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How do I notify you that I have found my passport?

by Robert
(El Paso,Tx USA)

Question: I recently reported my passport lost but I found it today. I misplaced it when I took it to the Social Security Office for proof of ID. What do I need to do to let you know that it indeed is in my possession? Thank you.

Answer: Passports reported lost or stolen by telephone or by submitting Form DS-64 are invalidated and can no longer be used for travel.

If you reported the lost passport to the State Department, then will have to apply for a new passport. This requires you complete Form DS-11 and submit it, along with other required documents, at a passport acceptance facility.

Click the link below for complete instructions.

How to Apply for a New Passport

Click the following link to find the nearest location to submit the application.

Texas Passport Offices

Comments for How do I notify you that I have found my passport?

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Replaced lost passport, then found old one
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi there, I reported my passport lost and replaced it. Then, after receiving the new passport, I found the old one. What do I do with the old, invalid passport?

Answer: There is no need to do anything. Since it's no longer valid for travel, you may simply keep it as a memento of past trips.

Lost passport found
by: Anonymous

Question: I was going to submit the lost passport application, I haven’t sent it yet and I found it. Since I haven’t submitted the application as in sending it in, is my found passport still valid?

Answer: If you also did not call 1-877-487-2778, your passport is still valid.

Lost passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I lost my passport in a country with no US embassy. What should I do to get a replacement?

Answer: You need to contact the closest U.S. Embassy or Consulate in a neighboring country for assistance.

Found missing passport
by: Manuel R Santana

Question: I reported it missing but I found my passport. Want to keep my current passport.

Answer: Once reported lost, a passport is automatically invalidated. While you may keep the passport you found, you can no longer use it for travel. You need to submit a new application.

DS-86 Form
by: Anonymous

Question: I did not receive my passport in the mail so I filled out a DS-86 form and later found out that my passport was mailed to the wrong address. He returned it to me. What do I need to do about the form that I mailed out? Is my passport still valid?

Answer: Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 regarding your concern.

Passport renewal finally proccessed
by: Anonymous

Question: I had been waiting for a while and the check was never cashed. I had redone a new passport request and marked it lost. Since it was only just processed, will I get a passport that is invalid?

Answer: Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 regarding your case.

Expired Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I am applying for a new passport because my old one expired. I reported it lost and have found it. Can I send it in with the DS-82 still? Or do I still have to make an in-person appointment?

Answer: You can no longer renew that passport but you may use it as evidence of U.S. citizenship for a new passport. New applications need to be submitted in person at an acceptance facility.

Lost passport found
by: Anonymous

Question: I submitted a lost passport report but later found it still valid. I received an email of acknowledgment but not a confirmation email. Is there any way to cancel that email?

Answer: No, there isn't. Once a passport is reported as lost, it is automatically invalidated to protect its owner from identity theft.

Lost Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I recently misplaced my passport, I didn't make a police report but I applied for a renewal online (Ds-160) and I found it today.

Is my passport valid? Can I cancel my online application?

Answer: Hello! Your question is quite confusing. DS-160 is for a non-immigrant U.S. visa application. Can you clarify?

Steal and deactivate a passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Can you scan a passport steal it’s information and deactivate it?

Answer: The U.S. government is able to revoke/deactivate an individual's passport when it is justified.

Found passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My parents took my passport, I have it now.

Answer: If you reported your passport as lost, you can no longer use it for travel since it's already invalidated. If you have not, you can use it as long as it's not expired.

Lost passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I filed a lost passport report online, entered all the information, and submitted it. It said I would get a confirmation email, but I have not. How do I know if my passport is canceled or not??? Every time I try calling an operator, I can’t talk to anyone.

Answer: Once a report is submitted, you should consider your passport as invalidated.

Is it possible to revoke a lost passport declaration before it is processed?
by: Anonymous

Question: My passport was found before my request to report it lost has been processed. (I have not received a confirmation email and TSA checked my passport and it is still valid). Is there any way to revoke the report of it being lost?

Answer: You may contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 regarding your concern.

Lost Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I sent in my DS64 form but now I want to get a new Passport. How should I proceed since I already mailed in the DS64?

Answer: The process to replace a lost passport is similar to applying for the first time. You need to submit the requirements in person at a local acceptance facility.

1. Form DS-64
2. Form DS-11
3. Evidence of U.S. citizenship plus a photocopy
4. Proof of identity plus a photocopy
5. One new passport photo
6. Payment for fees

Even if you already sent in DS-64, it would not hurt to send another one with the application.

Schedule an Appointment

Get Passport Fast

I have found my passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I did not provide my passport number on the lost report and I’ve found it. Is it still valid?

Answer: No, it is no longer valid since you provided other details like your name, age, birth date, etc.

Report or not after stolen
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, my passport got stolen by a pickpocket in another country a while ago, but a stranger found it and contacted me. I got back my passport soon after the incident (the same day).

I didn't report my passport as stolen nor contacted the police.

I used my passport to get back home.

Should I now report it and ask for a new one?

Answer: It's up to you. Since the passport was not reported as stolen, you can still use it to travel. There may be a risk of identity theft but it's low since the passport was obviously discarded by the thief.

Lost passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I filed for a lost passport but got the papers sent back because of a forgotten signature at the bottom. I found my old passport. Is it still usable since I forgot to sign the form?

Answer: Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 regarding your concern.

You really ought to return to hole-punching expired passports
by: Anonymous

Just a comment to pass along please: You really ought to return to hole-punching expired passports. I completely forgot that last year I renewed my passport. When I found my expired passport, I panicked and applied for an expedited new one, only to be told that now I have to submit the current one, which I had forgotten about.

by: Anonymous

Question: My mom reported my passport as lost. I'm 28 and don't live with her. My passport is in my possession. Is there anything I can do to cancel the report that I never filed?

Answer: Once a passport is reported as lost, it is immediately invalidated to protect it from fraudulent/unauthorized use if found. You now need to apply for a new passport.

