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Comments for Can one parent apply for a child's passport without the consent of the other parent?

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Son’s passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My family just applied for passports for myself, my husband and my two children. I noticed when we got home and was looking at all of the copies that the birth year on my husbands birthday is wrong on my son’s birth certificate but correct on my daughters. Will they deny my son’s passport because of the north year error? He is 13 and I have never noticed!

Answer: It should not be an issue.

Can i apply for a my child's passport without her present??
by: Busi

Question: Can I apply for my child's passport without her present??

Answer: The child needs to be present when the application is submitted.

Different last names
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I’m trying to apply for my son’s passport. My husband and I have different last names, I haven’t changed my last name since we got married. It’s also on my son's birth certificate, and he took his father's last name. I’m just wondering if there will be any issues with me and my husband having different last names when I apply for my son’s passport.

Answer: There won't be any issues as long as you present an ID that matches the name on your child's birth certificate.

Final decision making authority?
by: Anonymous

Question: Custody papers read: Shared parental responsibility with final decision-making authority going to the father.

My child is 13 almost 14 and I want to renew his passport. He lives with me 95% of the time. She sees him about 1 weekend a month sometimes. His mom originally agreed to sign and due to mental issues is now refusing to. Do I even need her to with the above-worded statement in the custody papers? Thank you.

Answer: Your court order must specify that you have sole legal custody of the child. To make sure your paperwork is valid, we recommend that you speak to your lawyer for proper interpretation.

Alternatively, you may submit Form DS-5525 with a signed statement from the mother's physician stating that she is unable to provide consent due to mental health issues. These need to be submitted with the rest of the requirements for a child's passport.

International move back home
by: Anonymous

Question: I have FT custody in New Zealand. My daughter, myself & her father are American and have US passports.

My ex moved back home to the US 2 yrs ago, and now we are trying to. I had to research to locate any contact info of my ex on the internet because the US Embassy here denied the renewal of my 13 yr old daughter.

Now that I've contacted him he's trying to blackmail me saying he'll sign the form if I give him custody. I will suffer great financial hardship if we don't move & I'll miss my Dad's funeral. How can an absent parent, who lives in the country we are trying to move to, prevent us from moving just to be spiteful? This can't be legal! It will cost a fortune & take many months at minimum to get before a judge for "permission". Her father dismissed the non-removal order in Feb last yr so we could travel, that's additional proof he was fine for us to travel. Heartbreaking the parent raising the child is made to fight for our rights!!

Answer: In order to apply for your minor child's passport without the other parent, you must establish that you have sole legal custody of the said child. That's the rule governing all passport applications for U.S. citizen minors aged 0 to 15. Your best course of action is to reason with the father and come to a compromise that benefits the child above all else.

by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. We got the DS-3053 notarized, and the notary completed it in blue ink, though the form requests black. Additionally, I omitted both parents’ middle names on the form when I completed it. Will the form still be acceptable for getting my kids' passports as it is currently completed?

Answer: It should still be accepted as long as the IDs you submit with the application match the names on the form.

Kids passports
by: Ronny Stanton

Question: My ex-partner's name is on my kids' birth certificates but he’s never seen them and he’s never paid maintenance. Do I need his permission to get passports for my children and take them on holiday?

Answer: Yes, you need the other parent's presence or consent to apply for the children's passport. You share legal custody of the children since his name is on their birth certificates.

Domestic violence
by: Anonymous

Question: I separated from my husband when I got tired of him beating me and I was pregnant before I left. My baby is here and his name is on my baby's birth certificate. But there is an order of protection valid until 2026. I need to visit my country. Can I apply alone please?

Answer: You may submit the following to apply for your child's passport without the father:

1. Form DS-11
2. Original or certified copy of your child's birth certificate
3. Photocopy of your government-issued ID
4. One new passport photo of the child
5. Payment for fees:
-application: $100
-execution: $35
-expedite: $60 (optional)
-1 to 2 days delivery: $18.32 (optional, recommended)
6. Form DS-5525
7. Copy of the protection order

Applications of this nature are placed under scrutiny and are processed on a case-by-case basis. Explain the situation in as much detail as possible to increase your chances of approval.

Only one parent available for dual citizenship
by: Anonymous

Question: We tried to apply for dual citizenship in the Philippines as I'm already a US citizen. But my father is unreachable/has bad relations and they need both of my parent's birth certificates/passports. Is there a way to get this done without my father's papers?

Answer: Please contact U.S. citizen services of the U.S. Embassy in Manila regarding your concern.

Who can notarize ds 3053 in manila Philippines besides the us embassy
by: Anonymous

Question: DS-3053 needs to be notarized. Who can legally notarize it without going to the Manila embassy?

Answer: Any reputable notary public may notarize the consent form but there is no assurance that it will be accepted by the Department of State.

Father not on birth certificate
by: Anonymous

Question: My child's dad's information is not on the birth certificate but child has his last name. Can I still apply for the passport myself?

Answer: Yes, you can. The birth certificate listing you as the only parent is sufficient proof of sole legal custody, even if the child has the father's last name.

by: Anonymous

Question: My husband is in Yemen and due to the war there the American embassy is closed. How can he get a consent form for our son notarized?

Answer: U.S. Department of State has designated the U.S. Embassies in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Cairo, Egypt to handle American Citizens Services cases emanating out of Yemen.

Dad not in US, need child passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My husband lives in Mexico and he is on our daughter's birth certificate but he can’t be here to sign. Does he need to sign or can he fax me the application with his signature on it?

Answer: He may complete Form DS-3053, have it notarized at the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City or any U.S. Consulate located all over Mexico, and then mail the form plus a photocopy of his ID to you.

You need the actual form, not a faxed copy. You need to submit these with the rest of the requirements for a child's passport.

Does the parental consent for have to be original
by: Anonymous

Question: Do I need the original form or can it be scanned and emailed to me?

Answer: You need to submit the original notarized document.

Child passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I want to apply for my son's passport. His father is listed on the birth certificate but he does not live in the States. I know I need the father’s consent to be able to apply for the passport but at the hospital, they miss-spelled my son's last name. Can I still apply for my son's passport even if the father has a different spelling last name?

Answer: The spelling mismatch will not be an issue.

How to obtain a passport for my daughter if her father died?
by: Anonymous

Question: We are taking a trip to Jamaica in May but my daughter's dad died a few years ago.

Answer: You can submit a certified copy of the father's death certificate as proof that you now have sole legal custody.

Requirements for Child's Passport

Health reasons
by: Anonymous

Question: How can I renew my daughter's U.S. passport if her father is half body paralyzed and can’t sign?

Answer: The father may affix his thumbprint to the consent form in the presence of a lawyer or notary public. Alternatively, you can submit Form DS-5525 with a statement from the father's attending physician describing his inability to sign the consent form. Please note, however, that applications submitted with DS-5525 may or may not be approved.

by: Anonymous

Question: I want to take my son overseas but I need his passport. Do I need his dad's signature even if we were never married and but his name is on the birth certificate?

Answer: Since the father's name is on the birth certificate, you technically still share legal custody of the child. This means you need his presence or consent to apply for your child's passport.

Health reasons
by: Anonymous

Question: Due to health reasons, my child’s father is currently in a coma. How can I renew my child’s passport?

Answer: You may submit Form DS-5525 with the rest of the requirements for the child's passport. In addition, you must also provide a notarized declaration from the father's attending physician stating that he is incapacitated and is therefore unable to participate in the child's application process.

Different situation
by: Anonymous

Question:Our situation is different.

I want to renew my 1st child's US passport. For his 1st passport, I was the sole applicant as his mother and sole custody parent. His father is not on the birth certificate because my son was born out of wedlock in the USA and at the time of birth, I was there on a tourist visa.

I went back to my country after a few months of his birth. So we didn't register father on the birth certificate. On the first passport application I registered and applied as sole parent.

The father has always been in the life of both our children (2nd born outside US and father is registered on BC in my country of residence). I now want to apply for a passport renewal for this child, but can I register the father's information for the DS-11 form or should I only fill in my own information? I am not a US citizen; 1st born is US citizen by birth in the US and BC is American as well.

Should I leave the father's information out of the application by checking the box "father unknown"? Both children know who their father is and he has always been in their life as he traveled back and forth to visit them. He's just not registered on the US born child's BC.

Despite him being registered on 2nd child's BC, I have sole custody of both children and they carry my Surname (family name). In my country even if father has acknowledged the child, mother still has sole custody.

We do not have a complicated relationship as ex-partners. We have a civil, friendly kinship. US born child wants to travel and needs his passport being he is an US citizen.

Answer: Since the father is not listed on the child's U.S. birth certificate, you cannot include his name in the passport application. Please make sure you complete Form DS-11 and take the child with you when the application is submitted at the nearest embassy or consulate.

Can I apply for my son’s passport without his father’s consent??
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I have a son. He is 6 years old and his passport is expired. I’m a single mother although my son’s father’s name is on his birth certificate. We never contacted each other after we moved out of his house. And we never got married.

He hasn’t seen my son in 4 years and we have had no contact! My son lives with me all the time. The father hasn’t been around in a few years! The court order says "Father Shall not have any parenting time with the child at this time." It does not say the word legal on my custody agreement.

Can I get a passport for my son? Sure I have that court order that says " Father has not had any parenting time with the child at this time." But I’m not sure this is work or not?

Answer: There's no guarantee that your court order will suffice since it does not clearly state that you have sole legal custody. The "no parenting time" may only cover physical custody. We're not legal experts so we recommend that you contact a lawyer regarding this.

You may try to submit Form DS-5525 with the child's passport application but these are processed on a case by case basis. It is possible that the application will be denied.

Restraining order against violent father from 10 years ago
by: Anonymous

Question: My son is 12, his father has been out of his life the whole time. I had to put an order of protection on him because of his violent, abusive, and impulsive behavior.

Haven’t seen him or heard of him since he’s never tried reaching out. I’m scared of him and he knows I would call the Police. I have every single document from that time and court papers everything he did to me in front of my child.

My question is, is there a time limit for restraining orders or time you haven’t seen this person for them to approve or deny your application? It would be extremely reassuring for me to know that by revealing and sending them all this personal informal of mine they would APPROVE MY SON’s passport.

Answer: We cannot guarantee that your child's passport application will be approved. The decision will ultimately depend on the documentation and details you provide to explain the situation.

Make sure you complete Form DS-5525 and provide any and all documents that you think may help your case. These must be submitted with the rest of the requirement for the child's passport.

by: Anonymous

Question: My son and I have an order of protection against his father but I want to take my son's passport out. How can I do it? Since my son's father's name is on his certificate?

Answer: You may submit Form DS-5525 and a copy of the protection order with the rest of the requirements for a child's passport. You must explain the situation in as much detail as possible so the passport will be issued without the father's consent.

by: Anonymous

Question: I am a single mother and my child’s father is unable to sign my daughter's passport due to medical health problems. What should I do in this instance?

Answer: You may submit Form DS-5525 Statement of Special Family Circumstance explaining the situation. You must also provide proof of the father's medical condition duly signed by his attending physician. These must all be submitted with the rest of the requirements for the child's passport.

Can I travel with my son to Peru only with my son's passport ?
by: Anonymous

Question: I’m a single mom. I got my child's passport when the father of my child was kept away by a restraining order. The restraining order expired 3 months ago and he never showed up for his son for almost 3 years.

I want to know if besides the passport I will need any other paper to travel out of the country with my son who is almost 3 years old. And if I can renew his passport after this expires.

Answer: Peruvian immigration procedures are complex for minors traveling without one or both parents/legal guardians.

U.S. citizen minors traveling with only one parent generally do not need additional documentation if entering as a tourist for less than 183 days. If staying beyond 183 days, Permiso Notarial de Viaje, a written, notarized authorization from the non-traveling parent is required.

If the child is an American-Peruvian, citizen, the same document is required to enter and exit Peru. If you have SOLE LEGAL custody of the child, you need to present proof of such upon arrival and departure.

Please contact the Embassy of Peru for more information regarding this requirement.

As for obtaining a new passport for your child when the current one expires, you also need to present proof of sole legal custody. Without this, you will need to submit a notarized consent from the father in order to apply for your child's passport.

The best way to resolve these issues is to petition the courts for sole legal custody of the child.

We need passports
by: Anonymous

Question: I have been married to my actual husband for 11 years but together for 14. At the time we started living together, my daughter was 11 months old and he is the only father figure she knows.

She is now 15 and we want to have a family trip so we all need passports. Her biological father was never in the picture whatsoever but he is on her birth certificate. I live In Fl and he lives in PR, do I still need his consent, or my husband can act as her guardian since we are married? Please help.

Answer: Unless your husband legally adopted your child, he can't act as her guardian. You still share legal custody of the child with the father albeit his absence. Because of this, you can do one of the following:

1. Since you know where the father is, you can contact him and ask him to send you a notarized statement of consent for the passport application and a photocopy of this ID. You can then submit this with the rest of the application requirements. This is the most ideal.

2. You may submit Form DS-5525 and explain how the father has been absent since the child was an infant. Applications sent with this form may or may not be processed and if denied, the passport fee is still non-refundable.

3. You can wait until the child turns 16. At 16, she will only need one parent's implied or written consent to apply for a passport. As the only present parent, you can provide this consent by writing a statement, actually going with her to the passport office or simply writing a check for the passport fees.

Can I get a passport for my 10 months old son without his dad's permission?
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a 10-month-old son. I am separated from my son’s dad but we were not married. Can I get a passport for my son without his dad’s consent?

Answer: If the father's name is on the birth certificate, you need his consent to apply for the child's passport.

Father listed on child's BC is not Bio Father
by: Anonymous

Question: My now ex-husband's name was listed as the father of my child by default. In Ohio if you are legally married, they list your husband as the father regardless of if he is or not. I have obtained a DNA test and court order stating that the father listed is not the biological father and is to be removed from the BC. Therefore, there will be no father listed on my child's BC after this process has been completed. Can I file for a passport for my son and attach certified copies of my court order and DNA test as evidence? Will this be sufficient to get my child a passport?

Answer: Hello! The best thing to do is wait until the birth certificate is amended to remove the father's name from the official document. Once this is done, you will only need to submit the BC, application form, photocopy of your ID, child's passport photo, and payment for fees for the application.

Submitting the court order and DNA test results may work but questions may still arise which can lead to delays in the processing. If you want to go this route, I suggest you contact the National Passport Information Center first to clarify before submitting the application. The number to call is 1-877-487-2778.

Passport for minor
by: Belinda

Question: I have raised my son on my own for 13 years. His biological dad has never been in the picture and I don’t know his whereabouts. I am married to someone in the military and we might get stationed out of the country. His biological is on the birth certificate though. What do I need to do to get a passport for him if his Dad is not around?

Answer: Since the father's name is on the birth certificate, you technically share legal custody with him. As such, his consent is required to apply for the child's passport which is why you need to find a way to contact him. Most people find social media a good place to start searching.

If you still cannot establish contact with the father despite your efforts, you may submit Form DS-5525 along with a detailed explanation of the situation and your efforts to contact the father. These must be submitted with the rest of the requirements for the child's passport.

Please note that applications of this nature are processed on a case by case basis. Passport services may deny the application or ask for more documents.

Minor passport renewal
by: saleh

Question: I am trying to renew my daughter's passport. How can I do it without her mother? Her mother is still in Yemen. It is very difficult to get a notarized letter giving permission for my daughter to get her passport renewed. There is no U.S. embassy and the country is in disarray due to the Houthi rebels taking over the country as well as the restrictions for Covid-19. I have not been able to apply for a visa for my wife due to these conditions.

Answer: Hello, Saleh. You may submit Form DS-5525, a thorough explanation of the situation and the rest of the application requirements for the child's passport.

Please note that applications of this nature are processed on a case by case basis. There is a chance that the application will be denied but all things considered, this is the only way you can apply at this point.

Biological father needs birth certificate to get the passport papers notarized
by: Anonymous

Question: The father of my children live in his mother country. I sent the papers but he keeps telling me he needs the birth certificate to get them notarized. I need to know if it's true that he needs them.

Answer: It is possible that he needs the document. Since he is in a different country, we cannot tell you what the local regulations are regarding legal documents. You will have to contact an authority in that country to find out if he actually needs the birth certificate.

Court order says father must agree to passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Court order says father must agree to passport but he’s not even on the birth certificate.

My name is solely on the birth certificate.

Should I put fathers name as known parent even though he is not on birth certificate and passport will be in my legal last name which matches the birth certificate?

Answer: There is no need to enter the father's name on the form. His consent is also not required for the passport application.

Do I need his consent if he’s not legally changed my sons name yet?

I have a permanent injunction on the father of my twins
by: Anonymous

Question: Can I renew my children’s passports without their father's signature if I have a permanent injunction for protection against the father? Both children are included on the injunction as well, and there is no end date on the injunction.

Also, is Sole Parenting Responsibility the same thing as Sole Legal Authority?

Answer: You may apply for your children's passports. You need to submit a copy of the court document withe applications.

Mother wants passport for daughter
by: Anonymous

Question: So our case is different, please help us. Mother of child wants passport for daughter but she will not provide address where the child resides. She wants my husband to provide his information to get that passport. And at the moment my husband does not feel comfortable giving her that information and also he doesn't feel it is important at the moment. He hasn't seen his daughter and he also doesn't want his daughter traveling with the COVID-19 threat. What can we do to stop passport application when they both parties have signed for flight risk? Please help with answers.

Answer: If the father shares legal custody with the mother, one cannot apply for the child's passport without the other's consent or presence. Your husband can also enroll the child under the Children's Passport Issuance Alert Program so he will be notified if a passport application in his child's name is submitted.

Minor passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I have legal custody of my kids but physical only have 80%. I can't get their passports renewed for them and the father does not want to sign the notary form. We want to spend vacations in South America. What can we do to get their passports without his signature? He just wants to give us a hard time.

Answer: The father refusing to provide consent is not grounds for applying under exigent family circumstances. The best recourse is to petition the courts for SOLE LEGAL custody so you do not need to seek the father's consent for the passport application.

Trying to take my daughter's passport out for the first time.
by: Anonymous

Question: I am trying to take my daughter's passport out for the first time. I am not with her dad and we have never been married but I have always done everything & everything legal for my daughter. What can I do if he doesn't want to sign for the passport? He thinks I'm just taking her away but I'm not. He sees her every other weekends. I just want to be able to take vacations with her. What can I do in order for me to take her passport out without his signature?

Answer: You need to file for SOLE LEGAL custody so you no longer need to seek the father's consent for the passport application.

by: Anonymous

Question: My son's father is on the birth certificate, but he is not around and I have no paperwork that I have sole and full custody. I don't know where he is nor how to get a hold of him. Can I still apply for a passport for a child of age 6?

Answer: Have you tried looking the father up in social media? If you were not awarded sole legal custody of the child, his presence/consent is required for the application.

You may try to submit Form DS-5525 if want to do it without the father but there is a chance that the application will be denied. Applications submitted with this form are processed on a case by case basis.

The best recourse for your situation is to petition the courts for SOLE LEGAL custody of your child.

Father-Sole custody
by: Anonymous

Question: I am the father on the birth certificate, and have sole custody. What paper work do I need for a passport.

Answer: Please submit the following at an acceptance facility:

1. Form DS-11
2. Evidence of U.S. citizenship
3. Photocopies of your ID
4. Proof of parental relationship and SOLE LEGAL custody
5. One new passport photo of the child
6. Payment for fees

Getting my daughter a passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Can I get a passport for my daughter if I have no knowledge of the father and there is no father's name on the birth certificate? She is 9 and I’m a single parent.

Answer: Yes, you can apply for your child's passport. The birth certificate listing you as the only parent is sufficient proof of sole legal custody.

Unmarried Mother
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello,
I am an unmarried mother in Minnesota. Per MN law it states that an unmarried mother has sole legal and physical custody. I am planning to take my son on vacation overseas and need to get him a passport. My ex and I were never married although he is listed on my son’s birth certificate. I’ve had two order of protections against my ex in the past, however now the most recent order of protection has expired and I have no idea where he’s located and am still fearful of him. Would I be able to get a passport for my son without my ex? Can I use my past order of protections to support the DS-5525 form?

Answer: You may but there is no guarantee that it be acceptable. While state law may apply in most cases, federal laws/regulations apply to passport applications. Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

Father does not want to sign passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I need to get passports for my two children soon so that I can take them on a family vacation. I have temporary custody (physical custody) of my kids and have had a domestic violence final restraining order for the past 2 years on the father of my kids. He is still able to see our children under supervised visits. Am I able to still file for passports without his consent/signature? I have asked his mom many times if he is able to sign and she tells me that he will not sign.

