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I am USA citizen and my child is not. Can she get USA passport?

by Samra
(New York, New York)

Question: I became a U.S. citizen two years ago. My daughter is 14 and holds a permanent resident card. Can I apply for a U.S. passport for her without applying for naturalization?

Answer: Yes, you can. According to the Child Citizenship Act of 2000 a child born outside of the United States automatically becomes a citizen of the United States when all of the following conditions have been fulfilled:

At least one of the child’s parents is a U.S. citizen by birth or naturalization;
The child is under 18 years of age;
The child is residing in or has resided in the United States in the legal and physical custody of the U.S. citizen parent pursuant to a lawful admission for permanent residence. A child born outside of the United States automatically becomes a citizen of the United States when all of the following conditions have been fulfilled:

  • At least one of the child’s parents is a U.S. citizen by birth or naturalization;
  • The child is under 18 years of age;
  • The child is residing in or has resided in the United States in the legal and physical custody of the U.S. citizen parent pursuant to a lawful admission for permanent residence.

If your daughter has not been issued a Certificate of Citizenship by USCIS, the passport application must include the following proof of acquisition
of citizenship under the INA Section 320:
  1. Proof of the child's relationship to the U.S. citizen parent. For the biological child of the U.S. citizen this will usually be a certified copy of the foreign birth certificate (and translation if not in English). In circumstances where it is not clear that the birth certificate is adequate proof of a biological relationship between the child and the U.S. citizen parent, other types of evidence, including medical and/or DNA tests, may be requested. For an adopted child, it is a certified copy of the final adoption decree (and translation if not in English);
  2. Proof that the child is residing or has resided in the United States in the legal and physical custody of the U.S. citizen parent(s) pursuant to a lawful admission for permanent residence. The I-551 stamp endorsed in the child's foreign passport or the child's permanent resident or “green” card will establish lawful admission for permanent residence, but not the fact that the child is residing in or has resided in the United States as required by INA 320(a)(3). Separate evidence establishing that the child has resided in the United States in the legal and physical custody of the U.S. citizen parent(s) may be requested;
  3. Proof that the child is or was under the age of 18 when all conditions are met.
Go to Apply for Child's Passport for a complete list of requirements.

Comments for I am USA citizen and my child is not. Can she get USA passport?

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Can I pass on the passport to my child if she was born abroad.
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a US citizen as I was born in the US but I never lived there. I live in Dubai UAE now and I have a U.S.A passport. I gave birth in Dubai and my husband is not a U.S.A citizen, can my child get a USA passport?

Answer: Certain conditions must be met in order to transmit U.S. citizenship to a child born overseas to a U.S. citizen parent. Please contact the U.S. Consulate in Dubai for assistance.

by: Anonymous

Question: We are a family of four (me, wife, son and stepdaughter) that came to the USA five years ago under the diversity visa. That means LPR since day one, and became U.S. citizens at the beginning of the year. After that, we applied for passports. My stepdaughter was 17 at the time but we lost the document of custody and we couldn't apply for hers. She just turned 18 last week, can she apply for a passport?

Answer: Please contact the USCIS regarding citizenship.

by: Anonymous

Question: My mom became a US citizen last April. I am 17 years old but my birth is in November. Am I a US citizen and can I apply for a US passport after my birthday, or do I need a naturalization certificate?

Answer: Please contact the USCIS for concerns regarding citizenship.

Child 17yrs - Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I got naturalized last week. My husband has not yet applied for naturalization. He is a permanent resident (green card). Our daughter (she is also a permanent resident) is turning 17 on Jan 20th, 2023. Can she directly apply for a passport since I (biological mother) am a citizen now or does she need to go through the naturalization process? Thanks.
- P

Answer: Certain conditions must be met in order to transmit citizenship to a foreign-born child. Please contact the USCIS regarding citizenship. Once it is established, your child may apply for a U.S. passport and use your naturalization certificate as proof of U.S. citizenship.

Adult child of deceased US Citizen - was in US military at time of my birth
by: Murray

Question: I am a 60-year-old British citizen. My biological father was in the US army when I was born in the UK. I was adopted at the age of 6 months. As an adult, I got to know my father, and we visited each other for over 30 years, he provided some financial support for my children.