My passport was reported lost
by: Anonymous

Question: I came back to the US and CBPO told me my passport was lost in the system. I explained to the officer that I applied for a passport book and passport card however the passport card was lost in the mail. I submitted the form that I hadn’t received a passport card and still have a copy of the form I checked only the passport card. A few months later they issued a new passport card to me. How can I fix the problem because that is a department error on the report?

Answer: You may contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 regarding this concern.

online form
by: Anonymous

Question: Last week, I lost my passport at an airport in connection to my last destination. The next day, I submitted the forms online. Yesterday, I got a call saying my passport has been found. Is it still validated if I didn’t mail anything?

Answer: Since you have done one of the three ways to report the passport as lost, it is likely now invalidated. Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

Canceled Passport but found it & paid expedited fees
by: Anonymous

Question: What do I do now? Traveling within a few weeks. What can I do to expedite this? Which forms are now required to fill out? Please help.

Thank you!

Answer: That passport you just found is no longer valid for travel. Since you already paid for expedited service for the new application, you di not have to do anything else.

Lost passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. I am seeing two different answers to this question. Maybe it has changed in recent times. I lost my passport and reported it lost online only. I recently found it. Is it valid?

Answer: Since you have done one of the three ways to report your passport as lost, it is safe to assume that it has been invalidated. Passports are immediately invalidated once reported as lost to prevent unauthorized use of the passport and to protect you from potential identity theft.

Lost passport found in Tijuana, Mexico
by: Clayton Norian

Question: I received a phone call from a person in Tijuana saying that they had found my passport. I had them text me a photo of it to make sure it was true and it is. They seem a little bit weird about giving it to me and wanting to meet at a certain location. I'm not sure if this is something I should report or not? I already reported my passport lost and went to get a new one. Is there any reporting I need to do for this?

Answer: That passport is no longer valid so it's not necessary to claim it. You may ask them to surrender the passport at the U.S. consulate if they do not want to send it by mail.

How to check if my passport was reported as lost
by: Anonymous

Question: In preparing for an international trip, my mother and I couldn’t find her passport and had begun filling out the Lost Passport form online when we finally found it by chance.

I’m fairly certain I did not finish submitting the online form to report a passport as stolen, but in my anxiety, I want to know if I can check the passport at the TSA security checkpoint at my local airport to be sure. Will it show up as flagged at any national airport, or does it have to be an international one to check the validity?

Answer: If the form was not mailed in or you did not call to report the loss, the passport is very likely still valid. You may have the passport checked at an international airport to be sure but I do not think it is necessary.

Lost passport found
by: Stephen Scott Greer

Question: Lost passport found, what do I do?

Answer: If you already reported your passport as lost by calling 1-877-487-2778, it is no longer valid for travel. You can just keep the passport as a memento of past travels.

When you apply for a new one, please submit the following in person:

1. Form DS-64
2. Form DS-11
3. Evidence of U.S. citizenship
4. Government-issued ID
5. One new passport photo
6. Payment for fees

Get Passport Fast

I found my passport
by: FR

Question: I am residing overseas and thought I lost my passport but I found it
I filled the DS64 and DS11 online and received a confirmation that I successfully submitted my report but I didn't email/mail/visit/call the State/passport services/consulate, is my passport valid?


Answer: Please contact the closest U.S. Embassy or Consulate for overseas passport concerns.

Passport card
by: Anonymous

Question:v I reported my passport card lost, but recently I found it. Is it possible to have it reinstated? I used to use it as an ID I don't want to go through the process of getting it again, it's expensive & long.

Answer: Once reported as lost, a passport book/card is automatically invalidated. It can no longer be reactivated. You may continue to use it as an ID but not as a travel document.

Lost passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I lost my passport on a flight. I filled out and submitted a form online to report it lost. I never printed and mailed the form and I never called to report my passport as lost. The airline later found my passport and returned it to me. Is it still valid?

Answer: Yes, it is likely still valid.

Lost Passport, later found.
by: Anonymous

Question: I lost my passport and ordered a replacement one which I have received. I later found the lost passport. I have heard that if you lose two passports you can no longer receive a permanent passport. Is there any way for me to return my "lost" passport and remove the first strike against my record?

Answer: There isn't any way to expunge the lost passport record. You need to be careful not to lose the current one to avoid denial in the future.

How to check if found passport is valid?
by: Anonymous

Question: I lost my old passport when moving and I started the process of reporting it lost online, but I can't remember if I ever submitted it. I have no email receipt or anything.

I recently found it and was wondering how to check if it's valid or if I did finish submitting the lost passport form?

Answer: You need to mail the lost passport form in order to report it as lost. If you did not mail anything in, your passport is still valid.

Lost but found passport issue
by: Lari

Question: So I lost my passport during a move, reported it, and got a new one. Since then my old passport that still has a valid date until November 2022, has been found in boxes from the move.

Currently said new passport, as well as my state-issued ID are in the consulate of Italy in Detroit for a visa application. I need to fly to New Orléans this upcoming Monday and I have 0 forms of identification. Would I be able to use my old but non-expired passport for domestic travel from Ohio to New Orléans?

Answer: Your old passport is already invalid for international travel but you may be able to use it for domestic travel. Please contact the airline you are flying with to confirm.

How to contact
by: Anonymous

Question: I lost/misplaced my passport a few months ago. I have since applied for and received a new passport. Is there any way to contact the Consular Lost and Stolen Passport Unit and inquire if my passport was sent to them?

Answer: You may contact CLASP through the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778.

Stolen Passport found
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. I completed the DS-64 form found in https://pptform.state.gov/passportwizardmain.aspx to report a stolen passport but the passport was just found. Is the passport still valid? I haven't called or physically submitted a mail with the form.

Answer: The form needs to be mailed in order to officially report the passport as lost/stolen. Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 to confirm.

Lost But found
by: Anonymous

Question: I submitted my passport as lost but I did not have the passport number on the application. I found it and I need it for tomorrow. When I submitted the application I got an email saying "Please note that this is only an acknowledgment that your report has been received. A confirmation email will follow once your report has been completed."

I never got an email saying it was confirmed and that the report had been complete. Is my passport actually marked as lost or stolen?

Answer: Once reported as lost, you should consider your passport as automatically invalidated with or without the confirmation email. You can no longer use that passport for travel.