Answer: If you still share legal custody of the children, the father is well within his rights to refuse to sign the consent for the children's passport applications. Please speak to a lawyer about filing for sole legal custody or finding any legal bearing to the restraining order as it relates to applying for passports without paternal consent.

by: Anonymous

Question: Hello.
My child is 12 months. I am trying to get her passport, but the non-custodial parent won’t sign just because he says he doesn’t want her out the US. What can I do in this circumstances? My flight is booked already.

Answer: If you share legal custody, the other parent is well within his rights to refuse to sign for the child's passport application. If reasoning with him does not work, you need to consult a lawyer about filing for sole legal custody.

No contact
by: Anonymous

Question: I have no contact with my son's father; when I try to call him he doesn't respond. When his son tried to call him, he doesn't respond. How can I get my son's passport without his father's information?

Answer: If the father's name is in the birth certificate, his consent is required to apply for your child's passport. You may submit Form DS-5525 with the application but there is no guarantee that the application will be approved.

The best way to remedy the situation is to file for SOLE LEGAL custody of the child.

Last Name
by: Anonymous

Question: My newborn baby mistakenly has my last name with one letter missing. I notarized DS-3053 using my correct last name on passport since I'm outside US & we intend to apply for a passport. Is it an issue when the authority will check last names difference?

Answer: It may be questioned but if your name's spelling on the birth certificate matches that on the notarized form and your ID, it should be accepted.

by: Anonymous

Question: I’m married to the father of my child but we are on off, and he doesn’t contact his daughter at all only when he feels like it but he can go without asking for her for a month. Can I apply for her passport?

Answer: If the father's name is on the birth certificate and you do not have proof of sole legal custody, you need his consent to apply for your child's passport.

by: Anonymous

Question: Someone had told me if I had/have an domestic violence case against my child's father before, I can get a passport for my child . I just need to know how do I go about that exactly.

Answer: You need to have a standing and valid court document like a restraining order and present it with Form DS-5525 and the rest of the requirements for a child's passport.

Child's passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I live in Indiana where the law states that if a mother and father of a child aren't married, sole custody is given to the mother until the father of the child gets a court order to obtain custody. My sons father is on the birth certificate , but I have sole custody. He has never been involved in my child's life since my child's 1st birthday and he is now going on 8 years old. I have no contact with the father, last time I heard he is living in a different state far away. What can I do to obtain my son a passport? How can I prove I have sole custody without having a court order?

Answer: Please verify with the state of the sole custody also covers legal. You need to have SOLE LEGAL and not just physical custody of the child to apply without the father.

Alternatively, you may submit Form DS-5525 with an explanation regarding the child's family situation. This must be submitted with the rest of the application requirements for your child's passport. Note, however, that applications of this nature are processed on a case by case basis and there is a chance that the application will be denied.

Get passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I live in Florida. Can I get a passport if my child has his father's last name? The father is not on the birth certificate.

Answer: Yes, you can. The birth certificate listing you as the only parent is sufficient proof of sole legal custody even if the child has a different last name.

by: Anonymous

Question: In California unmarried mothers have sole custody. I would like to get myself and my child a passport but the "father's" last name and signature is on the birth certificate. Is there away to still obtain the passport without his consent, since I can't get in contact with him.

Answer: You need to have proof of SOLE LEGAL (not just physical) custody of the child in order to apply without the father. If you cannot contact him and can show proof of your failed attempts to make contact, you may complete Form DS-5525 and submit it with the rest of the requirements for a child's passport. Do note, however, that applications of this nature are processed on a case by case basis. There is a chance that it will get rejected or that passport services will require more documents.

Need assistance please
by: Sasha

Question: I need to apply for my son's passport. He is 10 years old now. But I have a complicated problem. My husband is out of picture almost 9 years. He has been violent and abusive. We took domestic violence help back then & hid in a safe place as per domestic violence case worker's advice. But he found out our location and attacked again. I was traumatized & vulnerable. I fled the USA with my son for our safety.

My son had passport. It expired in 2014. I haven't applied for it all these time. I feel scared to go back. But I am all alone here with my son. It's really hard to stay alone in India without any support. My mom lives in USA too. But she comes once in awhile. Can't stay permanently with us for her job.

Actually I thought I should go to a place where my abuser wouldn't be able to track me. Now I got stuck here. I have a medical condition. I have chronic disease and syncopes. My son also gets sick because of the hot weather, water, food. Even with all these drawbacks I never wanted to go to embassy to apply for my son's passport.

I am afraid they would reject my application and things would get more complicated. And if they try to locate my husband he will know my address & hunt me down & attack me again!!! I hope you are understanding the reason behind my fear.

My husband became legal in the USA through me. He tried to kill my son and me. Will the USA embassy here understand my situation and issue my son's passport? He was born there. It's not his fault that his father is an awful person. I don't know what to do.

Is there anyone or any organization or agency can help me with my problem? All I need is to go back with my son for a better future for him and my treatment. Please respond at your earliest convenience. This is my humble request please help me. Advice me or direct me to a right person. I am really in a bad shape.

Thank you.



Answer: Hi, Sasha. As long as you can provide evidence of the abuse in the past, you can apply for your child's passport under special family circumstances. The U.S. Embassy in New Delhi or the U.S. Consulates located all over India should be happy to assist you.

Divorce unwilling
by: Anonymous

Question: I’m 16 years old and I can apply for a passport by myself with one willing parent. I read the requirements but the things is that one parent is not willing to give up my passport to me to renew it and I have no copies of it but my birth certificates and social security number and my trip is coming up soon. So what can I do?

Answer: You do not need your old passport. You can proceed to applying for your new passport.

Son's passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I have custody my son since I divorced 10 years ago. Do need him to sign for the application of my son's passport?

Answer: If you do not have proof of sole legal custody, you need the father's notarized consent to apply for your child's passport.

State of Florida
by: Anonymous

Question: How do I get a passport without the father's consent? He has been absent from my two daughters' lives for the past 7 years. I have gone to his last place of employment. Have tried contacting him on Facebook and he does not respond and also went to his last known address of employment. He no longer works there. I also went to his last known address. I cannot locate him.

My youngest daughter has leukemia and my two daughters, in emergencies, go with my parents.

My parents are going on vacation this summer to Europe. If I have an emergency with my baby, I will have no one to leave my daughters with.

I live in Florida where unwed mothers have Sole legal, and physical custody of the children until paternity is established. I have never had any issues with raising my daughters alone, until now in attempting on applying for passport.

My children's welfare and safety is at risk if passport is not issued. I have diligently made several attempts to contact father and he does not respond on social media. I do not have a physical address. Would this qualify as an exigent/family circumstance?

Thank you for information.

Answer: Yes, your case qualifies for exigent family circumstance. You may apply for your children's passports with Form DS-5525.

Childs passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Can I get a passport for my child who is 5 years old without the father? I have no idea where the father its located.

Answer: If the father's name is on the birth certificate, you need his consent to apply for your child's passport. But if you have proof of sole legal custody, you may apply without the father.

Child's passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My son lives with his father and needs a passport. What information does the father need off mother to apply for son's first passport?

Answer: Aside from the basic personal information, the mother needs to provide a notarized Form DS-3053 plus a photocopy of her valid ID to submit with the rest of the requirements for a child's passport.

Get my son passport
by: Gerlyn

Question: My baby is 18 months old. I want to get him a passport and he doesn't have his biological father's name. My live-in partner will take us to his place in Greece. What do I have to do? What are the requirements or how?? Thank you.

Answer: The child's passport application should not be complicated since he does not have his father's name in his birth certificate.

The child must apply in person with both parents present to submit the following requirements:

1. Form DS-11
2. Original or certified copy of U.S. birth certificate plus photocopy
3. Photocopy of your ID
4. Proof of parental relationship (may use #2)
5. One new passport photo
6. Payment for fees

by: Anonymous

Question: My family and I are traveling to Thailand on June 8 and just realized my little sister's passport has expired. She is a minor and our dad has already gone ahead of us to the trip. We need to renew her passport but need to fill out a DS-3053 form. My dad will not have time to mail the original DS-3053 form. Will they let us use a copy of the form sent through an email or do we need the original and what are my other options? Thanks in advance.

Answer: The actual notarized document needs to be submitted with the application.

Help please
by: Anonymous

Question: One of our students was supposed to travel to Spain on a school trip but his passport application was denied. Mom has no way to get in contact with dad, they did the DS-5525 form and nothing, they have all the documentation that it is a school trip, he will be 16 in July but trip is right now in June. Please help.

Answer: Please have the mother speak to a lawyer to find out what legal action can be done to obtain sole legal custody of the child.

New passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My son has been in our (my wife and I) custody since he was born. His mother was and is probably still on drugs and I haven’t heard from her or seen her since that day. Can I apply for my son’s passport? I am his father and I am listed on the birth certificate?

Answer: Yes, you may apply for the child's passport. However, if you do not have proof of SOLE LEGAL custody and cannot locate the mother, you need to submit Form DS-5525 where you must explain the family situation in as much detail as possible.

Please note that applications of this nature are processed on a case by case basis.

Child passport
by: Anonymous

Question: If my son's father's name is not in the birth certificate, can I renew his UK passport as a single parent?

Answer: Please contact Her Majesty's Passport Office for answers to your question.

Passport issue
by: Anonymous

Question: Can I apply for a passport for my daughter if I am her full time parent and she has no contact with her dad but he is on her birth certificate? She has been asked to be a bridesmaid at a wedding in China and I know her dad wouldn't want her to go because he does not believe in traveling abroad. My daughter is 9 years old.

Answer: The father refusing to sign for the passport application or allow the child to travel abroad is not sufficient reason to file under special family circumstances. You either have to file for sole legal custody or try to convince the father to provide consent for the application for your child's passport.

Minors' passports
by: Anonymous

Question: I have 2 children age 14 and 11. They are in the Philippines. I am a resident here in Alaska and I want them to get here. Is it possible to get their passports without me? I have a 20-year-old child in the Philippines who I gave a Special Power of Attorney to. Can she apply for the children's passports? Thanks.

Answer: We are not familiar with regulations governing passport issuance in the Philippines. Please contact the Philippine Embassy for answers to your questions.

Child's passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Dad is not on the birth certificate. Can I apply for a first time child's passport for my son?

Answer: Yes. You can apply for your child's passport without the father. The birth certificate listing you as the sole parent is sufficient proof of sole legal custody.

Getting a passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I currently have an order of protection against my child's father. He cannot be around me or my child. How do I go about getting a passport for my child?

Answer: You may submit Form DS-5525 plus a copy of the protection order with the rest of the requirements for your child's passport. Please note that applications of this nature are processed on a case by case basis.

Child's passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I am the mother of an newborn, his father is a foreign citizen and I am an Indian passport holder. We are married and I want my child to have an Indian passport.
Both our names are listed on his birth certificate and we are still together. Is it possible to obtain his Indian passport?

Answer: We do not have information regarding Indian passports. If you are in the United States, please contact the Indian Embassy or Consulate regarding your concern.

Custody Agreement
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a custody agreement with my children’s father that states I can move with my children to any location of my choosing without his permission. I am currently planning a trip to Europe for their birthdays. Do I still need his permission to get them a passport?

Answer: If the agreement does not include allowing you to apply for passports without his consent, you need him to apply for your children's passports.

Return of passport to minor children
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a U.S. citizen working in Europe. My husband and I just separated and he returned to the U.S. with our minor children's passports. The children remained with me. Is there a law I can use to get the passports returned?

Answer: You need to consult a lawyer regarding your concern.

Child's passport
by: Bebbie

Question: I have physical custody of our daughter and dad has joint legal custody with me. Do I still need him to sign for her passport?

Answer: Yes. The father's consent is required to apply for your child's passport.

Daughter’s passport application
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a Naturalized Citizen from the Philippines. I am going to apply for a passport for my 13-year-old daughter. His biological father is on her birth certificate, but never in her life since she was 8 months old. My husband has been her dad and sponsor/petitioner since she was 4. Her biological father does not want to sign any passport application and have it notarized. He was never required to sign for her Philippine passport when we left the country. How can I resolve this and be able to get my daughter a U.S. passport without his consent since he does not want to cooperate? I do not have court orders because I never needed any during the immigration process to get here. My husband has been his father since she was 4. Thanks!

Answer: We are not familiar with Philippine laws as it applies to family and custody matters. Please speak to a Filipino lawyer who specializes on family issues.

My son
by: Anonymous

Question: My son is 13 years old. His father is on his birth certificate but I have no idea where he is. He needs a passport to go away on a school trip. Do I need to write a letter explaining this? I'm the sole caregiver and his mom.

Answer: You may submit Form DS-5525 and explain the situation in as much detail as you can. If you can include evidence of your efforts to contact the father, please do. These must be submitted with the rest of the requirements for your child's passport.

Please note, however, that applications of this nature are processed on a case by case basis.

Passport without the father
by: Anonymous

Question: How can I apply for a passport for my underage child when the father was deported? He lost his passport, is there a different process or do we still need a letter from the father?

Answer: You will still need the father's notarized consent. He may send this and a copy of his ID to you. You can then submit the consent and ID copy with the rest of the requirements for your child's passport application.

by: Anonymous

Question: The father on my sons birth Certificate is not the biological father but I have a sole custody order with the biological father's name on it. Can I apply for my 2-year-old son with that sole custody order or do I need to change the birth certificate first?

Answer: It will be best to have the birth certificate corrected first.

Absent father
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter is almost 10 and her father has never been a part of her life but his name is on her birth certificate. Do I need him in order to get her a passport?

Answer: Since the father's name is listed in the birth certificate, his presence or consent is required when applying for your child's passport.

Renewal Passport for Minor
by: Anonymous

Question: If I obtain a court order from a judge stating to issue a minor's passport, will that suffice to issue a passport for my child?
What is needed in the court order? I have less than 90 days until I travel. I do not know the biological father's whereabouts. To obtain an order of permanent sole custody will take longer than 90 days.

Answer: Please speak to a lawyer regarding court orders.

by: Anonymous

Question: I’m planning to travel and leave Florida with my 3-year-old. We live in Florida and what to live in Nicaragua. My child's father treated us both wrong and we are no longer together but he still looking for us. I want to get a passport without him knowing. He is on the birth certificate but we never got married. Do I need him there to get a passport for my child?

Answer: Since the father is on the birth certificate, his presence or consent is required to apply for your child's passport.

If you do not want him in your lives and have serious reason for it, you may file for a restraining order against him.

Once you have this order, you may submit Form DS-5525 and a copy of the restraining order. These must accompany the requirements for your child's passport.

Passport Renewal for Minor
by: Anonymous

Question: I was able to get a passport for my daughter in 2013 without the father's signature as I was granted temporary sole legal custody and the court order stated to issue the passport.

I went to renew my daughter's passport and was told I needed the father's consent. I submitted the same court order from 2013 as nothing has been overturned. In fact, my daughter recently had her last name changed to my last name. The father never showed up to court and he was served. What is needed to get the renewal passport for my 13 year old daughter?

Answer: Since the court order was temporary, you need to go back to court for a permanent order stating you have sole legal custody.

Passport for infant
by: Anonymous

Question: My husband got deported and I'm pregnant. I also have his last name. Can I put my child the father's last name and won't have to get his consent when I get my child her passport?

Answer: If you put the father's name on the birth certificate, you will need his consent to apply for your child's passport.

Passport from New York
by: Anonymous

Question: I want to get my 4 kids passports. I have residential custody, I make all the decisions for them: school, medical and all. Their dad have visitation every other weekend; he hasn't seen the kids for the past 3 years. I don't have his name and in any of the kids certificates but we been in court and he recognized them. He has been M.I.A. because he does drugs and never assists with the courts indrugs test so he hasn't shown up. What do I do about the passports?

Answer: If the father's name is not on the birth certificates, you may apply for your children's passport without him. You may use the certificates as evidence of sole legal custody.

Passport for my child
by: Anonymous

Question: My son’s last name is his mother's not his father's on the birth certificate. Can I take him to travel to different countries?

Answer: If both parents' names are on the child's birth certificate, it should not matter which last name he has. Both parents must appear with the child when the application is submitted. If one of the parents cannot be there, said parent must provide a notarized consent plus a photocopy of his/her ID. The parent who will be present will submit these with the rest of the requirements for the child's passport.

Once the passport is issued, the need for a consent to travel depends on the requirements of each country as well as legal custodial agreements undertaken by both parents.

Other parent refuses to give consent
by: Anonymous

Question: Can you obtain a passport without the other parent's consent if you have joint custody but the child lives with you? What if the other parent refuses to give consent due to bitter break up?

Answer: The other parent's refusal to provide consent is not grounds for applying under special family circumstances. If diplomacy does not work between both parties, you may want to speak to a lawyer about legal means.

Father on the run
by: Anonymous

Question: My mom put her ex boyfriend as my father on my birth certificate but he left soon after. He is now a criminal on the run for 3 counts of sexual assault on minors. Can my mother get a passport without his signature?

Answer: Your mother can apply for HER passport without your "father's" signature.

If you meant your passport, your mom may submit the child passport requirements plus Form DS-5525 plus some explanation or documentation regarding his cases.

Different last name
by: Anonymous

Question: When my mom was about to have me, they didn’t let her in the hospital because she didn’t have her papers with her or anything to prove who she was. So my grandpa stepped in and said that’s my daughter and she had a different last name at that time. My mom's last name was different from her grandpa because my grandpa isn’t her real father. He was her stepfather so they changed my mom's last name. My mom's last name is Sarmientos but they put her as Morales. They also put my last name as Morales because my real dad didn’t wanna know nothing about me. Can my mom take out my passport?

Answer: Yes, she can. Please call customer service at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

Philippine passport
by: Aileen

Question: I need your help. My son is still in the Philippines. I asked my sister to get my son a passport but the DFA needs my consent. ’m not in Philippines now what I need to do? Thanks.

Answer: We do not have information regarding Philippine passport issuance in the Philippines. Please contact the passport-issuing agency in the Philippines regarding the required document.

Father is stationed overseas.
by: Anonymous

Question: My husband is in the military and he's overseas. My daughter and I want to visit him but we didn't get her a passport before he left. What do i need from him in order to get my daughter's passport alone or do I need anything from him at all?

Answer: He needs to provide you with a notarized Form DS-3053 plus a photocopy of his photo ID. These must be submitted with the rest of the requirements for a child's passport.

State of Ohio - I am considered custodial parent under law.
by: Anonymous

Question: In the State of Ohio a mother who is unmarried to the kids' dad has sole custody even if his name is on the birth certificate. What is the correct protocol?

I have paper work that says I am sole parent because we went for child support for my son 7 years ago and I never went for my daughter because it wasn’t worth it and he moved. So I don’t have any paperwork saying I am the sole parent. But again, in state of Ohio, I am considered the custodial parent because we were never married. I am looking to take them both on a vacation out of the country but we don’t speak to him nor have we in 6 years and he keeps changing his number and I have no way of reaching him. I need to know how to get my children passports.

Answer: Since you cannot provide proof of SOLE LEGAL custody, you may submit Form DS-5525 and explain the situation in as much detail as possible. Applications of this nature are processed on a case by case basis.

Passport renewal for a minor child
by: Anonymous

Question: My sons live with me and have had very little contact with their dad since before our divorce. We have joint custody but I have care and control. Part of the divorce agreement signed off by the judge was for him to accompany us to renew the boys' passports. He has since refused to do so. Can I apply for my sons' passports without their dad's consent; or do I have to go back to court for sole custody?

Answer: To avoid issues like this altogether, we recommend speaking to a lawyer about going to court to petition for sole legal custody of the children.

Obligation to sign for children's passports
by: Anonymous

Question: I am the father and have 50 50 custody with 3 children. I live in MN. The kids live in FL.

I just received a letter saying they are going to file a motion with the court. And if they incur that cost to gain my cooperation, they will be asking the court to order me to reimburse the mother's attorney fees. I do not want to sign for the passports because I feel she is going to flee with the children sometime after. This is consistent with her character of the last 6 years with how unstable and unpredictable she is with men in her life, jobs, and places she's lived in.

Is this at all feasible for her to take me to court to sign the papers and then I pay her lawyer fees? Her intentions for the passports is her out of country wedding. What is my obligation to sign? Why do I have to?

Answer: As the father, you are within your rights to refuse signing for the passports if you share legal custody of the children. We recommend that you consult a lawyer about your options.

