship and just realized my US passport is expired. I'm supposed to travel to Jamaica in a few days. I can use my Jamaican passport to get into Jamaica, but can I get back into the US if I bring other documents proving I'm a citizen.

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, you are required to depart and re-enter the United States with a valid U.S. passport. You may travel to Jamaica with your Jamaican passport but you may encounter delays re-entering the United States with an expired U.S. passport.

Expired passport
by: Inetta

Question: My daughter has a US passport that is expired. She currently lives in the Bahamas and her Bahamian passport is valid. Can she still enter the US?

Answer: She will not be expressly denied entry but she may face delays if she arrives with an expired passport.

Expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a U.S citizen. I obtained my citizenship from my father while I was a minor. I obtained my passport at the age of 14 and it has recently expired. I can't renew my passport without having a Naturalization Certificate but I need to travel to Mexico in December. Will I be denied entry into the U.S. once I return?

Answer: While you will not be expressly denied re-entry to the United States, you may face delays at your point of entry.

As an alternative to submitting your naturalization certificate, you may submit a request for a file search. Passport services will then search for the proof of citizenship submitted for your previous U.S. passport and use it for the new application. A file search costs $150 (non-refundable).

We strongly advise that you travel with a valid U.S. passport to avoid issues.

Expired passport but no US Embassy
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello, I am currently trying to travel to the US but my passport has been expired since April of 2018 and there is no US Embassy in Venezuela. It has been very difficult to find a way to travel to Colombia to renew it there so me and my father have been wondering if I can get access to the US if I go with him, his passport is not expired and I am 18 years old, is it possible to gain entry to the US with a representative that doesn't have an expired passport?? We both have dual citizenship.

Answer: You will not be expressly denied entry into the United States if you arrive with an expired passport but you may face delays. The problem will be with boarding a flight to the United States as airline require a valid passport. If you can find an airline that will allow you to board with what documentation you have, re-entry into the United States is still possible.

by: Anonymous

Question: Can I enter the US with an expired passport from Nigeria and if not, how much will a renewal cost me?

Answer: Do you mean you have an expired U.S. passport and you're traveling from Nigeria? If so, you will not be expressly denied entry into the United States but you may face delays at the airport. The problem will be boarding a plane to the United States with an expired passport. A renewal abroad costs the same as in the country -- $110.

If you mean you have an expired Nigerian passport, you will not be able to enter the United States.

Expired passport while abroad
by: Armando

Question: If my passport expired while in Venezuela where there is no embassy or consulate, could I reenter the USA with my expired my passport so I can proceed and renew it in the USA? I understand the Colombian embassy is handling Venezuela matters, but I would have to travel to Colombia and I would not be able to enter Colombia with an expired passport. I would really appreciate your indications on how to proceed. Thank you.

Answer: For all inquiries about American Citizens Services in Venezuela, email VenezuelaEmergencyUSC@state.gov

An American citizen will not be denied entry to the U.S. due to an expired passport. The issue is whether or not the airline will allow you to board with an expired passport.

Dual Citizen CA and US both passports expired
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I am a permanent Canadian resident, born here and have both Canadian and an American passport. I am planning to go into the US from Niagara Falls this weekend as a last minute trip. The problem is, both passports expired as I had received them when I was 15. I am now 22, my Canadian passport expired 5 months ago, my US passport expired 2 years ago. Will I be able to enter the US, then re-enter Canada the next day?

Answer: You need a valid passport book, passport card or any other WHTI-compliant document to enter the United States.

Expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a green card holder living in the United States. I have an expired Venezuelan passport. I plan to travel to Colombia in December. Immigration in Colombia will allow me to enter and exit Colombia with my expired Venezuelan passport but will immigration in the United States allow me back in the country with my expired Venezuelan passport?

Answer: A valid passport and green card are required to re-enter the United States. You will also need a valid passport to board an international flight.

Expired passport
by: Alex

Question: I was asked last minute to go on a trip to NY for a youth meeting. But my passport is expired and I still don't have an id. Is it still possible to go if my passport is expired?

Answer: A valid passport is required in place of a valid ID. According to the TSA, you may still be allowed to fly without a valid ID. The TSA officer may ask you to complete an identity verification process which includes collecting information such as your name, current address, and other personal information to confirm your identity. If your identity is confirmed, you will be allowed to enter the screening checkpoint. You will be subject to additional screening, to include a patdown and screening of carry-on property.

You will not be allowed to enter the security checkpoint if your identity cannot be confirmed, you chose to not provide proper identification or you decline to cooperate with the identity verification process.

TSA recommends that you arrive at least two hours in advance of your flight time.

by: Anonymous

Question: Hello, my grandfather is a US citizen. He plans on going back to the US but his passport is expiring in less than 6 months from his flight date. He is in the Philippines, will he still be allowed to go?

Answer: Yes. He should be able to enter the United States as long as his U.S. passport is valid.

Stuck in Yemen
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi my name is Ibrahim. I'm living in Yemen now and because of the war, the U.S. embassy in Sana'a is closed. I have three children that aren't naturalized yet and also have 2 older children that have U.S. passports that are expired since 2015. I'm in a bad situation here I can't travel to a neighboring country because traveling is dangerous in Yemen. I want to report the birth of my three children to the U.S. embassy and renew the other 2 children's U.S. passports. I don't know who to call or what to do. Please help and tell me what should I do.

Answer: The U.S. Department of State has designated the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, Egypt to handle American Citizens Services cases emanating out of Yemen, as well as process visas for Yemeni citizens. If you are in Yemen and have questions about your federal benefits please contact FBU.Jerusalem@SSA.gov.

Traveling to the USA
by: Wael

Question: I have a valid US passport till April 2020. I am living outside the USA and I am planning to visit in December for 2 weeks. At that time my passport will have less than 6 months validity, will there be any problems?

Answer: There should not be any issues.

Jordan / USA
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello,

My mother and I are planning to fly into the US from Jordan within less than a week and her passport turns out to be expired for around 2 months, nearly. The embassy in Jordan isn’t willing to give us an appointment to renew her passport before our flight. Is she able to fly into the US and then renew her passport there?

Answer: A valid passport is required in order to board a flight to the United States. You need to contact the U.S. Embassy again regarding the renewal.

by: laura

Question: My 16-year-old is a born American but also has Canadian citizenship. We have a trip planned for New York but her American Passport is expired. Can she still travel to the USA?

Answer: She needs a valid U.S. passport to enter the United States. Please help her apply for a new passport at the U.S. Embassy in Ottawa or any of the U.S. Consulates located all over Canada.

Valid US passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello, I have a valid US passport that expires on Sept 13th. I arrive in the US on Aug 29th - I realize i am okay to enter because it is a valid passport but the problem is I leave US to return to the UK on Sept 15th. I have dual nationality USA/UK. My UK passport is valid until 2029 so my UK passport will be valid when I depart USA. I won't have time to renew my US passport at this point.

Can I travel into the USA on my American passport on Aug 29th and depart the USA on my United Kingdom passport on Sept 15th because my US passport will expire on Sept 13th? Many thanks

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, you need to enter and depart the United States on your U.S. passport.

You can renew your passport before traveling to the United States. Renewals by mail through the U.S. Embassy in London only take 10 business days.

Re-entry on expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My friend's daughter is 6 years old and is a citizen of the United States. She also has her birth paper. There is no embassy in Turks and Caicos. They want to fly back to the US to renew her passport. Will they allow the child to enter the US> Any answer asap.

Answer: A valid passport is required to board a flight to the United States. They need to set an appointment to apply for the child's new passport at the U.S. Embassy in Nassau, Bahamas.

by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. I'm in a weird position. I came to the country when I was 1 year old and my parents were naturalized citizens while I was under 16. My passport expired, I lost my licence and my birth certificate is in Arabic (born in Egypt) but has a notarized translation. How can I fix my life? I can't renew my licence because it has expired and so is my passport and I need to get the passport renewed but as I am estranged from my family, I don't know how to get the copy of my citizenship (my passport is blue says I'm a U.S. citizen) but I don't know what to do. How can I get proof of citizenship without a valid ID or valid passport? Please help.

Answer: Your expired passport should be sufficient proof of citizenship. If it has not been expired for over 5 years and it was issued when you were over 16 years old, you can simply apply for a renewal.

As for your license, you need to contact the DMV about requirements for a renewal.

My kid has a expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My 15-year-old son went to Mexico during vacation since June not knowing his U.S passport expired June 14. Can my son still cross the border to the United States or will he be denied entry? I am really worried.

Answer: He will not be expressly denied entry to the United States but may face delays at the border. This can be quite stressful for a minor. He would at least need proof of U.S. citizenship like his U.S. birth certificate. Please contact the CBP for more information.

Expired Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I am currently 16 years old in Mexico and my passport has expired. Can I still enter the U.S through land with my ID card?

Answer: While you will not be expressly declined entry into the United States, you will face considerable delays. In the very least, you need to present proof of U.S. citizenship like your U.S. birth certificate. Please contact the CBP for more information.