I found my passport DOB/04-01-1957
by: Mary Louise Campbell

Question: I reported my passport as lost on 10-20-2021 at about 5:30 p.m. I found the passport today, 10-21-2021. That was less than 24 hours ago.

I thought I would receive an email with confirmation that the lost passport report was received. I did not receive one. Can the lost report be invalidated?

Answer: Once reported as lost, a passport is automatically invalidated to protect your identity. This cannot be reversed.

You now need to apply for a new passport. Please submit the following in person:

1. Form DS-64
2. Form DS-11
3. Evidence of U.S. citizenship
4. Proof of identity
5. One new passport photo
6. Payment for fees

Schedule an Appointment

Is my passport still valid?
by: Anonymous

Question: So I paid 49$ online for the DS-64 form but I found my passport book and never mailed the form! Is my passport still valid?

Answer: If you did not call the NPIC to report the loss and you also did not mail the form, your passport is still valid.

For future reference, all passport forms can be downloaded for free from this site or from the State Department's official website. There is no need to pay any amount for application forms.

What to do with the old passport which was found?
by: Ranjith

Question: Passport lost and got a new passport after reporting. I found the old passport which was lost. What do I need to do to the old passport which is found?

Answer: You may keep the passport as a memento of your travels.

found passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I applied for a new passport not knowing that my old one was still valid. I got a letter in the mail saying I need to report it stolen or lost. But before I did that I found it. Is the passport I found still valid even though I applied for a new one? My new application is on hold and it has not been processed yet, and I didn't report my old one stolen so is it still valid?

Answer: Generally, an existing passport is automatically invalidated once a new application in your name is received. Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 to find out whether or not your passpors has been invalidated.

Lost and found passport shouldn't count against me
by: Anonymous

Question: I lost and found my passport the next day. I reported the passport as lost applied for a new one. I am aware I can only lose a passport three times. How can I make this loss doesn't count against me since I have the passport in my possession?

Answer: You cannot undo the lost passport report even if you found it.

US airport lets you fly out with lost passport?
by: Anonymous

Question: My girlfriend just got detained in France immigration for having a lost passport. She declared her passport as lost but found it again. SFO scanned her passport and allowed her to get onto her flight to France. Shouldn’t SFO be catching that her passport is flagged?

Answer: Yes, the passport should have been tagged as invalid if it was successfully reported as lost. Please have your friend contact the U.S. Embassy in Paris or the closest consulate for assistance.

Found passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I've read the other comments about mailing the DS-64 for a lost passport and then finding it. I submitted a form online and got an email confirmation that it was entered into CLASP. I found the old passport last night. Since I never mailed anything, even though I got an email confirmation, can I still renew with a DS-82 or do I have to apply with a DS-11? If I have to apply, should I include the old passport with my application?

Answer: The passport you just found can no longer be renewed since it was already reported as lost. You now need to submit a new application in person at an acceptance facility.

Most facilities are located in post offices but there are some in libraries, city offices and courthouses. The majority of post office locations require appointments.

Routine service can take up to 18 weeks from the day you submit the application to the day you receive your passport. If you expedite and pay the additional $60 fee, this will be down to 12 weeks.

Passport lost
by: Anonymous

Question: I had sent out the forms because I thought I lost my passport. I then received a letter stating that I had to fill out a DS-64 form with more info and mail it back. The thing is I actually found the old one. Is it too late to use my old passport because it's now invalid or do I need to send out the DS-64 and proceed with the application?

Answer: You need to send the missing form Form DS-64 and proceed with the application.

Found lost passport, began process 2 months ago and need to travel international by next Friday.
by: Anonymous

Question: I filled out all the forms for a new passport thinking I had lost it. I found it today and I checked the status of my new application and it says it is still in process. I paid for expedited service but there is no guarantee I will receive my new passport in time. I have tried calling the number provided +1 (877) 487-2778 but the line is always busy and I can never get through to schedule an appointment.

What can I do? I have emailed as well but no response.

Answer: The passport you thought was lost and just found is no longer valid for travel.

The Department of State has disabled the online booking system so there is no other way to schedule an appointment but to call 1-877-487-2778. The contact center is open Mondays through Fridays 8AM to 10PM Eastern time.

Lost and found expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My passport is expired. I was planning on renewing my passport but I couldn't find it. I reported it missing and then found it again. Can I still choose the renew option since it was expired at the time I reported it missing?

None of the other comments address this example.

Answer: You need to submit a new passport application in person at an acceptance facility. Most facilities require an appointment.

Sent renewal paperwork, but have already renewed
by: Anonymous

Question: I sent I renewal paperwork with my old passport. Apparently, I had already renewed back in 2018. The passport I sent to be renewed was the one that expired in 2018. I did not need to renew. I just found my current passport. Can I still use my current since I did not report it lost or stolen? They have requested I send it in to be able to return my expired passport. Is my passport still valid?

Answer: Existing passports are normally invalidated once a renewal or new application is received. Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 to find out if your passport has been invalidated or if it can still be used for travel.

Reported lost?
by: Anonymous

Question: I can't remember if I reported my passport lost. I just found it but want to make sure it is still valid. Is there a way to check?

Answer: If a passport was reported lost and invalidated, it will be flagged at an airport. If you have access to an airport, you may have it checked at the gate. We recommend calling ahead to find out if they allow this. There may be restrictions in place due to the pandemic.

Lost passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I thought I had lost my passport and filled out and DS-64 online, got an email confirmation, I printed the forms and also filled out a DS-11 for a new passport, but I never mailed them, I made an appointment to get a new passport, but I have found my passport, I still haven’t gone to my appointment. Is my passport invalid?

Answer: Once reported as lost, the passport is automatically invalidated and can no longer be used for travel. We recommend proceeding with the new application.

Can I cancel/stop DS-64 form if it is still in transit?
by: Anonymous

Question: I sent DS-64 form together with DS-11 I filed in the post office a couple of days ago. Today I found my passport. The package is still in transit, could I stop the package or ask to cancel the request as it is not received yet by the passport center?