He wanted me to apply for US Citizenship - but I didn't see the point as I intend to stay in the UK but now, since his death (4 years ago) I would like to respect his wishes. How to do it? Is my adoption an obstacle? He was unaware of my birth or adoption until I traced him. My circs don't fit into any of the official application routes and I can't afford an attorney... Any ideas, please? Thanks.

Answer: Hi, Murray. Questions regarding citizenship are best addressed to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). You may contact them for assistance regarding your intent to pursue U.S. citizenship.

by: Anonymous

Question: I am a US citizen. While I was in Venezuela, my wife gave birth to my child. My child is 4 years old. Does My son need a visa to travel to the US? He has a Venezuelan passport.

Answer: Since your son is a U.S. citizen through parentage (you), you need to get him a U.S. passport. This can be difficult since the U.S. Embassy/Consulate in Venezuela has suspended operations. You may be able to get assistance from the U.S. Embassy in Bogota. You may email them at ACSBogota@state.gov.

Also, you may contact the USCIS for advice on the matter. They should be able to provide more useful information regarding your child's citizenship. The CBP may provide insight regarding entry into the United States.

I legally adopted and have her birth certificate with my name as her mom
by: Monica

Question: I legally adopted her and have her birth certificate with my name as her mom. I applied only for her residencia I130 Dec 1, 2019. It says that are reviewing. It has already went over the time to get an answer. I requested my husband at the same time and he just got his green card. Why is it taking so long? She is 8. The adoption and birth certificate were given to me in 2018.

Answer: Hello, Monica. Please contact the USCIS regarding your concern.

Can we get a US passport?
by: Anonymous

Question: My husband & I are US Citizens. We adopted our daughter in 2007. Her green card is now expired. Can she get a US passport as a minor? Adoption has been finalized & Birth Certificate is issued from NJ.

Answer: Yes, you should be able to apply for your child's passport. Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

Getting a US passports for my green card holder daughters
by: JC

Question: Hi, I am US Citizen by birth but never lived in the US until 5 years ago. I have two daughters born abroad and I had to get their green cards in order to have them with me in the US. I am not sure If I am still able to claim for the Citizenship Act of 2000 since I brought my daughters with green cards. I want to get them a US passport. Thanks.

Answer: Hi, JC. It is best that you contact the USCIS regarding citizenship issues.

by: Eldriane

Question: Hi, My father is a US citizen and has stayed in the United States for a long time. I came here to the USA when I was 17 and he was already a citizen. Now I'm 29 with a green card and have stayed in the USA since the day I got here.

I know I am eligible to get a US passport since I'm under age when I got here and one of my parents is a US citizen.

What requirements do I need to bring or need to do to get a US passport?


Answer: Arriving in the United States under the age of 18 with a U.S. citizen parent does not automatically entitle you to U.S. citizenship. Certain conditions must be met.

Having said that, you may already be eligible for naturalization since you have been in the United States for over 10 years.

Please contact the USCIS regarding the naturalization process.

Passport for 18 years old
by: Anonymous

Question: My husband and I just got our citizenship the day after my daughter turned 18. Can she get an American passport from our citizenship? Thanks.

Answer: No, she cannot. Citizenship can be transmitted to a child if he/she is under 18 years old upon a parent's naturalization.

Please contact the USCIS for more information regarding citizenship.

Child born abroad
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a US citizen and recently had a child with my partner who is French. We live in France, and our child has a French passport. We want to go back to visit my family. Can my partner and child enter on their French passports? My partner doesn’t want our child to have US citizenship until they’re old enough to decide for themselves.

Answer: Yes, they may enter the United States with their French passports.

Naturalization and citizenship
by: H M

Question: My children came to the US with me and received their green cards but after one year they traveled outside US on travel documents for 2 years.

Then they came again to the US for 6 Months and again traveled outside the US for 2 years.

Now I became a US citizen by naturalization and they are under 18 years of age but they were not present in the US for 5 years.

Are they are eligible for citizenship? Are they required to be physically present in the US for citizenship?

Answer: Please contact the USCIS for concerns regarding citizenship.

by: Anonymous

Question: I was born in the USA in 2001, and automatically became a U.S. citizen. My daughter was born in Sweden and I cant transfer U.S. citizenship to her because I haven't spent time in the USA for five years. I want to know if there is a way to transfer U.S. citizenship to my daughter.

