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How do I get my passport number on line?

by Charles
(Washington DC)

Question: I need number for government form. I don't need actual passport just number. We lost the expired passport in a move.

Answer: The State Department encourages American citizens to report lost passports. This is a preventative measure against identity theft. For more information, visit our lost passport page.

Concerning the passport number, it is not possible to get the number online. You need to mail a notarized request for a copy of your passport record.

The Privacy Act allows you to obtain copies of records in your own name and the records of your minor children. To request these records, please submit a typed or clearly printed NOTARIZED request that provides:

1. Your full name at birth and any subsequent name changes and/or the full name of your minor child or children, if you are requesting their records;

2. Your date and place of birth and/or those of your minor child or children;

3. Your current mailing address;

4. Your current daytime telephone number;

5. Your current e-mail address, if available;

6. Your reason for the request;

7. The dates or estimated dates your passports were issued;

8. Your passport numbers or any other information that will help us locate your records; and

9. A copy of your valid photo identification

A search for your passport record is free with your notarized request.

All requests for passport records issued from 1925 to present should be mailed to:

Department of State
Passport Services
Research and Liaison Section
Room 500
1111 19th Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20524-1705 (202) 955-0447

Comments for How do I get my passport number on line?

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Proof the old and new passport belong to the same person
by: Anonymous

Question: Since the number on my new passport will be different from the number on my previous passport, how can I get my notarized affidavit, which says both passports belong to me, certified by the State Department?

Answer: As long as all other biometric details match, it should not be an issue. Please contact the Department of State's passport services at 1-877-487-2778 regarding certification.

by: Bobbi

Question: Hi and thank you for your help in advance.

I’m looking to request my passport number as mine was lost years ago and they asked for my name at birth. I was adopted so I do know my birth name but my certificate once I was adopted has my name that I’ve carried my whole life. So do I put what is on my amended birth certificate or do I have to actually give my birth name, which was never on any passport?

Strange question, I know, but thanks!

Answer: You should use your name on the amended birth certificate.

Unknown, past passport number and issued date.
by: Anonymous

Question: I had my old passport recently stolen. I was a minor when that one was first issued and it had since expired, I have reported it as missing.

Now I am trying to apply for a new passport but I don't know the date my old passport was issued and I don't know the old passport number and neither do either of my parents.

I am traveling abroad in close to three months. Will I be able to apply for a new passport without this information?

Answer: Yes, you will be able to. Just write NA in fields you do not have the answer to.

by: Nicole

Question: I've not got my passport but had one when I was younger but need my passport number. How do I get it without my passport?? Do I need to get a renewal to get it?

Answer: You may file a request for passport record.

Passport number
by: Anonymous

Question: I had a passport when I was younger. I now have to reapply for a new passport. Will I have the same number as my original passport? How long will my new passport be valid?

Answer: A new number will be issued with your new passport. If you are now age 16 or older and your passport is issued with full validity, it will be valid for 10 years.

by: Anonymous

Question: I am trying to help my son’s girlfriend fill out her passport application. At the bottom of the application (question #21) ask if you have ever applied for or been issued a passport. And if you have, it asks that you put the passport number. She has been issued a passport but she was a baby when it was issued and no longer has it. So my question is how does she answer that question on the application?

Answer: She still needs to indicate that she has been issued a passport in the past but just NA in the space for passport number.

Lost Child's Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My son was born in Germany in 1988 when my husband was in the Army. He has both a German and American birth certificate. However, both originals are missing (we have copies). The passport we got for him as an infant to come home to the States with us is also missing. He is working on replacing his American birth certificate, and they are asking for the number of his old passport. How do we get the number? Thanks!

Answer: You may contact the NPIC for a passport record. Please call the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 or send an email to NPIC@state.gov.

Lost old passport
by: Melanie

Question: My passport was issued in 1985. It’s nowhere to be found. If I apply for a new one do I need to mention the old one on the application? If so what info do I put? Thank you.

Answer: You need to indicate that you have been issued a passport in the past. If you do not have any details, you may write NA.

Missing old passport
by: Nielson

Question: I had a passport from 80-94. Now I am filling out the info for my new passport. It asks for the old number that I have not seen in decades. Is that needed on a passport that old?

Answer: You may write NA for the details that are no longer known to you.