Answer: Since the application was already received by a passport agent, your old passport is now invalidated. Please contact passport services at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

Misplaced, but found
by: Anonymous

Question: I thought I lost my passport in transit during my move. I filled out an online application on travel.state.gov/loststolen and submitted it. Then I called the 1-877 number but I didn’t give them my information but told them about the situation how I couldn’t find it and if there was a way they can help me book an appointment but of course there isn’t.

She just gave me phone numbers to call. I ended up finding my passport that same day. So is my passport valid or invalid?

Answer: The answer depends on what information you have provided the agent you spoke with. If you gave your name and birthdate, your passport is likely invalidated. If you did not give out any personal information, it is possible that your passport is still valid.

I found my passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Do I need to get another?

Answer: We deleted your name for your security. If you reported your passport as lost, it is already invalidated and can no longer be used for travel.

You now need to apply for a new passport before making any travel plans and just keep the old one as a memento of past trips.

Found my passport card
by: Irene I Ponce Reyes

Question: I recently filed out the lost passport card but I recently found it. What should I do?

Answer: If you called the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 to report the loss or if you mailed Form DS-64, the passport card is already invalidated. Otherwise, it is still valid and can still be used for travel.

Lost Passport, then confiscated
by: Anonymous

Question: I thought I lost my passport. I then found it and used it to travel to Canada. I got into Canada. Upon my return to the United States, I had to surrender my passport to the United States Border Protection Agent at the Canadian Border. They told me it needed to be confiscated because I reported my own passport lost. I did not realize I could not travel after reporting it lost. How do I go about getting a passport since this is a unique situation and mine was confiscated?

Answer: Once reported as lost, a passport can no longer be used for travel. This is why your passport was confiscated.

Since your passport is officially reported as lost, you need to apply for a new one as if it is your first. You need to apply in person. Please prepare the following requirements:

1. Form DS-11 (must be signed in front of a passport agent)
2. Evidence of U.S. citizenship plus photocopy
3. Proof of identity plus photocopy
4. One passport photo
5. Payment for fees

Most facilities require an appointment so set one up once all your documents are ready. Regular processing currently takes 10 to 12 weeks to complete, it may take longer due to the pandemic. You can pay for expedited service and get your passport in 4 to 6 weeks.

Get Passport Fast

Do you want a found passport back that was already reported lost
by: Jimm

Question: I lost my passport and filed a DS-64 loss notice and a DS-11 form for a new passport. After accomplishing this at my embassy, I received a 1-year limited validity passport. Then my old passport showed up in my mailbox. I understand the old passport is no longer valid. But do you want the old invalid passport back?

Answer: There is no need to send the invalidated passport anywhere. You may keep it as a memento of previous travels.

Lost passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I lost my passport. I already reported it to the police station and got an affidavit of loss. If I apply for a new passport, will it have the same passport number as the lost passport?

Answer: The first thing you need to do is report the passport as lost by calling 1-877-487-2778. Please note that when reported as lost and is later found, it can no longer be used for travel.

The process to replace a lost passport is similar to applying for the first time. You need to submit the requirements in person at a local acceptance facility.

1. Form DS-64
2. Form DS-11
3. Evidence of U.S. citizenship plus photocopy
4. Proof of identity plus photocopy
5. One new passport photo
6. Payment for fees

New Passport
Lost Passport

Passport validity
by: Anonymous

Question: I lost my passport card and filled out the forms to get a new one. I have a trip coming up and am nervous that I accidentally reported my passport book lost by mistake. Is there a way to check passport validity?

Answer: If you already called and gave the agent your passport book number, then you passport book is invalid.

Lost-then-found passport as ID?
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi! I recently lost my passport, reported it as lost, filed for a new passport at USPS and then found it the next day.

I was wondering if I could still use my now-invalidated lost-then-found passport for ID purposes at the DMV or for healthcare services?

Answer: Yes, you may use it as an ID.

Expired passport book and passport card
by: Anonymous

Question: My child has a passport book and a passport card, both expired just a month ago. I want to apply for a new passport for him. But I cannot find his expired passport card. Do I need to report lost pass-card when applying his new passport? Do I need to submit his expired passport?

Answer: There is no need to report the passport card as lost. You need to submit the same requirements that you did the previous time you applied.

The child must apply in person with both parents present to submit the following requirements:

1. Form DS-11
2. Evidence of U.S. citizenship
3. Photocopies of both parents' IDs
4. Proof of parental relationship
5. One new passport photo
6. Payment for fees

by: Anonymous

Question: I filled out a form online stating my passport was stolen. My passport was returned to me in my mailbox and now is in my possession. I never called or physically mailed anything but I did fill out the form on the computer. Is my passport still valid?

Answer: Yes, your passport is still valid since the form was not mailed and you did not call to report the supposed loss.

Reported as lost and the found passport
by: Luis

Question: I reported my passport as lost, but i found it. Since i got an emergency passport I went to the US embassy in Japan to get my passport and showed the passport I found. They said that it needs to be destroyed but I have very important visas in there. Is it true?

Answer: It does not have to be destroyed but it can no longer be used for travel.

Online Form Submission
by: Anonymous

Question: Just filed a DS-64 online and submitted it, and then immediately found my passport. I assume there is nothing I can do to prevent my passport from being invalidated?

Answer: The form needs to actually be mailed (snail mail) in order to officially report your passport as lost. Unless you called the NPIC to report the loss, your passport is still valid.

Renewal with found passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I reported my passport as lost but then found it later. This passport was to expire in 2027, so it was not expired when I reported it. Will I have to apply for a completely new passport now and fill out DS-11? Or can I use my physical copy of my (albeit invalid) old passport to renew, and fill out DS-82?

Answer: The process to replace a passport that has been reported as lost is similar to applying for the first time. You need to submit the requirements in person at a local acceptance facility.

1. Form DS-64
2. Form DS-11
3. Evidence of U.S. citizenship plus photocopy
4. Proof of identity plus photocopy
5. One new passport photo
6. Payment for fees

You can, however, use the passport as evidence of U.S. citizenship. It will also help if you include a signed statement explaining what happened to the passport.