Expired passport + no U.S. embassy
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. I'm a U.S. citizen (20 years old) and my passport expired June 12th. I'd renew it in the nearest U.S. embassy but there's none in the country I'm at (Venezuela). What can I do?

Answer: Consular and U.S. citizen services emanating from Venezuela are now being taken care of by the U.S. Embassy in Bogota, Colombia. Please contact them for instructions on how to apply for a new passport.

Expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter is a U.S. citizen. She is 17 and her passport has expired this month and she wants to come home will she be allowed to enter the U.S. by air?

Answer: A valid passport is required to board an international flight. Your daughter needs to apply for a new passport at the U.S. Embassy or Consulate in the country where she currently resides.

Expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter is a U.S. citizen but has dual citizenship with St.Kitts. She is 17 and her passport has expired this month but there is no embassy here in St.Kitts at the moment will she be allowed to enter the U.S. by air?

Answer: While she will not be expressly denied entry, she may face considerable delays. You may apply for her new passport at the U.S. Embassy in Barbados or at the U.S. Embassy in Grenada before she travels to ensure she does not run into issues.

Expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Dual citizen (USA/Philippines) can I travel back to USA with an expired passport just show my valid Philippine passport?

Answer: You can't. You need a valid U.S. passport to re-enter the United States.

Minor passport about to expire
by: Anonymous

Question: Can my daughter travel to the United States on September 5th if her passport will expire on September 17th? I hope there's no issue, she is an unaccompanied minor. Thank you.

Answer: Your child should be able to enter the United States without issue as long as she arrives with a valid U.S. passport.

Canada/USA Dual Citizenship in Minor
by: Anonymous

Question: My son has dual citizenship in Canada and the USA. His Canadian passport is valid, but his USA passport has expired. My wife and I have given up our green cards, as our family decided to live in Canada. If we go to the USA, can my son enter on his Canadian passport? We can apply for a renewal to his US passport when we arrive there. We live in a part of Canada where we would need to fly to get to a US Embassy or Consulate in Canada.

Answer: Since your son is a minor, he may enter the United States with his U.S. birth certificate or or any other proof of U.S. citizenship if he travels by land. If traveling by air, he needs a valid U.S. passport.

Also, you cannot renew a minor's passport. You need to apply for your child's new passport the same way you did for the previous one.

Expired passport re-entry
by: Leticia

Question: I’m in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico and my return flight to Phoenix is next Sunday. My passport will expire before my return flight. Can I be denied re-entry?

Answer: A valid passport is required to board a flight back to the United States. Please renew your passport at the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City or at any of the U.S. Consulates located all over Mexico before traveling.

Expired passport through land
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I’m 17 years old currently in Mexico and my passport expired just 2 months ago. Can I still enter the U.S. through land?

Answer: While you will not be expressly denied entry when you present an expired passport at the border, you may face considerable delays. It is best to apply for your new adult passport at the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City or at any of the U.S. Consulates located all over Mexico before traveling. Please contact the CBP for more information.

Venezuelan passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi! I’m a U.S. resident but my Venezuela passport is expired. Can I re-enter the U.S. if I travel to Mexico?

Answer: A valid passport and green card are required to re-enter the United States from overseas travel.

Dual citizenship
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, my son is an American citizen who also holds Jamaican citizenship. His U.S. passport is expired but he is coming back home to the U.S. soon. Can he travel to the U.S. on his Jamaican passport without a visa in it?

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, your son has to re-enter the United States with a U.S. passport. Please apply for your child's new passport at the U.S. Embassy in Kingston, Jamaica before he travels back to America.

Can I travel to the U.S. from Canada with a recently expired passport?
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a U.S. citizen living in Canada. I plan on traveling to Utah in July. My passport expires the end of June. I cannot locate my social security card to give my number on my renewal form for my passport. Can I travel to the U.S. to get my social security number for my form?

Answer: A valid passport book is required to re-enter the United States by air. You may seek assistance from the U.S. Embassy in Ottawa or any of the U.S. Consulates located all over Canada regarding your SS number.

Emergency passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My brother is a Mexican citizen but a U.S. resident. Applying for an emergency passport in Mexico is difficult. Is there any way the U.S. government can help him?

Answer: The U.S. government cannot meddle in affairs concerning Mexican passports. Please contact the Mexican Embassy regarding your concern.

Re-entering the USA
by: Anonymous

Question: I’m in Mexico and I didn’t realize that my passport expired. Can I still come back to the USA? I have a state driver's license. I’m a USA citizen with all my paperwork. Will they still let me come in to the USA because I will traveling by car?

Answer: While you will not be expressly denied re-entry into the United States, you may face considerable delays at the border if you arrive with an expired passport. Please contact the CBP for more information.

Child's expired U.S. passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My son is a US/Lebanese citizen. He is 7 years old and has been living overseas for 4 years. His U.S. passport has expired, can he leave Lebanon to come to the USA on an expired US passport?

Answer: A valid passport is required to re-enter the United States. Please apply for a new passport for your child at the U.S. Embassy in Beirut before traveling to the country.

Passport expiring 32 days after my return from Colombia
by: Pat

Question: I am traveling to Colombia on July 4th, returning on July 16th. My passport expires on August 18th. Would I have any problem traveling back?

Answer: As long as you arrive with a valid passport, you should not have issues getting back in the United States.

Minors traveling with a passport expiring same day
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, my kids are traveling from Mexico to United States with a passport that expires the same day they have the flight, would that be a problem to re-enter USA? I want them to come back to renew their passports and the flight I found is exactly for the same day of the expiration day. Thank you.

Answer: It should not be an issue.

Expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Can a minor with U.S. passport travel to the U.S. unaccompanied in July or August? Her passport will expire in September.

Answer: The minor will be able to enter the United States without any problems as long as she arrives with a valid passport. However, you will need to make arrangements with the airline since she will be traveling without an adult companion.

My U.S. passport is expired
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I'm a U.S. citizen and my passport expired August 18, 2018. I'm trying to see if i can go to Mexico by land. Will they let me come back to the U.S. by land? Or do I have to get a new passport?

Answer: You need to renew your passport. A valid passport is required for adults to enter Mexico and re-enter the United States.

Almost Expiring Passport
by: Lorena

Question: My passport will expire on July 12th. I have a trip planned for Mexico from July 2-7th. I will travel by land to the border and take a national flight to my destination. Will I be denied entry into Mexico?

Answer: You may travel to Mexico and back to the United States as long as your passport is valid.

Valid passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Travelling to the U.S. in June and July with my family from Denmark, Europe. Two of our passports expire in September, two months after we leave U.S. again. Is that a problem?

Answer: Your passports only need to be valid for the duration of your stay. Please contact the CBP for confirmation.

Re-entering with U.S. State ID & French passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I am traveling out of the U.S. tomorrow to Lebanon. My American passport is expired, but my French passport is okay. Can i re-enter with the French passport and a state ID?

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, you are required to enter the United States with a valid U.S. passport.

6 month validity rule
by: A de Marseille

I just bought tickets for my 16-year-old son to travel from France to the US in a few weeks time. He is a French American dual national, both his passports are valid but the US passport will expire 3 1/2 months after his planned departure date from the US. My family thinks he won’t be able to fly because his passport needs to be valid for more than 6 months after the departure date! I thought as he is a U.S. citizen, it only had to be valid through out his stay in the U.S. Who is right? Thank you.

Answer: You are right. Your child's U.S. passport only needs to be valid upon his arrival in the United States.

Expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: After I receive the new passport, how long do I have to wait for the expired passport?

Answer: There is no set timeline. It could take several days to a couple of weeks.

Expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Can I use my Philippine passport to return to USA even though my US passport is expired?

Answer: You cannot. As a U.S. citizen, you are required to enter the United States with a valid U.S. passport.

US citizen traveling back to US 2 days before passport expires
by: Chriss

Question: Can I travel to the USA 2 days before the American passport will expire? Is it possible that the airline will stop me or I can't reach U.S. on time?

Answer: U.S. citizens may enter the United States as long as their U.S. passports are valid. However, airlines have varying regulations. I recommend that you contact the airline you are flying with for confirmation.

Dual citizen minor
by: Anonymous

Question: Can I apply for my 5-year-old daughter’s passport if she is not present? She is a dual citizen of the USA and Sweden and I have her soon-to-be-expired passport here in the U.S. while she is currently in Sweden. I plan to renew it for her and mail back to her before her flight but was denied at the post office. Can I do this online or does my daughter and her mother need to accomplish this in Sweden?

Answer: The child needs to be present when the application is submitted. The mother needs to apply with the child at the U.S. Embassy in Stockholm. There is no need to send the old passport to them but you need to send a notarized statement of consent and a photocopy of your ID to be submitted with the rest of the requirements for the child's passport.