Lost passport
by: Anonymous

Question: How can I know my passport# if I lost it? Can I renew?

Answer: You cannot renew a lost passport. You need to submit a new application. You may write NA for the issue date if you do not have it.

Lost passport book and card.
by: Tarahji

Question: Hello,

I lost my passport book and passport card and reported it back in 2021, it was canceled. Now I’m trying to get a new one but don’t know the issue date or passport book number or card number. How do I get the number from my previous passport book and passport card?

Answer: You may write NA since you do not have the data required.

Global Entry
by: Anonymous

Question: I was emailed that my passport number is incorrect but it is the one on my passport. What can I do?

Answer: Since passport numbers are alphanumeric, it may have been a simple error like a zero instead of an O or a 1 instead of an L, or vice versa. For questions regarding Global Entry, please go to the Trusted Traveler Program website or call the CBP at (877) 227-5511.

Don't have proof of citizen
by: Anonymous

Question: I previously had a passport and it's expired. I was born in Germany and have a nationalized status in the US. My forms were stolen and I don't have proof of my naturalization. How would I go about applying for a "new" passport as I don't have my previous one?

It says you need:
Evidence of US citizenship
I have proof of identity.
Because I am a naturalized citizen I don't have a US birth certificate though I do have my German one (in German).
Thank you in advance for your help.

Answer: Since you have been issued a U.S. passport in the past, you may request a file search. The result of this file search will be used as evidence of U.S. citizenship. There is a non-refundable $150 fee for a file search request.

find passport number
by: Anonymous

Question: Find passport number.

Answer: Your passport number is printed on your passport's data page.

How to get proof that my expired passport and current passport belong to the same person (me)?
by: Anonymous

Question: My expired passport was used to open a bank account in another country. Is it possible to get proof from the US passport service that my new passport and old passport belong to the same person (which is myself)? In this way, I can use my current passport to access the bank account.

Answer: You may contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 regarding your concern.

Unanswered Letter
by: Anonymous

Question: I submitted a notarized letter requesting my previous passport number back in November 2022 and still have not received a letter back with my number. I have tried calling the number listed on the page and there is just static. How can I get ahold of someone to get my previous passport number?

Answer: You may contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778. Live customer service representatives are available Mondays through Fridays 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Eastern Time. You may also send a followup email to NPIC@state.gov.

by: Anonymous

Question: I submitted a renewal application recently. I received a letter from the US Department of State stating that I am not eligible for a renewal application because my passport was issued prior to my 16th birthday. So the letter explains what I need to do.

My problem is: on the DS-11 Form section 21 asks if I have ever applied for a U.S. passport. If yes, it is asking for my old passport book number and book issue date, etc. I physically do not have that passport in my possession anymore. Do I need to fill out that section or do I leave it blank?

Answer: You should still indicate that you have been issued a passport in the past but you may leave the other fields blank or write NA.

by: Anonymous

Question: How do I renew my passport without the passport number?

Answer: You cannot renew a passport that is not in your possession. If you cannot submit the physical passport, you need to submit a new passport application as if it's your first time applying.

Please submit the following in person at a local acceptance facility:

1. Form DS-11
2. Evidence of U.S. citizenship (original or certified copy plus a photocopy)
3. Proof of identity (present the ID and submit a clear photocopy)
4. One passport photo
5. Payment for fees

Schedule an Appointment

Rush My Passport

How do I figure out when my passport was issued if it's lost?
by: Anonymous

Question: I am filing for a replacement passport because mine was lost. It is asking me who I listed as my emergency contact when I got that passport and what date the passport was issued. I literally have no idea, and I don't want to go to prison for "lying." What am I supposed to do?

Answer: You may leave the field blank if you do not have the information.

Passport Number
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello, how can I find my passport number if it has been misplaced?

Please don't say to call 877-487-2778 there is no option for this or an option to speak to a live agent.

Answer: There's no way of knowing the passport number unless you request for a passport record which can take up to 16 weeks to process.

by: Blaze White

Question: I have applied and paid for a passport, don’t know the number for the passport, the person who was going to be my referee changed his mind, I have got another high professional who is willing to declare this for me, could I get an email to sort this out, thank you very much for looking at my issues.

Answer: If you applied for a U.S. passport, you may contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 or NPIC@state.gov.