Confirmation of Lost Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I started completing the online notice for a lost passport, and then found it. I don't believe I submitted the lost form. Would some form of confirmation get sent if it had been filed?

Answer: The form would have to be mailed to passport services to officially report the passport as lost.

Passport Confusion
by: Anonymous

Question: I recently needed my Passport for online purposes and only found my old expired Passport. I was confused like, how did I not realize this had expired? I thought I had gotten a new one but I couldn’t find it in my usual spot. Regardless, I applied for a new passport and I see the check has been cashed. Just now, I was going into an old drawer to look for something else and blam, I found the passport I forgot about that I did indeed get that is still active to 2026. 2 questions: 1) I am guessing I will not be able to stop the new Passport process and get my money back (just had to ask :-), and 2) will both Passports be valid for ID and travel, or just one? Thank you in advance!

Answer: 1. Passport fees are non-refundable. Processing will be completed.

2. The old, supposedly lost passport was invalidated when the application for a new one was received. It can no longer be used for travel.

Flagged passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a new 10-year passport after I thought I lost my other. It was since found. However, when I travel with my NEWLY ISSUED passport I am sometimes detained when traveling abroad. On a cruise ship, this recently happened in England and Belgium and also trying to get off the ship here in the US. I was told that my "lost" passport caused me to be flagged and that I should return my "lost" passport to the State Department to get myself unflagged. Is this correct?

Answer: Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 regarding this issue. The lost passport should already have been invalidated when you reported it.

Passport lost but found
by: Mike

Question: I reported my passport as lost to police but never filled any form, they took my name and date of birth and address. I later found it. Please can I report it back to police for revalidation?

Answer: If you did not report it to passport services, it is still valid.

Lost card but not passport book
by: Tina

Question: If the card has been lost but not book is it smart to still report it missing? Sounds like a hassle to get a new one.

Answer: You need to report it as lost so it will be invalidated. This is to protect your identity in case someone finds it. You do not, however, need to apply for a new one.

Lost Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My passport card was lost but I still have my passport book. Will my passport book also become invalidated when I report my passport card as stolen? If so, do I need to replace both the card and the book?

Answer: Your passport book will remain valid.

I just report to the local police department
by: Ano

Question: I’m an exchange student from Thailand and I reported my passport as lost to the local police department but then I found it and I’ve already reported to the police that I found it. Is it still valid?

PS. I never filled out any form. I just told the police that I lost my passport and they got only my name, phone no., address and my date of birth.

Answer: Your passport is most likely still valid.

Reported passport as lost but found same day
by: William

Question: I just reported my passport as lost/stolen but I just found it all in the same afternoon. I received a notification that my submission was received but not completed yet. Can I stop or cancel the process and my passport stay valid?

Answer: For your security, a passport is automatically invalidated once reported as lost. You need to apply for a new passport.

Passport being found
by: Zach

Question: I recently lost a bag on the bus in NYC but the next day I was able to get it back at the depot. Unfortunately some stuff went missing and I thought my passport was in there and reported it lost or stolen to the NYPD and got a slip back. A couple days later, I ended up finding it luckily. Is it still valid and if not what do I need exactly to fly in the United States without any ID because I am leaving in a couple weeks and it is too late to order a new one.

Answer: If you did not report the passport as lost by calling passport services, it should still be valid.

Lost Indian passport
by: Sam

Question: UPS has lost my Indian passport and I submitted a police report online with San Francisco police. Since then they returned my passport. I have not contacted the Indian embassy or homeland to notify of the loss. Is my passport still valid since I had only submitted a form online to the police?

Answer: We are not familiar with regulations governing Indian passports. Please contact the Indian Embassy or Consulate regarding your concern.

Tourist lost his passport and the found it
by: Jose

Question: Hello, I just want to know what happens after my Venezuelan passport was lost and I reported it at the police office and then I found it. The thing is I am going back to the USA for holidays and I had lost it when I was at the beginning of the year. Then one friend brought it to me to Venezuela.

Can I use it to get in to USA?

Answer: Please contact the CBP regarding entry into the United States.

No information about application
by: Anonymous

Question: I filled out the form for lost passport card but did not provide the number because did not remember or had a copy of it, how do I know it is invalidated? I also filled out a form for a new passport and it has been 8 weeks and the status shows its being processed.

Answer: Once reported lost, a passport is automatically invalidated.

Standard service takes 6 to 8 weeks. Processing should be completed anytime soon. Please call customer service at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

Lost passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I thought I lost my passport and made a report with the NYPD. I found my passport but besides NYPD and their intel, I never filled out the lost form you require. Is my passport still valid?

Answer: It should still be valid.

Third party reports the loss.
by: Anonymous

Question: If my ex-wife maliciously reports my passport has been lost, will I still be able to travel with my new wife when I explain that I did not report my passport was lost?

Answer: While unfavorable, it is possible that your ex-wife can file a false report but she will be breaking the law. Only you can report it as lost by completing form DS-64 or calling the toll-free number.

The form states, "False statements made knowingly and willfully on this form, in U.S. passport applications, or in affidavits or other supporting documents submitted
therewith are punishable by fine and/or imprisonment under U.S. law, including the provisions of 18 U.S.C. 1001 and/or 18 U.S.C. 1542."

If your ex reports your passport as lost, you will not be able to use your passport for travel.

Invalidated passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I reported my passport lost so I'm sure it's invalidated. But then I found it. Question is can I still use it to prove citizenship, like for example when trying to get a license at DMV? I thought when you report it lost they would just send another but boy was I wrong you gotta start the process from scratch. Anyway, can use this invalidated passport to prove citizenship?

Answer: Yes, you can.

How soon
by: Anonymous

Question: How soon is a passport invalid after calling or submitting it lost or stolen online?

Answer: A passport is automatically invalidated once reported as lost.

Lost Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I lost my passport and started to fill out the form online to report it. I'm not sure if I submitted it or not and found my passport since then. I called the passport agency and they said I would have gotten an email confirmation. If I did not receive an email confirmation does that mean my passport is still valid and I never submitted the form?

Answer: The form needs to be submitted by mail in order to officially report the passport as lost. If you did not call customer service to report it as such, your passport is still valid.