Passport is expired, living in Venezuela
by: Anonymous

Question: My sister is an American citizen and we live in Venezuela. Her passport expires this month and the U.S. Embassy here closed. Can she travel to the USA with her expired passport to renew it?

Answer: She may have issues boarding a flight to the United States without a valid passport. Please contact the embassy at VenezuelaEmergencyUSC@state.gov or call 1-202-501-4444 for assistance.

dual citizen (minor), non-U.S. passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My 5-year-old daughter is both a citizen of Sweden and the U.S. but lives mainly in Sweden. She is coming to visit during the summer but her U.S. passport is expired. Can she enter the U.S. with only her Swedish Passport? Or will she be denied entry?

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, your child is required to enter the United States with a U.S. passport. While she will not be expressly denied entry, she may face considerable delays which may be stressful for a 5-year-old child. Please apply for a new passport for your child at the U.S. Embassy in Stockholm before your trip.

Expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Can I travel back to the USA from land border with my citizenship certificate and my driver license? My passport has expired and the next available appointment is too late.

Answer: Citizens age 16 and older need a valid passport book, card or any other WHTI-compliant document to re-enter the United States by land. While you will not be express denied entry to the country with the documents you mentioned, you may face considerable delays at the border.

Expired passport
by: Rasha

Question: I am at the airport in Jordan and my 6 years old U.S. passport is expired. My trip is in 2 hours. What can I do?

Answer: You need to postpone your trip and renew your passport at the U.S. Embassy in Amman. While you may be allowed to board the flight, you will face considerable delays an/or possible denial of entry when you arrive in the United States.

Expired Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I am a Canadian resident living in Canada but have an expired Venezuelan passport and a valid US visa. Can still enter the US?

Answer: You need a valid passport in order to enter the United States.

I’m currently in Canada, my passport is almost expired
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I’m a U.S. citizen currently in Vancouver, Canada and my 6-month stay is almost up. My passport expires July 15th. Can I enter the U.S.in May? Then I can renew my passport?

Answer: You may re-enter the United States as long as your passport is valid.

Expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I have dual citizenship (Mexican-American) and I have been in Mexico the past year, I just now realized that my passport is expired. Can I cross the border with my expired passport and birth certificate?

Answer: You need to renew your U.S. passport at the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City or any of the U.S. Consulates located all over Mexico before you travel back to the United States.

Expired passport living in Mexico
by: Anonymous

Question: My ex wife took my children to live with her in Mexico when they where still very little. Now they want to come back to the United States but their passports are expired and are minors. They are 13 yrs and younger they will be traveling through land. Can they be denied entry?

Answer: If the children can present proof of U.S. citizenship like their birth certificates in addition to the expired passports, they should be allowed re-entry. Please contact the CBP to confirm entry requirements.

Mexico to The U.S
by: Jelly

Question: I’m currently in Mexico and realized my passport is going to expire. Will they let me on the fight back to the U.S if my passport is going to expire in 2 days?

Answer: Yes. You should be able to re-enter the United States as long as your passport is valid.

Expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I have green card in order but my passport has expired and I am going back to my country to visit and also renew my passport. Can l leave the U.S with an expired passport?

Answer: A valid passport is required to board an international flight.

Re-entry with expired passport
by: Carlos

Question: My 5-year-old daughter has an expired U.S. passport; she has also a Venezuelan passport. We are planning to go to the U.S. Can she re-enter with an expired U.S. passport and a Venezuelan one? We don't have an embassy here right now.

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, your child is required to enter the United States with a valid U.S. passport. For all inquiries about American Citizens Services, email VenezuelaEmergencyUSCATstate.gov or call 1-202-501-4444.

Expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I have dual citizenship and holdi a valid Trinidad and Tobago passport and a U.S. passport which expired last January. Can I travel to Trinidad with my valid Trinidad passport and return to USA with both the valid Trinidad passport and the expired U.S. Passport as proof of citizenship?

Answer: You cannot. As a U.S. citizen, you are required by law to depart and re-enter the United States using a valid U.S. passport. You may only use your Trinidad passport to enter and depart Trinidad and Tobago.

Please renew your U.S. passport before your trip.

Minor with expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: We are in Mexico and just realized my 10 yr old’s passport expires one day before we head back. Will she be allowed or be denied entrance? She’s a US Citizen.

Answer: If traveling by air, your daughter needs a passport to board the aircraft headed to the United States. If crossing the border by land, questions may arise but she will not be expressly denied re-entry.

by: Anonymous

Question: Can I cross by land to Mexico with a expired passport but have proof with a birth certificate or ID?

Answer: You need a valid passport book, card or any other WHTI-compliant document to cross the border to Mexico and get back in the United States.

Expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I am Mexican. My Mexican passport expired this month. I have an appointment in April to renew my VISA. Can I enter the United States with an expired passport? Or what documents can I present? Thanks.

Answer: You need a valid passport to enter the United States. Please contact the CBP for more information.

Dual citizenship / expired U.S. passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I have dual citizenship (USA/Germany) and living in Germany. My U.S. passport expired but my German passport is up to date. Will I have problems entering the U.S. for visiting purposes?

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, you are required to enter the United States with a valid U.S. passport. Please apply for a renewal at the U.S. Embassy in Berlin or any of the U.S. Consulates in Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Leipzig, and Munich.

Disabled person stuck in mexico
by: Anonymous

Question: My mom went to Mexico for 2 weeks and didn't realize her passport had expired by the time she was scheduled to come back. She is a senior citizen and disabled. Is there anything she can do to speed things up and get a permit or something?

Answer: Please contact the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City or any of the U.S. Consulates located all over Mexico for assistance in sending your mother back to the United States.

Dual citizen with expired US passport
by: Santiago

Question: Hi, we live in Mexico and my child (8 yrs; born in the USA) has an expired U.S. passport and a valid Swiss passport. We plan to travel to the U.S. on April. Is it possible for my child to enter the US with her Swiss passport and her U.S. certificate of birth?

Kind regards.

Answer: Hi, Santiago. As a U.S. citizen, your child needs to enter the United States with a valid U.S. passport. Please apply for your child's new passport at the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City or any of the U.S. Consulates located all over Mexico.

by: AnonymousELSA

Question: I'm Venezuelan and I'm planning to visit the USA. My passport expires on the 30th of this month. Can I travel to the USA?

Answer: Yes, you can as long as you plan on leaving the United States before your passport expires. Please contact the CBP for confirmation.

Expired passports
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. My 13 and 12-year-old American citizen children's passports are expired. Can they travel to Peru with their birth certificates?

Answer: They cannot. They need valid U.S. passport books to enter Peru.

Permanent resident
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a trip in 2 weeks to Tijuana and just realized my passport is expired. My permanent resident card is up to date tho. Will I be denied entry?

Answer: You need a valid passport in order to travel overseas.

6-month rule in Republic of Ireland
by: Erik

Question: I will be returning from a two-week trip to Ireland in early October, which is under six-months from the date my passport expires by less than a week. Will I have a problem entering Ireland under those circumstances?

Answer: There should not be any issues. Your U.S. passport only needs to be valid upon entry and for the duration of your stay in Ireland.

by: Anonymous

Question: I am an American citizen with an expired passport. I want to travel back to the U.S. but can't renew my passport right now due to incomplete child support payments. How or what documents do I need to travel back?

Answer: You need to contact the U.S. Embassy or Consulate located in the country you are currently in for assistance in securing a document that will allow you to re-enter the United States.

Expired passport
by: Jamaican

Question: Hi I am a permanent resident and planned a trip to Jamaica. It was only after getting to the airport I realized my passport has expired. It won’t be possible for me to renew it while in Jamaica due to time constraints. My green card hasn’t expired. Will I have an issue returning to the US with an emergency travel document?

Answer: Please contact the U.S. CBP regarding re-entry.

1 day late
by: Anonymous

Question: I am leaving for the UK on 2/28 and returning 3/5. My passport expires on 3/4. I can expedite a new passport but it won't happen before I leave.

Answer: You will have issued boarding a flight back to the United States with an expired passport. You may still expedite through the following methods:

1. Apply at a regional passport agency ASAP. Appointments are typically required but you may try to walk in with your application if none is available. Please make sure to arrive before the agency opens to increase your chances of securing a slot. In addition to the renewal requirements, you have to present proof of immediate international travel.

2. You can apply through a private passport expediter like Fastport Passport. They can get your passport in as fast as the same day with little effort on your part -- no going early and no waiting in line.

Passport card expired
by: Anonymous

Question: I have dual citizenship and currently living in Mexico.I may have to travel to the USA in some weeks, I was told that I could cross by presenting the expired passport and my birth certificate, it's that true?

Answer: You need to present a valid passport in order to enter the United States.

Passport expiration
by: Barbara

Question: Hi, I have dual citizenship (American and Mexican) and I am currently living in Mexico.
I will be travelling to the U.S. on March 4th and will be back to Mexico on March 25th. My U.S. passport will expire on May 12. My Mexican passport expires in 2026. Will I have problems entering the U.S. (does the six month rule apply for American citizens?) Thank you.