Passport for a minor
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. My daughter is 10 years old and I’m looking to take her on vacation out of the USA. As the custodial parent (as indicated on the child support order), do I need her father’s permission in order to obtain a passport? She’s lived with me all her life in NY state.

Answer: Unless you can provide proof that you were awarded SOLE LEGAL custody of your daughter, you need the either the father's presence or notarized consent in order to apply for your child's passport.

by: Kris

Question:Hi, I have sole custody of my 2 children under the age of 16. I need to apply for their passports. So I need the father's ID or something else?

Answer: You need to have been awarded SOLE LEGAL custody to apply for the children's passports without the father. If you cannot provide proof of sole legal custody, you need the father's presence or notarized consent plus a photocopy of his ID.

No contact order against father
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter and I are planning a summer trip out of the country. However, there is a no contact court order against her father and I can't legally contact him for safety reasons. We currently have a case open as well against him for indecency with a child by exposure and he cannot legally see his daughter. Can I apply for a passport for my child alone?

Answer: Yes, you can. In addition to the requirements for a child's passport, you need to submit Form DS-5525 plus a copy of the no-contact order.

by: Anonymous

Question: Hello, I’m currently 18 & the issue is that I have no way to contact my father & isn’t present but do I still need both parents' consent? Or can I just take my mother with me? Or can I just take it out myself?

Answer: Since you are now of legal age, you no longer need your parents to apply for your passport.

by: Anonymous tiff

Question: My daughter is supposed to travel with my parents out the country. I need to get her passport first. She has her dad's last name however he did not sign the birth certificate.
Do I still need him to sign or can I just check off unknown on the application?

Answer: Since the father's name is not on the birth certificate, his consent is not required to apply for your child's passport.

by: Anonymous

Question: My wife and I are separated and currently going through custody battle. I'm wondering if I can put a block on my child's passport to stop her from taking my daughter out the country until everything is resolved because I'm scared she won't bring her back.

Answer: If both your names are on the birth certificate, the mother cannot apply for your child's passport without your presence or consent. If you want to flag an application made under your child's name, you may enroll her in the Children's Passport Issuance Alert Program.

How can I get a passport without a parent's signature?
by: Anonymus

Question: Hello, my daughter is 4 months old and her dad lives out of the country. We are currently in the process of a fiance visa. How can I get my daughter's passport without his signature?

Answer: You can have the father mail you a notarized Form DS-3053 and a photocopy of his ID to submit with the requirements for your child's passport. He can have the form notarized at the U.S. Embassy or Consulate located in the country where he currently resides.

Protection order vs. father
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter wants to travel out of the country with her best friend but we have a protection order against the father and there’s no way to contact him legally for consent. I also have shared legal custody from before the protection order. How could we get a passport for her while the protection order is still in place.

Answer: If your daughter is age 16 or 17, she no longer needs a notarized consent from her father. All she would need is a signed consent from you, a photocopy of your photo ID plus the following:

1. Form DS-11 (must be signed in front of a passport agent)
2. Evidence of U.S. citizenship plus photocopy
3. Proof of identity plus photocopy
4. One passport photo
5. Payment for fees

If she is 15 or younger, you may submit Form DS-5525 plus a copy of the court-issued protection order with the rest of the requirements for a child's passport.

by: Anonymous

Question: Hello! I just want to know the next steps after I fill out the form where I state that the father of my son is not here to be able to consent for the passport. Where do I take this form?

Answer: If you are completing Form DS-5525, it will help your case to submit evidence to support why the father is unavailable to provide consent. The form plus the supporting evidence must be submitted in person at an acceptance facility with the following:

1. Form DS-11
2. Evidence of U.S. citizenship plus photocopy
3. Photocopy of your ID
4. Proof of parental relationship
5. One new passport photo
6. Payment for fees

Passports for Vacation
by: Anonymous

Question: My family and I are headed for a 6-day vacation to Mexico. My ex is refusing to agree to sign the consent to get passports for the kids unless I adhere to other demands, such as letting him hold the passports before and after the trip in an attempt to control other situations. This must be illegal? We both have custody and his name is on their birth certificates. Where do I obtain the paperwork to file with the courts in an attempt to force him to sign without strings attached?

Answer: You may go to the local family court to file a petition. Please speak to an attorney for further instruction.

Saipan passport office
by: Anonymous

Question: I just want to make sure that if only the father applies for a passport for a child with a notarized DS-3053, I can apply even in Saipan? I heard a lot of people said both parents must show up in the office even with DS-3053.

Answer: The purpose of DS-3053 is to establish that consent has been provided by the non-applying (absent) parent. This form will not be required if both parents are present.

Passport for youngest daughter
by: Anonymous

Question: I would love to take my daughters to MEXICO but my daughter's father is a racist! I have 2 daughters (7 and 4). My eldest does not have her fathers name on the birth certificate because he was in prison. With my youngest, he was their at her birth and did sign his name on the certificate. I know that I can apply for my oldest daughter since he is not listed, he denied getting a passport for my youngest one. What can I do in this case?

Answer: The father's refusal to provide consent for the application for your child's passport is not grounds for using Form DS-5525.

You have to contact the father and reason with him or contact the local courts to have them issue an order for him to sign the consent for the application.

Saipan passport office different requirement?
by: Anonymous

Question: As I know the passport office of Saipan requires both parents show up and they do not allow only father with DS-3053 to apply passport for the child, is this true?

Answer: U.S. passport application requirements are the same anywhere in the world. Form DS-3053 needs to be notarized before submission.

New passport.
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi I have a 12-year-old daughter and she has her dad’s last name on the birth certificate. Do I need to have him be present even though he is not around for him to give consent? I have a court ordered child support he pays every other often but I have sole custody of her. Thanks a bunch :)

Answer: If you cannot present SOLE LEGAL custody, you need the father's consent to apply for your child's passport.

I have sole physical custody
by: Anonymous

Question: Me and my child father have joint legal custody but I have sole physical custody. Do I still need his signature for the passport?

Answer: Yes. The father's presence or consent is required to apply for your child's passport.

by: Anonymous

Question: I have come out of a domestically violence relationship. My children's dad is also on the sex offenders list. I'm going on holiday and I don't want to leave my children behind. He is on the birth certificate. Can I get a passport for my kids?

Answer: You can submit Form DS-5525 with paperwork that support your claims of domestic violence and your ex being in the sex offenders list. These should be enough to prove special family circumstances.

Please note that applications of this nature are processed on a case by case basis.

Child passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Will my son's passport application get denied if his father is not listed on his birth certificate and I apply for it by myself?

Answer: No, it will not. The birth certificate listing you as the only parent is enough proof of sole legal custody.

Father lives in different country
by: Stephanie

Question: I gave birth in the USA and want to apply for my newborn's passport and her father lives in Mexico. If I add his name on the birth certificate, do i still need his consent to apply for passport?

Answer: If the father's name is on the birth certificate, his consent is required to apply for your child's passport.

by: Anonymous

Question: My son's father is not listed on the birth certificate. He wants to travel to Mexico with my son. Does he need my permission to do so? I don’t want him to go.

Answer: Your notarized consent is required for your child to travel with the father to Mexico.

Child passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My son's father will not agree to sign to get a passports. We have joint custody but I have solely legal purposes of him and the father is listed on the birth certificate. What can I do to get a passport?

Answer: Can you explain what you mean by "sole legal purposes"?

Traveling without mother’s permission
by: Anonymous

Question: I’m married and my daughter’s father is on the birth certificate. My daughter’s passport expired and my husband wants to renew it as he is planning to take her to India- Kashmir. I do not want her to go as I feel that it’s dangerous and I don’t trust his family. Can he take her against my will since we are married and not separated/divorced?

Answer: Please contact the Indian Embassy or Consulate regarding your concern. You MAY be able to flag your daughter for travel through their immigration office.

Passport for my baby
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm trying to get a passport for my baby. My husband will notarize the DS-3053 but we want to ask if he has to put my address here in the US or his address from his country? He doesn't live here until he get his legal status. He will do this document before he leave the US.

Answer: The address should be current.

by: Anonymous

Question: I need to get a passport for my daughter. We have court ordered child support and standard visitation rights but he does not see her. He is NOT listed on the birth certificate. Do i have to have his consent since he is not listed on the birth certificate?

Answer: You do not need the father's consent or presence. The birth certificate listing you as the only parent is sufficient proof of sole legal custody to apply for your child's passport.

Filing for passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a single mother of two. I am trying to take my kids to Central America to visit family , unfortunately I have no contact with the father in over 3 years. Also, the child support case worker has tried contacting him and they also had no luck locating him. He owes 14k in child support and they have sent me letters informing me that they cannot locate him. His own family said they haven’t heard or know anything about him . Would this be enough to be approved for passports?

Answer: You may submit Form DS-5525 and explain everything you have mentioned. There is a chance the application will be approved but guarantees cannot be made. Applications of this nature are processed on a case by case basis.

Old restraining order
by: Anonymous

Question: My children and I haven't seen or heard from their father for over 12 years. When we left there was an emergency restraining order on him for both the kids and myself. Even though the time has expired on the restraining order, can I still use it as my documentation when filing for my children's passports?

Answer: If the order is already expired, you cannot use it to support the application.

Father not around
by: Anonymous

Question: What if the father lives on the streets and there is no way of getting a hold of him?

Answer: You can submit Form DS-5525 with the rest of the child passport requirements. It would help if you can provide evidence that can support your claim.

Please note that applications of this nature are processed on a case by case basis.

by: Anonymous

Question: Thanks for the advice

Answer: You're welcome.

Passport for my son
by: Anonymous

Question: I am trying to get a passport for my son. I am the only parent on the birth certificate. Do I need the signature of the other parent? I have tried to contact the other parent who lives in another state, but he has stated he wants nothing to do with the baby so I can do what I want. He doesn’t care he exists and told me to not call him anymore! So what do I do?

Answer: You may apply for your child's passport without the father since you are listed as the sole parent on the birth certificate.

Mismatch on legal documents
by: Anonymous

Question: My son's father has many aliases and he placed an incorrect middle name and birth date on the birth certificate (I don't know why). He signed the consent form but his ID middle name and birth year don't match.

I'm worried that the application will be rejected. Our trip is in 8 weeks. Should I do something proactively now or is it possible that it will be approved even with the mismatched info. His father also claims he lost his original birth certificate and cant get another copy.

Answer: Questions will most likely arise due to the mismatch. Please call customer service at 1-877-487-2778 the best course of action.

Child’s passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Can I apply for my daughter's passport without her father being present even though his name is on her birth certificate? We haven’t seen nor heard from him in twelve years. This will be her first passport. Thank you.

Answer: The father does not have to be present but since he is on the birth certificate, his statement of consent is required.

If you have made attempts to contact him to no avail and have proof of those failed attempts, you may submit Form DS-5525 with the rest of the requirements. You must explain the circumstance surrounding the child in as much detail as possible. Please note that applications of this nature are processed on a case by case basis.

kids passports
by: Anonymous

Question: I am from Ireland and live in America illegally. I have 2 kids. Their father is American and is in jail. I want to go back to Ireland but my kids father won't sign for their passports and his name is on the birth certificates. What can I do? Can anyone help please?

Answer: Your situation may be tricky since you are undocumented. We recommend speaking to an immigration lawyer regarding your situation.

Taking a baby outside the US without the father
by: Sara

Question: Hello. I gave birth to my daughter whose father is living outside the USA. I want to take the child to visit her father. I understand that he needs to sign a form to get a passport and he did at the US embassy but my question is do I need him to sign and notarize a consent form for me to take the child outside the USA since his name is on the birth certificate? Or I can just take the child out?

Answer: You may take the child outside of the United States without issue. However, you need to check with the embassy of your destination country to find out if they need a consent to travel for minors traveling with only one parent.

Passport for baby
by: Anonymous

I'm about to have a baby and I want her to have her fathers last name. He lives in another country (Honduras) and I am wondering if I put his last name on the birth certificate, will I be able to get her a passport for when she’s born to go and see him? He will be unable sign the birth certificate because won't be here but i want her to have his last name. Will that cause problems when I need to get her passport?

Answer: You may elect to have your child have her father's last name without putting his name on the birth certificate. This way, you will be able to apply for your child's passport without issues.

by: Anonymous

Question: My ex and I have sharedd legal custody and I signed my son's birth certificate. I want to get my son a passport. He resides with her and they live about 5 hours from me. How can I go about getting him a passport? She won't give me any of her personal information unless it's in person and she won't come down here to sign. Is there a different way to try get him a passport?

Answer: Minors need to appear in person when a passport application is submitted for them. Your son will need to travel to where you are or you need to travel where he is and apply for the passport in that locality.

Regarding the mother, you need to secure a notarized consent from her plus a photocopy of her ID to submit with the rest of the requirements.

Father in jail
by: Anonymous

Question: I have the custody of my kids but the father's name is on the birth certificate. He is currently in jail. What should I do?

Answer: If you have SOLE LEGAL custody and have proof to show for it, you may apply for your children's passports without any other special documentation. Otherwise, you need to submit Form DS-5525 and a copy of the father's incarceration orders with the rest of the application requirements.

by: Anonymous

Question: My kids' dad is not in the U.S. and I need to get their passports. My understanding is that he needs to fill out Form DS-3053 and I'm wondering if this all or is there another form? And where can i get it in Spanish?

Answer: He needs to complete Form DS-3053 for each child. He also needs to send a photocopies of his valid ID. Spanish forms may be available at the U.S. Embassy or Consulate where he can also have it notarized.

by: Anonymous TaZ

Question: My son's father has his passport and refuses to give it to me. I have full physical custody of my son and want to take him on a cruise for his 16th Birthday. The passport needs to be renewed. He said he will sign the papers to renew it but refuses to give me the passport. What are steps can I take to get the passport from him. Reason for him having it is because I allowed him to take my son to Barbados to meet his family. Now I'm screwed because he wont give it back. I would really love some help for I am trying to make our son's 16th Birthday special.

Answer: If your son's passport is no longer valid, he may apply for his passport without his father's consent. At 16, he may apply for a new passport as long as he already has his own government-issued ID. In addition to the requirements, he will only need to submit a signed statement of consent from you plus a photocopy of your ID.

Minor’s passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I have provided a written statement explaining the unavailability of my 8-year-old’s father along with the DS-5525 form and was denied. I do not know the father's whereabouts and have no way to contact him. What do I do?

Answer: Applications of this nature are processed on a case by case basis. Since you were denied, you may try filing for sole legal custody of the child so you no longer need the father's consent for important decisions such as applying for your child's passport.

by: Stephanie

Question: My daughter's father hasn't been in the picture since day one. I do not have his contact info but his name is in the birth certificate. How can I get a passport for my daughter?

Answer: You may submit Form DS-5525 and explain the situation surrounding the child in as much detail as you can. This must be submitted with the rest of the requirements for a child's passport.

Please note that applications of this nature are processed on a case by case basis.

Other parent won't consent to passport application
by: Anonymous

Question: What can I do if the other parent does not consent for me to get passports for my two kids? We have joint custody but the children reside with me and not the father. What can I do?

Answer: If the father expressly declined to provide consent, there is little you can do. Your case does not fall under special or exigent family circumstances because the father is present and just refuses consent.

You can try to convince him again or you may petition the courts to order the father to issue the consent for the application for your children's passports. Also, you may consider speaking to a lawyer about seeking sole legal custody of the children to avoid this issue in the future.

by: Anonymous

Question: I am recently out of an abusive relationship and trying to get passports. Due to our circumstances, my children and I aren't allowed near my ex. Can I get them passports without his approval because of what has taken place?

Answer: If there is a retraining order against the father, you may submit a copy of such order and Form DS-5525 with the rest of the requirements for a child's passport.

by: Anonymous

Question: I am married but my husband left and I don’t know where to find him. He is not a U.S. citizen or does he have legal papers but I want to take my son to my country. Can I apply for his passport alone?

Answer: If the father's name is on the birth certificate, it can be a tricky situation. You may try to submit Form DS-5525 with the rest of the application requirements but there is no guarantee that it will be approved.

Passport for minors without father
by: Anonymous

Question: Am I able to apply for a passport without my daughters' father? He has no identification due to constant warrants from past Domestic Violence situations involving abuse towards me and he hasn't had an ID in years. He has been in and out of my daughters' lives. Can I use the special circumstances application for my children for this situation?

Answer: You may try to submit the application under special family circumstance but there is no guarantee that it will be approved. Please contact customer service at 1-877-487-2778 for further advice.

Forgery of documents.
by: Anonymous

Question: My ex-wife has taken my two girls out of the country without my permission. I never signed for them to have passports, my name is on their birth certificates. I live 30 mins from them and she refuses to let me see them although my divorce decree states joint custody. Legally can i press charges against her for forgery of documents?

Answer: Please contact an attorney regarding legal matters.

Father is not on the birth certificate
by: Yamile

Question: My son is 8 years old, his father hasn’t been around since he was 1 year old. The father is not on the birth certificate. Do I still need him if I want to apply for my son's passport?

Answer: The father's consent or presence is not required. The birth certificate listing you as the only parent is sufficient proof of sole legal custody.

How I can get passport of my son?
by: Anonymous

Question: My husband has been out of the picture since my son was barely 2 years old. We don't even know where he is. He was abusive. It's been 10 years since we've seen him. We are in Malaysia.

My question is my son is a U.S. born kid. He already has a passport, but is expired. Since his father is missing, I have no way to get a consent from him. Why do kids will suffer because of the parents problems? Don't they have full rights to have a passport renewed without parents' consent? Is there any option? I know these rules are for good reasons. But sometimes these rules make our lives so complicated. I hope you understand what I am trying to say here.

If I apply for my son's passport, will they reject it? Or even if I provide the special circumstances form explaining the whole story, will they renew my son's passport? My father is on his death bed. I need to go to the UK. How I will go without my son? We just have each other.

Can the U.S. Embassy locate my husband?

Also, I have a post-nuptial agreement where it says if there is any separation or divorce I will get sole legal and physical custody of my son. Is it going to be enough to renew his passport? I am devastated right now. Don't know what to do. Can you please help?

Answer: Please note that passports issued to minors cannot be renewed. You need to apply for a new passport for your son the same way you did when you applied for the previous one.

You may submit the post-nuptial agreement granting you sole legal custody of the child in addition to proof of your divorce or separation to support your claim. These must be submitted in addition to the requirements for your child's passport application.

Please contact the U.S. Embassy in Kuala Lumpur for further assistance.

No father on B.C.
by: Anonymous

Question: My son is 14. We are planning a trip to Ireland. This will be his 1st time getting a passport. There is no father on his birth certificate. Is that okay?

Answer: Yes, it should be okay.

by: Esther O

Question: My child's father is an illegal. How can I get a passport for my child without the father’s consent?

Answer: You still need the father's consent regardless of his immigration status. He needs to secure a notarized letter of consent plus a photocopy of his ID. Please call 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

Can I apply for a passport without the father?
by: Anonymous

Question: I will be having my baby soon and I would like to give him a different last name from mine without adding father's name on the birth certificate. Would I be able to?

Answer: Yes, you can.

by: Anonymous

Question: My husband was deported about 5 years ago. Before he was deported, we got my son's passport. Now that it is expiring, I have lost contact with him and do not have any information on his whereabouts. Can I still renew his passport. I do have a copy of his deportation documents.

Answer: Passports issued to minors cannot be renewed. You need to apply for your child's passport the same way you applied for the first one. You can submit Form DS-5525 and a copy of the deportation order in addition to the requirements for a child's passport.

Application form
by: Anonymous

Question: My son's father name is not included on his birth certificate and I am married to another man. My question is do i need to write my husbands name in the application form for my sons passport if I filled married? Will it not affect my son if he had to travel out of the country?

Answer: There's no need to include your husband's name in your child's passport application.

Can the father file for custody & win it without notifying the mother?
by: Sarah_C

Dear Sir/Madam,

I need to renew my son's passport. But my husband has been out of the picture for 8 years. We don't even know where he is. Previously, I uploaded a question here about this issue. Since then, I found out that he got married in 2012 and already have 2 kids. I called the Supreme Court & confirmed it. As I am outside USA now, they told me to send them a notarized letter saying that I want my divorce decree certified copy.

He never served me the divorce papers. He became a U.S. citizen through me. He brought his new wife & kids too because he got married in his home country. The person who told this to my old landlord in NYC doesn't want to disclose where he exactly lives.