I couldn't find my passport but ended up finding it
by: Anonymous

Question: I thought I lost my passport so I call and told them that I couldn't find it. I never told them I lost it I just said I couldn't find it so they give me an appointment all they asked me was for my name and my phone number they didn't ask no other personal thing. Do you think my passport still valid because I did find it and I called to cancel my appointment and I want to make sure that my passport is still valid. I never filled out a form and never gave them my personal information by the phone to the person who made my appointment. They didn't ask for it, they just give me the appointment.

Answer: If you called 1-877-487-2778 and provided your name, it is highly likely that your passport is already invalidated.

Please help
by: Anonymous

Question: I declared my passport missing a month ago based on delay of visa issuance from one embassy. I have the new one with me and today I was called that visa has be issued to my old passport I declare missing. What should I do now?

Answer: You must contact the embassy that issued the visa to see if the visa can be transferred to the new passport.

Not sure if a passport was declared lost
by: Anonymous

Not sure if a passport was declared lost
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm not sure if my passport was declared lost. The passport was lost and the housekeeper was supposed to declare it lost, this person has moved out of town and I am not able to find her. How can I make sure that the passport is still valid.

Answer: Are you in possession of the supposed lost passport?

Following to your question, Yes, I am in possession of the passport.

Answer: If the passport was reported lost, it will have been invalidated. You can go to the closest international airport to have it checked by a gate official to see if it's still valid.

Not sure if a passport was declared lost
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm not sure if my passport was declared lost. The passport was lost and the housekeeper was supposed to declare it lost, this person has moved out of town and I am not able to find her. How can I make sure that the passport is still valid.

Answer: Are you in possession of the supposed lost passport?

Don’t know if passport was reported or not
by: Anonymous

Question: A couple years back, I remember I couldn’t find my passport anywhere. I remember wanting to file it as lost but I don’t quite remember ever actually going and sending all the paperwork to have it reported. Anyway, I found my passport maybe a year ago or so and now that I need it to travel, I am concerned. I know that if it is reported as lost, the passport is no longer valid but how can I be so sure if it was ACTUALLY reported or not? How am I able to know if the passport I still have is still good or not?

Answer: If you called customer service to report the passport as lost, it is already invalidated. There was no need to send paperwork.

If you can go to an international airport to have the passport checked, you may do so. If not, the best way to go is apply for a new passport.

Lost Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. I lost my passport and I found it when I moved. I remember reporting it lost and I have a code number. However, I never received an email of confirmation that the passport was reported lost. How can I check if it did go through.

Answer: Once a passport is reported lost, it is already invalidated. You need to apply for a new passport.

Lost expired passport then found it
by: Anonymous

Question: I could not find my expired passport, but I cannot remember if I reported it lost (would have been after expiration). I have now found it. If it was reported lost after expiration, can I now use it to renew my passport by mail? Is there a way to check whether my expired passport was reported or flagged as lost?

Answer: Hi! It is not necessary to report the loss of an expired passport. If you did report it, you may still use it as evidence of U.S. citizenship when applying for a new passport as long as it meets the following requirements:

1. Is undamaged
2. Was issued when you were 16 or older
3. Was issued with full 10 years validity

I found my passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I called yesterday that I lost my passport. I found it the next day. Do I have to call so they don't deactivate my passport or is still activated?

Answer: Once reported lost, the passport is automatically invalidated.

Never reported lost passport
by: Anonymous

Question: If I lost my passport card but never reported it (it was expired for 10years) and I want to apply for a new one. What happens if I never reported it?

Answer: Nothing happens. You may proceed to applying for a new passport.

Found passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I completed the DS64 form online and signed and submitted it. A few months later while packing for a move, I found my passport. Does this passport need to be returned anywhere or can I still keep it and not travel with it? Am I able to fill out the DS-11 form to apply for a new passport? Thank you.

Answer: You may keep your passport. Also, you need to use Form DS-11 to apply for a new passport.

On Sunday night reported
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. I report my passport lost online on Sunday night and after submitting the lost passport report, I found it. Do you think if I call Monday morning, I can stop cancelling my passport?

Answer: If you haven't called to report the loss and you haven't mailed the form, your passport is still valid. There is no need to call to stop the deactivation.

Lost then found
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. I live in Orange County California. I thought I lost my passport, reported it lost online, got a confirmation last year. Then applied for a new one. I have traveled 3 times to Tijuana and 3 times I have been taken for a second inspection, did I do something wrong?

Answer: You did nothing wrong. Inspections are done for any number of reasons that may not be passport-related.

I Found My Passport Card And Book
by: C Kamakeeaina

Question: I called you Tuesday night that I lost my passport card and book but I found both of them. My daughter had my passport card to pick up my medications from Longs Drug Store and I found my passport book behind my surfboard in my house. I'm very happy that I found my passport. It's very important to have both passports because now I can go to the hospital to see the doctor because I just had a stroke about 3 weeks ago.

My Daughter is graduating from the University Of Hilo. I need money as downpayment for all and food. I live in Honolulu but is work in Maui so I have to go to the airport to get a flight to and back home to Honolulu. I work for Kahului Carpets And Draperies Inc. I install flooring on all resorts in Maui, Big Island, Kauai, Lanai And Honolulu when they are ready for renovation. I will make it a point not to lose my passport again. May I ask if my passport book and card are still valid? Thank you.

Answer: Since you reported the passports as lost, they are already invalidated. While you may still use them as IDs, they can no longer be used for overseas travel.

Lost or stolen passport form
by: Anonymous

Question: I lost my passport card and filled in a form in the government page. I had to print it and sign it but before mailing it I found the passport card. Will the card still work?

Answer: Yes, the card is still valid since the form was not officially submitted.

Double Checking If Passport is Valid
by: Anonymous

Question: Do you recommend visiting the international airport to get my passport checked by an official if I want to verify that my passport is still valid? I did not call the phone number or submit forms, but want to still double check because I did submit an appointment online.

Answer: Setting an appointment online should not render your passport invalid. But if you want to have it checked, you may do so.