Answer: You should not have issues entering the United States as long as you arrive with a valid U.S. passport.

Dual citizen
by: Anonymous

Question: I have 2 passports (dual citizen) and my U.S. passport recently expired BUT my other passport is up to date. I'm meant to travel in less than 3 weeks and wanted to know if i could just travel with my other passport instead.

Answer: You may enter your destination country with your foreign passport but as a U.S. citizen, you are bound by law to depart and re-enter the United States using a U.S. passport. You need to apply for expedited renewal to get a new U.S. passport in time for your trip.

Almost expired
by: Anonymous

Question: My U.S. passport expires in February 3 but I am outside the United States. Can I enter the United States the same it it expires? Thank you.

Answer: Yes, you can. You may enter the United States without issue up to 11:59PM of the day your passport expires.

US Citizen - Soon to Expire Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. My U.S. passport expires on May 22nd. I want to go to India for two weeks, returning back to US February 2nd week. Can I enter the U.S. without any issues?

Answer: There should be no issues returning to the United States as long as you arrive with a valid U.S. passport.

Re-Entry To US from Canada
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello - I have a trip planned to Canada this upcoming week (1/24 - 1/27) and just realized that my passport expires 4/3/19. I've heard different things...but my question is if I'll have trouble getting back into the US since my passport expires in less than 3 months?

Answer: There shouldn't be ant issues crossing the border from Canada back into the United States as long as you arrive with a valid passport.

Philippine Passport and Green Card
by: Xepher

1-877-487-2778 Hello. I have a Brown Philippine Passport that expires Feb 05 this year. I renewed December 20th last year and they said it might take 4-6 weeks since it's the electronic one.

I have work trip from Jan 22nd-27th to Cancun, Mexico and I also have a valid green card expires 01/19/27. Can I still travel? How long does it usually take for foreign passports to be released? Also, do I need extension for this trip or visa to travel to Mexico? I don't know if my new passport will be released before I leave. What are my options?

Answer: U.S. permanent residents may travel to Mexico and get back to the United States with valid passports and green cards. Please contact the Embassy of Mexico to verify requirements specific to Philippine passport holders.

Expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter who is 12 years old has an expired passport card, I applied for a passport book but it was denied because her father did not sign the special form. There is no place to find him. I was planning to travel by land to Mexico, can she re-enter the U.S?

Answer: According to the CBP, U.S. citizen minors may enter the country from Mexico by land or sea with his/her original U.S. birth certificate or other form of citizenship document.

Passport expiration
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello, I am permanent resident of the U.S. who is a Lithuanian passport holder. We are planing trip to Mexico on 1/5 till 1/12. My passport will expire on 1/21 my but green card will expire in 2025. Will there be an issue with re-entry to the U.S? Thank you.

Answer: You should be able to re-enter the United States as long as your passport and green card are valid.

6-year-old's expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter's passport expired December 29 last year and will be traveling by land back to the U.S. from Mexico. Will she be denied re-entry?

Answer: While she will not be expressly denied re-entry, questions may arise that may cause considerable delays. It will be best to obtain a new passport for her beforehand.

Penalty fees for expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My son (American citizen) is in Honduras. His passport is expired. How can he return to the United States? Are there fees/penalties to pay and how much are they?

Answer: There are no penalties but your son needs to apply for a new passport before he can travel back to the United States. Please contact the U.S. Embassy in Tegucigalpa for assistance in obtaining the passport.

US passport expires in 4 months
by: Anonymous

Question: My U.S. passport expires in April 2019. Can I travel to Hong Kong in February 2019 and return to the US by the end of March 2019?

Answer: The answer depends on when in April your passport will expire. Hong Kong requires that your passport be valid for a month beyond your intended stay. If you still have a month on your passport after your exit, you should be okay. If not, you need to renew your passport before your trip.

Expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My 8-year-old daughter has an expired passport. If she travels to Mexico, will she be able to re-enter? She’s a U.S. citizen.

Answer: While your child will not be expressly denied re-entry to the United States, she may face delays at the border which can be quite stressful for a child.

Also, a valid passport book is required for air travel regardless of the passenger's age.

by: Anonymous

Question: My 15 year-old daugther's passport expired recently and we are planning to go on a cruise to Ensenada, Mexico. She has a valid green card.

Can she re-enter the States considering the trip is by sea? Thanks.

Question: It is highly recommended that all travelers be in possession of a valid passport when going overseas, even if only by sea. Please contact the cruise line or the CBP for requirements.

Entry to USA
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. My son's U.S. passport is expiring in October next year and he will be flying back to the USA in May. Since October is less than 6 months from May, will he be allowed to enter the country?

Answer: Yes, he will be. U.S. citizens will be allowed to enter the United States as long as their passports are valid.

Re entry to US
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi,

I'm a Green Card holder with a Philippine passport. I'm travelling to Mexico on January 2019 and my passport will expire May 2019, leaving me 4 months. Will I have any issues returning to the U.S?

Answer: There should not be an issue as long as you arrive with a valid passport and green card. Please contact the U.S. Customs and Border Protection for more information.

Travel enquiry
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter who is an American citizen currently living outside the USA is going to the US for a school trip for 2 weeks in February. Her American passport expires in April 2019. Can she use the passport to travel or do I have to renew her passport before she travels?

Answer: Your daughter may enter the United States as long as her U.S. passport is valid.

Expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I’m 16 years old and my passport expired last year, can I still enter the U.S. through the Mexican border?

Answer: All U.S. citizens age 16 and older need a valid passport book, card or any other WHTI-compliant to re-enter the United States.

Expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I’m planning to visit Canada with my mom. She 74 years old but her passport expired last month. Can she use the citizenship certificate to enter the Canada and return back to U.S? Will she get any trouble with that?

Answer: While U.S. citizens age 16 and over may enter Canada using only proof of U.S. citizenship, a valid passport book, passport card or any other WHTI-compliant document is required to re-enter the United States. This is to ensure that safety and security for all U.S. citizens.

Expired passport
by: Anonymousb

Question: Can I exit the U.S. to El Salvador with an expired passport? My mother is sick and my flight is today afternoon, I don't have time to expedite a new one. Thank you.

Answer: I'm sorry to be the bearer of more bad news but you need a valid U.S. passport to depart the United States via air.

Expired Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My 8-year-old daughter's passport expired last year and she has to go back to the U.S. She is a U.S citizen. Would she be able to with a birth certificate?

Answer: Your daughter needs a passport to re-enter the United States unless she is arriving from Canada or Mexico.

U.S. citizen minor
by: Anonymous

Question: Can a U.S. citizen minor be denied entry into the U.S. with 3 months left on a U.S. passport?

Answer: All U.S. citizens may enter the United States as long as their passports are valid.

Passport validity

Question: I am a U.S. citizen currently in Saudi Arabia. I will be flying back to the U.S. 01 Feb and my passport expires 28 Jun 2019. Will I be able to enter the U.S. without any problems considering the 6 month passport rule?

Answer: You should be able to re-enter the United States as long as you arrive with a valid passport.

Can I leave with a Mexican passport!?
by: Anonymous

Question: My passport expired a few days ago, but i need to leave for Mexico because of a family emergency. I have both Mexican and American passports, can i use my Mexican passport to leave the United States and renew my US passport in Mexico?

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, you need to depart the United States using your American passport. Since you have an emergency, you may apply for a renewal at a regional passport agency and get your passport in 1 to 8 business days. In addition to the renewal requirements, you need to present proof of immediate travel to Mexico.

SIx Month Rule
by: Anonymous

Question: My mom is from Venezuela, she is planning to come in February and stay for 2 months. Her passport will expire in September. But if she is planning to go back to Venezuela in May, her passport will have less than 6 months before it expires. Is this still OK? Is the Six Month Rule only for the arriving? Thank you very much.

Answer: Your mother's passport should be acceptable since it will be valid for the duration of her stay in the United States.

Resident with expiring passport
by: Carlos

Question: I am Venezuelan but a U.S. resident. I will travel outside the U.S. but when I come back my Venezuelan passport will expire in 2 days. Will there be a problem for re-entry? Thanks!

Answer: You should be able to re-enter the United States as long as you arrive with a valid green card and passport.

Expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I’m a Canadian citizen. Will I able to cross the U.S. border with my Canadian expired passport? I’m going to pass the border by car?

Answer: Please contact the U.S. Customs and Border Protection regarding entry to the United States.

U.S. entry
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm an American citizen living in México. If I'm traveling back by land, can I return and pass the border if I present social security #, ID and original birth certificate?

Answer: You need a valid passport book or passport card in order to enter the United States from Mexico by land.

Emergency re-entrance
by: Anonymous

Question: I have dual citizenship (United States and Mexico). I have been living in Mexico for the past 6 years and my U.S. passport is expired, however my Mexican passport is still valid. A family emergency has arisen and I need to go to the U.S. immediately. What can I do to get into the U.S.?