Answer: Presence in the United States by the U.S. citizen parent is a requirement for transmitting citizenship to a foreign-born child. Please contact the U.S. Embassy in Stockholm for assistance regarding citizenship. You may also refer to the website of the USCIS.

US passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I applied for my son's U.S. passport, He is 7 years old and a green card holder. We are citizens so basically my son is automatically a citizen. It’s been almost 2 months and we haven’t received his passport or even track it. What can I do?

Answer: Routine service takes 8 to 11 weeks, excluding shipping. Even if you requested expedited service (5 to 7 weeks), the timing is still not off.

Check Your Application Status

Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

The embassy took my child’s passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I have applied for my son who was born abroad to get an immigrant visa because I’m a US citizen that lived within the states for 4 years and 8 months at the time my child was born.

So when the visa was approved I took my child and left for the States where I applied for a passport for him, we got the passport and left the States after residing for one month. Today I tried to renew my child’s passport at the embassy but the counselor took the passport and asked me to apply for an N600k form for him then I can revisit the embassy and continue the renewal process of the passport that they kept with them. What should I do?

Answer: Please contact the USCIS regarding citizenship concerns.

Passport or certificate of naturalization
by: Anonymous

Question: My husband's son is here with us since 2018. He is a minor and his Philippine passport is expired.

He wants to apply for a US passport. Do we still need to get a certificate of naturalization for him or do we apply straight passport for his son? My husband is a naturalized US citizen.

Answer: Certain conditions must be met in order for a naturalized citizen to transmit U.S. citizenship to a foreign-born child. Please contact the USCIS for assistance regarding the child's citizenship status.

Once it is established that the child has acquired citizenship through your husband, you may apply for his passport and use your husband's naturalization certificate as proof of the child's U.S. citizenship.

First Time Passport Application Under 16
by: AnonymousPAUL BROWN

Question: I am a U.S. citizen. My daughter is 15 and have a permanent resident card. Where do I apply for a passport for her?

Answer: Certain conditions must be met in order to transmit citizenship to a foreign-born child. Please contact the USCIS to make sure your daughter meets the requirements. Once you establish her U.S. citizenship, you may apply for her U.S. passport.

Becoming USA citizen after living in USA for over 10 years
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. My brother and I are trying to get our citizenship. Both our dad and mom are citizens of the USA. But for me and my brother to become citizens, we need DNA tests. I’m really confused about why. It has been for long enough to become a citizen I believe and also my parents are citizens. Shouldn’t we already have citizenship?

Answer: If your parents are naturalized citizens, it does not necessarily mean you immediately become citizens as well. Certain conditions must be met. There may also be some discrepancy in your documents hence the DNA test requirement. Please contact the USCIS for clarification.

Passport for parents
by: Anonyhamous

Question: My child is 8 years old and living with us in the UK and he is a USA citizen holding passport of USA. Can we get passports as his parents?

Answer: If you're asking if you can apply for U.S. passports by virtue of your child's U.S. citizenship, then the answer is NO. You need to go through the citizenship/naturalization process in order to become U.S. citizens and obtain a U.S. passport.

by: Anonymous

Question: My husband is a US citizen by birth and lived in the US till he was 10years old. In 2017 we moved to the US and applied for our 7-year-old daughter's green card and now we are applying for her US passport and sent these documents:

Her green card
Her dad's birth certificate
Her international birth certificate
Our marriage certificate

The problem is now they ask for a birth certificate issue near her birth (she was born in 2014 and the birth certificate we sent was issued in 2017) or other public records issued near her birth or we need to do DNA test plus we need to send a notarized affidavit. Why?

Answer: The birth certificate, in this case, may be required to establish paternity. Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

Whose consent is needed: biological mom or step mom?
by: Anonymous

Question: I will be taking the oath of allegiance to become a US citizen on December 23. My 15-year-old biological son is currently a permanent resident in the US. I want to get a US passport for him. His biological mother is in Vietnam and has given custodial to my current wife (his stepmother). Do I need the consent of his biological mother when we apply for his derived citizenship or just that of his stepmother?