Is my passport still valid?
by: Anonymous

Question: I misplaced my passport and ended up finding it. I did not call to report it lost (felt like I was going to find it) and did not submit any forms. Is my passport still valid? I, however, made an appointment at Los Angeles Passport Agency to expedite a passport for international travel this upcoming Friday. I cancelled the appointment since I found my passport. Is my passport still valid even though I made an appointment at the agency saying I lost my passport?

Answer: Yes, your passport is still valid since you did not call or submit any forms to report it as lost.

Lost passport now found
by: Anonymous

Question: I thought my passport had been stolen or lost so the next day I was told to report it to the Dutch police. I did so but did nothing else. I did not fill out any forms or apply for a new one. I found my passport two weeks later so would it still be valid since I only reported it to the Dutch police and nothing else?

Answer: It should still be valid.

by: Anonymous

Question: I called in my lost passport. I was told to fill out the DS 64 form however I found my passport before I filled out the DS 64 form. Does that mean that my passport is valid until I fill out the DS-64 form?

I tried to fill out the DS-64 form but when I answer by checking the box that I have my passport in my possession and I type in my passport identification number I can't complete the DS-64. A message comes up and tells me passport is not lost and to start over.

Answer: Once reported lost over the phone, the passport is already invalidated. You need to submit Form DS-64 with the requirements when you apply for a new passport.

Lost/found/passport renewal
by: Anonymous

Question: I recently reported my passport lost, but have since located it. The passport had expired and is need of renewal. Since I found my old passport would I be able to renew by mail rather than in person.

Answer: Yes, you can use it to renew your passport.

Called but did not submit the form
by: Anonymous

Question: Today I called the number to report my passport lost and they told me i needed to fill out a form to finalize the process. I ended up finding my passport and never sent in the form. Is my passport still valid?

Answer: Once reported lost, a passport is already invalidated. Form DS-64 is only required when you apply for a replacement which completes the process.

Lost/stolen passport found
by: Anonymous

Question: I thought my passport was stolen and completed a police report. The day I went to the post office to apply for a new passport, I found the original passport. I am traveling domestically in a week and was going to use the passport as ID. May I use the original passport as ID since I doubt the state government has received the stolen report and new application?

Answer: Once a passport is reported lost/stolen, it is automatically invalidated. You may not be able to use it as ID. Please confirm with the airline you are traveling with.

Submitted DS-64, but didnt print, sign and mail it.
by: Anonymous

Question: I lost my passport. Submitted the DS-64 form online, but did not print sign and mail it. I just recently found my passport. Because I didn't print. sign and mail the form, is my passport still active?

Answer: Yes, it most likely is. To be safe, I suggest you have it check by an airport official.

Reporting Lost Passport as Found
by: Anonymous

Question: I filled out a lost passport form on the travel.gov website and as part of the process I believe it said that if I did find the passport I would have to report that it was no longer missing. However, I haven't found any place to do that officially. How do I do so?

Answer: There is no need to report the passport as found. If you already submitted the lost passport form by mail, your passport is already invalidated.

Mailed in Lost Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I just recently lost my passport and I was wondering, if someone found it and mailed it into the proper address in Virginia, would I be notified that it was found? And would I get that passport back if I didn't cancel it yet? Also, how long would it take for me to be notified that my passport was found once it arrived in the Virginia office? Thank you!

Answer: Please call customer service at 1-877-487-2778 regarding your concern.

by: Anonymous

Question: I thought that I never received a passport and submitted what I thought was my current passport... I told them this on the phone but didn’t submit any papers... I found my passport that was active and wanted to know if it was still active being that I never submitted any paperwork. If not do I mail in my "active" passport with copy of letter? What do I do? Or can I still use what was supposed to be active?

Answer: You need to call customer service at 1-877-487-2778.

Danish citizen lost and found passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Being a Danish citizen I reported my passport stolen - but it was found again. I have informed Danish police that I have found passport. Can I use the passport to enter the U.S?

Answer: You need to contact the Danish authorities to find out if your passport is still valid for travel.

Found my non-US passport
by: Anonymous

Question: UPS initially misplaced my India passport after which I reported as lost by filling out the DS-64. Later they found it and called me. Since this is a non-US passport, can I still use it for travel to and from the U.S?

Answer: Yes, it is still valid. Form DS-64 is only for U.S. passports.

Lost passport confirmation email
by: Anonymous

Question: I reported a lost passport (online) do I receive an email confirmation or any sort of confirmation?

Answer: Form DS-64 can be completed online but you still need to print, sign and mail it. The address is on the form.

Passport reported lost, then found, then processed
by: Anonymous

Question: I recently reported my passport renewal lost after 30 days with no USPS updates via an online DS-64. It was accepted and I got a confirmation number the same day. I week or so later, my renewal was delivered to the processing center and apparently was not flagged, as I received my new passport in the mail.

What should I do now? My new passport is a different number and is not reported stolen. Will my old passport be returned? Do I need to surrender my new passport?

Answer: The passport you received should be valid. Please call the National Passport Information Center at 1-877-487-2778 for clarification.

I found my passport which I recently reported as lost.
by: Anonymous

Question: Thank you for your rapid response! Much appreciated. In your message you stated that I can in fact use my old passport as identification when applying for a new passport. But will that still work if I had recently reported my old passport as lost? Wouldn't it be considered invalid for identification use? I look forward to your response, and thank you very, very much for your help!


Answer: It can still be used for identification but it is not valid as a travel document.

I found my passport which I recently reported as lost.
by: Anonymous

Question: I found my passport which I recently reported as lost. Can I use this passport as identification to apply for a new passport? I am traveling out of the country and a month and I am afraid I am going to miss the deadline. When trying to apply for a new passport my birth certificate was rejected because it is a bit faded. I was told to order a new birth certificate but it will take weeks. If and when I received the birth certificate I can then apply for my new passport. But by the time I receive that it will be too late for my planned travels. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Best Regards.

Answer: Yes, you may use your old passport as evidence of U.S. citizenship in place of your birth certificate.