Nobody wants to get involved in our domestic dispute. He was abusive & violent. So I am scared of him too. My question is if he can give me divorce without serving me, is it possible for him to file for custody of my son & win it without notifying me?
I need to go back to USA. But without renewing my son's passport I can't travel. Now after finding out all these information I am shocked & wandering that if I apply for passport renewal if he did got the custody is it gonna be a problem?
From outside USA its hard to contact with an attorney in USA. Even if I get anyone they aren't that helpful. I don't know how to renew my son's passport. He is born in USA. Is embassy gonna help me? Are they gonna understand my situation? Can you please advice me?

Answer: We cannot advise you on the legality of the divorce and your current custody situation. Please contact a lawyer regarding your concern. You may also seek the advise of the embassy.

3 questions
by: Anonymous

Question: My son is 2 years old, his father's name is not on the birth certificate and I haven't seen/spoken to him in 8 months. Can I go alone to apply for my son's passport or does the father have to go with me?

Do I need to fill out any other form like the statement of consent or the special family circumstances?

Do I need a notarized letter from his father allowing me to travel? Will I have problems bringing him back without it?

Answer: In a typical situation, both parents need to appear with the child when the application is submitted. If the father cannot be present, he needs to provide you with a notarized statement of consent plus a photocopy of his ID. You need to submit these with the rest of the requirements for a child's passport.

The need for a consent to travel depends on the country that you are planning to visit. Some countries require consent while others do not as long as it is established that the child is traveling with a parent or legal guardian.

Dad partially missing on the birth certificate
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. My 12-year-old daughter needs a passport for our cruise to the Bahamas. Her father is NOT in her life (and hasn't been for the past 10 years) and only his birth date is listed on the birth certificate not his name. Will I need his consent to get her a passport?

Answer: If the father's name is not on the birth certificate, you may apply for your child's passport without the father.

Single Parent
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a 3-year-old son. His father and I haven’t been in contact in 2 years and he is not in his life. I do not know where he resides. He did sign his birth certificate and I attempted previously to have him sign the form on multiple occasions but I never got a response. He is on child support so I sent everything to the address that is on file. It’s now 2 years later with no response what is the next step? Can I get my son passport with just my signature?

Answer: The father refusing (or neglecting) to provide consent for the passport application is not grounds for using Form DS-5525. Please contact passport services at 1-877-487-2778 for advice on the matter.

Mother of 4 year old
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a 4-year-old child. Her father is on the birth certificate. He has not seen her in 3 years. I got a letter from courts to say he is not allowed access to my daughter. Can i renew her passport without his consent.

Answer: Yes, you can. In addition to the requirements for your child's passport, you need to submit Form DS-5525 plus a copy of the restraining order.

Passport for a minor
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a court order and it says that I have custody of my child and the dad is a non-custodial parent. Can I still get a child support for my child?

Answer: If the court order says you have SOLE LEGAL custody, you may apply for the child's passport without the father.

Mother of a 5 year old daughter
by: Anonymous

Question: Where do I get the consent form from to send to my husband, who's in prison so that he can sign in front of authorities and I can start the process of receiving a passport for my daughter?

Answer: You may download the form here: Form DS-3053

Mother of a 5-year-old
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I'm a mother of a 5-year-old daughter and we plan to travel to Egypt in 2019. Her father and I are married, he's on her birth certificate but is incarcerated for 10 years. It's impossible for him to be there while getting a passport. My question, is it possible to get him to sign his consent in a written letter from prison? Or what can be done?

Answer: Yes, it is possible for him to sign the consent in the presence of a notary public while he is in prison. You just have to make the necessary arrangements with the appropriate officials.

Passports for my children
by: Anonymous

Question: The father of my children is on the birth certificate. We were never married. We do not have anything in writing, no proof, that states custody agreements or that I have SOLE CUSTODY. Can I get my children their passports without him?

Answer: You need the father's presence or consent in order to apply for your children's passports.

Restraining Order
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter has a restraining order against her father as well as myself. Do I still need the father's permission?

Answer: If the child also has a restraining order against you, you nor the father cannot apply for the child's passport.

If it is only the father she has a restraining order against, you may apply by submitting Form DS-5525 and submit a copy of the restraining order with the rest of the application requirements.

Single parent
by: Anonymous

Question: Can I get my 2-year-old son a passport if I have sole custody for the next year? He has his fathers last name though.

Answer: If you have SOLE LEGAL custody, you may apply for your child's passport without the father's presence or consent.

by: Anonymous

Question: Father is on the birth certificate but I have sole custody due to not being married. He’s an "on and off" parent. Can I still get a passport for my child without him?

Answer: If you have SOLE LEGAL (not just sole physical) custody of the child and have proof to show for it, you may apply for the child's passport without the father.

Passport question
by: Anonymous

Question: The father of my son (14) is not on the birth certificate but about 5 years ago, he was on child support. I took him off because he was an "on and off" type of father. Can I still apply for my child's passport without him?

Answer: Yes, you can. The birth certificate listing you as the sole parent is sufficient proof of sole legal custody.

by: Anonymous

Question: Hello, I need to get a passport for my daughter. Her dads are is not on the birth certificate and she has my last name. He is on and off in her life and there is no custody agreement... can go go ahead without him?

Answer: Yes, you can apply for your child's passport without the father. The birth certificate listing you as the only parent is enough proof of sole legal custody.

What if one parent consents to the passport for a 16 year old the other does not?
by: Anonymous

Question: I have been trying to apply for a passport for my son who now 16 years old. His father does whatever he can just to not let him have any identification.

Now on his 16th birthday, I finally applied since it stated only one parent is needed to approve the passport since he has no other documents or ID cards to even identify himself. The father will not comply with anything. A few weeks ago he showed up after 7 years of no contact and abuse in front of our door trying to take the kids. I was given a restraining order for one year. We never had custody established. Will my son be able to get a passport or will his father still be able to prevent him from being able to have any form of ID until he is 18 years old?

Answer: Your son can only apply for a passport with only one parent IF he can present his own government-issued ID. Since he does not have any, he would need his father's consent to apply in addition to your own.

What's the best option?
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter is 15 years old. I just recently started searching for her father whose whereabouts I have no knowledge of since 2005. I found out that in 2018 he got Deported after serving time in California state prison.

For safety reasons I cant contact him. What can I do to get my daughter a passport? At this point I know I can go to court but that will take time and fees. Another option I have is to let my daughter Emancipate herself and if she did, would she be able to apply for a passport?

Answer: Emancipation is a legal matter that needs to be discussed with a lawyer.

If your daughter is turning 16 soon, you can wait until after her birthday to apply for her first "adult" passport. At 16, she can already apply with parental presence or consent as long as she has her own government-issued ID. She will then only need your letter of consent plus a photocopy of your ID in addition to the application requirements.

Single Mother wanting to take her sick child on a cruise
by: Anonymous

Question: My son's father is on the birth certificate but he is absent. There is no custody agreement because in the state of Ohio if the mother is unmarried sole custody automatically goes to the mother unless contested by the father. He has not contested nor does he have any interest in doing so, and I have no way to contact him. Can I just send a copy of the law stating the custody law or do I need to do the form mentioned as well?

Answer: You must have proof of SOLE LEGAL custody in order to apply for the child's passport without the father. We recommend that you consult a lawyer regarding the state law and how it applies to your situation.

by: Anonymous

Question: There is no father listed on the birth certificate. However my daughter doesn’t have my last name. I gave her the last name of who I thought the father was but found it not to be him. The father is unknown. Can I get a passport for my 11 year old?

Answer: You can still apply for your child's passport. The birth certificate listing you as the only parent is enough proof of sole legal custody. The child's last name should not be an issue.

Get Passport Fast

Do I need the father’s signature?
by: Anonymous

Question: I have primary custody of my child and we want to take a cruise trip . Do I need the father’s signature on the passport application for my child?

Answer: Yes, you do. Only those parents who can present proof of sole legal custody can apply without the other parent's presence or consent.

Passport for a minor
by: Neda

Question: My son is 14 and I have the full custody including sole custody. Can I get his passport without the presence of the father?

Answer: Hi, Neda. If you have SOLE LEGAL custody, you may apply for your child's passport without the father's presence or consent.

by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter is 8 years old and her passport expires next year. Her father has been out of the picture since 2 years ago when CPS got involved because he had hit her. I have no communication with him at all, would this apply to the Special Family Circumstance Form?

Answer: Yes, it applies. Please submit Form DS-5525 with the rest of the requirements for your child's passport.

Problems getting newborns passport
by: Ashli

Question: I am in urgent need of an infant's passport. I was given the okay from the hospital that it was fine to add the father's name to the birth certificate without his consent. However, I am now having issues with getting the passport processed due to the fact that the father is unable to travel. Now i am being told that I need to gain full custody of the infant or get a court order to give full consent.

Answer: Since the father's name is on the child's birth certificate, his presence consent is required. He needs to sign the consent, have it notarized and send it to you with a photocopy of his valid government-issued ID. You need to submit these with the rest of the requirements for a child's passport.

Finding a solution
by: Anonymous

Question: I’m the custodial parent of my son and we are going on a cruise to the Bahamas. I was told we need a passport but when we went to Mexico we only needed a notarized paper. Since we are going to the Bahamas, can we get another notarized paper and bring that to the passport place since his dad can’t leave work to go?

Question: You need to submit a notarized Form DS-3053 plus a photocopy of the father's ID with the rest of the requirements for a child's passport.

Name change
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter is 13 and has not had a relationship with her biological father since the age of 2. Her last name has legally been changed to my husbands and we have been married for nearly 10 years. We have no contact with her biological father and need to know how to go about applying for a passport.

Answer: If the child has been legally adopted by your husband, you do not need the biological father's consent to apply for the passport. Otherwise, his presence or consent is still required.

If he cannot be contacted, you may submit Form DS-5525 with the rest of the application requirements. Please note that applications of this nature are processed on a case by case basis.

by: Anonymous

Question: I’m trying to get my son his passport but his father has been deported and no where to be found. Can I still get his passport?

Answer: Yes, you can. You may submit Form DS-5525 with the rest of the requirements for a child's passport. Explain the situation in as much detail as possible and provide evidence of your failed attempts to contact the father, if available. These would greatly help your case.

Please note that applications of this nature are processed on a case by case basis.

I cannot find my child’s father
by: Anonymous

Question: I’ve last seen my son’s father 15 years ago when I was pregnant. Due to some circumstances, we were both displaced and have to travel to different counties. I had my son when he was not present, but I put his name on his birth certificate. Now, I’m trying to get my son’s passport but they’re asking me for authorization from his father. I don’t know where he is. What can I do?

Answer: You may submit Form DS-5525 with the rest of the requirements for your child's passport. In the form, you must explain the situation in as much detail as possible. If you can provide evidence of failed attempts to locate and contact the father, it will greatly help your case.

Please note that applications of this nature are processed on a case by case basis.

Minor passport renewal- parent has temporary sole custody
by: Anonymous

Question: Does an American mother living abroad with her American daughter need the consent of the father for the daughters passport renewal? Mother has temporary sole custody.

Answer: If the mother has sole legal custody, she may apply for a passport for the child's passport without the father. If she has sole physical but shared legal custody, the father's consent is required.

3 is a crowd?
by: Anonymous

Question: What about those new procedures where it uses DNA from 3 parents and all 3 parents are on the birth certificate. This is often used for situations where the DNA will cause birth defects and a donor DNA is used to supplement portions of the DNA. Would all 3 parties need to be there to apply for passport?

Answer: Please contact customer service at 1-877-487-2778 regarding your concern.

Urgent Passport Question
by: Anonymous

Question: I am 18 years of age and my father has not been in my life since I was born. My mother has taken care of me for all 18 years of my life and I am trying to obtain a passport to travel to my country and see my ill grandfather. Do I need the consent of my father in order to get my passport?

Answer: Since you are already of legal age, you no longer require parental consent to apply for a passport.

Getting my son's passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My son is 5 months old. I want to get his passport but don’t know if I can because of his father. His father's name is not on the birth certificate but I’ve been told that even if it’s not on the birth certificate we still need his (the father) approval to get my son's passport because of situations wherein one parent goes behind the others back.

My baby’s father has not been involved almost at all. I do not know where to find him. I have tried calling him and texting him but I never get an answer. I’ve gone to his house to speak to him in person about this but his family says that he out of state working. My baby’s father has only been with us for 2 out of the 5 months my son has been with us now. My question is, do I really need my baby’s father to get my sons passport?

Answer: If the father's name is not on the birth certificate, you do not need his consent to apply for your child's passport.

Father is in another country
by: Anonymous

Question: If the father of your child has now returned to his country and I am applying for the child's birth certificate, what do we need to do?

Answer: The father may complete Form DS-3053, have it notarized at the U.S. Embassy or Consulate or any reputable notary public then mail it to you with a photocopy of the ID he presented upon notarization. You can then submit these with the rest of the requirements when you apply for your child's passport.

Minor lives overseas; passport expires in 8 months
by: Anonymous

Question: My husbands American ex-wife has been residing in Germany with his American minor child for almost 5 years. Her passport is set to expire in 8 months. She’s 11. She is currently visiting family in the US but needs to head back to Germany for school soon. My husband has agreed to their being overseas for one more year but is afraid to renew the passport because the ex can then potentially stay longer.

My question: can the ex take the child back to Germany then wait for the passport to expire and claim exigent circumstances (the child will then be in school) and not need my husbands approval for the renewal?

Answer: The father's approval will still be required unless she has sole legal custody.

Passport renewal
by: Anonymous

Question: My ex wife told my daughter to lie and said her father is not n her lie to get her passport renewed. We both have shared custody, my daughter is eleven years old. Is this legal or illegal to do?

Answer: Please contact a lawyer regarding your concern.

No reply
by: Anonymous

Question: I submitted a comment and received a confirmation email however I did not receive a reply to my question.

Answer: It must have been a system issue. How can I help you?

Temporary Sole Legal Custody (never contested)
by: Anonymous

Question: I have 3 children from a previous marriage. Our divorce agreement says that I have sole physical custody and temporary sole legal custody (2012). The divorce has never been reopened since then. Since then, he is nowhere to be found. I’m worried that the word temporary would cause problems, could I send a letter stating that this is the current order?

Answer: You're right, the term temporary may raise some issues. I recommend that you contact your lawyer regarding the issue and to see if you can file for permanent sole legal custody.

Child passport info
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a daughter who previously had a passport but was lost by her father & he is out of the country & out of reach. Can I be the only parent present when getting her new passport?

Answer: If the father's name is on the birth certificate, you need to find a way to contact him and get his consent to apply for your child's passport.

My daughter has a restraining order against her father
by: Anonymous

Question: My 15-year-old girl has a restraining order against her dad. I wanted to know if I can still get a passport for her with the restraining order papers.

Answer: If the restraining order is still in effect, you may submit a copy of it with Form DS-5525. Explain the situation in the form and send it with the restraining order and the rest of the requirements to apply for your child's passport.

Father left
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter is 12 years old. When she was 2 years old, her father took off. I have no way to contact him to get a passport for my daughter. We would like to travel to Canada to see the Niagara Falls. If I have no way of contacting him what do I do to obtain a first time passport?

Answer: You may attempt to apply for your child's passport under exigent family circumstances. You need to complete Form DS-5525 and explain the child's situation in as much detail as possible. There is no guarantee that a passport will be issued but it is worth a try.

If you are traveling to Canada by land, your children does not actually need a passport. All she needs to cross the border and get back in the country is her U.S. birth certificate or applicable proof of U.S. citizenship.

by: Anonymous

Question: I have three boys and I have full custody of one. One turned out to not be his and the third one is. We are now into a divorce. What would I need for my two boys? The one that turned out to not be his, can i get his passport? And the other one I'm into a divorce right now will you just need the divorce papers in order to get the passport?

Answer: Unless you have court documents awarding you sole legal custody of your children, you will need your husband's consent to apply for their passports. It will not matter if the child turns out to be not his biological child, or that you are going through a divorce. If his name is on their birth certificates and you do not have proof of sole custody, you share custody with him.

Sperm donor
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm a single mom who decided to bring my baby by a sperm donor via sperm bank. Obviously he is not on the birth certificate. Can I get my 2 year old a passport?

Answer: Yes, you can apply for your child's passport.

Permanent managing conservative
by: Anonymous

Question: I am the permanent managing conservative of my grandson and the court papers say his parents have been denied possession of the child and have to have supervised visitation. At my discretion, I have all legal rights. They have no more legal rights. I do not even know where the father is but he is not on the birth certificate. In the papers it says I can obtain legal services and execute contracts and or all other legal documents. So does that mean I do not have to have both or either parents to get his passport to go on a vacation?

Answer: Since you have court documents showing you have sole legal custody of the child, you may apply for his passport without the parents.

by: Anonymous

Question: My son is 10 years old. My husband is out of picture for 8 years now. I am a U.S. Citizen & my son was born in New York.

My son has a U.S. passport which is expired. My husband was illegal in USA when I married him. He became legal through me. He used to abuse me & my son who was so little back then. I had to take help from domestic violence & I ran away from home with my son & hid in a family friend's house in 2010 in New York City. Child support agency tried to locate him but couldn't & closed their case. My attorney sent him a separation agreement but she couldn't get a hold of him either. I was too scared to look for him because he tried to kill me & my son that's why I ran away. I sent him that separation agreement in 2011 through my attorney. Because he threatened me that time if I divorce him he will harm us. Because he just applied for his U.S. Passport that time which needed my signature.


Now I need to renew my son's passport. And I am not in the U.S. right now. I was so traumatized at the time so my family supported me & brought me to our home country. I want to go back to the U.S. with my son now. Is there any way I can renew my son's passport without his father's signature since he out of location? Would that Notarized Agreement be helpful to renew my son's passport? Can you please tell me what I should do?

Answer: We recommend that you contact the U.S. Embassy or Consulate in the country where you currently reside. It is possible that you will be able to obtain a passport for your child if you explain the situation as best you can. Also, please provide as much documentation as you can to support your case.

Husband is not the biological father
by: Anonymous

Question: My ex, whom I am still legally married to is not my baby's biological father. We have been separated for a few years, the divorce is taking long due to unsettled matters.

Will I still be able to get a passport for my baby after birth without him? Is there anything I can do in the state of NY? Ex is not happy about being presumed and it's frightening.

Answer: Yes, you can. Since your husband is not the father of the baby, you do not have to have his name on the birth certificate. A birth certificate listing you as the only parent is sufficient proof of sole legal custody to apply for your child's passport.

Primary legal custody?
by: Anonymous

Question: I have primary legal custody of my 2 minor children and they have no contact with their father right now. Do I need his signature to obtain passports?

Answer: If by primary you mean sole legal custody, you may apply for your children's passports without the father.

by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter is 5 years old about to turn 6 years old in August. I want to take her passport out because we are going on vacation to Mexico. Is it possible that I could get her passport without her father? I don’t know where is he, I have no type of information of where to find him. He is not on the birth certificate but she does have his last name.

Answer: Your situation is simpler than it seems. You may apply for your child's passport without the father since his name is not on the birth certificate. It is proof that you have sole legal custody regardless of the child taking her father's last name.

Getting Passport for my 1 year old Son
by: Anonymous

Question: What if my Husband is abroad and I want to apply for a passport for my 1-year-old son? What should I do? Is it possible to get passport for my son without my husband's passport? I read in other comments that both parents need a passport in getting passport of our son.

Answer: Your husband can send you a notarized statement of consent for you to submit with the requirements when you apply for your child's passport. He can use Form DS-3053 and have it notarized at the U.S. Embassy or Consulate in the country where he currently resides. In addition to the consent, he needs to send you a photocopy of his valid ID -- his passport can serve this purpose.

Paternity test
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter has a man's name on her birth certificate that I thought was the father for 5 years. I had to apply for assistance and had to do a fill out child support papers.

The man is in prison for 20 years and the paternity test came back that he's not the father. I applied and was denied because they want his permission. The courts are in the process of removing his name from the birth certificate. My trip is coming up quick and I don't know if the new birth certificate will be done in time. Can I bring the paternity test and the court papers that show his name is being removed to the passport agency? Will I be able to expedite the passport if I need it in 3 weeks? What is the best thing to do in such a short time?

Answer: The revised birth certificate is required to apply for your child's passport but you can try calling passport services to find out if you can submit the court documents. The number to call is 1-877-487-2778.

As soon as you get what you need, you can apply at a regional passport agency two weeks before your trip. In addition to the application requirements, you need to present proof of immediate international travel. Regional agencies process applications in 1 to 8 business days.

Birth abroad
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a U.S. born citizen who recently gave birth abroad. I am married. My husband's work requires him to travel most of the year and isn't available to go to the U.S. Embassy so he gave me a notarized letter of permission to travel with our daughter till the age of 18. Can I get a US passport with this letter and attend the interview alone?