Answer: The answer depends on whether or not the biological mother has given up her legal rights to the child. If you can provide documentation that you and the stepmother now have legal custody of the child, you may apply without the biological mother's consent, just the stepmothers'.

Child born outside the US, apply passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I'm a U.S. citizen and my daughter was born outside the U.S. She is 9y/o. Did she automatically obtain U.S. citizenship? How can I apply for her passport? What are the requirements? Thank you.

Answer: Certain conditions must be met in order to transmit citizenship to a child born outside of the United States. Most important of all is that you reported the birth at the closest U.S. embassy so she has a Consular Report of Birth Abroad as proof of her U.S. citizenship.

Please contact the USCIS for more information regarding your child's citizenship. Once citizenship is established, you may apply for a U.S. passport.

Passport requirements:

1. Form DS-11
2. Consular Report of Birth Abroad
3. Birth certificate as proof of parental relationship
4. Photocopies of both parents' IDs
5. One passport photo
6. Payment for fees

If you are currently overseas, please contact the closest U.S. Embassy or Consulate.

My son came with my fiancee
by: Anonymous

Question: My son came with my fiancee using K1 and K2 visas. Do I need to adjust their status then apply for a US passport for my son? Thanks.

Answer: In order to apply for a passport, your child's U.S. citizenship must be established first. Please contact the USCIS regarding citizenship.

Do I need to apply for the certificate of citizenship?
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter immigrated to the USA on IR2 visa. She is a minor and it is said that minors will acquire citizenship immediately upon arrival to the USA. It's been 3 weeks but we haven’t received the certificate yet. Do I have to fill the N-600 form for the certificate?

Answer: Please contact the USCIS regarding citizenship concerns.


Question: Hello, I am Phillip born in Uganda but my Dad is a citizen of America. He filed for my application to travel to America but how long can it take for USA authorities to confirm my paperwork and grant me a visa?

Answer: Hello, Makumbi. We do not have access to the information you require. Your father needs to contact the agency he submitted the application to.

please i need help
by: Anonymous

Question: Please I need to clear a doubt.
I became a citizen of the United States about 20 years ago. At the time of becoming a citizen, I had a daughter born in another country who at that time was 7 years old, today she is 27. In these circumstances can I give her American citizenship Thank you for your answer.

Answer: Certain conditions must be in order to transit citizenship to a foreign-born child. Your questions regarding citizenship are best answered by the USCIS. Have a good day!

by: Anonymous

Question: My dad is the son of an American woman but he was born out of the US (in Mexico). He got his American nationality and he has everything (his SS, passport, etc).

I’m 20 years old and I want to have American nationality. We saw that my dad needs to have at least 5 years of living in U.S. so he can give me the nationality. But he hasn’t lived there for five years. He only stayed one year in Oxford Massachusetts. So the question here is:

How can I get the nationality?
If my dad goes to the US and stays for four more years, can I get the nationality?
Can I get a special visa or something if my dad is American but I’m not?

Thanks for your time!

Answer: Persons who are born outside of the United States may be U.S. citizens at birth if one or both parents were U.S. citizens at their time of birth. Your U.S. citizen parent must have spent at least 5 years in the United States or its outlying territories PRIOR to your birth, two years of which must be after 14 years of age.

Based on these criteria, you cannot derive U.S. citizenship from your father since he has not spent the required amount of time in the U.S. or its territories.

There is no special visa for non-American children of U.S. citizens but your father can petition you for an immigrant visa to the United States. He has to be a resident of the United States to do this. Once you are in the United States, you can eventually go through the naturalization process and become a U.S. citizen.

You may contact the USCIS for more detailed information on U.S. citizenship.

Passport application for minor
by: Rose

Question: I am a naturalized citizen with a passport. I applied for a passport for my 15-year-old child. I got a letter asking for supporting documents such as a green card or certificate of citizenship. Do I give them my child's original green card along with my original certificate of citizenship? Or can I just send them my original certificate of citizenship? Please help.

Answer: Please send the original green card and your citizenship document.

17 year old child w/expired green card
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a 17-year-old permanent resident with an expired green card. My mother is a U.S. citizen. What are the requirements I need to apply for a U.S. passport? Is it alright to apply with an expired green card? Would I have to renew my green card before I surrender it to become a U.S. citizen?