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, you need to re-enter the United States with a valid U.S. passport. Please contact the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City or any of the U.S. Consulates located all over Mexico about renewing your passport.

Passport about to expire
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm traveling to Mexico and returning 11/9. My passport expires 2 days after my return date 11/11.
Will there be any issues for re-entry based on that?

Answer: You should be able to re-enter without issues as long as you arrive with a valid passport.

Re-entering the U.S.
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, My son was born in the U.S. and has a U.S. passport. We came to our home due to my office work and we are planning to return to the U.S. on work again. His passport expires in 2 months. Can he enter the U.S. without any issues or do I need to get his passport renewed in my home country? Thanks in advance.

Answer: Your son may re-enter the United States without issue as long as he arrives with a valid passport.

by: Anonymous

Question: What if i have a valid passport and have all the info and photo of American passport but don't physically have it on me. I have a California ID, will they let me through and back?

Answer: The actual valid passport is required to travel overseas and back into the United States.

17-year-old crossing the border
by: Anonymous

Question: Currently living in Cancún, will be crossing the US border by car Sep 25th. Just realized my daughter’s passport expired few years ago. She’s a born U.S. citizen, 17 years old. Can she enter the US with her birth certificate? Not sure will have enough time to renew her passport.

Answer: At 17, your daughter now needs to present a valid passport book, card or any other WHTI-compliant to re-enter the United States.

Please contact the WHTI-compliant or any of the U.S. Consulates located all over Mexico for assistance in obtaining a new passport for her.

Expired Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My friend is still a resident but has an expired Philippine passport. Would she not be able to use it to go back and visit?

Question: A valid passport is required depart and re-enter the United States.

Traveling before passport expires
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a question. My father wants to travel to Quito, Ecuador on September 29 to October 2 this year. He recently became a U.S. resident (1 year ago) and has all his documents in order: green card, social security, etc. but his passport expires on October 18, 2018.

Will he be able to re-enter the US without any problems or should he reconsider and not take his trip? He'll be back from his trip exactly 2 weeks before his passport expires. Thank you for the feedback.

Answer: Your father may re-enter the United States as long as he arrives with a valid passport and green card. Please contact the CBP or the airline he is traveling with to confirm.

Re-enter with a birth certificate?
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello, I need more information for my husband. He is a U.S. citizen. We are trying to make a trip to Mexico and his passport is expired. Can he use his birth certificate to re-enter? It was expired last year, can he still use it?

Answer: He can no longer use his passport. A valid passport is required to enter Mexico and re-enter the United States. A valid passport card or any WHTI-compliant document will suffice if traveling by land or sea.

Expired passport
by: ashley

Question: I am traveling to Brazil and I’ll land back in the USA the day my passport expires. Will I have issues clearing customs in the USA if I’m a U.S. citizen?

Answer: You should be allowed re-entry to the United States up to 11:59PM of your passport's expiration date.

However, you should allow for delays which may change your travel dates. We recommend that you renew your passport before you travel to Brazil.

Passport about to expire
by: Anonymous

Question: My father is a U.S. resident, lives in Florida, and has a Venezuelan passport that expires on October 7th 2018. He wants to travel to Ecuador on September 29th to October 2nd 2018. Will he have any issues re-entering the States? Will he be permitted to enter the States? What can he do in that case?

Answer: U.S. permanent residents may re-enter the United States after temporary abroad as long as he arrives with a valid passport and green card. Please contact the U.S. Customs and Border Protection for more information.

Travel to Canada and back by car with expired U.S. passports
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a U.S. citizen planning to visit Canada by car but my U.S. passport is expired. My age is 20. Is that okay?

Answer: While you may enter Canada with just proof of U.S. citizenship plus ID, you need a valid passport book, card or any other WHTI-compliant document to re-enter the United States.

Daughter's passport is expired
by: Anonymous

Question: We have been in Mexico for 4 years and I have to go back. Can my daughter get on an airplane to go back with a expired passport? We both are US citizens.

Answer: A valid U.S. passport is required to board an aircraft bound to the United States. Please apply for your child's new passport at the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City or any of the U.S. Consulates located all over Mexico.

Child passport expired
by: Anonymous

Question: My child's passport has been expired for like a year. Can i still take her to the United States? We have been in Mexico for 4 years but now i want to go back the States. My child and I are U.S. citizens.

Answer: According to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection, when U.S. citizen children under the age of 16 arrive by land or sea from Canada or Mexico they may present an original or copy of their birth certificate.

Passport about to expire
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. I am traveling to Cancun 8/16/18 through 8/19/18 and my passport expires on 9/16/18. Will I be okay for travel?

Answer: Yes, you will be okay for travel.

by: Anonymous

Question: But I can’t go out of the country with my Panamanian passport?

Answer: You may be allowed to leave Panama but you will most likely be denied entry to the United States since your passport will expire before your planned date of departure.

by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. I am from Panama. If I still have a valid passport, can I travel to the United States? But the problem is the passport will expire while I am in the U.S. Will I be able to go out of the country?

Answer: In order to enter the United States, you need to present a passport that will be valid for at least the duration of your stay in the country. Please contact the U.S. Customs and Border Protection for more information.

Citizenship check at JFK
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. I am going back to the US. For the past 2 times, they asked me to wait in the airport for a hour or so. Will that be repeated every time I enter the US? Thank you.

Answer: Considerable delays only happen when sufficient proof of U.S. citizenship is not available. If you arrive with a valid passport, there should be no issues.

Entering Canada and returning to U.S.A
by: Anonymous

Question: My passport expired in March 2018. I’m scheduled to drive to Canada on August 16. Would I be able to enter Canada and return to the U.S?

Answer: While you may enter Canada with only proof of citizenship, you need a valid passport book, passport card or any other WHTI-compliant document to re-enter the United States by land.

Will my passport be valid?
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a U.S. citizen currently in Mexico. I will be flying back to the US 9/1/18 and my passport expires 9/27/18. Will I be able to enter the US without any problems, considering the 6 month passport rule?

Answer: You should be able to re-enter the United States without issue as long as you arrive with a valid U.S. passport.

Almost expired US passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My U.S. passport expires in three weeks. Am I able to travel to Canada (today) on a three day trip?

Answer: Yes, you should be okay to travel to Canada and back using your current passport.

Non-citizens passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter is 14 years old now. We immigrated to the U.S in 2014 and now we want to go back to Vietnam to visit our family. We already got our 10 years green card but not yet becoming a U.S citizen. Her passport expired about a year ago and right now we’re planning to go to Vietnam, could she be able to go outside and travel back to the U.S with her expired passport?

Answer: A valid passport is required to board a flight departing from and going to the United States.

Urgent question.
by: Anonymous

Question: We are trying to go to Canada from Buffalo, NY. My little brother has a expired passport, he’s 15 years old. We are USA residents, can he re-enter the states without any problems? I have a travel consent, resident card & expired Ecuadorean passport.

Answer: Please contact Canada Border Service Agency and the U.S. Customs and Border Protection for information.

Expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My passport is about to expire. I am an American in Ireland. I thought it was good until October but it expires in August. I am afraid to fly around September. If I wait until October, can I fly back to the States to renew my passport?

Answer: You will need a valid passport to board a flight back to the United States. You need to renew your passport at the U.S. Embassy in Dublin before you travel anywhere.

Minor's expired passport
by: Miller

Question: My daughter is 13 and we are travelling by car to/from Canada. Her passport is expired and we are leaving in a few days. Can she be admitted to Canada and then back into the US with expired passport + birth certificate?

Answer: Yes. Minors age 15 and under can travel to Canada and back to the United States with just evidence of U.S. citizenship (birth certificate).

Soon to expire
by: Anonymous

Question: My sister is 15 & a U.S citizen, we have a trip to Mexico this month and will be returning August 9th. The problem is her passport expires August 5th. Will she be able to leave the U.S as well as enter?

Answer: If you are traveling by land or sea, your sister may enter Mexico using her current passport and re-enter the United States with her U.S. birth certificate or any other proof of U.S. citizenship.

If you are traveling by air, your sister will need a valid U.S. passport to board an aircraft and re-enter the United States.

Expired passport of dual citizen minor
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. My child is a minor and a dual citizen (U.S. and Canadian). U.S. passport is expired. Can my child enter the US with an expired US passpsort and Consular Report of Birth Abroad? Or can she use her Canadian Passport to enter?

Answer: Your child may enter the United States with proof of U.S. citizenship which is her Consular Report of Birth Abroad.

Issuing a new passport regardless of your residence country
by: Anonymous

Question: If my child is minor and I am not U.S. Citizen and we are not living in the U.S. and his passport expired and we are currently on vacation abroad, can I get him a new passport from the nearest embassy regardless of what country we have residence in? Will any nearby embassy serve us regardless if I am resident or not?

Answer: Yes, the U.S embassies will assist U.S. citizens whether or not they are residents of tourists of the country they are in.