Answer: You a need a statement/letter that states that father provides his consent for a passport application. He may use Form DS-3053 for this.

by: Anonymous

Question:If the father of my children is in Mexico, can I still have him fill out Form DS-3053 and have it notarized there? Will it be accepted or is there any other form needed when the parent is out of the country or out of the USA?

Answer: Form DS-3053 can be notarized in Mexico, preferably at the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City or any of the U.S. Consulates located all over Mexico. He can then send the original notarized document for you to submit with the rest of the requirements for your children's passports.

2 birth certificates
by: Anonymous

Question: What can happen if I use my son's birth certificate that doesn't show the fathers name? But yet his father has the current one that shows him as the father. We are no longer together.

Answer: If a passport is issued to the child, the father may contest its validity and it could be revoked.

2 birth certificates
by: Anonymous

Question: My son is 4 yrs old and I have the his birth certificate that shows no father. After a 2 years, a DNA test was completed and his father has received a new birth certificate that list him on it. Could I still apply for a passport with the father's?

Answer: You need to use the updated birth certificate.

Two birth certificates
by: Anonymous

Question: I have two birth certificates for my child the first one was given when my child was born second one was because my child's father said my child wasn't his and wants proof via DNA test. So I went to the food stamp office and they sent us to the courthouse and test came back positive 99.9% his. But before the DNA test, I had already applied for a passport for my child when he was 6 months so he can meet my grandmother before she passed away. Can I just renew the passport with the original birth certificate? Or do I have to use the new one?

Answer: Please contact customer service at 1-877-487-2778 regarding your concern.

If I have all legal decision making
by: Anonymous

Question: If I legally have all decision making for my son, can I get a passport for my son without his dad present?

Answer: If you have sole legal custody and have a court order as proof of it, you may apply for your child's passport without the father.

by: Anonymous

Question: I’ve recently changed my child’s last name to her father’s last name. I have physical custody and we both have joint legal custody. He is not listed on the birth certificate. Can I obtain the passport without his consent?

Answer: A birth certificate with only one parent listed can usually be submitted as evidence of sole legal custody. Because you have joint legal custody, there may be a legal issue. Please consult with your attorney.

Single Mom applying for Child's Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My son is 9. I haven't heard from his dad in almost 7 years. I don't have a number or address but his name is on the birth certificate. Can I still apply for my son to get his passport even though I have no clue where his father may be? I take care of my child by myself. I have the DS-5525 form already filled out explaining that I don't know where is father is at nor have I spoken to him in years.

Answer: You may submit DS-5525 with the application for your child's passport. Please bear in mind that applications of this nature are processed on a case by case basis. Your child may or may not be issued a passport.

Obtaining Daughter’s Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter has her father’s last name, he’s not listed on her birth certificate, however. I have sole physical custody of her. Am I able to apply for her passport without his consent?

Answer: Yes. The birth certificate listing you as the only parent is sufficient proof of sole legal custody.

Foreign passport holder
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a foreign passport holder, married and a mother of an infant recently born. I am in no contact with my husband due to personal dispute. My baby was born in America. At the time of the birth my husband was not present , nor did he make any efforts to come to the USA.
If I don't list his name on the birth certificate, i wouldn't need his consent at the time of baby's passport application, I understand that part.

Now i will be returning back to my country which is a Muslim state. Will there be an issue in the future? Or can my husband take some legal action that I did not list him on the birth certificate or passport of the baby?

Will my baby have to face any issues later? I mean if things work out, I can always add his name on it. But as of now we aren't in good terms.

Will the government back home question that I did not state father's name?

Answer: Please contact the embassy of your home country regarding possible issues with your child's citizenship and birth certificate.

by: Anonymous

Question: My son's father is absent and not in the birth certificate. Do I still need his consent to travel out of the U.S?

Answer: You do not.

by: Anonymous

Question: I have two daughters and they want to go to Mexico but their father is in Mexico and can’t come back to the USA. What can we do to get their passports?

Answer: If the children are 16 or older and they already have government-issued IDs, they may apply for passports with only a signed statement of consent from you in addition to the application requirements.

If they are age 15 and under, they need a notarized consent from their father to submit with the application requirements. He can complete Form DS-3053, have it notarized at the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City or any of the U.S. Consulates located all over Mexico, then send the notarized document to you.

by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter will be 15 next year and she has an opportunity to travel out of the country to perform with an orchestra. My husband (her father) suffers from severe anxiety and does not want her to travel abroad. We are married so there is no custody documentation. Do I have to have his consent since there is not a custody issue?

Answer: Yes, you need the father's consent.

Child's father is incarcerated
by: Mona

Question: My child's father is incarcerated out of state. He is on the birth certificate but we've never been married and don't have a custody order. I sent in a copy of his incarceration papers along with a print out photo of him and filled out the exigent circumstances form and was denied. I have spoken to the passport representatives twice already and one suggestion was to get a motion from judge to be sole parent signature for my child's application. I went to the courthouse and in my county was advised I cannot file such a motion without his ring and attorney and even then the process would take months to get a response from the judge.

I applied for the passport in march and our trip is at the end of July. I've now contacted a mobile notary willing to go to the prison to get the fathers notarized signature on the application form. It states acceptable forms of ID and lists other which is a little ambiguous and uncertain whether his prison photo. The notary confirmed it's an acceptable form of ID for her to perform notarizing however I am uncertain whether it will suffice for the passport approval as this is all he has with him.

Answer: If it is the only ID he can produce, you should take your chances.

2 year old daughter
by: Anonymous

Question: I just recently finished family court and was granted full/sole physical and legal custody of my daughter. The father name is on the birth certificate. Do I still need his consent or can I fill out a DS-11 form and attach the court order with it.

Answer: Since you were awarded sole legal custody of the child, you no longer needs the father's consent. You may proceed with applying for your child's passport and submit the court order with the application.

Child of U.S. citizen
by: Bilyana

Question: Father is U.S. citizen, the mother has a green card, daughter(15 years old) has a green card. She lives with mother in the U.S. Parents are divorced, the mother has 100% custody. Fater and mother are on the birth certificate.
Can she apply for a U.S. passport? If she can, what is the procedure? Father lives in California. She lives with mother in Illinois. Thank you.

Answer: In order for the child to acquire citizenship through her father, certain conditions must be met.

This is what the USCIS says the following about children born outside of the U.S. to a U.S. citizen parent.

"A child born outside the U.S. is a citizen after birth IF the child was under 18 or not yet born on February 27, 2001 and at least one parent is a U.S. citizen, the child is currently under 18 and residing in the U.S. in the legal and physical custody of the U.S. citizen parent pursuant to lawful admission for permanent residence."

Since the child is not under the custody of the U.S. citizen father, the mother may face issues obtaining the child's passport. Please contact the USCIS for further clarification and assistance.

by: Anonymous

Question: I want to bring my kids to my country (14 and 10 years old) for school vacation. They're traveling with my wife. Does she need any kind of travel consent signed by me or any kind of document?

Answer: The answer depends on the requirements for minors entering your country. You or your wife needs to contact the embassy of your home country for this information.

by: Anonymous

Question: I'm a single mother of a 4-year-old and I'm trying to get his passport. His father is not in life, how can I get his passport?

Answer: If the father's name is on the child's birth certificate, you need his presence or consent to apply for your child's passport. Even if he is absent in the child's life, you share legal custody with the father unless you were awarded sole legal custody by the courts.

You must contact the father to obtain his notarized consent for the passport application and issuance. If you cannot contact the father by any means, you may try to submit Form DS-5525 with the rest of the application requirements. You need to explain the situation and your efforts to contact the father in as much detail as possible.

Please note that applications submitted under exigent family circumstances are processed on a case by case basis. There is a chance that your child will be issued a passport but there is no guarantee.

Another more permanent option is to speak to a lawyer about filing for sole legal custody.

Passport for a 10-year old
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a 10 year old son for whom I have been trying to get a passport for the past 5 years but his dad won't sign it because I married someone else. How can I go about getting his passport without his father's consent? Do I have to get a lawyer? What can I do?

Answer: If the father's name is on the birth certificate, his presence or consent is required to apply for your child's passport. This is unless you have sole legal custody awarded by the courts.

If you do not have sole legal custody of the child, we recommend speaking to a lawyer about it. You can also ask the local family court to issue an order for the father to sign for the passport.

Sole physical custody and legal custody
by: Anonymous

Question: I have sole physical custody of my daughter and I wanted to get my daughter a passport. I called her father (we have not been together for over 9 years now) and he will not agree. Since I have sole physical custody of my daughter, could I make that decision on my own without him being present?

Answer: No, you cannot. You need to have SOLE LEGAL CUSTODY in order to apply for your child's passport without the father's presence or consent.

Father is incarcerated
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter's father is incarcerated. How do I go about obtaining a passport without him?

Answer: In addition to the requirements for a child's passport, you can send Form DS-5525 and a copy of the father's incarceration order.

What action can I take?
by: Anonymous

Question: My son's dad is not on the birth certificate and I'm not really sure where he is. I have full custody of my son. I want to get his passport but I don't know if I can without his fathers consent. The last time I talked to him and asked him to help me he told me no. What can I do?

Answer: Since you are the only parent listed on the birth certificate, you do not need the father's presence or consent to apply for your child's passport.

It can be done.
by: Anonymous

I sent an 8 page letter giving the information I have on my kids bio dad, and explained that I have no contact with him. We received passports.

Passport for child under a year old
by: FATE

Question: My son's mother went to family court and a judge issued a court order to get my 8-month-old baby a passport. I'm his father. My name is on the birth certificate, I did not sign for his passport does she have the right to still take him out the county with out my signature?

Answer: If the child is issued a passport and the country they are traveling to does not require 2-parent consent to travel, the mother will be able to leave the country with your baby.

We recommend that you contact your lawyer regarding your issue.

Applying for a passport for a newborn child
by: Anonymous

Question: I had my baby just born. I'm currently in North Carolina but father is not with me now as we both lived in another country. Can I apply for the passport?

Answer: Yes, you can. If the father's name is on the child's birth certificate, he needs to provide you with a notarized consent to apply for your child's passport.

If he is not, you can apply without his presence or consent. The child's birth certificate listing you as the only parent should suffice as evidence of sole legal custody.

Illegal passport
by: Anonymous

Question: You just issued a passport to a mother of a 9-year-old who the father is on the birth certificate but never provided consent, she lied and gave a false birth certificate.

Answer: You may file a formal complaint at the National Passport Information Center.

Son passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I want to get my son his passport but his dad is in the birth certificate. His dad is currently in jail for the past year and half, there is a no contact order , and i have full custody of my son for now till he gets out. What can I do? Can I obtain the passport without his signature?

Answer: You may submit Form DS-5525 with a the no-contact order to apply for your child's passport without the father's consent.

Please note that applications submitted under exigent family circumstances are approved and processed on a case by case basis.

Child's passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Please help. I am trying to obtain a passport for my 9 year old child. She has her father's last name on her birth certificate however his name is not listed on the birth certificate.

How can I go about applying for a passport for my daughter. (He has a serious drinking problem- refuses to get help and does not help out at all).

Answer: You can apply for your child's passport without the father's presence or consent. The birth certificate listing you as the sole parent is enough proof of sole legal custody even if the child bears his last name.

Applying for a passport for my minor child
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm planning to apply a passport for my 3-month-old daughter. I'm confused because I have read that if I only have my name on my daughters birth certificate, I shouldn't be worried on applying on my own (however it has her father's birth date; they didn't put his name since he's not here with us). Does it matter if my daughter has his father's surname? Am I allowed to get her a passport on my own without her father's consent?

Answer: Yes, you can apply for your child's passport without the father. The birth certificate listing you as the only parent is sufficient proof of sole legal custody. The child bearing the father's last name will not be an issue.

Child's passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter's dad and I are together but he's not on the birth certificate since he's in Mexico. I'm trying to get her a passport. Do i need to put his information on it?

Answer: Yes, you need to enter the information regarding the father. But since his name is not on the birth certificate, you can apply for your child's passport without his presence or consent.

by: Anonymous

Question: My son’s passport expires in May 2018. I would like to renew it, planning a trip to Canada in Aug. His mother and I are not together, is there any kind of paperwork that she needs to fill out? I have a court order that I am the primary custodial parent.

Answer: The mother needs to either appear with you and the child in person or provide you with a notarized consent to apply for your child's passport.

by: Anonymous

Question: My son’s passport expires in May 2018. We are planning on going to Montreal, Canada for a basketball tournament during the Labor Day weekend. I am the primary custodial parent. Does his mother need to sign any paperwork?

Answer: The mother does not need to provide consent as long as the minor is traveling with a parent.

Passport without one parent
by: Anonymous

Question: My son is one year old. I want to apply for his passport but his father and I are getting divorced and we are separated. We are living separated for one year. I don’t know where he lives and I don’t have his contact information. I have notarized property and child custody settlement agreement that say his father don’t have any rights on my son and no visitation. I have sole custody in that child custody settlement agreement. How can I apply for my son passport without his father?

Answer: You have to have sole legal custody in order to apply for your child's passport without the father. If the document from the court stipulates that only have legal rights over the child, you may use it as evidence of sole legal custody.

Please call customer service at 1-877-487-2778 for further clarification.

Unknown father
by: Anonymous

Question: I was hoping to take my daughter to Europe in the fall. Her father is unknown and his name is not on her birth certificate . What do I need?

Answer: You do not need any special documents to apply for your child's passport. The birth certificate listing you as the only parent is enough proof of sole legal custody.

Passport for my daugther
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm planning a family vacation for August 2018, visiting my parents in Mexico. I want to take my 9-year-old daughter with me. She does have the last name of her father. However, we have had no contact with him since he was deported out of the United States which was about 8 and half years ago. My daughter's father was only in her life for 2 months at home and then roughly 3 months before he was deported. Am I able to apply for her passport alone?

Answer: If the father's name is on the birth certificate, you cannot apply for your child's passport on your own. You need to find a way to contact him to secure his consent.

If you cannot establish contact, you may attempt to apply for the passport under exigent family circumstances using Form DS-5525. In the form, you need to explain in as much detail as possible, the circumstances that surround the child. If you can secure a copy of the father's deportation orders, it will help your case.

Please call customer service at 1-877-487-2778 for further assistance.

Step child passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I am an active duty service member and I just received orders to Japan. I received orders with dependents... However my oldest is not my biological daughter. Her father has not been in her life since birth (she is 7 years old now) and has yet to attempt to reach out to her. He is listed on her birth certificate, but would my spouse and I be able to get her a passport for her to come along with us to Japan although father is not in any part of her life? I do have the intentions and would love to submit for adoption if needed to do so first.

Answer: We recommend that you speak to a lawyer about the best way to go about the child's situation.

by: Jennifer

Question: I am a Nigerian and gave birth to my son here who is now 3 years old, and have tried getting him a birth certificate and a passport but to no avail and have sent the documents to the father countless numbers of times and he has refused to sign them. Please what should I do?

Answer: Please contact the USCIS for concerns regarding U.S. citizenship.

Traveling when your DS-5525 form was approved
by: Stephanie

Question: What do I need to bring with me to travel Internationally with my minor child if her passport was approved without her father's consent due to not being located?

Answer: Please contact the embassy or consulate of your destination country to find out if you need to bring additional documents for your child

Daughter needs passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, my 5 year old daughter needs her passport because I plan on taking her out of the country. Her father is not around and he is not on her birth certificate. Can I apply for her passport with out him.

Answer: Yes, you can apply for your child's passport without the father's consent or presence.

by: Anonymous

Question: I'm trying to travel to Mexico with my 4-year-old son. Can I apply for his passport by myself if he only has his dad's last name but the dad's name is not on the birth certificate I have never heard from him ever since I was 9 months pregnant?

Answer: Yes, you can. The birth certificate listing you as the only parent is enough proof of sole legal custody.

Notarized consent
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi! I'm getting my 4-year-old daughter a U.S. passport renewal here in California. Her mother is in the Philippines. Can I submit her consent with just a notarized public attorney from the Philippines? The U.S. Embassy is too far from her place. Many thanks.

Answer: Yes, you can.

Don't know where father is...
by: Anonymous

Question: I have planned going to Mexico to visit some family members and need my daughters passport. I have not heard from the father in about 2 years. Last I knew is he moved out of state. He changed his number and I have no way of contacting him because i have no idea where he is. What can i do?

Answer: You may apply for the child's passport under exigent family circumstances. Please complete Form DS-5525, explain the situation in as much detail as possible and describe the efforts you have made to contact the father and get his consent.

Please note that applications submitted under special family circumstances are processed on a case to case basis.

We recommend speaking to an attorney about sole legal custody to resolve this issue once and for all.

Passport/wanted parent
by: Anonymous

Question: Trying to apply for a passport for my stepson. His father and I have joint custody with the mother but she is on the wanted list and is on the run for 4 years now. We cannot locate her, how can we get a passport for him?

Answer: You may apply for the child's passport under exigent family circumstances. If you can secure a statement from the authorities regarding the warrant and other details of the case as far as locating the mother is concerned, it will help your case.

Social Security card
by: Anonymous

Question: My two sons are not U.S. citizens but the mother is. Does she need my original social security card to apply for my son's passport? Or she just need a copy of my SS n ID?

Answer: A notarized statement of consent and a photocopy of your ID is required to apply for the children's passports.

My husband lives in Mexico
by: Gladys

Question: Hi, my husband lives in Mexico and he has been deported. Can I still fix him papers despite his record its because I'm a U.S. citizen?

Answer: If you are referring to papers to obtain a child's passport, your husband may complete Form DS-3053 and have it notarized at the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City or any of the U.S. Consulates located all over Mexico.

He can send the notarized document plus a photocopy of his ID for you to submit with the application.

Social Security card
by: billimonmichael

Question: Do we need to provide our original social security card with the application? Or just a photocopy?

Answer: You will only present the actual card and submit a photocopy. Since you will be submitting a secondary proof of identity, you need to provide other IDs. You may choose from the following:

-State-issued non-driver ID
-Out-of-state driver's license
-Learner's or temporary driver's permit
-Voter registration card
-Employee ID
-Student ID
-Selective Service (draft) card
-Medicare or other health card
-Expired driver's license
-Membership card in a local social organization or club
-Rental contracts
-Mortgage documents
-Auto registrations
-Traffic tickets & violations

My 4-month-old child's passport.
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I'm a U.S citizen and so is my infant son. I have his father's name on the birth certificate but his father is back in Mexico as he is not a U.S. citizen. Can he use the DS-3053 form or can he just type or write a consent letter and notarize it by any agency or does it have to be notarized by any close consulate by Veracruz or the U.S embassy in Mexico City?

Answer: The father can use Form DS-3053 and have it notarized at the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City or any of the U.S. Consulates located all over Mexico.

He may use a use a different statement of consent and have it notarized by a third-party notary but it is strongly recommended that he use the DS-3053 and seek the services of the U.S. Embassy or Consulate to avoid possible issues.

Once notarized, he needs to mail the form with a photocopy of his ID to you so you can submit it with the rest of the requirements when you apply for your child's passport.

by: Anonymous

Question: So my daughter's father lives in Mexico and he can't come to the USA. I just want to now what kind of forms I have to send to him so that I can get the passport for my kid.

Answer: The father needs to fill out Form DS-3053 and have it notarized at the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City or any of the U.S. Consulates located all over Mexico. Once that is accomplished, he needs to send the notarized document to you with a photocopy of his government-issued ID.

You will then submit the notarized form and other requirements for your child's passport.

Trying to get a passport for my son
by: Anonymous

Question: My son is 15 and his father has not been in his life for years. Out of the 15 years, my son has seen his dad only twice his life. There is no way to contact him at all.

He is on child support but there has not been any payment in years. Child support does not know his whereabouts also to even serve him with court papers. So the only time I received a payment is when he worked for a company and not getting paid under the table.

So how can i get my son his passport when the father has been a ghost all his life?

Answer: Since the father's name is on the child's birth certificate, he needs to be present or provide consent in order for you to apply for your child's passport.

If you cannot contact the father, you need sole legal custody of the child to apply on your own.

If the child is turning 16 soon, you can wait until after his birthday to apply for his passport. At 16, he can already apply without both parents being present if he already has his own government-issued ID.

Childs father doesnt even know he exists.
by: Amanda

Question: Hello. I'm trying to obtain my child's passport, but I'm having trouble. My child was born in the U.S. but I am a Canadian citizen born in Canada. His father is South African and lives in South Africa. His father doesn't even know he exists. I've tried contacting him on social media and he has blocked me and will not give me the time of day.