USPS lost my passport for three months
by: Anonymous

Question: I took your advice and spoke to a supervisor yesterday regarding the Coppell USPS Distribution Center having lost my passport renewal for three months. Apparently my account was not flagged as today I received an email from the Passport office with a second processing number, (the first application has been there for 5 weeks) and my $110.00 check was cashed. I have no passport, everything is processing and I have paid twice. Along with this I am now unable to check my status as I have disappeared from your records. What happens now? How do I get reimbursement and my passport? My phone call yesterday apparently didn't keep my problem from escalating. I appreciate any advice you can give me. Thank you, again.

Answer: We are sorry to learn about the mix up caused by USPS and passport services. We recommend that you register a formal complaint with the National Passport Information Center. Most applicants have found better resolutions to their issues after leaving feedback with the NPIC.

USPS lost my passport for three months
by: Anonymous

Question: Please let me know what happens now. The USPS Distribution Center in Coppell TX lost my passport, mailed to Irving TX for renewal. I reported it lost and applied for a new one. The new one has been processing for 4 weeks. Now I see that the Coppell USPS office finally delivered the lost passport, 3 months late. Is this going to be returned to me? Will the check I enclosed be processed? Thank you for assisting me. I am hoping to finally receive my new passport ASAP.

Answer: Please contact the National Passport Information Center at 1-877-487-2778 for assistance. You need to ask to speak to a supervisor for faster resolution to your issue.

Misplaced passport found
by: Maurice Arcache

Question: I found my passport in my cabinet after one day of being lost.

Answer: Once a passport is reported lost, it is already invalidated and can no longer be used for travel. You need to apply for a new passport in order to travel internationally.

Passport reported stolen and later found, work visa in it
by: Luis

Question: I lost my passport and it was found while in Germany. It was found but I had an emergency passport issued since the embassy didn't know when they will receive it from the mail and I had to travel back home. The embassy sent it to my home later.

Now applying for my new regular passport. The Embassy told me they could give me the passport with the visa back. Can I have my passport back?

Answer: If the agency said they can send you the passport, they most likely will.

Passport not lost OR stolen!
by: EG

Question: I checked into my flight last week (January 19th) and for the first time after numerous flights within Europe and back and forth to the U.S. was I informed by a German police officer that it stated that my passport was reported "lost or stolen" in October 28, 2014 (5 days after receiving a brand new one due to marriage). I found this so strange, as I have NEVER lost it and always kept it in a safe place. I assure that I have never called nor have filed a form...can anyone advise? I ask because he said the UK would give me problems about it, yet, I did enter the UK - and this time (like many times before since "2014" did it not flag). Is this a fluke or something that was misunderstood since I changed my name on my passport?

Answer: It could have been just a misunderstanding. Please call the National Passport Information Center at 1-877-487-2778 for further assistance.

Work Visa in my original passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I had lost my passport, received a new one, and then found my original again. I have a work visa attached to and stamped into my original passport, that I have now located in my apartment. Is there anyway to revert back to the original passport issued so that I may continue to use my work visa?

Answer: Once a passport is reported lost, it is already invalidated and can no longer be used for travel. You cannot revert back to the old passport but it is possible to transfer the valid work visa or travel with both passports.

Please contact embassy or consulate the country for which you have a visa to see if they can transfer the visa to your new passport or if you can travel with a valid visa in an invalid passport plus a valid passport.

Lost Passport, Reported, Found, New Application
by: Anonymous

Question: I lost my passport, reported it lost, and later found the passport. I understand that I must file for a new passport. During the application, it asks if I have the passport, which I do, but it was reported lost. How I respond to that determines how I file for the new passport and also changes the fee. What should I do?

Answer: Once a passport is reported lost, regardless of whether or not it is found thereafter, it is already invalidated. It can no longer be renewed. You, therefore, need to apply for a new passport.

In order to do this, you need to complete Form DS-11 and submit it in person with the following:

1. Evidence of U.S. citizenship
2. Proof of identity and photocopy
3. One passport photo
4. Payment for fees ($110 application fee + $25 execution fee)

Routine service takes 6 to 8 weeks to complete. If you want to speed up the process, you need to add $60 and get your new passport in 2 to 3 weeks.

Found my passport
by: Ruth

Question: My passport No. P USA 55102xxxx was found and returned to me. I had put in a lost passport form in August and need to have you know I now have it back.

Answer: It's good to know your passport was returned to you. However, since you already reported it lost, that passport is already invalid. You can no longer use it for travel.

Found my lost passports a day after submitted form DS64
by: Hong

Question: I located my lost passports a day after submitted form DS-64 to US embassy. Can I call to tell them I found my passports? Can I still travel with the passports?

Answer: When you submit form DS-64, the passport is immediately cancelled and can no longer be used if found. You need to apply for new passports in order to travel. If you have an imminent flight, the embassy can issue you an emergency, limited-validity passport that can later be replaced with a full-validity passport.

What do I do with my invalidated found passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I have already received my new passport after reporting the old one lost. I have just found my old one. What do I do with the old passport that has been invalidated? Do I need to mail it to the government? Should I destroy it?

Answer: We recommend you keep it. Although it has been invalidated, it can still be used as evidence of U.S. citizenship if, per chance, you lose your new passport.

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More Passport & Travel Information

Getting a Passport Expedited at a Post Office
Requesting express service at post offices and other facilities that accept application forms from U.S. citizens.

Applying at a Regional Passport Agency
Where processing centers are located. How to schedule an appointment. What documents to take with you.

Using a Registered Courier Service
How to pick a legitimate courier service company to assist in getting your passport quickly.

Routine vs. Expedited Passport Service: How to Choose
Guide to help you decide if standard or fast track processing is the best option for your situation.

How to Renew a U.S. Passport Fast
Learn to expedite passport renewals as quickly as the same day. Where and how to renew passport in a hurry.

Top 5 Questions About Expedited Passport Couriers

1. How can you get a passport when you're in a hurry?
2. What exactly does a passport expediter do?
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About the Author: For over 20 years, the U.S. Passport Service Guide team has helped hundreds of thousands of travelers with their travel document questions and shared advice about how to make traveling abroad simpler, safer, and more enjoyable.

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