Need old passport number or record
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello,

I have a new passport now but I need to show proof of an old passport number. How do I obtain that?

Answer: You may request for a passport record. These requests may take from 12 to 16 weeks to process. Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

Please Help!!!
by: Anonymous

Question: Good afternoon. I lost my passport. I don't know the issue date or the book number. How can I get that information so can fill out the lost/stolen passport form?

Answer: There is no need to provide information that you do not have. Your name, birth date and other personal data should suffice for the lost passport report.

Passport number
by: Claire Yuri Thomas

Question: How do I get my daughter’s passport number online?

Answer: You cannot. You need to get the number from the actual passport.

I forgot my passport number
by: R M Cabuhat

Question: I lost my passport mam/sir paano ko po. Malaman yong passport number ko kasi wala po akong kopya kaya hindi ko matandaan need kupo pra makakuha ako ng new passport. salamat.

Answer: I can see that you are speaking Filipino which makes me assume that you own a Philippine passport. If you are in the United States, please contact the Philippine Embassy for assistance.

We specialize in U.S. passport issuance and U.S. citizen travel.

Expire passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Is the expired passport number the same as the renewed passport number? I misplaced my new passport. I need the number, date issue, and expire date of the new one to travel. Thanks.

Answer: You will be issued a new passport number with your new passport. You will know what the new number is when you receive it.

I have no information of my most recent passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I sent an application to renew my passport. When the application was sent out, no copies of what was sent out were retained.
The agency replied via email that the application I sent did not have my signature on it, and they attached a new application form.

My problem is: how can I fill out the application when I do not have the details of my passport information?

Answer: Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 regarding your concern.

Expired lost passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My old passport was shredded by an ex. It has since expired, I need a new passport will I have any issues since I do not recall the exact date it was issued and so I do not have the #.

Answer: Not having the old passport number is not an issue.

Requirements: New Applications

Rush My Passport

Passport number
by: Larriece

Question: I can not get my passport now. How do I get my passport number to give to a travel agency?

Answer: The department of state does not keep records of passport numbers. You need to check your passport physically so get the number.

Passport verification
by: Linda

Question: I filed an application for a lost passport; then I found my passport. How can I find out if my application was processed? I don't want to get a new passport if the one I have is legitimate.

Answer: Once a passport is reported as lost, it is automatically invalidated. You should submit an application to get a new passport.

Get passport numbers
by: Tom

Question: I am waiting for kids passports in the mail, but need their passport numbers to get plane tickets. Is there a way to get the numbers?

Answer: Hi, Tom. You will get the passport numbers when you receive the passports. We strongly recommend not making any final travel arrangements until the passports arrive to avoid rebookings in case of delays.

Do I need passport card number?
by: Li

Question: I am currently working on a first-time user application for a passport book. I see that they are asking for a passport card number. I had reported my passport card lost, but several years later I found it and took it on an international cruise. When we returned and I showed them the passport card, they said the records show that it was reported lost and they confiscated it. I do not have the passport card number and I do not know the number.

Can I leave the passport card number part of the application blank?

Answer: Yes. Indicate that you have been issued a passport card in the past but leave the details blank.

Want to know expiration date of my passport
by: Susan Sheffield

Question: My passport is in the bank in a lockbox. I am trying to find out my expiration date to see if I need to renew anytime soon.

Answer: Hi, Susan. Passport services does not have that information at hand. You need to request for passport record which can take about 15 weeks. It may be easier to go to the bank and check the passport in person to find out.

Issuing date when renewed, lost passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I lost my passport and need to find out when the issue date was and the passport number. Would that mean I have to go through the whole passport process again?

Answer: Since you no longer have possession of the passport, you need to submit a new application. Please submit the following in person:

1. Form DS-64
2. Form DS-11
3. Evidence of U.S. citizenship (original or certified copy plus photocopy)
4. Proof of identity (present ID, submit photocopy)
5. One passport photo taken in the last 6 months
6. Payment for fees
-Application: $130
-Execution: $35
-Expedite (optional): $60
-1 to 2 days delivery (optional, recommended): $18.32

Routine service currently takes 8 to 11 weeks while expedited service takes 5 to 7 weeks. These are just processing times and do not include mailing times which vary across the country. Please apply accordingly.