Since I was 2 months pregnant, he has not returned to America, nor can I reach him in anyway. The hospital told me it's best to put his name on, for child support reasons since i will be a single mother, but since we cant locate him or even let him know he is a father, child support will not work. I've attempted to take his name off, and now the vital records will not let me.

My question is, how do i get a passport without his consent? He doesnt even know the child is alive, or even exists. Furthermore, he did not even know I was pregnant.

Answer: Please speak to lawyer about obtaining sole legal custody of your child.

Kids' passport
by: Anonymous

Question: If I'm a citizen of the U.S and my children aren't (1 and 4 years), can I apply for their passports if i don't live in U.S right now because their father is Mexican?

Answer: Please contact the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City or any of the U.S. Consulates located all over Mexico to assistance in establishing your children's U.S. citizenship and obtaining passports for them.

How to get a passport when father is absent
by: Anonymous

Question: I will like to get a passport for my two daughters (6 and 9) but the father cannot be found. He has a domestic violence record and he tried to strangle me. Do I still need his approval?

Answer: Unless there is a court order or restraining order against the father, you need his consent to apply for your children's passports.

If you cannot locate him, we recommend that you speak to an attorney about getting SOLE LEGAL CUSTODY of your children. This way you can make all major decisions concerning your kids alone -- including applying for passports.

Childs' passport with durable power of attorney
by: Judy Hardin

Question: Can a durable power of attorney be used to get a minor child a passport?

Answer: Following are the regulations in a situation in which there is only one parent present at the time of application:

Passport regulations require that the DS-3053 or statement of non-applying parent's consent be notarized.

* The applying parent, (or legal guardian, if any), will execute the minor's application, with child present.

* The applying parent, (or legal guardian, if any), will provide acceptable identification documentation.

* Acceptable evidence listing the executing adult as the minor's parent will be submitted (see section above on both parents)

* The applying parent will provide either of the following:

1. A signed, notarized statement from the non-applying parent, (or guardian, if any), agreeing to passport issuance to the minor. (Listing child's name and date of birth.) The non-applying parent may type or write his or her own statement, or complete and sign the appropriate section (4A) on the Department's form DS-3053: Statement of Consent. A photocopy of the non-applying parent's identification is required.
Sample wording would be:

"I, (name) consent to the Passport Application of my son/daughter (Name)(Date of Birth). Signed (Non-Applying Parent's Signature)

The statement from the non-applying parent (or guardian) must be notarized. The statement does not have to reflect any identification documentation for the non-applying parent. A faxed copy of the parental consent statement may be acceptable for urgent departure cases.

If the consent of the non-applying parent cannot be obtained because of an "Exigent" or "Special Family" circumstance, the applying parent must submit a written statement explaining the situation, or complete and sign the appropriate section (5) on the Department's form DS-3053 entitled "Statement of Consent".


2. Documentary evidence that the applying parent or guardian has sole legal custody or legal guardianship of the minor, that the minor is being authorized by a court of competent jurisdiction to travel outside the United States where a passport is required, or that the minor may be issued a U.S. passport. Such documentary evidence may include, but is not limited to, the following:

(a) A certified birth certificate providing the minor's name, date and place of birth, and the applying parent's name only;
(b) An adoption decree naming only the applying parent;
(c) A guardianship decree naming only the applying guardian;
(d) A court order granting sole legal custody to the applying parent or guardian. The order cannot include a provision limiting the minor's ability to travel outside the United States;
(e) A court order specifically authorizing passport issuance to the minor, regardless of custodial arrangements;
(f) A court order specifically authorizing the travel of the minor to a country where a U.S. passport is required;
(g) A court order declaring the non-applying parent or guardian to be incompetent;
(h) A copy of a death certificate for the non-applying parent or guardian.

by: Anonymous

Question: If the child doesn't have his/her father's name on the birth certificate, will I have the authorization to apply for a passport for the baby?

Answer: Yes, the birth certificate listing you as the only parent is enough proof of sole legal custody of the child. You may apply for your child's passport without the father's presence or consent.

Help for my niece
by: Anonymous

Question: My sister-in-law, my niece, and her father live in Mexico. My niece is a U.S. citizen but her parents have been separated for 10 years. Now the sister of my niece’s father is trying to get her passport, birth certificate and social security number without the mother’s approval. Can she get away with getting these documents? She’s really worried that she can get away on stealing this documents.

Answer: Please contact an attorney regarding the issue.

My 5-year-old daughter
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter is 5 years old. I want to travel to Mexico so see my father. My ex boyfriend (her dad) left us when she was 3 months old. His name is not on the birth certificate but she does have his last name. Can I still apply for a passport without his consent?

Answer: The birth certificate listing you as the only parent is enough as evidence of sole legal custody of the child. You may apply for your daughter's passport without the father's presence or consent.

by: Anonymous

Question: I need help. I have 2 kids, 7 and 9 years old. They have never been to my country, they haven’t meet my family -- my mom, my father (died 3 years ago), my brothers and sisters (still alive) because their father and I got divorced. Their father said that he won’t allow the kids to go to my country until they are 18 years old. This makes me sad because my mother is very old and I really want my kids meet my mom so bad; my mom and family can’t come here. It is too much trouble and my mom is way too old. What can I do?? Please help. We have been in court 39 times; this man has a lot of money and a lot of power. I’m just a mom without much, just my kids. What can I do?

Answer: If the father's name is on the kids' birth certificates, you need the father's presence or consent in order to apply for their passports.

You may file for sole legal custody of the children so you can apply without the father. Also, you do not have to wait until they're 18. At 16, they may already apply with only one parent's consent as long as they already have their own ID.

My son
by: Anonymous

Question: My son is 14 and his dad's name is not on birth certificate. He has my last name but his dad pays child support. Will he have to sign for me to get a passport? If he does, how old does he have to be that only one parent can sign?

Answer: The birth certificate should be enough proof that you have sole legal custody of your child. You may apply for your child's passport without the father.

At 16, your child may apply for his passport on his own if he already has his driver's license. He will then just need a signed statement of consent of awareness from you.

Passport issues
by: Anonymous

Question: I would like to apply for my toddler's passport but there’s an order of protection against the father; his name is on the birth certificate. Can I still apply for the passport? I’m traveling in February.

Answer: If the protection order is still valid, you may submit a copy order with Form DS-5525 and apply for your child's passport under exigent family circumstances.

Passport for child/father in accident
by: Anonymous

Question: I would like to get a passport for my son without the consent of his absentee father. I have tried contacting his family to see if it was possible for him to sign the consent form but was told that he has been in and out of the hospital in regards to an accident he had a few years ago on his motorcycle, which left him mentally incapacitated. He gets seizures regularly and is not able to sign his name on his own. After his ongoing seizures he has to learn body mechanics and who certain people are all over again. What can I do?

Answer: You may apply for your child's passport under exigent family circumstances. Please submit Form DS-5525 with a medical certificate signed by the father's physician describing is current condition. Submit these documents with the other requirements at a nearby acceptance facility where you must appear with the child.

Please note that applications submitted under exigent circumstances are processed on a case by case basis.

by: Anonymous

Question: What happens if after a long time of trying to reach my daughter's father who lives in Guatemala to ask him for his consent to renew my daughter's passport and he refuses ?

My daughter and I are both U.S. citizens; he's not. Never really communicated, I could say he doesn't care about her yet he refuses to send me the document because he says he has no money to send the documents and that it's not his problem. I have raised my daughter on my own for three years now, no child support not any source of help from him since he doesn't live here.

My daughter has his and my last name and he's name is also on the birth certificate.

Answer: Since the father's name is on the birth certificate, he shares legal custody of the child with you. As such, you need his notarized consent to apply for your child's passport.

We recommend that you speak to a lawyer about filing for sole legal custody of the child. Once this is resolved, you should not have issues apply for your child's passport and making important decisions for the minor.

by: sam

Question: I am a U.S. citizen and so are my kids -- 14 and 9 years old. My wife is not a citizen, not even a green card holder. She lives in another country. She took my kids and their passport. Can I issue them passports without her presence?

Answer: When applying for a child's passport, the child must appear with both parents at an acceptance facility. You cannot obtain passports for your children without them and their mother.

Passport issues.
by: Anonymous

Question: My ex husband and I share custody of our son who is 13 yrs old going on 14. Our son needs a passport to be able to travel out of the country for 5 days for a short family visit in Canada. Unfortunately his dad refused to provide a permission to get a passport, pretending that he is always busy. So how can I apply for his passport without his consent and presence as well? Our son is worried and don't understand why his dad can refuse to step up and sign for his passport. Thank you for your consideration to this matter.

Answer: If the father's name is on the birth certificate, you need to obtain his notarized consent to apply for your child's passport.

Having said that, U.S. citizen minors may travel to Canada and back to the United States with just their birth certificates. You may not need a passport for your child unless you are flying to Canada, in which case you need a passport book.

Parents live in Mexico now
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello, my cousin's daughters want to visit in the summer. They were born in the States but haven’t been here in years. Can I take them to get their passports when they get here if I have both parents' consent? Is there a form that they can get notarized? The parents currently live in Mexico.

Answer: Both parents need to provide you with a notarized statement authorizing you to apply for the children's passports. The statement must be accompanied by photocopies of both parents' IDs.

Dangerous father
by: Anonymous

Question: I have 2 kids and 11 year old and a 9 year old. Their father has been gone and out of their lives for 8 years now and in the past we went through domestic violence with him. He is dangerous and was in jail for raping and killing a 13 year old girl in Mexico. I am scared he will come back to take my kids away. He is their biological father and is on their birth certificates, I travel to Mexico every year and have never been able to take them with me since I can't get their passports, what can I do to remove him from their birth certificates and get full custody over them?

Answer: Please speak to a lawyer regarding your concern.

Issued court order
by: Anonymous

Question: I have shared joint custody of my daughter with her father. On 2/29/2016 we had a court hearing in which I asked the judge to allow me to take my daughter to Mexico since the father did not allow me to. The court order states that I may travel with my daughter to Mexico during my vacation weeks. Is this enough for me to get her passport without the father present or a statement?

Answer: If the court order does not specifically stipulate that you may apply for your child's passport without the father, then it cannot be used for that purpose. You need to go back to the courts and file for the father to sign the consent form.

You may also speak to a lawyer regarding SOLE LEGAL custody of the child.

How can I do the notarized consent?
by: Anonymous

Question: I didn’t marry my son’s father, still single. But his name shows on the child's birth certificate. I want to apply for a passport for my son. Now his father doesn’t live in the U.S. and won't be back for a long time. I don’t want to apply for sole legal custody because we have a good relationship.

How can I do the notarized consent without the father’s presence/appearance?

Answer: The notarized consent is only necessary if the father cannot appear with the child at the time of application.

Since the father is overseas, he can have the Statement of Consent notarized at the U.S. Embassy or Consulate in the country where he currently resides. Once the document is completed, he can then mail it to you to submit with the application for your child's passport.

American passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My partner who is 30 years of age recently only found out his biological father is American and is looking to get a passport. His biological father is not on his birth certificate and we can't seem to contact him but are in touch with his siblings. Is it possible for him to get an American passport through his biological fathers siblings as we are Irish.

Answer: Please contact the USCIS for assistance in establishing your partner's U.S. citizenship.

My child’s father
by: Anonymous

Question: My child’s father pops in and out her life he is not consistent and I don’t here from him that often he changes his number a lot and I can’t get in touch with his family. I just want to know what do I have to do.

Answer: If the father's name is in the child's birth certificate, you need his presence or notarized consent to obtain your child's passport.

If the father is unreachable or uncooperative, we recommend you speak to a lawyer regarding filing for SOLE LEGAL CUSTODY of your child.

Need answer asap!!
by: Anonymous

Question: Recently lost all my 3 kids' and my passport due to flood in Houston. My son's dad just got shot and is in critical condition. My son's dad is on the birth certificate. How can I obtain my son passport for us to travel to be with his dad since his dad isn't in any condition to sign the consent form?

Answer: You case may qualify as an exignent family circumstances. When you apply for your child's passport, include Form DS-5525. You must explain the situation in as much detail as possible when filling out the form. Also, include a certification from the father's doctors explaining why he is currently incapacitated and cannot sign for the passport.

Custodial parent
by: Anonymous

Question: If my daughter is 15 and I have primary custody of her and father has not been a part of her life since she was six years old. Do I need to get permission from him to get her passport even though we have no idea where he lives or have no way of contacting him. He is the non custodial parent but hasn't seen her since she's six.

Answer: Unless you have sole legal custody of your child, you need the father's consent to apply for your child's passport.

If you have already tried all measures to contact the father to no avail, you can file Form DS-5525 Statement of Exigent Family Circumstance with your application. You must explain in as much detail as possible all the efforts you made to contact the father and the circumstance that surrounds the child.

If you do not have travel plans, you can wait until the child turns 16 so she can apply for her own passport with only your statement of awareness of the passport issuance.

Two different dads
by: Anonymous

Question: I have 2 kids with different dads. One lives here in the USA and the other one lives in Mexico. They are not on their birth certificates but they have their dads' last names. Can I still get their passport?

Answer: Yes, you can apply for your children's passports. Since the fathers' names are not on their birth certificates, you do not need their presence or consent for obtain passports for your kids.

Passport for my kids
by: Anonymous

Question: I have 4 kids and I am planning to move to my country of birth. The dads have never been in their lives or pay for child support, I don't even know where I can contact them. Can I I get my kids passport without the dads?

Answer: If the fathers' names are on your children's birth certificates, you need their presence or consent to apply for your children's passports.

If you cannot find them or they refuse to provide consent, we recommend speaking to a lawyer regarding sole legal custody. You MAY also need sole custody if you're planning on moving to a different country.

Can a father get passport without the mother's consent?
by: Anonymous

Question: Father has custody of daughter but he is not on the birth certificate. He got a court order to change the birth name but he has never done it. Mother has parental responsibilities. So does the father have to have the mother's consent?

Answer: Unless the father has SOLE LEGAL CUSTODY of the child, he needs to secure a notarized consent from the mother in order to apply for a minor's passport.

by: Anonymous

Question: I am currently planning on traveling with my 6-month-old child. However I have not yet submitted the paperwork to get her passport. Would I be able to apply for her passport and travel with her without her father's written consent? She currently only has my last name and he is not on the birth certificate.

Answer: Since the father's name is not on the birth certificate, you should be able to apply for your child's passport on your own.

Also, you should be able to travel with the child without the father's written consent.

by: Anonymous

Question: I'm a single mom. My son's father hasn't been in his life. He's 17 years old now; I want to get his passport. Do I still need his dad to sign?

Answer: Minors age 16 and 17 who have their own government-issued IDs (driver's license) may apply for passports without their parent/s' presence. However, it is still recommended that at least one parent appears with the child or provide a signed statement of consent or awareness of the passport issuance. The signed statement must be accompanied by a photocopy of your ID. Your son's father does not need to be involved.

Expired notary
by: Anonymous

Question: My children's father signed for the passports and got it notarized but I haven't had the money to get the passports so now the notarized papers are expired. Will I still be able to use them?

Answer: You need to submit new notarized consent statements.

Need to know
by: Colbine

Question: Hi, I want to know more information please. I'm from Haiti but I've lived in USA since 2016 and I have my green card. My baby was born in the USA in July 2016. Now I want to apply for his passport. His father lives in Haiti and never visits the United States. How can I apply for my son's passport by myself? I also want to know too if I can travel to Haiti in December with him without the passport. Thank you.

Answer: Since your son was born in the United States, he is automatically a U.S. citizen. All you need is his U.S. birth certificate to prove his citizenship. If the father's name is on the birth certificate, you need his notarized consent to obtain the minor's passport. He can mail it from Haiti.

If you are listed as the only parent on the birth certificate, you can apply for the passport without the father's consent.

All U.S. citizens are required to have a passport in order to exit and re-enter the United States. You need to secure a passport for your son before your trip in December.

Can one parent
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a U.S citizen. I was born in California but my son was born in Mexico. I want to bring him with me but his dad does not want to sign so I can get him papers and have him with me. He does not want to even see my son, he does not help me in anything that has to do with him and has another wife. What can I do?

Answer: If the father's name is in the child's birth certificate, it means you share custody with him. As such, you need his presence or notarized statement of consent to apply for the child's passport.

Since the father refuses to cooperate, we recommend speaking to an attorney about filing for SOLE LEGAL custody of the child so you can apply for the child's passport and make other important decisions when it comes to the child without the father.

Minor passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a 10-year-old son and his dad has never been in his life since he was born. He was issued a passport when he was 6 and I need to renew his passport now. Do I need to do the same process I went through the first time? With the a hand written letter and proof that the father wasn't in his life?

Answer: Passports issued to minors cannot be renewed. You need to apply for a new passport for your child.

Since the father's name is on the birth certificate, his presence or written consent is required. You must exhaust all efforts to contact the father to obtain his consent for the issuance.

If you cannot locate him or he refuses to sign for the passport, we recommend speaking to the local family court or your lawyer regarding sole legal custody of the child. Once this is established, you can apply for your child's passport without the other parent.

U.S passport
by: Anonymous

Question: If I have entitled custody for my two daughters. Can I apply for U.S passports for them without the father's consent?

Answer: You must have SOLE LEGAL custody of your children in order to apply for their passports without the father's consent.

How to obtain my daughters passport ASAP
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter's father has been in and out of jail all his life. I do not know his whereabouts, tried reaching out to his family many times. No one knows his whereabouts. My daughter is eight years old now and has been in my care her entire life. She has only seen her father three times in her life. I tried to apply for a passport. I didn't know it's so complicated to do so until I got a notification back stating that the father must consent. Last I know he was in jail but learned that he is no longer there. I bought a ticket for my daughter to go to the DR with my mother this month. But she needs her passport ASAP. Please help. What can I do to obtain her passport?

Answer: Since the father's name is on the birth certificate, you really need his consent. If you can find out if is in jail and where, you can try to obtain a copy of his incarceration order and submit it with Form DS-5525 Statement of Exigent Family Circumstances.

If this is not possible, your next best option is to contact the local family court for sole legal custody of your child. Once this is established, you can apply for your child's passport without the father's consent or presence.

by: Nini

Question: I am Haitian. I live with my dad in the United States; he is an American citizen and he wants to apply for a passport for me. My mother had to go to the capital of Haiti to do it, she did the papers right but the ID she added to it is expired. My dad is really tired of her because every time she does it, something is always wrong and my dad has to pay for the papers. The last time she was in the capital, she had a car accident but is now alright. What should we do? I am 17, almost 18 and I really want to get my passport done.

Answer: You need to establish U.S. citizenship before applying for a U.S. passport. We recommend you contact the USCIS for advice on the matter.

Decision making parent and passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My court order say joint legal custody with primary and decision making awarded to me. Is this enough to apply for the passport without other parent's signature?

Answer: In order to apply for a minor's passport without the other parent's presence or consent, you need to establish SOLE LEGAL custody. Since you have joint custody, you need the other parent's notarized statement of consent.

by: Anonymous

Question: My son has lived with me since birth. His mom is in and out of his life, I've asked her to sign paperwork and she declines and makes it more difficult then it needs to be. I don't have custody of my son she just left him with me since birth. Anyway I can get a passport without her?

Answer: We recommend that you contact the local family court to get them to order the mother to sign the consent for passport issuance for your son.

You can also consult with an attorney about filing for sole legal custody of the child.

Mother refuses to sign passports
by: John Renken

Question: I have custody of 4 children. Their mother refuses to sign for passports. I filed a motion with the court to get their passports and the judge refused to hear the case stating "the parents must learn to work together". What is my next step?

Answer: You need to establish sole legal custody or have a court order compelling the mother to provide consent for passport issuance. Since you have neither, you need to go back to the mother and convince her sign the statement of consent. It may be difficult but unless the children's welfare or health are at stake, you cannot apply for their passports under exigent family circumstances.

Also full custody
by: Jay

Question: My brother and I live with our stepmother, birth father, grandmother, and birth sister. My birth mom lost custody of us when I was 12 and now my stepmom and birth dad have full custody. We don't have passports and I'm planning on going to Japan when I turn 16 next year. Is there anyway we can get our passports without our birth mother's consent?

Answer: If your birth mother's name is on your birth certificates, you need her consent in order to apply for your passports unless your father has SOLE LEGAL custody.

Having said that, you can wait until you turn 16 before you apply for your passport. Minors age 16 and 17 who have their own government-issued IDs may apply for passports without the presence of both parents. However, proof of awareness of the issuance from at least one parent must be implied. This can be through a signed statement of awareness from your father accompanied by a photocopy of his ID.