Expired US passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My children have dual citizenship (Venezuelan and American). Their U.S passports expired in April, they are 18 and 11. We plan on traveling this summer to the U.S. Can they enter with an expired US passport and renew it in the U.S?

Answer: Both your children need to apply for new passports before traveling back to the United States.

Expired passport and my birth certificate?
by: Anonymous

Question: I am 16 years old with dual citizenship (Mexico and United States) and my passport expired a couple months ago. I need to travel to the US very soon. Can I travel to the U.S. if i have a expired American passport and my American birth certificate?

Answer: You need a valid passport book, card or any other WHTI-compliant in order to enter the United States from Mexico. If traveling by air, you need a passport book to board a flight to the United States.

We recommend that you apply for a new passport at the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City or any of the U.S. Consulates located all over Mexico before you travel.

No passport, because I owe child support
by: Mary

Question: I have a friend that applied for a passport but was denied, because he owes child support. He would like to go back to Mexico for a visit. Would he be able to return with his paper.

Answer: A valid passport is required to re-enter the United States.

Dual citizen child with US passport expiring the day of US entry
by: Anonymous

Question: My 5-year-old is a dual citizen of the US and Costa Rica. We are traveling on 06/30/2018 to the U.S. from Costa Rica and discovered that her U.S. passport expires the same day 06/30/2018. Can she travel with her Costa Rican passport as valid ID and enter to the US with her US passport?

Answer: Yes, she can.

Expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. I am traveling to Mexicali. I didn't realize my passport expired. Would it be a problem?

Answer: Yes, it will be a problem. U.S. citizens need valid passport books, cards or any other WHTI-compliant documents to enter Mexico and re-enter the United States.

Arriving same day passport expires
by: Anonymous

Question: Coming back from Aruba on 6/15/2018 with a passport that expires that same day (arriving at 6pm in U.S.) Will there be any issue?

Answer: There shouldn't be any issue.

Military overseas
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a valid us passport and a no-fee military passport. I am trying to fly emergency to the States but my children's (native U.S. citizens) regular passports expired two months ago. Their no-fee U.S. passports are current. Can they re-enter the USA?

Answer: Please contact the travel office of you installation regarding travel document requirements.

Flying out of Mexico to the U.S. with an expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I’m in Mexico at the moment and I came here by car with my uncle. We had planned to leave in two weeks but an emergency came up for my uncle and he is not leaving anytime soon. I need to get back home. I have an expired passport and I wanted to know if I could fly home like that? I would renew it but my parents are in the US.

Answer: A valid passport is required to board a flight to the United States.

Expired passport
by: ALameri

Question: My passport expired while I was in Yemen. I couldn't leave because of the 3 years and half war that is still going around the capital city SANAA.

In city of Aden, things are back to normal. Flights have resumed as well as everything else. My problem is that my passport is expired and have called the emergency number a lot of times. I was given phone numbers for the US embassy which is closed. I have confirmed this with the State Department.

I can't leave Yemen with an expired passport to the nearest US embassy in a near by country.
The war started 2015. When things got back to normal in the city I am currently in, I tried every possible way to get back. I am disabled and I need to follow-up with a doctor. My benefits have stopped because I can't do the medical review from here.

So please help me with any information regarding my case. Plese don't give phone number for US embassy in Sanna because there is nobody in at the embassy.

I was given those numbers and I have called and no one answers. I called the DEPARTMENT OF STATE and they confirmed that there is no one at the embassy.

Answer: The U.S. Department of State has designated the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, Egypt to handle American Citizens Services cases emanating out of Yemen.

Please contact them to make arrangements for renewing your passport.

5 Tawfik Diab Street
Garden City, Cairo
Telephone: (20-2) 2797 3300
Fax: (20-2) 2797 3200

My passport expired 6 months ago
by: Ammar E

Question: The U.S. Embassy in Sana’a on Sa’awan Street is closed.

Answer: The U.S. Department of State has designated the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, Egypt to handle American Citizens Services cases emanating out of Yemen. Here's the address:

5 Tawfik Diab Street
Garden City
Cairo, Egypt
Telephone: (20-2) 2797 3300
Fax: (20-2) 2797 3200

Passport expiring soon
by: Anonymous

Question: My 5-year-old is travelling to Brazil, returning to Miami August 5. His U.S. passport expires August 6. Would we have a problem with him re-entering U.S. with a U.S. passport still valid with one day to go? Reason is that we might not have enough time to renew it before the trip.

Answer: There should be no issues re-entering the United States as long as the passport is valid upon arrival.

U.S. citizen child in Nicaragua with expired passport
by: John

I have a child with dual citizenship who lives in Nicaragua and has an expired U.S. Passport. The mother has been contacting the Embassy since late April, but cannot get anyone to help with the renewal.

Are there any other options?

The child has a valid Nicaragua passport, but no visa for the U.S. Does not need a visa, since he is a citizen?

Answer: Hello, John. All U.S. citizens are required to re-enter the United States using U.S. passports. The U.S. Embassy in Managua is the only issuing body for U.S passports in Nicaragua.

by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. My passport expires June 23. It’s currently June 2, would I be allowed to enter Canada and then re-enter the US if I went from June 4-10.

Answer: Yes, you will be able to enter Canada and get back in the United States with your current passport.

by: Anonymous

Question: My child's passport expired April 9th and we are planning to go to Mexico in July. I cannot renew because the other parent is no longer involved and we have no contact with her. What can I do?

Answer: In order to apply for your child's new passport without the other parent, you need to fill out Form DS-5525 and explain the situation in as much detail as possible. It will greatly help your case if you can also include proof of your efforts to reach out to the other parent regarding the application.

Please note that applications submitted with DS-5525 are processed on a case by case basis.

Trapped in Yemen
by: ADEL

Question: I traveled to Yemen to visit my family. I have 7 months on my passport when I arrived in the cite of Aden where my wife and some of my kids live. Three months later, a war started (August 2016). The U.S. embassy closed, leaving me trapped here with an expired passport, no flights and no help.

In 2017, the flights resumed but my passport is expired. It's bad that the nearest U.S. embassy is in Cairo, Egypt -- 4 hours flight.
The Egyptian authority would not allow a person with an expired passport to enter their country.

I need to go back home. It seems that the war is not going to stop soon and the U.S. embassy is not opening anytime soon. I got in contact with the U.S. Department of State
for any assistance but every time, I was told they have no plans for the US citizens who got trapped in Yemen.

Answer: Please call (967) 1 755-2000 (during regular office hours) or (967) 1 755-2170 (after hours) if you seek immediate repatriation to the United States.

Passport expired
by: mike

Question: I am a U.S. citizen and my passport expired while visiting in Nigeria. What would it cost to get an extension or renew it?

Answer: Passport renewal cost $110. Please contact the U.S. Embassy in Abuja or the Consulate General in Lagos for assistance.

Expired passport and a valid age of majority card
by: Anonymous

Question: So we wanted to go shopping in Michigan, however my sister's passport is expired. She does not drive but she has a card that they call an Age Majority Card that has her name and address.

Answer: Since the Real ID Act enforcement in January, TSA will only accept state-issued driver’s licenses or identification cards if they are issued by a REAL ID compliant state or a non-compliant state with an extension. As always, travelers may use alternate forms of identification such as a passport, military ID, or permanent resident card.

Please contact the TSA for more information.

Passport expired
by: Anonymous

Question: My son is 16 years old. He is in the USA. He entered the USA by a valid U.S. Passport. However recently his passport expired (on 7 of May). He is planning to leave the USA soon. Also, he has a valid passport of Kazakhstan.

Can he leave US with his Kazakhstan passport?
His expired US passport will be also with him.

Thank you.

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, he is required to depart the United States using a valid U.S. passport.

Minor 5 years old
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter has no SS #. We live in Mexico but she is a dual citizen. I’m renewing her passport next week in the USA. I only have 4 days and was told I can get it in 48 hours at the agency in San Diego. I read that she needs SS # on one form and another I read you just out none. She has had a passport for 5 years. Will we be okay?

Answer: You must submit a signed statement with the following words:

I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the following is true and correct: (Child's full name) has never been issued a Social Security Number by the Social Security Administration.

Entering the US with a passport that expires soon
by: Anonymous

Question: I am traveling to the U.S. on July for 2 weeks with an Israeli passport. My child's passport will expire 2 weeks after we leave the U.S. Will there be any problem with that? Someone told me you need your passport to be valid for at least 3 months from date of entry to the U.S.

Answer: Israeli passport holders may enter the United States with a passport that will be valid for at least your planned duration of stay.

Please contact the Carrier Liaison Program of the CBP for more information.

by: Anonymous

Question: My 5-year-old child's U.S. passport expires May 18th. I have planned a trip to San Diego May 14th, leaving from Mexico to renew her passport. Will she have any issues getting in the plane?

Answer: No, there should be no issue with your child getting on a plane and entering the United States.