Lost Number
by: Anonymous

Question: I don't know my passport number to apply for renewal. I lost my old one that has been expired for years. How can I apply for a new one without that number?

Answer: You cannot renew a passport that is not in your possession. You need to submit a new passport application as if it's your first time. Complete section 21 of Form DS-11 with as much information as you have available and just leave the passport number section blank or write NA.

Trying to report stolen passport card
by: Anonymous

Question: I attempted to report my passport card as stolen on the website, but after submitting all of my information, it said "you do not have any passports that need to be reported lost or stolen."
I do not have my complete passport card information since it was stolen so how can I report it?

Answer: You may contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 to report the loss. You can provide other details if you do not have the passport card number.

Forget my old passport number, lost passport
by: Arma Joy

Question: Hello. How can I get my old passport number, I lost it in 2020, and nowhere to be found.

Answer: You may request a passport record. These requests take about 12 to 16 weeks to process.

If you are applying for a new passport, it is not necessary that you provide the passport number; just provide as much detail as you have available.

Passport not lost but need number
by: Lauren

Question: I recently submitted my application for passport renewal and got a letter saying I needed to redo my application with black ink. I mailed my old passport with my first application and do not know my passport number for the new application because they still have my old passport! How do I get that information?

Answer: Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778.


Question: How can I check my passport number if it is lost?

Answer: If you are reporting the passport as lost and/or applying for a new one and do not have the passport number, you may leave it blank and just provide other details.

If you need the number for some other purpose, you may request for a passport record. This may take 12 to 16 weeks to process.

Lost passport
by: Michael Bruno

Question: Lost passport, need my passport number.

Answer: Hi, Michael. We do not have access to the information you require. If you are trying to report the loss of the passport, you may call 1-877-487-2778 and provide other details instead.

Need Records of the Pages from my Lost Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I am requested by an agency to which I am applying to get my registered nurse license that all my passport pages be scanned but I lost my most recent one, will I be able to retrieve the page copies of my passport?

Answer: Unfortunately, no government agency keeps records of your travels/stamps on your passport.

Old passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I had an old expired passport, now lost. Do I just need to apply for a new one?

Answer: Yes, you need to submit a new application.

Book Issue Date
by: Anonymous

Question: I don't know the book issue date of my passport. The United States Department of State kept my passport because of incomplete info. They kept my passport and I don't remember the date. I need this info ASAP.

Answer: You need to request a passport record. Unfortunately, it takes 12 to 16 weeks to process. Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

Lost Passport
by: Rochelle

Question: How do I get my passport number if I lost my passport and expires in a few weeks? I have my passport card, but I don't think that has my passport number on it, which I thought I did. Please advise.

Answer: Hi, Rochelle. You do not need the passport number in order to report the passport as lost. You only need to provide other details.

If you need the passport number for other purposes, you need to request for a passport record.

Lost passport
by: Adriana

Question: I lost my passport when I was cleaning my house. I think I may have thrown it away by mistake. Should I report it lost or just get a new one?

Answer: You need to report the passport as lost by calling 1-877-487-2778 and then you can apply for a new one in person. Please prepare the following:

1. Form DS-64
2. Form DS-11
3. Evidence of U.S. citizenship (original plus photocopy)
4. Government-issued ID (present original, submit photocopy)
5. One new passport photo
6. Payment for fees:
-Application: $110
-Execution: $35
-Expedite: $60 (optional)
-1 to 2 days delivery: $18.32 (optional, recommended)

Schedule an Appointment

The current processing time is 8 to 11 weeks. If you request and pay for expedited processing, you will get your passport in 5 to 7 weeks. If you have any plans to travel, we recommend waiting until you receive your passport before making any final travel plans.

Rush My Passport

I want know my old passport number

Question: I want know my old passport number.

Answer: You may request passport record to get the information you require. Turnaround time for these requests is 12 to 16 weeks.

Don't know passport number
by: Dee Harvey

Question: My passport expired about 10 years ago and was lost in transit when I moved to another state. How do I retrieve my passport number in order to renew or will I need an entirely new passport?

Answer: You need to submit a new passport application in person.

by: Aniano G. Rabacio

Question: Good pm Sir/Madam.

May I request my passport # please from 1997.