Temporary custody
by: Susanna

Question: My husband has a 15-year-old with an expired passport. His name is not on the birth certificate. How can he get her a new passport so she can travel?

Answer: Since the father's name is not on the birth certificate, he cannot apply for the minor's passport without the mother's consent and authorization.

He needs to contact the mother for a notarized statement of consent and authorization allowing him to apply for a passport for the child. The original notarized document is required.

Father incarcerated
by: Anonymous

Question: I have 3 kids but the father of my kids is incarcerated and have yet to be sentenced. we have a child support order to share custody of the kids but we have talked since before he went to jail. can I file a DS-5525 form to get them a passport?

Answer: Your children's case falls under exigent family circumstance. You may use Form DS-5525 to apply for your children's passports. Please submit it with the father's incarceration order.

Passport for 13-year-old without his fathers last name
by: Anonymous

Question: My son's father wants to get a passport for him but his last name isn't his fathers last name. My son doesn't want to change his last name. Is there anyway to get a passport for my son without his fathers last name?

Answer: If the child's last name on his birth certificate is not his father's last name, there should be no issue using that name on his passport application.

However, if the father's last name is also your son's last name on his birth certificate, you need a court ordered name change in order to use a different last name on his passport.

Please keep in mind that both parents are on the child's birth certificate, both parents also need to be with the child when he applies for his passport. If one parent cannot appear with him, the non-applying parent must provide a notarized consent to be submitted with the application.

Physical Custody
by: Anonymous

Question: I have full physical custody of my 5-year-old son. Do I need consent to apply for a passport for him?

Answer: Yes, you need a notarized consent from the non-applying parent in order to apply for your child's passport. Physical custody does not allow you to apply for your child's passport alone, sole legal custody does.

Absent Father
by: Anonymous

Question: My cousins are trying to get a passport but their father was deported to El Salvador more than 10 years ago and they have not seen him since. Is there a way they can still get passports with the father living in a different country?

Answer: If your cousins are minors below 16 years old and their father's name in their birth certificates, they need their father's notarized consent in order to obtain their passports. This consent must be presented by their mother when they apply in person at an acceptance facility.

Your cousins need to track their father down and get him to mail the notarized consent. Starting the search on social media will greatly help.

by: Anonymous

Question: My aunt is planning a cruise for Christmas but I have to get my passport. My mother has full custody of me but my fathers name is still on the birth certificate although he didn't sign it..Is he required be to be there to get my passport?

Answer: If you are a minor aged 15 or younger and your mother does not have SOLE LEGAL custody, your father needs to be with you or provide a notarized statement of consent for you to obtain a passport.

If you are 16 or 17 and you have your own ID, you do not need to be with both parents. A statement of awareness of the passport issuance from at least one parents plus a copy of that parent's ID should suffice.

If you are an adult, you can apply for your passport in person on your own.

by: Anonymous

Question: My child is now 9 years old. The birth Mom is on the birth certificate but lost her right when my child was 5 years old. Now I'm married for four years and want to go abroad for a vacation. I have the court order awarding me full custody. Do I still need the birth mother's consent to get my child's passport?

Question: If by full custody you mean sole legal custody, you do not need the birth mother's consent to apply for your child's passport.

what to do
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter is 14 years old and her passport has expired. Its been about 5 years since her father has left to Mexico, and I cannot get in reach with him. He is on the birth certificate. how do I get her a new passport.

Answer: Since the father is in the birth certificate, you need his notarized statement of consent to apply for your daughter's passport. You need to find a way to contact the father to get this document.

If this is not something possible, you may visit the local family court or consult a lawyer about getting sole legal custody of the child.

Passport for child with order of protection
by: Anonymous

Question: I have an order of protection against my child's father. Will that help in the process of getting a passport without him?

Answer: If the protection order is still in effect, you may submit a copy of that order when you apply for your child's passport.

Passport just with one parent
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter is 16 she has her state ID. She wants to go to Los Angeles, California this summer. Her dad is on the birth certificate but he left for Mexico many years ago. He has never tried to contact us. I have not known nothing about him for more than 5 years. I sent him a letter years ago but he never wanted to sign the paper what can I do?

Answer: Minor citizens aged 16 and 17 who have their own government-issued proof of identity may apply for a passport without the presence of both parents. However, consent from at least one parent must still be established by either personal appearance or through a signed statement accompanied by that parent's ID.

Passport Application for Minor
by: Anonymous

Question: Can someone apply for a passport for a minor if the mother is married but her husband did not the sign the birth certificate and the biological father did?

Answer: Yes. Both parents (mother and biological father) need to appear with the child in person at a nearby acceptance facility to apply for the child's passport.

Consent refusal
by: Anonymous

Question: I finally decided to go on vacation to Mexico for a family function. I gave the father of my child the necessary paperwork to sign so I can get her passport done. And he is refusing. What steps can I take so she can get her passport done so she can travel, since he refuses to sign?

Answer: Please contact the nearest family court to see if a judge can order him to sign the consent statement or consult your lawyer to see about filing for sole legal custody.

Minor's passport without the father
by: Anonymous

Question: I want to get a passport for my 9 year old son for travel. His father lives in another state and barely has any contact with us. I spoke to him a year ago through text and asked him if he would sign a consent form. He said he would, I have written proof. A couple months after he agreed he came back and tried blackmailing me, saying he would only do it if I would tell the state that he doesn't owe back child support. I did not respond to him. Can I use the text message as proof that he initially agreed and get the passport without his involvement?

Answer: If the father's name is on the birth certificate, you need to provide a signed and notarized consent from him. The text message will not be accepted as consent.

Please contact the nearest family court or consult your lawyer to see about filing for sole legal custody.

by: MC

Question: I want to get my daughter her passport but her father doesn't want to sign for the passport. We are not together but he is listed in the birth certificate. Is there a form that I can fill out so I can get it for her? Or how can i contact a judge to provide contend?

Answer: If the father's name is on the birth certificate, his presence or notarized consent is needed to apply for your child's passport.

Since the father does not want to cooperate, we recommend you either contact the nearest family court to see if a judge will order him to provide consent or consult an attorney about getting sole legal custody.

Father does not want to sign for baby's passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter's father does not want to sign for my one-year-old's passport and I am planning to go to Mexico in December for my grandma's birthday party. Is there any way I can get her a passport without her father signing? We are not together.

Answer: We recommend that you either contact the nearest family court to see if a judge will order the father to provide consent or consult an attorney about getting sole legal custody.

Child support order
by: Anonymous

Question: Can a child support order be provided to prove that one has some custody? Or do I have to go to court and receive a sole custody order?

Answer: If you want to pursue sole legal custody of your child, you need to consult a lawyer. You may find Child Custody Strategies for Women to be a helpful resource.

Legal custody, not biological parent
by: Anonymous

Question: I have legal custody of my foster daughter. Her biological parents rights were not terminated. I have legal custody for school, medical, and residency. Can I get her a passport on my own?

Answer: We recommend that you speak to a lawyer to verify the provisions of your custody order.

Husband is in the military but he's not the father
by: Anonymous

Question: My husband has military orders me and my children are on the orders but he's not the biological father of my kids their fathers name is on the BC what's my options?

Answer: In order to obtain minors' passports, both biological parents need to appear with the kids at an acceptance facility. If one parent cannot apply, a signed and notarized statement of consent for passport issuance from the non-applying parent must be submitted with the application. You may use Form DS-3053.

If the father cannot be contacted, you may submit Form DS-5525 Statement of Exigent/Special Family Circumstances.

by: Anonymous

Question: I took my daughter to stay with her grandparents in Guatemala and she been with them for 4 years. At the time, her father and I were still together but now we are not. I had contact with her and everything but all of a sudden her grandparents wouldn't answer my calls or anything. I located one of her uncles on Facebook and he told me that they took her to a different country and they did this without my consent. What can I do?

Answer: Please consult an attorney regarding your situation ASAP.

Mom left daughter in 2012
by: Anonymous

Question: My husband's ex girlfriend left his daughter with us in 2012. We would like to get her a passport to travel to Mexico. Her mom hasn't been in her life since; only has talked to her once in 2013. How can we get her passport? We can probably find her online but don't want her to find out where we are or where we live. There is no court order. Is there any way to get her passport? She the one that left her years ago with us.

Answer: In order to obtain a minor's passport, both parents must appear with her in person at an acceptance facility. If one parent cannot appear with the child, a signed and notarized consent for passport issuance must be executed by the non-applying parent to be submitted by the applying parent. The mother may use Form DS-3053 for this.

If the consent cannot be obtained, the father may submit Form DS-5525 Statement of Exigent/Special Family Circumstances. In the form, he must explain in as much detail as possible the circumstances that surround the child and the efforts made to reach out the the absent mother to obtain her consent. Please not that applications submitted under exigent family circumstances are processed on a case by case basis.

by: Anonymous

Question: Does the father still have to give consent even if he is not on the birth certificate?

Answer: No, consent is only required if the father's name is also on the birth certificate.

by: Anonymous

Question: I was awarded sole legal custody of my 2 sons. When I renew their passports, can I put my wife's name who has been helping me physically and financially raise my boys?

Answer: Because you have sole legal custody, you may apply for your children's passports without their birth mother's presence or notarized consent. However, you still need to fill out Form DS-11 with the correct information, including the birth mother's name. Unless your wife legally adopts your children, you cannot fill in her name on their passport application forms.

Absent father
by: Anonymous

Question: I have not seen nor spoken to my daughter's father since she was 8 months old. The only person in his side of the family is her grandfather who as well has not seen or spoken to him. I have no way of getting in contact with him or no clue on his living situation. My daughter is currently 4 years of age. What do I need to do in order to apply for a passport for my daughter, since I cannot obtain a signature from him giving me consent to get her out of country for visitation?

Answer: You may fill out Form DS-5525 Statement of Exigent/Special Family Circumstances. You must explain in as much detail as possible the circumstances that prevented you from obtaining the consent of your child's father.

Please submit the form with the other requirements for a minor's passport. Note that applications submitted under exigent family circumstances are processed on a case by case basis.

Order Of Protection against my son's father
by: Anonymous

Question: My 10-year-old & I were granted by a family court judge, an order of protection against his father. I'm planning on traveling (weekend trip) to Canada and a birthday trip for him in 2018 to the Bahamas. Do I need his consent to obtain a passport for my son? Even though my son lives with me, I have physical custody and we have that order of protection against his father.

Answer: If the protection order is still in effect, you may fill out Form DS-5525 Statement of Exigent/Special Family Circumstances along with a copy of the protection order. Please submit these along with the other documents required to obtain a minor's passport.

Please bear in mind applications submitted under exigent family circumstances are processed on a case by case basis.

Child Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm a father of a 3-year-old boy; my ex is trying to force me to sign for a passport for my kid. I don't want to for a reason. Do I have the right to refuse as a father of a kid with my name on his birth certificate?

Answer: You may refuse to sign the consent for passport issuance. Moreover, you can register your son under the Children's Passport Issuance Alert Program. You will then receive an alert from the Department of State if a passport application is submitted for your child.

I am the father
by: Anonymous

Question: Help. I have full PHYSICAL custody of my baby girl. We are planning a trip to Mexico. Can I apply for my daughter's passport without her mother? Does her mother still have to sign anything?

Answer: You need to have sole LEGAL custody in order to obtain a minor's passport without the mother's consent.

Since you only have physical custody, you need to present a signed and notarized statement of consent for passport issuance executed by the mother of your child. You may use Form DS-3053 for this.

Not biological father
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter's birth certificate states the father's name. In a court ordered DNA test, it was determined that he is not the father. I submitted those docs with her birth certificate, but was denied her passport. If the biological father is not present and the person on the birth certificate wants nothing to do with her, what are my options?

Answer: One option to is have a court order establishing your sole legal custody of the child. Please consult an attorney regarding this matter.

Another option is to submit Form DS-5525 Statement of Exigent/Special Family Circumstances where you must explain the situation and the efforts made to obtain a consent from the non-applying parent. Please note that submitting this form does not guarantee passport issuance.

Dead beat dads
by: Anonymous

Question: My 14-year-old daughter's father signed the BC yet, by choice, has never wanted to be a part of thier lives. I have tried on various occasions to obtain a passport for them so they can enjoy and visit other countries. I made various attempts to get him to comply and he refuses. I think this is so unfair as im sure im not the only mother dealing with this situation. Looking for inside suggestions on what i should do. The man has never done anything and is just upset because he's been on child support since they were born and owes all that money.

Answer: One option is to visit the nearest family court and see if a judge will either bypass the father's signature or obligate him to sign the consent form. Another option is to consult an attorney about the possibility of getting sole legal custody. With sole legal custody, the father's consent is not required.

by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter is turning 10 and her father has not been in her life since she was born. His name was on her birth certificate but I went to court to get her last name changed. He didn't show up so her last name is in my husband's last name and her new last name is on her birth certificate. My husband has been in her life since she was about 5 or 6 months old. Can I still get her a passport because we're planning a family trip in July?

Answer: Please call 1-877-487-2778 to discuss this issue with a customer service representative.

Father is not on my daughter's birth certificate and he has never been in her life.
by: Anonymous

Question: So, I'm trying to see if I can get my daughter a passport because we will be going on a trip. Will I have any problems doing that?

Answer: You can submit the birth certificate as evidence of sole legal custody. The father's consent is not required.

Father's name is on birth certificate but never signed
by: Anonymous

Question: Can I file for my child's passport alone even thought a father's name is listed on his birth certificate? He never signed the birth certificate and he is not in his life.

Answer: If the father is listed on the birth certificate, his notarized consent is required.

by: Anonymous

Question: My husband has been in county jail for 11 months and we're still together. They will be deporting him once he serves his time. I applied for a passport for my son so we can go live in Mexico with my husband when he gets out and showed proof of incarceration and his next court date and still it was denied. I sent the county jail a paper for my husband to get it notarized but they told him they weren't allowed to notarize those kind of papers but only papers under his case. I have all his identification documents and everything. Is there anything else I can do?

Answer: Here are a few options you might want to consider.

1. Consult an attorney about the possibility of getting the consent form signed by your husband and notarized while he is in jail.

2. Wait until he is deported and submit the passport application for your son along with Form DS-5525 and the deporation papers.

3. Obtain a Mexican passport for your son if he does not already have one and travel to Mexico using that. Once in Mexico, you and your husband can visit the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate general in order to apply for your son's U.S. passport.

by: Anonymous

Question: I have a daughter and she has her dad's last name but his full name is not on the birth certificate. Would I be able to get her passport without him? Could she also travel without his consent?

Answer: If the father's name is listed on the birth certificate, his consent is required.

Please help
by: Anonymous

Question: I applied for my daughter's passport without her dad. I told them we were separated and not in good terms with no communication whatsoever. They gave me a form were I explained why I couldn't get his consent but it was denied. They sent me a form where I have to get him to sign in front of a notary but he wasn't born in US. He was born in Mexico so he doesn't have a California ID or any ID. Is their anything else I could do to get her passport?

Answer: You either have to submit notarized consent from the father or evidence of sole legal custody. The father can present his Mexican passport for identification. If he does not have one, he can contact the nearest Mexican embassy or consulate general to get one.

If you want to pursue sole legal custody of your daughter, we recommend you seek the advice of an attorney. You may find Child Custody Strategies for Women to be a helpful resource.

Child passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My husband is out of the state. I am trying to get a passport for my son. What can I do? Can he write a letter and notarized the letter?

Answer: Your husband needs to complete Statement of Consent Form DS-3053, have it notarized and mail it to you with a copy of the photo ID presented to the notary public.

Parent in jail
by: Gen

Question: Hello I'm planning to travel to Mexico in the summer and my daughter does not have a passport. We had not seen her dad in 2 years almost but recently found out he's in jail and got informed I had to use a DS-3053 form. Would I have to pay a notary to go to jail for him to be able to sign the form or can someone in jail like a guard possibly sign in the notary place?

Answer: You have two options. One, have the father sign form DS-3053 and have it notarized. You can contact the jail to see if they offer this service. It may be necessary for you to pay a notary to visit the jail to notarize the form.

Two, Form DS-5525: Statement of Exigent/Special Family Circumstances instead of DS-3053. The statement must explain in detail the father's unavailability and recent efforts made to contact him. You also will need to provide a copy of the incarceration order to document your claim of exigent or special circumstances. Each statement is evaluated on a case-by-case basis and no guarantee can be given as to the acceptance of your case.

Child Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter is 12 years old and has never seen her father. He left us when my daughter was 4 months old. I plan to go to the Philippines to visit my family. Her father signed her birth certificate. In 2007, I had an order of protection against him for 2 years and he stopped paying child support. How can I get my child's passport?

Answer: If the father is listed on the birth certificate and the protective order is no longer valid, you need to submit his notarized consent. If there is still an active protective order, you can submit Form DS-5525: Statement of Exigent/Special Family Circumstances along with a copy of the protection order.

Alternatively, you may want to consult an attorney about the possibility of obtaining sole legal custody. With sole legal custody, the father's consent is not required. You may find Child Custody Strategies for Women to be a helpful resource.

by: Anonymous

Question: If my son has mother's last name and his dad is just on the birth certificate, can I still get his passport?

Answer: If the father is listed on the birth certificate, either he must be present at the time you apply for your son's passport or you have to submit his notarized consent or evidence of sole legal custody.

Can I apply for my son's passport on my own?
by: Anonymous

Question: My son's father never signed the birth certificate. It was not until after a DNA test his name was added by the courts. My son does not have his last name and hasn't had any contact. When I went to court, he missed all the court dates for visitations and the judge said he can only see him if I permitted it. Does that mean I have sole custody? However, no documents were given to me. Can I apply for my son's passport on my own?

Answer: If the birth certificate does not list the father, you can submit it as evidence of sole legal custody for the purpose of obtaining a passport for your son.

Passport for minor
by: Anonymous

Question: My child is 12 and hasn't had any type of communication with his father since he left to Mexico when my child was 1yr and 6 months old. He did not have any family here in the USA so there is nowhere for me to even start searching for him. How can I get my child a passport if the father did sign the birth certificate:

Answer: If the father is not listed on the birth certificate, his presence or consent is not required. You can submit the birth certificate as evidence of sole legal custody.

by: Anonymous

Question: I want to get my baby a passport. The baby has his dad's last name but the dad is not listed on the birth certificate. Do I need him to be with me in order to get the passport?

Answer: No, you do not. You can submit the birth certificate as evidence of sole legal custody. For a list of requirements, click here.

Step parent stepping illegally on toes?
by: Sandra

Question: My ex husband and I have joint custody of our 15 yr old. I have primary physical custody. He informed me that he and his new wife want to get my child a passport and go on a family vacation. I have said that It was ok and for him to get the paperwork and the proper forms necessary and we would all go together to get the passport. I haven't heard anything else about it in 6 months until recently. My child says that his stepmother told him that she was going to sign in my place for the passport.

How do I stop this from happening? How can I find out if it has already happened? Isn't this illegal? What can I do if this has actually happened?

Answer: You can register your child in the Child Passport Issuance Alert Program. Note, once a minor reaches age 16, Passport Services only requires the parental awareness of one parent. The minor can apply for a passport without the presence of parents. For more information, call 1-877-487-2778 to speak with a customer service representative.

Passport with just one parent
by: Suantearia

Question: My son's father never signed his birth certificate. I want to get him a passport. How do a go about getting him a passport? He stays with me and his father is around but really not in his life.

Answer: You can submit your son's birth certificate without the father included as evidence of sole legal custody. You will find a complete list of requirements here.

Updating my kids' passports
by: Linda

Question: Do I need to update my kids' passports if I have full custody over them by court order? 2 years ago my son & daugther applied for their passports and my ex-husband refused to sign it but we still got their passports. We will be taking a cruise next year and I want to make sure if I need to send the court order to you all before we go? If so, what form do we need to fill out?

Answer: If your children have valid passports, you do no need to send the court order. Please contact the cruise line to confirm travel document requirements.

Passports for kids
by: Anonymous

Question: I live in Mexico and my wife and kids live in the US. She's trying to get my daughter her passport cause she wants to go on a mission trip for church. What do I need to do so I can grant my wife permission to get our daughter her passport? Me and my wife are legally married but separated at the time. Thank you for your time.

Answer: Visit the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate General in Mexico. Complete Form DS-3053 and have it notarized. Send the notarized form and a copy of the ID presented at the time of notarization to your wife. Your wife and daughter need to take these to a passport application acceptance facility and submit them with your daughter's passport application form and supporting documents.