Travel by land to Canada with expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter is 15 years and will be turning to 16. Her passport just expired a month ago. She is citizen of the United States by birth. Can she travel with us (parents) by car to Canada with an expired passport and her birth certificate? Thank you.

Answer: Minors age 15 and under may travel to Canada and back to the United States via land or sea with their birth certificates. Your daughter should be able to travel without issue.

Expired US passport, traveling back from Canada
by: Anonymous

Question: My U.S. passport expired. Can I travel back to the U.S. I have a valid U.S. driver's license and a global entry card.

Answer: If you are traveling by land or sea, you may use your Global Entry card to re-enter the United States. However, if you are traveling by air, you need a valid passport book.

Expiring password
by: Anonymous

Question: Can I fly to New York if my passport is expiring 4 days later?

Answer: Yes, you can. There is no validity requirement for domestic travel.

Expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I’m traveling from the Dominican Republic this coming week. I just realized that my passport has expired a month ago. Do you think I will be able enter the with an expired U.S. passport?

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, you will not be expressly denied entry to the United States. However, you will face considerable delays at the airport if you arrive with an expired U.S. passport as border officials verify your identity and citizenship. Also, you will most likely not be allowed to board the flight back to the U.S. without a valid passport.

Please renew your passport at the U.S. Embassy in Santo Domingo before traveling back to the United States.

Passport expires 2 days after return
by: Anonymous

Question: I am scheduled to travel to Canada from the US on April 22nd and will be returning to the US from Canada on April 23rd. My passport expires April 25th. Will there be an issue with me entering Canada or returning to the US?

Answer: No, there will be no issues. You may travel to Canada and get back in the United States as long as your passport is valid.

My passport
by: Susie

Question: If I'm going to Mexicali Baja California on 14 April and my passport expires on 15 April am my going to be able to cross back to the United States?

Answer: You need a valid passport to get back in the United States.

Expiring passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My passport is Iraqi. Can I fly from the USA using this passport which expires on May 5th and be back on May 3rd?

Answer: If you are a green card holder, you can re-enter the United States as long as your passport is valid.

Re-entering the U.S.
by: Suzan J

Question: My passport will expire in May 5 2018. I have to come back to Kurdistan-Iraq in April 10th and be back on May 1st. If there is any problem, please let me know. Thanks.

Answer: You are required to present a U.S. passport valid for at least 6 months in order to enter Iraq. Based on this, you need to renew your passport before your trip.

Since you are leaving in just a little over 3 weeks, we recommend that you apply for expedited renewal to get your passport in time. Expedited service via mail takes 2 to 3 weeks to complete.

Expired Canadian Passport.
by: Anonymous

Question: My passport expired weeks ago and we need to cross from Canada via car. I have proof and a receipt that my passport renewal is being processed. I also have my expired Canadian passport and birth certificate. Will a U.S. Patrol Officer let me in to the country? I have confirmed that I can get back into Canada.

Answer: The U.S. Customs and Border Protection will only allow entry to the United States by land if you have one of the following:

Canadian passport
Enhanced Driver's License/Enhanced Identification Card
NEXUS, FAST/EXPRESS and SENTRI enrollment cards

Your receipt or expired Canadian passport will not suffice for entry to the U.S.

Passport expired in Mexico
by: Anonymous

Question: I traveled to Mexico but my U.S. passport expired while in the country. Can I re-enter the U.S?

Answer: You need a valid passport to re-enter the United States. Please renew your passport at the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City or in any of the U.S. Consulates located all over Mexico.

Entering the US with an expired UK passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I will be traveling to the UK as a UK citizen in a month from the US, the country I reside in. My UK passport will expire in the UK, if I don't have a new one buy then. Will I be able to return to the US with my up to date Permanent Resident card and my UK passport showing expired. This will mean my new UK passport will be in my apt when I return. Thank you.

Answer: You need a valid passport to board a flight back to the United States. You need to renew your passport and be in possession of the new one before you travel back to the U.S.

Expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I want to go from California to Tijuana, Mexico but my passport is expired. Will they let me re enter the US if my passport is expired?

Answer: All U.S. citizens are required to present a valid passport book, passport card or any other WHTI-compliant travel document to travel between the U.S. and Mexico by land or sea. You need a valid passport book to travel by air.

You need to renew your passport before going to Mexico.

Expired Canadian passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My sister's Canadian passport expired 2 days ago and she has a flight out of Buffalo tomorrow. Will she be able to cross the border?

Answer: A valid passport is required to board an aircraft.

Is it possible to return to the US with an expired passport?
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm leaving for Canada soon. I am 22 years old and my passport expired sometime ago and I couldn't get it renewed in time for my trip. Is it possible to enter Canada and return back to the U.S. with an expired passport? How long will it take for them to prove my citizenship if I choose to go back to the U.S. with an expired passport or my birth certificate?

Answer: You will be able to enter Canada with just evidence of U.S. citizenship and an ID. And while you will not be expressly denied re-entry to the United States, border officials may take some time. We cannot provide an exact time.

Expired USA passport / Valid Canadian Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I have both a U.S. and Canadian passport. I currently live in Canada but accepted a job in the USA. My U.S. passport expired 1 1/2 years ago. I need to fly to the U.S. in a few days. Will I be allowed to enter the USA for work purposes without a valid U.S. passport (but a valid Canadian passport)?

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, you are required to re-enter the United States using a U.S. passport. While you will not be expressly denied entry if you arrive with an expired passport, you need a valid passport in order to board an aircraft.

Can I go back to my country on an expire passport?
by: Anonymous

Question: I have been in Jamaica. My U.S passport has been expired for a year and couple months. Is it possible that I can go back home on this passport?

Answer: In order to board an aircraft, you need to present a valid passport. And even if you manage to get on a plane to the United States, you may have issues upon arrival . While you will not be expressly denied entry to your own country, you will face delays while officials verify your U.S. citizenship.

We recommend that you renew your passport at the U.S. Embassy in Kingston, Jamaica.

My son is a US citizen in UAE
by: Anonymous

Question: My son is a U.S. citizen but his U.S. passport expired on 24th of January 2018. His resident visa for the UAE is still valid. We have applied for renewal but his father is not in the UAE. I am expecting a notarized letter from the father because the one he sent was declined by the embassy. He was asked to get it from the U.S. embassy, Please advise me on what to do before the arrival of the notarized letter. My application is still with the U.S. embassy, I have already paid for the passport.

Answer: There's not much else to do but wait for the notarized consent to arrive in the mail.

by: Anonymous

Question: I'm in Morocco traveling to France with an official American passport. Normally I must have 3 months on my passport. I have only 2. Can I go to France?

Answer: An official passport can only be used for travel in the line of duty. You need a civilian passport with at least three months validity remaining in order to travel to France as a tourist.

Expired Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I knew my passport was expired, however was not planning on leaving the States. We have to unexpectedly travel to Mexico today. Will I be denied entry into the US? I can take my expired passport, birth certificate and State issued ID.

Answer: U.S. citizens are required to present a valid U.S. passport book or card (land and sea travel) in order to enter Mexico. And while you will not be expressly denied re-entry to the United States when you arrive with an expired passport, birth certificate and state ID, you may face considerable delays at the border.

We recommend that you renew your passport at either the closest regional passport agency or through a private passport expediter to get it in time for your trip.

Can I enter the USA with an expired U.S. passport?
by: Alharbe

Question: My passport has been expired for almost 2 years. I am in Yemen now. I could not renew it here be cause of the war, as you know. I need help ASAP, please. Thank you.

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, you will not be expressly denied re-entry to the United States. There may be a delay while airport officials verify your U.S. citizenship. Having said that, you will still need a valid passport to be allowed to board an aircraft. You need to renew your passport or in the very least, secure a temporary travel document.

The U.S. Embassy in Cairo, Egypt has taken over consular services for residents of Yemen. Please contact them for further assistance.

Expired passaport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, my passport was about to expire and I decided to renew it because of airline requirements in Mexico. I am traveling by land to Mexico and taking a national flight but my passport didn’t arrive. I have proof that I applied for a renewal. My main concern is re-entering the U.S. Would I be able to re-enter presenting my proof of renewal, birth certificate and I.D.? Thank you.

Answer: While you will not be expressly denied re-entry to the United States without a passport, you will most likely face delays while border officials verify your U.S. citizenship.

Child passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My passport is valid but my child's (12) expired in 2016. I didn't realize they were valid for only 5 years. We leave for Mexico tomorrow. Will they still allow her to travel if I bring her U.S. birth certificate?

Answer: All U.S. citizens, regardless of age, need a passport book, card or any other Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative-compliant document to enter Mexico. The same is required for re-entry to the United States.

You need to apply for a new passport for your child.

Getting back to the U.S. with an expired passport
by: Hussein

Question: My daughter ( 10 years old) has 2 passports: U.S and Jordanian. Her U.S. passport will expire on 12/23/2017 and I am traveling with her on 12/04/2017 and getting back on 06/01/2018. Will there be a problem getting back in to the USA with her expired passport? The Jordanian passport is valid. I don't have time to renew her passport now since it takes more than 2 weeks.