Answer: Please request for passport records by writing to

U.S. Department of State
Office of Law Enforcement Liaison
44132 Mercure Cir
P.O. Box 1227
Sterling, VA 20166

Different picture
by: Nina

Question: Hi. I need to renew my passport, however, my hair is no longer brown as I let it turn gray. Can I just send an updated picture when I renew it?

Answer: Hello, Nina. Yes, you need to send a passport photo that was taken in the last six months.

Passport Records
by: Deonte M

Question: I am trying to get a certified copy of my Passport Records.

Answer: You may request certified copies of your passport records through the U.S. Department of State's Office of Law Enforcement Liaison. There is no fee for regular copies but you need to pay $50 for certification.

Obtain Passport Records

Finding my biological father
by: Lucy Sheni Avila

Question: I was born in Guatemala in September of 1972. My mother who is still alive is a Guatemalan national and my father who I never meet is a US Citizen.

I only have his name and a passport number. Now that I am a US Citizen, I am looking for him. I would like to know if he’s alive or if he has passed away. I’m not looking for anything or monetary. I just want to know how I can find him or know about him. Can someone direct me to how I can find him with his passport number?

Answer: I am not sure how you can get current information using passport records but you can request such from the NPIC. Please contact them at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

Hard to reach or talk to.
by: Jose Buenrostro

Question: Recently I applied for my renewal passport book and card. And as required I send both with the application. About 4 days ago I received a letter stating that I didn't sign my application, which I recall doing. Now I am trying to get a hold of NPIC and there is no option to talk to somebody live. And I need to get my passport. And card #'s to refill another application since I don't have the details of my documents anymore, help please.

Answer: Hi, Jose. There is no other number to contact the NPIC. You need to call 1-877-487-2778 and follow the prompts to speak to a live agent. They are very busy so you'll have to wait a long time to get a live person on the phone. You may also send an email to NPIC@state.gov.

I would like to know my passport status and details
by: Anonymo

Question: Just I want to know my passport status and all details.


Check Your Application Status

If you want details regarding an existing passport, please request a passport record.

Lost passport
by: Ruth Mabel Vergara

Question: How can I know my passport number? I'm applying for lost passport.

Answer: You may leave the space blank if you do not have the information.

Passport number
by: Roda Perez Serrano

Question: I just want to know my passport number because I need to book a ticket ASAP.

Answer: I am assuming you have a pending passport application. Your passport number will be available once the passport is issued.

There is usually an option to bypass providing a passport number when booking a flight. If that is not available, you can just enter zeros and edit the booking information once you receive your passport.

Passport number
by: Anonymous

Question: I need to know my passport number the same day I issued it. Is that even possible?

Answer: No, it is not. You will know your new passport number when you receive the actual passport.

by: lisa m sheppard

Question: I need this for e-quip investigation for work.

Answer: The passport number is printed on the passport's data page. You cannot find the information online. You need to request for a passport record in order to obtain the information.

Need passport number
by: Pradeep singh Panwar

Question: I need passport number.

Answer: You can find the passport number on the passport's data page. If you are not in possession of the passport, you may file a request for passport record.

You may call passport services at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

Passport details

Question: I want to know my passport details.

Answer: You need to file a request for passport record. Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

I can’t get A passport customer service on the line
by: Anonymous

Question: I have been trying for weeks to press the agency so I can set an appointment. I travel to Mexico in less than seven days but my passport is still in process. There are no available appointments online that I can set up, it says I should contact them but when the numbers manage to go through, it hangs up. How can I reach them and I have emailed countless times too.

Answer: Passport services can only be reached by phone and email. The NPIC call center is receiving a large volume of calls and cannot accommodate each one. They have, in fact, extended their operating hours to 10 PM to attend to more calls.

Fake passport?
by: Bryan T

Question: I suspect I have stumbled across a fraudulent passport. Name Susan Sean. DOB 20/April/1985. Passport number. 0396778473 Sex, female

Answer: Hi, Bryan. Please mail the passport in a sturdy envelope to the following address:

ATTN: Clasp
US Department of State
44132 Mercure Circle
P.O. Box 1227
Sterling, VA 20166-1227

Report passport lost or just apply for a new passport
by: Toats

Question: So long story short, the last time I saw my passport was in 2011 and I know it expired in 2015. Should I report it lost and get a new one or just apply for a new one?