Passports obtained fraudulently?
by: Best advice needed.

Question: My children's mother & I have been divorced for nearly 6 years now. One child is 16, the other is 15. We had shared/joint custody for the first 3 years, but in January 2014, I accepted a job that included relocation to a bordering state. I am less than 140 miles away and see the children several times per month.

The youngest child let me know that her mom & live-in boyfriend got them passports & that they all plan on traveling abroad this summer. My ex wife has a pattern of choosing to only communicate through the children, but has not ever mentioned obtaining passports and taking the children out of the US.

She has physical and custodial custody since I relocated in 2014, but I continue to pay child support and medical insurance as ordered by the divorce decree. What are my options if she has acquired passports without my signature, consent or notification?

Have any laws been broken?

Answer: In order to get a passport for a minor age 15 or younger, one parent must either submit notarized consent from the non-applying parent or evidence of sole legal custody.

Please call 1-877-487-2778 to speak with a customer service representative. We also recommend you consult an attorney if you are concerned about any laws being broken.

Need help
by: Anonymous

Question: My kids need passports and they don't live with me. Can I still apply for passport even if they don't live with me? The mom is willing to give a notarized absentee parent paper. Would this work?

Answer: Minors must appear in person with both parents in order to apply for a passport. If only one parent accompanies a minor, that parent must submit either notarized consent from the non-applying parent or evidence of sole legal custody. For a complete list of requirements, visit how to get a passport for a minor.

How can I get a passport done when father's in prison for life.
by: Anonymous

Question: How can I get my son's passport done without the father being present or providing consent?

Answer: There may be notary services available to the father so he could provide the consent form. If not, submit Form DS-5525: Statement of Exigent/Special Family Circumstances along with the application form and supporting documents. The statement must explain in detail the father's unavailability and recent efforts made to contact him.

You also may be required to provide evidence (e.g., incarceration order) to document your claim of exigent or special circumstances. Each statement is reviewed on a case-by-case basis and no guarantee is provided as to your statement's acceptance.

Is a child support order good enough?
by: Anonymous

Question: My son's father and I signed my son's birth certificate but my son has been in my custody since birth. My son and I moved to another state 4 years ago. He is now 7 years old and I have a child support order between Georgia and California showing that I am the custodial parent and it lists his father as the non-custodial parent. Is this document good enough for me to apply for my son's passport without his father's consent?

Answer: Unless the document states that you have sole legal (and not just physical) custody, the father's consent is required.

If you want to pursue sole legal custody of your son, we recommend you seek the advice of an attorney. You may find Child Custody Strategies for Women to be a helpful resource.

Passport renewal
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter is a minor and I need to renew her passport. I am separated from her dad and he is refusing to sign the absent parent form. I submitted the special circumstance form with proof of documentation that I tried reaching him and I was still denied. I don't want to file for full custody because I know it won't be granted. What should I do?

Answer: We recommend you visit the nearest family court to see if a judge can obligate the father to sign the form or bypass his signature.

passport for a minor
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi I'm wondering how do I get a passport done when my son's father and I have joint custody. I'm having hard times with this because he won't sign the papers. Also, he's in jail for life. I really want to know how can I get this done.

Answer: There may be notary services available to your son's father where he is encarcerated. If so, he can complete the consent form, have it notarized and mail it to you.

Another option is to submit Form DS-5525: Statement of Exigent/Special Family Circumstances along with the passport application and supporting documents. The statement must explain in detail the father's unavailability and recent efforts made to contact him. You may be required to provide evidence (e.g., incarceration order) to document your claim of exigent or special circumstances. Note, statements are reviewed on a case-by-case basis and no guarantee is provided as to your statement's acceptance.

Finally, you might consider seeking sole legal custody of your son. With sole legal custody, the father's consent would not be necessary. Please consult an attorney about this option. You might find Child Custody Strategies for Women to be a helpful resource.

Passports for my kids
by: Dwayne

Question: I've had temporary custody of my 3 kids for about 3 yrs. now and have been trying to get consent from they're mom who lives in another state to get they're passport. We haven't heard anything from her in the past 8 months. Out of 3 kids my name is only on 1 of their birth certificates but I have dna proof that I am their dad. I'm planning on going to Barbados to visit family within the next few weeks. Is there anything I can do to get their passports?

Answer: We recommend you visit the nearest family court or consult an attorney.

Do I need my kid's father permission to apply for a passport fort them?
by: Anonymous

Question: My kid's father and I recently divorced. I was awarded primary custody of the kid's and he only gets visitation. Would I be able to apply for their passports on my own or do I require his consent?

Answer: Unless you can submit evidence of sole legal custody, you must submit notarized consent from the father to apply for their passports.

Passport for my daughter
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter is 2 yrs old and her dad is not present in her life at this moment. I honestly don't even know where he is or how to find him. I would love to get her a passport so we could visit my family in Jamaica. How do I do that?

Answer: If the father cannot be located, you must submit Form DS-5525: Statement of Exigent/Special Family Circumstances along with form DS-11 and supporting documents. The statement must explain in detail the non-applying parent's unavailability and recent efforts made to contact the non-applying parent. Forms DS-5525 are evaluated on a case-by-case basis and no guarantee is made to your statement's acceptability. For a complete list of requirements, go here.

The father's consent is not required if you have sole legal custody. Please consult an attorney and/or contact the nearest family court if you wnat to pursue this option. You might also find Child Custody Strategies for Women useful.

Passport for a minor
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a newborn. My husband lives in the Dominican Republic. I did put him on the birth certificate. Does he need to still fill out the form or I can go myself and request for a passport?

Answer: You must submit notarized consent from the father. He can get this at the U.S. Embassy in Santo Domingo.

Letter of consent
by: Raquel

Question: My children's father lives in Saipan and I had asked him for the letter of consent. Being that I need it ASAP does it have to be the original letter or can it be A scanned copy, email etc?

Answer: You must submit the original, notarized Form DS-3053: Statement of Consent from the non-applying parent/guardian.

by: Anonymous

Question: How do you establish child and father on passport requirements?

Answer: The most common document submitted to establish the child/father relationship is an original or certified copy of the child's birth certificate.

Applying passports for my kids
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm applying for a passport for my kids. Their dad is in Mexico and we are in the United States. I emailed him the consent forms. Does he need to mail those papers back to me? Or does the US embassy send them?

Answer: You must submit the original, notarized consent forms. Therefore, he must mail them to you.

The father can get the forms at the US embassy. If they have not arrived, he does not need to wait.

Passport for newborn
by: Anonymous

Question: My husband who I put on my sons birth certificate is in Mexico and I want him to send me a notarized copy of the paper which would give consent for me to obtain a passport for my son. I would like to know if my husband can have this paper notarized by any licensed notary service in Mexico or if it has to be done in a US consulate. also, can my husband fax the document to me?

Answer: Your husband can have the consent form notarized by a local notary although we recommend he have this done at a U.S. embassy or consulate for guartanteed acceptance. You must submit the original with the minor's passport application.

Passports for my girls
by: Anonymous

Question: My kids' father's name is on their birth certificates. He has not been in their lives since they were 2 and 4 years old. I have not spoken to him and he doesn't even show up on court dates. How do I obtain a passport for them without his consent? They have always lived with me.

Answer: If you know where he is and he can be contacted, you must provide his notarized consent. If he refuses, you can contact the nearest family court for information about possibly getting a judge to make him sign the consent or bypass it.

If the father cannot be located, you must submit Form DS-5525: Statement of Exigent/Special Family Circumstances along with form DS-11 and supporting documents. The statement must explain in detail the non-applying parent's unavailability and recent efforts made to contact the non-applying parent. Forms DS-5525 are evaluated on a case-by-case basis and no guarantee is made to your statement's acceptability. For a complete list of requirements, go here.

Child support
by: Anonymous

Question: I would like to get a passport card for my daughter but her father refuses to sign the paper, because he states there is too much crime in Mexico. Is there anything I can do to get a passport card for my daughter so we are able to visit family?

Answer: You can contact the nearest family court to see if a judge can make the father sign or, possibly, bypass his signature. You may also want to consult an attorney.

Passport renewal for my children
by: Anonymous

Question: My children live in New Zealand with my parents. They plan to come for Christmas but their passports are expired. I contacted their father since we were seperated but he refused to provide the consent letter. What am I supposed to do in order to get their passports?

Answer: When a parent who has shared custody will not provide consent, a judge may bypass the parent's signature or order the parent to sign the form. Please contact the nearest family court for more information or consult a lawyer.

Child Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My children have my maiden name and there is no father listed on their birth certificates. I am married with a different last name. What documentation would I need to get each of them a passport?

Answer: Besides the regular requirements to get passports for minors listed here, you can present your marriage certificate to the Acceptance Agent.

Family trip
by: Anonymous

Question: My wife and I got married last year. She was a single mom. The father of my stepson took off when he was a month old. We now have a baby for whom we got a passport and also got ours. What can we do to get my stepson a passport since my stepson's dad is on the birth record? We have no idea were he's located and the old number my wife has does not work.

Answer: The applying parent can submit Form DS-5525: Statement of Exigent/Special Family Circumstances. The statement must explain in detail the non-applying parent's or guardian's unavailability and recent efforts made to contact the non-applying parent. These requests are evaluated on a case-by-case basis. There is no guarantee that it will be approved.

Another option would be for the mother to seek full legal custody so that the father's consent is not required. For more on this option, we recommend you seek the advice of an attorney.

Children in Mexico
by: Anonymous

Question: My fiancé's children live in Mexico with their mother. They are born in the US. Can he get a passport for them to come visit?

Answer: Minor children must apply in person with both parents. If only one parent can appear, that partent must submit notarized consent from the non-applying parent.

Since the children are in Mexico with their mother, she must take them to the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate in order to apply for the passports. The father would need to provide her with a notarized form DS-3053.

If the children are age 16 or older, consent from the father is not required.

passport for my son
by: Anonymous

Question: Can I get a passport for my son if the father is not on the birth certificate but my son has his last name?

Answer: Please call 1-877-487-2778 to speak with a customer service representative.

My son's father refuses to get a passport for our son
by: Anonymous

Question: My sons' father is very afraid of planes. He does not travel if he has to get on a plane. I would like to take my kids ages 12 and 2 years old on a vacation to my country of origin and need passports for them but their father refuses to approve it. Is there anything I can do where I do not need him for it?

Answer: If the father will not provide consent to get the passports, you have a couple of options. One, you can seek sole legal custody. We recommend you consult an attorney about this option. Two, you can request a judge order the father sign the consent form.

need help
by: cinceria maldonado

Question: I have a ten-year-old boy. His dad went to Mexico 8 years ago and we never heared from him again. I would like to go to Mexico but his dad is in Mexio.

Answer: If the father cannot be located, you must submit Form DS-5525: Statement of Exigent/Special Family Circumstances along with all the other requirements. The statement must explain in detail the father's unavailability and recent efforts made to contact him.

Passport for son
by: Anonymous

Question: My son's dad has been in prison the past 8 years. What documents do I need to get my son a passport?

Answer: You will find a complete list of requirements here. If you cannot obtain notarized consent from the father, you must submit Form DS-5525: Statement of Exigent/Special Family Circumstances. The statement must explain in detail the father's unavailability and recent efforts made to contact him.

You also may be required to provide evidence (e.g., incarceration order) to document your claim of exigent or special circumstances.

Single mom before but now I'm married need to get passport for my son
by: Anonymous A1

Question: Year 2003 when the father of my eldest son left us but in his birth certificate I put the name of the guy and he sign it. Year 2009 when I'm getting married to other guy until now that we're decided to petition my eldest son in the Philippines. I need to get a passport for him. Is it ok if I don't want to put the name of his father?

Answer: If the father is listed on the birth certificate, you must include his name on the application form. You also need the father's consent to apply for the passport if your son is age 15 or younger. Please contact the U.S. Embassy in the Philippines for more information.

by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter has been with me since birth. Her father left when she as two months old. I just had a family member past so my family and I are rushing to Jamaica to pay are respects and spread the ashes . I told her father but he's refusing to send the paper work for me to take her with me. I really need help.

Answer: If the father's name is on the birth certificate, his consent is required unless you can submit evidence of sole legal custody. The only other alternative is to get a judge to bypass his signature or make him sign. We recommend you consult an attorney.

Passport for my daughter
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter and I live in California but her father lives in Mexico. We ARE married. I'm a U.S citizen but he is not. I put his name on my daughter's birth certificate but he did not sign it. Do I still need to get the form DS-3053?

Answer: Since the father is included on the birth certificate, you need to submit form DS-3053. The father can complete the form and have it notarized at the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City or one of the many U.S. consulates in Mexico.

obtaining my child passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I have full custody of my daughter and I want to get her passport because we are going to the Philippine this coming May. Is it required for the father of my daughter to sign the form even thought I have full custody of my daughter and he is only allowed to visit? What should I do? Do I have to contact him when we hardly have any communication and he never even comes to visit his daughter?

Answer: In order to get a passport for your daughter without the consent of the father, you must submit evidence of full legal custody. Even if you have full physical custody, this is not sufficient without full legal custody. If you are uncertain, we recommend you consult an attorney.

I need help!
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter just turned six. Her father vanished and we never heard from him. I did get divorced and have legal custody. I also changed her last name to mine. I sent all the court order copies with the application saying all that and that even a third party could not locate him. I got a letter saying that I needed certified copies of all the copies. Where can I get those or what is that? And that I needed the fathers consent. What should I do? He left when my daughter was 2 weeks old and we never saw him again.

Answer: Certified copies are those issued by the same entity that issued the originals. You can get a certified copy of the court order name change at the County Clerk's office where the petition was made.

A certified copy of a birth certificate can be obtained at the vital records office of the country where your daughter was born.

If the father cannot be located, you must submit Form DS-5525: Statement of Exigent/Special Family Circumstances. The statement must explain in detail the father's unavailability and recent efforts made to contact him.

If you have sole legal custody, the father's consent is not required. The original or certified copy of the court order granting you sole legal custody would be required.

by: Anonymous

Question: My son's father doesn't want to sign the form for his passport. He does appear in the birth certificate but he hasn't been around at all for the past 10 months. How can I get his passport. He lives in Indiana and me and my son in Chicago.

Answer: You can either file a petition with the court asking a judge to make him sign the consent form or seek to obtain full legal custody. In either case, we recommend you consult an attorney.

SIngle Mother
by: Anonymous

Question: My son's dad is not on his Birth Certificate. Will I be able to get a passport? He has NEVER been involved in his life. Never even met him. I do not know where he is. Also, will I have a hard time re-entering country? We are going to Cancun, MX.

Answer: Your son's birth certificate can be submitted as evidence of sole legal custody. The father's consent is not required to get your son a passport. You should not have a problem re-entering the United States. For a complete list of instructions and to find a place to apply, visit child passport requirements.

Father refuses to sign consent form for application of passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My husband and I are currently separated and are in court for divorce proceedings. One of the issues to be determined is that of custody of our 9 year old US born daughter.I am currently residing in Tanzania, Africa with our daughter. He is also in the country on a tourist visa, he has US Citizenship by Naturalization. My daughter's passport expires in Feb 2016 and I would like to get it renewed at the US Embassy in Tanzania, and my spouse has refused to sign the consent form simply out of spite. How can the Embassy in Tanzania assist me in renewing the passport for my daughter? Would a court order from a Tanzanian court be accepted at the Embassy along with the application?

Answer: Please contact the Embassy of the United States in Dar es Salaam for assistance in obtaining a passport for your daughter.

My son is a US born citizen. My wife took him to Germany, hid his passport and has him registered in German governments as a single parent.
by: Bridge, J

Question: I was in the Army at the time of my sons birth right here in Colorado springs, CO. My son was born on Ft. Carson. At the time of my sons birth my wife had a Greencard, but has since allowed it to expired. My wife left stating that she would return in a few weeks and is not coming back. I need to get a US passport so that I can get my son out of Germany without my wife's permission in order to fight for custody of my son. If I attempt to divorce my wife here in the US before he has feet on ground in the US then she will make sure that he stays there and will contact whoever to make me seem like a threat so that I cannot even come and visit. How do I go about getting a passport for him, by myself, with my governments help?

Answer: For a list of resources and contact information, please visit the international child abduction page.

Parent not around
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter's first passport was grated when she was a year old and I did it without her father signing for it being the fact that he hasn't been around. Now that her passport is expired and I need to renew it, they are asking for the father's signature. My daughter is 14 years old and we haven't seen him for 7 years. The last time we heard of him he was returning back to the islands. I have been sole custody since she's been born and never had a problem till now. What should I do being the fact that I do not know where the father is.

Answer: Unless you can submit evidence of sole legal custody, the father's consent is required. If the father cannot be located, you must submit Form DS-5525: Statement of Exigent/Special Family Circumstances. The statement must explain in detail the non-applying parent's or guardian's unavailability and recent efforts made to contact the non-applying parent.

You also may be required to provide evidence to document your claim of exigent or special circumstances.

My husband is being difficult
by: Anonymous

Question: My husband and I have been married for four years now and we have a newborn. We live together, but he refuses to sign the form giving me consent to get our son a passport. I still have elderly family members who live in the Caribbean whom I visit and I would like for them to meet my son. In the likely event of an emergency, I have no one to leave my son with here, nor would I, because he's a baby. How can I get him a passport without him needing to sign the form?

Answer: To get a passport for your son, either the father must appear with you and your son at the application acceptance facility or you must submit notarized consent from the father.

In some cases, it is possible to obtain a court order that obligates the father to provide written consent to apply for a passport. Consult your attorney if you want to pursue this option.

Since you did not state the country in the Caribbean you want to visit, we will mention that a passport is not required to travel to Puerto Rico or the U.S. Virgin Islands.

17 and going to India
by: Anonymous

Question: My son is 17. He and his mother live in Chicago. We are both on the birth certificate and they are trying to apply for a visa. Do I need to give consent or sign anything or can she sign alone?

Answer: There are 4 forms required by the Indian government for a minor to get a visa. All forms must be signed by both parents and then notarized. For more information, contact the Embassy of India.

by: Anonymous

Question: Can my baby get a passport without the father's consent? The father's name is not on the birth certificate also.

Answer: Yes, you can apply for a passport without the father's consent. Submit the birth certificate without the father's name on it as evidence of sole legal custody.

How to Apply for a Minor's Passport

I have sole parental responsibility
by: Anonaymous

Question: I have been divorced from my ex for 7 years. The judge gave me a court order granting me sole parental responsibility and no contact for the father. Can I just bring these documents with me when applying for a passport for my three children?

Answer: It is quite likely that the documents would be acceptable but there is no guarantee. The only recommendation we can give is that you submit them with the application forms. If they are not accepted, you will receive a letter requesting the submission of more documents.

passport info for my newborn
by: Anonymous

Question: My husband and I have been together for 6 yrs and married for 3. I am currently pregnant. Ee recently moved to Mexico. He is a Mexican citizen and does not have any permits or papers so he cannot return to the U.S. I came to the U.S. to have my baby and get vital care for it. After having the baby I will them return to Mexico to live and be with him, eventually getting my work visa. What I am wondering is what I need to do to get a passport for the baby as soon as the baby is born so I can return to Mexico as soon as possible to be with my husband. Also, should his name be on the birth certificate?

Answer: If the father's name is given on the birth certificate, then his consent is required in order to obtain a passport. He can visit the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate general in Mexico in order to complete a consent form and have it notarized. Then, he can mail it to you. Click here for a list of requirements to get a child's passport.

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More Passport & Travel Information

Getting a Passport Expedited at a Post Office
Requesting express service at post offices and other facilities that accept application forms from U.S. citizens.

Applying at a Regional Passport Agency
Where processing centers are located. How to schedule an appointment. What documents to take with you.

Using a Registered Courier Service
How to pick a legitimate courier service company to assist in getting your passport quickly.

Routine vs. Expedited Passport Service: How to Choose
Guide to help you decide if standard or fast track processing is the best option for your situation.

How to Renew a U.S. Passport Fast
Learn to expedite passport renewals as quickly as the same day. Where and how to renew passport in a hurry.

Top 5 Questions About Expedited Passport Couriers

1. How can you get a passport when you're in a hurry?
2. What exactly does a passport expediter do?
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You can also visit our library of articles about passport expediting.

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About the Author: For over 20 years, the U.S. Passport Service Guide team has helped hundreds of thousands of travelers with their travel document questions and shared advice about how to make traveling abroad simpler, safer, and more enjoyable.

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