Answer: U.S. citizens are required by law to depart and re-enter the United States using their U.S. passports. While your daughter will be not denied entry when she arrives with an expired passport, you may face significant delays while border officials verify her identity and U.S. citizenship.

You may apply for your child's new passport and request expedited service at a regional passport agency. Agencies process applications in 1 to 8 business days as long as you can provide proof of immediate international travel in 2 weeks or less.

US Passport Issues
by: Anonymous

Question: My U.S. passport is at the UK immigration office and will be expired before I return to the U.S. What do I do?

Answer: You may renew your passport through the U.S. Embassy in London or any of the U.S. Consulates in the United Kingdom once you get it back from UK immigration. You will then have a valid passport when you travel back to the U.S.

Verifying US Citizenship
by: Loren

Question: I'm confused by a recent answer you gave. You wrote:

All U.S. citizens are required to be in possession of a valid U.S. passport upon re-entry to the United States. While U.S. citizens will not be denied entry, there may be some delay at the airport while the border officials verify your U.S. citizenship.

So in other words, you *can* re-enter the US with an expired passport, you will not be denied entry, but they will have to verify your citizenship which can cause a delay.

wouldn't my expired passport be sufficient to verify my US citizenship? Even if it's expired, I wouldn't have one unless I was a citizen. So what does this mean?

Answer: Hi, Loren. A U.S. citizen cannot be denied entry although it is recommended that a valid passport be presented. The problem is that airlines will not allow a passenger to board without a valid passport. So a valid passport is still a requirement.

If you are traveling by land from Mexico or Canada, you will be allowed to enter although you may be delayed.

Dual citizen with soon to expire passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter is a dual citizen (Czech Republic and U.S.). We are leaving the U.S. 12/17/17 and coming back 1/6/2018. Her U.S. passport will expire 1/27/18 (21 days after the return). Her Czech passport is valid for 4 more years. Do you think she might have a problems leaving U.S. or coming back? Thank you.

Answer: No she will not. As a U.S. citizen, she is required to depart the United States on her U.S. passport. She may then enter and leave the Czech Republic using her Czech passport. She will not have issues re-entering the United States using her valid U.S. passport.

We recommend contacting the airline you are flying to verify travel document requirements.

I'm flying back to the us with an expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: How long will it take to validate my citizenship by the boarder officials?

Answer: There is no set time frame on how long the border officials will take to validate your U.S. citizenship. This is the reason why it is recommended that you re-enter the United States with a valid U.S. passport - to avoid delays and other issues.

Going back to the U.S.
by: Anonymous

Question: My questions is I'm in Mexico; can I go back to the U.S. by airplane with my passport expired?

Answer: All U.S. citizens are required to be in possession of a valid U.S. passport upon re-entry to the United States. While U.S. citizens will not be denied entry, there may be some delay at the airport while the border officials verify your U.S. citizenship.

Work-Related Purposes
by: Anonymous

Question: So my question is if I need my passport for my job to identify me and it's expired and I need it within 24 hours, is there anyway I would be able to renew it or go around that?

Answer: An expired passport is still considered valid form of identification.

What if in the case of war?
by: Anonymous

Question: What if war breaks out in the country, and the only passport we have to re-enter USA is expired? Will they send us back to the country of war?

Answer: The U.S. Embassy or Consulate will be able to provide American citizens with emergency travel documents in cases of war or other situations that may endanger your life.

EU/US Dual Citizen
by: Anonymous

Question: I am flying into US on 10/24 which is also the date that my US passport expires. I am going back to the EU on 10/30. Can I travel with my EU passport and an ESTA since my US passport will no longer be valid when I depart?

Answer: By law, U.S. citizens are required to enter and depart the United States using their U.S. passports. With your situation, you have two options:

1) You can renew your U.S. passport before your trip. Please contact the U.S. Embassy or Consulate closest to your current location regarding renewals. Most embassies or consulates abroad process passport applications faster than agencies within the United States.

2) You may enter the U.S. up to the expiration date of your U.S. passport. Once you're in the country, you can apply for expedited renewal to get your passport in time for your trip back.

Traveling on emergency on a expired pasaport
by: Anonymous

Question: I need to travel for an emergency but my U.S. passport is expired. Can I renew in the country I am traveling to?

Answer: You need a valid U.S. passport to be allowed to depart the United States. You need to apply for expedited renewal at a regional passport agency.

Please bring the following when you apply:

1. Form DS-82
2. Your current passport (must be undamaged and issued in the last 15 years)
3. New passport photo
4. Payment for fees ($110 application fee + $60 expedite fee)
5. Proof of immediate international travel

Please call 1-877-487-2778 for an appointment. If no appointment is available, you may walk-in with your application at the closest regional agency. Please make sure you arrive before the agency opens to increase your chances of securing a slot. Applications submitted at regional agencies are processed in 1 to 8 business days.

Traveling back home
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm leaving for Mexico on 8/11/17 and coming back to the US on 8/19/17. But my passport expires on 8/19, would that be an issue?

Answer: As a U.S. citizen you may re-enter the United States up to the expiration date of your U.S. passport. You should be able to travel to Mexico and back home without issues.

Dual citizen
by: Anonymous

Question: I have dual citizenship from Mexico and the United States. I am in Mexico and have to get back into my homeland of USA this week. My American passport is expired but i recently renewed my Mexican passport. Will I be able to successfully get home?

Answer: All U.S. citizens are required to depart and re-enter the United States using their U.S. passports. You need to renew your U.S. passport before your return. You may do this at the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City or any of the U.S. Consulates located all over Mexico.

My U.S. passport expires 20 days after getting out of the U.S.
by: Lina

Question: I have dual citizenship (American and Egyptian). I am living in Egypt. In 3 weeks I will travel to the US for 1 month stay then return to Egypt. My American passport expires 20 days after I return to Egypt. Will I face problems entering the U.S. or getting out of the U.S? My Egyptian passport is valid to 2021 so I will have no problems with Egyptian officers.

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, you may enter the United States up to the expiration date of your U.S. passports. Since you are also an Egyptian citizen, you should also not have issues entering Egypt even if exit the U.S. on your about to expire U.S. passport.

Having said that, we recommend that you renew your U.S. passport while you are in the United States. Routine service takes 6-8 weeks so you need to expedite the process. If you apply soon after you arrive, you will get your passport in 2-3 weeks.

Dual citizen traveling with expired US passport
by: Nora

Question: Hi,
My 5 year old is a dual citizen of the US and Egypt. We are traveling in a couple of days from Egypt to the US and discovered that her US passport has expired. Can she travel with her Egyptian passport as valid ID and show the expires US one as well at the airport to prove citizenship?

Answer: All U.S. citizens, regardless of age, need to depart and return to the United States using their U.S. passports. You need to apply for a new passport for your child before your trip. You may do so at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo.

Embassy Might Be Closed
by: Anonymous

Question: What about if the US Embassy in the country you are in is currently closed due to war in the country? Would conditions such as this one be considered an exception?

Answer: Please inform us as to which country you are in so that we can better assist you.

Why deny entry to a US citizen
by: Loren

Question: When I left the US my passport was valid. It expired while I was abroad. But it still proves I'm a US citizen. Why would my own country deny me from coming home?

Answer: Section 215 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1185) states:

Citizens: Except as otherwise provided by the President and subject to such limitations and exceptions as the President may authorize and prescribe, it shall be unlawful for any citizen of the United States to depart from or enter, or attempt to depart from or enter, the United States unless he bears a valid United States passport.

You can visit the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate general in order to apply for a passport renewal or, in the case of imminent travel, an emergency passport with limited validity.

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More Passport & Travel Information

Getting a Passport Expedited at a Post Office
Requesting express service at post offices and other facilities that accept application forms from U.S. citizens.

Applying at a Regional Passport Agency
Where processing centers are located. How to schedule an appointment. What documents to take with you.

Using a Registered Courier Service
How to pick a legitimate courier service company to assist in getting your passport quickly.

Routine vs. Expedited Passport Service: How to Choose
Guide to help you decide if standard or fast track processing is the best option for your situation.

How to Renew a U.S. Passport Fast
Learn to expedite passport renewals as quickly as the same day. Where and how to renew passport in a hurry.

Top 5 Questions About Expedited Passport Couriers

1. How can you get a passport when you're in a hurry?
2. What exactly does a passport expediter do?
3. Are passport expediting services legitimate?
4. How can I identify a reliable passport expeditor?
5. Is expedited passport service worth it?

Get answers to these questions and more in our Ultimate U.S. Traveler's Guide to Passport Expediters.

You can also visit our library of articles about passport expediting.

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About the Author: For over 20 years, the U.S. Passport Service Guide team has helped hundreds of thousands of travelers with their travel document questions and shared advice about how to make traveling abroad simpler, safer, and more enjoyable.

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