Answer: Certain conditions must be met in order to acquire citizenship from a parent. One of these conditions is that the minor must be a legal permanent resident of the United States. Since your green card is expired, you are no longer considered an LPR.

Please contact the USCIS regarding your green card and for more information regarding citizenship acquisition.

Father served in the US AirForce
by: Rhona

Question: My mother (Filipino Citizen) and my father (US citizen) had me in 1968. They are not married and did not have any contact since. I am now 53 and I am wondering if I am an automatic US citizen. I lived most of my life in the Philippines. My biological dad died recently. Is there a way to apply for citizenship?

Answer: Please contact the U.S. Embassy in Manila regarding your citizenship questions. The USCIS may also be able to provide answers.

Applying for a new passport

Question: My children arrived with me under the Child Citizenship Act of 2000. They have an I-551 stamp on their Polish passport. I wanted to apply for a US Passport, but the lady in the US Post office wanted to take this original passport with the stamp and send it with the application and other documents. Should she take only authorized copies of these pages?

Answer: Original documents are required for passport applications. You must submnit the passports along with other documents required for your children's passport applications.

Derivative children for US passport
by: Solly

Question: I just got naturalized as a U.S. citizen and my children under the age of 15 are living abroad. I would like to bring them now, do I have to file N-600 or N-600k for the 3 of them? It's going to be over $3500 or can I just get them U.S. passports and file for their C of C later? Does my naturalized cert get them the U.S. passport and also can I apply for the passport at U.S. embassy/consulates. THANKS.

Answer: Certain conditions must be met in order for a naturalized parent to transmit U.S. citizenship to their foreign-born children. One of them is that the children must be legal residents of the United States under the custody of said parent. Since your children are living overseas, they need to have legal resident status first before you can apply for U.S. passports for them.

Please contact the USCIS for more information on citizenship.

Step child adoption
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a natural-born US citizen. My wife and stepson have green cards through our marriage. I adopted our son through the courts here in California. His social security card has his old name on it. I tried to change it at the social security office, they said they need a certificate of citizenship or a passport to change the name on the social security card.

Do I have to get a certificate of citizenship or can I get a passport? A certificate of citizenship is a lot of money. Can I get him a passport with the adoption record? A lot of conflicting info out there.

Answer: You may apply for the child's passport. You can find relevant and reliable information on the State Department's website.

Here's the page: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/Intercountry-Adoption/post-adoption/adoptees.html

US passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My dad was a naturalized US citizen before 2001 and I am a permanent resident since I was 10 years old. I am now 28. I was looking at applying for naturalization but I believe I meet all requirements for US citizenship through my dad. So if I apply for a US passport and once I get it, would I need to keep renewing my green card? Or even if i don't get a US passport and since I'm technically a US citizen, I don't need to keep renewing my green card, right?

Answer: You need to discuss your U.S. citizenship with the USCIS before applying for a U.S. passport. This is so you have everything in order and avoid your application getting denied. If you do get issued a U.S. passport or at least proof of U.S. citizenship, there will be no need to renew your green card.

by: Anonymous

Question: Why do some kids get a passport without a certificate of their own?

Answer: These minors have most likely derived citizenship from their parents and used their (parent's) citizenship documents to apply for a passport.

Derivative Citizenship and passport for child
by: Konstantinos

Question: Hi,

I recently obtained my US citizenship through naturalization. My child is eligible for derivative citizenship. Now I need to apply for a US passport for my child. Do I need to apply for a certificate of citizenship for him (And pay ~$1100), before applying for the passport? Otherwise how do I prove the citizenship for the child? Thank you.

Answer: Your naturalization certificate should serve as as the child's citizenship document. You need to submit the original or a certified copy.

by: Anonymous

Question: My father is a non-citizen national of the USA born in the Canal Zone in 1923 AND retired from the U.S. government in the Canal Zone. My mother is a naturalized U.S. citizen while under 14 age with LPR 1968. Am I an automatic derived citizen born out of wedlock in Panama?

Answer: Please contact the USCIS for questions regarding your citizenship.

I Was Born abroad AND mom became us citizen 1966
by: Frank g

Question: I was born in 1954. My mom went to the USA in 1958 and left me in the legal custody of her sister. Mom became a naturalized citizen in 1966 while I was under 14 years of age. I was born out of wedlock. I came as an LPR under petition from my Mom. I attended school in the USA. Am I a derivative citizen through my Mom?