Answer: There is no need to report the loss of an expired passport. You may proceed to submitting a new passport application.

How do I get my passport number before receiving the physical passport?
by: Nyxx Noir

Question: I need the document number off of my passport in order to fill document to Canada.

Answer: You will have to wait until the passport arrives to have the information.

Destroyed Passport gone forever
by: Glenn

Question: Had a passport in 2000-2001, unfortunately in 2004 it was destroyed completely in a vehicle fire during a move. It was not stolen or technically lost, it was destroyed or mutilated but not in hand. my contractor is sending me to run a job in the Bahamas in July/ August pending virus shutdowns. Apply for a new one completely? I have no record of the passport number.

Answer: You need to submit a new passport application. You will not need your old passport number.

Misplaced passport
by: Oscar

Question: Hello, I have read all your comments but can not find my answer.
I have a passport that was issued in 2005 so it expired in 2015, however it already has the two holes in it. I might have renewed it already but can not find a newer one. I did have to have more pages inserted in the Philippines at the embassy. Would the two holes be that?

Answer: Holes will not be punched when adding pages -- a service which is no longer available, btw. The best way to get a new passport is not submit a new application.

Need passport number
by: Anonymous

Question: Passport was stolen. I am replacing it, but I need the passport number for a form for an international trip. They are asking for the number by Friday. Is there a way I could get the number from an agent?

Answer: In order to get the information you need, you have to request for a passport record which takes a long time to process. An agent will not be able to provide you with your passport number over the phone.

Lost passport
by: Proceso Balaba

Question: What could I do if my passport is lost but it is already expired since 2015. My problem is that I have forgotten my passport number. Can I leave this part blank when filling up the form online?

Answer: Yes, you may leave it blank. In the part where is asks if you still have your passport book, please answer, No it was lost then answer No where it asks if you have reported it as lost. Further down, indicate that your passport was issued more that 15 years ago.

This should direct you to Form DS-11. You must submit this form in person with the rest of the requirements for a new passport.

Passport number
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi there, how do I know what letter is in my passport number if my passport only has numbers and does not go through when requested in money service agencies?

Answer: Please call passport services at 1-877-487-2778.

Need Passport number to fill out USNA forms
by: Anonymous

Question: Son was just accepted to the US Naval Academy and is filling out paperwork for his security clearance. They are asking for his passport number. It is actually expired and his dad lost it but they want all passport numbers, even lost ones. How would we get this number quickly?

Answer: Your son needs to request for passport records. Please call customer service at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

Number listed won't give Passport No.
by: Anonymous

Question: I just called that number and they told me that they were not allowed to give you the number over the phone.

Answer: Customer service will be unable to provide such sensitive information over the phone. What you can do is inquire or follow-up on the status of your passport.

Find passport number
by: Anonymou

Question: I need my passport number immediately. How can I know my passport number? My new passport hasn’t arrived yet.

Answer: Please call customer service at 1-877-487-2778.

by: Autum

Question: To fill out form for a lost passport, you need to number. It's lost and I don't have the number. What do I do?

Answer: Please leave that space blank and just provide as much other pertinent information as you can.

Identity Theft Monitoring services
by: Anonymous

Question: Do identity theft monitoring services such as Lifelock, and others, monitor U.S. Passports?

Can anyone suggest an identify theft monitoring service that DOES monitor U.S. Passport use?

Answer: Please contact the National Passport Information Center for information. The number to call is 1-877-487-2778.

Name on passport
by: Jeneissy

Question: I can’t find my passport. I know I need to renew it though but I can’t remember which last name it’s under. I became a naturalized citizen under my maiden name but then got married and I don’t remember if I changed it. How can I find out under which name it is. I need to apply to renew it.

Answer: Since your passport is missing, you cannot apply for a renewal. If it is still valid, you need to report the loss of your passport by calling 1-877-487-2778 and submitting Form DS-64 with your application for a new passport.

You do not need to find out which name you used in your previous passport. Your new passport will be issued in the name that you entered in the application as long as it is supported by either your evidence of U.S. citizenship or proof of identity.

by: Anonymous

Question: Is the passport number a permanent number, or does it change every time it is renewed?

Answer: A new number is issued with every new or renewed passport.

Passport number
by: Anonymous

Question: My passport was accidentally destroyed when I received it. I have the old number, the Global Entry number, the passport card number but not the passport book number. So I can't report the passport lost because I don't know the number. Makes sense?