Answer: Certain conditions must be met in order to derive citizenship by virtue of a parent's naturalization. Please contact the USCIS to discuss this further.

My mom naturalized in 1966.
by: Frank W.

Question: My mom became a naturalized US citizen in 1966. I came with LPR status while under 14 year of age AND i was born in Panamá City AND born out of wedlock. My mom has legal AND Sole custody with certified copies through pertinent agency as proof, did i derive citizenship through my mom automatically?

Answer: Hi, Frank. Please contact the USCIS regarding your citizenship concern.

What do I need to get my daughters US passport
by: Abdul

Question: Hi. I’m a US citizen by birth and already have my passport. My wife is not.
We moved back to the US for about a year now.
I just got my 2 daughters ( age 8 and 5) green cards and we are residing in Massachusetts now (they go to school here). What do I need to apply for their US passport since they were both born outside the US?

Answer: Hello, Abdul. If your children were born outside the United States, do they have a Consular Report of Birth Abroad issued by the U.S. Embassy in their country of birth?

by: Anonymous

Question: Hello,I have a friend, he is a guy of 21 years, he and his twin brother came to the United States when they were 20 years, they came as a PR. Their parents and other siblings have been here in the United States for 6 years now, tho they haven’t applied for Naturalization. The Question is, can this twin, friend of mine apply for naturalization as well whenever their parents and other siblings want to apply even without the twin living here for 5 years.?. Thanks!

Answer: Please contact the USCIS for answers to your citizenship questions.

I am a US citizen. I haven’t been to the US since I was 10. Can I pass my citizenship to my children?
by: Rania

Question: I am a US citizen. I haven’t been to the US since I was 10, and now I’m 30 years old. My wife is not a US citizen. And we don’t live in the US. My children will be born abroad. Can I pass my citizenship to my children? Can they get American passports at birth just by applying at the US Embassy? And can my wife apply for the American passport?

Note: I have a valid US passport.

Answer: Certain conditions must be met in order to transmit citizenship to children born abroad. Please contact the U.S. Embassy or Consulate in your country of residence regarding this. You may also seek assistance from the USCIS.

About my citizenship
by: Anonymous

Question: My dad filed for citizenship in 2013 and I was in the Philippines at the time. I was then only 16 years of age. Am I considered a citizen?

Answer: No, you are not. You need to be a green card holder at the time of your father's naturalization in order to acquire citizenship through him.

Name Change
by: Anonymous

Question: We got our citizenship recently and we would like to apply for the passport for my child who is 9 years old and born in a foreign country, we also want to change his name, what process should i follow please.

Answer: You need to contact the USCIS first regarding your child's name change and claim to U.S. citizenship.

Green card and citizenship
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. I just became a U.S. citizen and my son is 15. Can he travel outside the United States with his green card even though he might be a citizen through me?

Answer: Please contact the CBP regarding your case.

by: Lee

Question: I am seeing all these questions and answers about passports and children. I became a citizen when my son was 10 years. I applied for his passport at age 11, I was told I have to get him naturalized. Now I am seeing where children are getting passports without being naturalized. How does that even work?

Answer: Hi, Lee. Certain conditions must be met for a child born in a foreign country to derive U.S. citizenship by virtue of a parent's naturalization. Please contact the USCIS for more information.

Applying for US passport
by: Nargis

Question: Hi, I lived in the U.S. about 5 years and then I went back to my country. My mom has been a citizen since 2006. I was 11 years old then but I never apply for a U.S. passport. Now I'm 25 but I was underage when my mom became a U.S. citizen. Can I apply for a U.S. passport?

Answer: You need to establish your claim to U.S. citizenship first before applying for a U.S. passport. Please contact the USCIS regarding citizenship.

US father trying to take Filipino citizen son to US
by: Kurt Sam

Question: Hello! I have a child who was born in the Philippines. Is it possible for me to apply for US citizenship for him. I, his father, is a US citizen and has lived in a US territory most of my life. Is it possible for me to take him with me when I travel?

Answer: Please contact the USCIS regarding citizenship.

Applying for passport
by: Victoria F

Question: I just got my citizenship. My daughter is 17. Can she apply for blue passport without N600?

Answer: Certain conditions must be met in order to transmit citizenship to a minor by virtue of your naturalization. Please contact the USCIS regarding these conditions to establish your child's claim to U.S. citizenship. Once this is done, she may apply for a blue passport.

Child Naturalization
by: Emil Gugutkov

Question: My son has turned 18 and my question is which form will he have to fill now to apply for Naturalization as he is over 18 now? N600 or N400, or is there other form? Please tell me.

Answer: Kindly contact the USCIS regarding citizenship concerns.

Child Citizenship Problem
by: Emil Gugutkov

Question: Hello, my son has came at the age of 17 before he has turned 18 we applied for the application at the start I551 I came to the USA and got my green card we have applied for a passport but they denied the application and returned the papers to us after my son turned 18 so right now don't know how he can become a citizen as which form will we have to fill N600 or something else my self i have had citizenship for 10 years and i got divorced after he was born. my son is 18 now and has a green card what do i need to do so he becomes a citizen.

Answer: Since he is now of legal age, he needs to go through the naturalization process.

We just got our citizenship.
by: V Wolansky

Question: Hi! We just got our citizenship, what do we need for our son's US passport? He is a permanent resident and is 16 years old.


Answer: Certain conditions must be met in order to transmit citizenship to your child through your naturalization. Please contact the USCIS regarding this before applying for his passport.

Passport application
by: Mohammad Al-Suhaili

Question: My dad got his passport in 2018, I got my green card in 2018 as well. Can I apply for a passport. I am 25 years old.

Answer: Since you were already over 18 when your father obtained citizenship, you cannot derive citizenship through his naturalization. You need to go through the naturalization process yourself. Please contact the USCIS for more information.

Am I a citizen through my parents?
by: Anonymous

Question: My mother became a naturalized citizen when I was 16. I am 18 now and have held my green card for more than 10 years. Being 18, am I still a citizen through her or am I not since she never paid for me to get a certificate of citizenship? Could I still take one out now? Or would I have to take the citizenship test myself and go through the process of naturalization?

Answer: Please contact the USCIS for concerns regarding citizenship.

I was a child with passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I came from Mexico at age 5-6 with a passport. I went to school here but I didn't graduate high school. At age 17, I had my first baby and now I'm 30 with 4 kids all born here ages 2-13 but the fact is that I don't have a social and its very hard for me to find a job. Is there anything I can apply for? I was a child when I came.

Answer: Please contact the USCIS regarding citizenship.

Can I apply for a U.S passport?
by: Anonymous

Question: I am 17 years old and my mother is a naturalized citizen. I have applied for a certificate, but I have not received my certificate yet. I turn 18 in a few months, so I am trying to get my passport beforehand. My father died before we came to the United States and he is not a United States citizen. When I went to get a passport I was told I need my fathers' original death certificate and my parents' marriage certificate including my own birth certificate. I have a copy of my fathers' death certificate and it is translated with my original birth certificate and it is translated as well. However, I do not have any document proving my parents were married and I do not have an original death certificate for my father. I have gone on every government website to find these requirements and I could not find any. I asked the lady at the office to give me a document that said that I need to show all the originals, but she could not provide me with one. She was rude when I said, "hi I would like to make a passport", so don't trust anything she said. when I explained to her my situation she said It wasn't her problem. She was not professional and keep asking people around her for help.

Answer: We're sorry to learn about your unfavorable experience.

The lady was right in saying that original documents must be submitted. Non-certified copies or photocopies are not acceptable.

Naturalized Citizen needs passport without Certificate of Citizenship
by: Lyndale

Question: I've recently become a naturalized US citizen and applied for a passport. At my swearing in, my certificate of citizenship was taken for the passport to be processed. However my daughter who is ten, needs to travel out of the country on June 20. How can I get her USA passport without my certificate of naturalization?

Answer: Please call passport services at 1-877-487-2778 for answers to your questions.

U.S. passport for my stepchildren
by: Anonymous

Question: I was wondering if I (US citizen through naturalization) can apply for U.S. passports for my stepchildren who I petitioned and have their permanent resident cards?