Answer: You may still report the passport as lost. Just leave the space provided for the passport number blank.

Appointment does not exist
by: Khriztel

Question: I just want to ask how can I fix my passport schedule because my appointment does not exist. I just want to know if it can be fixed
or not. Please I need some answers because my schedule is close to July 4. I hope there's someone willing to help me. Thank you.

Answer: You may call 1-877-487-2778 to speak to a customer service representative.

If you are applying at a regional passport agency, you may walk-in without an appointment. Please make sure you arrive before the agency opens and that all your documents are complete to avoid delays or getting turned away. You also need to present proof of international travel in two weeks (4 weeks if you need a visa) in order to be entertained.

Passport Tracking
by: Anonymous

Question: How can I track my passport and when it will arrive? It asks for my passport number so that I can track it but I don't have a passport number if I am waiting for it to arrive.

Anwer: You can check the status of your passport application here. Routine service takes approximately 4-6 weeks. It can take longer if there are errors on your application, you submitted unacceptable documents and/or photo or Passport Services determines you need to submit more documents to prove your citizenship and/or identity.

New Passport Card
by: Donna B. Perry

Question: I want to know how I can get another Passport card. Me and my husband separated and he got my card. I need to know what to do. Or cancel my old one and get a new one with a new number on it.

Anwer: The only way to obtain a new passport card if you were already issued one that is still valid is to report the previously-issued card as lost. You can do this by calling 1-877-487-2778. Then, you need to appear at an appliction acceptance facility in order to apply for a new passport card.

Lost Passport Numbers
by: Anonymous

Comment: Doesn't make any sense to be asked abou the numbers when the passport is lost. People usually do not memorize these numbers.

Response: You are correct is stating that most people do not memorize their passport numbers. They are not expected to. Passport holders are encouraged, however, to make a couple of copies of their passport and place in safe locations.

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Return to Passport FAQ - Questions and Answers About Passports.

Will my passport number change when I have it renewed?

by J.C.
(Lincoln Ca USA)

Question: My passport is about to expire. Will the passport number be different on my new passport?

Answer: Yes, your passport number will change when you renew it. Every passport that is issued receives a new number.

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Passport number
by: Evelyn

Question: Is the application number the same as your passport number?

Answer: No it is not.

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Return to Passport FAQ - Questions and Answers About Passports.

Can I keep the same passport number on my new passport that I had on my previous one?

by Charlie
(Salisbury, MD USA)

Question: Many legal documents in Costa Rica require passport numbers. Every time I renew my U.S. passport, I have to pay a lawyer to redo my papers of property ownership. It would be so much easier for me if I could have my renewed passport have the same number as my out of date passport.

Answer: While I am sure that it would be more convenient to keep the same number, it is not possible. Every passport that is issued has a new number. The blank passports already arrive at the regional processing centers with the numbers in them. Is there any other document that you could use that would substitute your passport on the legal documents?

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Return to Passport FAQ - Questions and Answers About Passports.

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More Passport & Travel Information

Getting a Passport Expedited at a Post Office
Requesting express service at post offices and other facilities that accept application forms from U.S. citizens.

Applying at a Regional Passport Agency
Where processing centers are located. How to schedule an appointment. What documents to take with you.

Using a Registered Courier Service
How to pick a legitimate courier service company to assist in getting your passport quickly.

Routine vs. Expedited Passport Service: How to Choose
Guide to help you decide if standard or fast track processing is the best option for your situation.

How to Renew a U.S. Passport Fast
Learn to expedite passport renewals as quickly as the same day. Where and how to renew passport in a hurry.

Top 5 Questions About Expedited Passport Couriers

1. How can you get a passport when you're in a hurry?
2. What exactly does a passport expediter do?
3. Are passport expediting services legitimate?
4. How can I identify a reliable passport expeditor?
5. Is expedited passport service worth it?

Get answers to these questions and more in our Ultimate U.S. Traveler's Guide to Passport Expediters.

You can also visit our library of articles about passport expediting.

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About the Author: For over 20 years, the U.S. Passport Service Guide team has helped hundreds of thousands of travelers with their travel document questions and shared advice about how to make traveling abroad simpler, safer, and more enjoyable.

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