Answer: Please contact the USCIS regarding your concern.

by: Anonymous

Question: When I was younger I got a passport but I was never naturalized. Recently I lost my passport. What steps do I take next? I have photo copy of my passport. I'm 24 now.

Answer: Since you cannot present evidence of U.S. citizenship, you need to request for a file search. The results of the search will be used as proof for the application.

Claiming citizenship
by: Rey

Question: Hi. I'm claiming citizenship thru my mother. How do I find out if my mother registered me when she became a U.S. citizen? I spoke to an immigration officer over the phone, I ask her the same question, I didn't get an answer.

Answer: Hi, Rey. The best people to ask regarding citizenship is the USCIS. Please contact them for answers to your question.

My son's citizenship
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a U.S. citizen. I have a son who was born in Panama. He is 27 and is still residing there. His Mother is deceased. Can he apply for a US passport?

Answer: His claim to U.S. citizenship needs to be established before he can apply for a U.S. passport. You need to contact the USCIS regarding this.

Passport for my adopted child
by: Anonymous

I am a US citizen and I adopted a child born outside of the United States. I am securing a U.S. passport for her without a certificate of citizenship or I-551 stamp on her overseas passport.

Is it possible for my adopted child to acquire U.S. passport while on a B2 visa in the United States since we both met all the evidence to establish her citizenship through me. We have the finality of the Adoption and we met all legal custody requirements. And the child has an overseas birth certificate under my name.

Can the Passport Issuing Agency (Department of State) deny her of that right to obtain a US Passport because she doesn't have an I-551 stamp or Certificate of Citizenship?

Do we have to go through expensive paper works?

Thank you!

Answer: Please contact the USCIS regarding your child's citizenship.

Visa to the U.S.
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm 32 and my kid is 5. She's a U.S. citizen (by birth) but we're both living in Vietnam. Is it possible for me to get a visa to the USA? We want to visit my husband and her dad.

Answer: Please contact the National Passport Information Center about U.S. visas.

Citizenship through parent
by: Anonymous

Question: I've just became a citizen of the USA. I have a 17-year-old green card holder child who resides abroad but comes to USA on vacations. His green card is still valid. Will he get citizenship automatically or what I can do? Thank you.

Answer: Please contact the USCIS for questions regarding citizenship.

Citizenship through father
by: Anonymous

Question: My dad became a U.S. citizen through naturalization 13 years ago. He petitioned me and arrived back in 2015, and I am currently 18 years old. Am I a US citizen? If so, do I need to file N-600?

Answer: Please contact the USCIS regarding your concern.

by: Anonymous

Question: Does a child’s parents need to be US citizens to be able to get their kid a U.S. passport?

Answer: Not necessarily. If the child was born in the United States and has a U.S. birth certificate, he/she is entitled to a U.S. passport. The parents' nationality should not hinder them from applying for the child's passport.

by: Anonymous

Question: My mom is a natural born U.S. citizen. She gave birth to me in Mexico during a trip there, but has lived in the United States all her life and has proof of it. I, too, have lived here in the United States and have been approved for DACA since 2014. But now want to see if I qualify for passport through my mom being a citizen. I am 30 years old now. Can I apply? If i meet all the requirements for citizenship through my U.S. citizen parent?

Answer: Please contact the USCIS regarding your claim to U.S. citizenship. Once this is established and you have proof of your citizenship, you may apply for a U.S. passport.

by: Anonymous

Question: I’m an American citizen by my dad's naturalization. I just gave birth in Paris and I would like to go to my husband’s country in Egypt but my baby doesn’t have an American passport and didn’t meet the requirement for the passport because I didn’t spend 5 years in the US. I grew up in France. What can I do to bring my child with me to Egypt?

Answer: Since your child is born in France and you cannot transmit your nationality to her, she has a claim to French citizenship. Please contact the French authorities about getting a passport for her.

About applying for passports
by: Buba

Question: Hello. I became a citizen in 2017 and my daughter and my son just got their visas. They should be in the US by April. Should I pay the green card fee before I apply for their U.S. passports or I can apply for the passports now?

Answer: Hi, Buba. Certain criteria must be met in order for children of naturalized citizens to acquire U.S. citizenship. Please contact the USCIS for more information.

I'm a U.S. Citizen but not residing in the US
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm a U.S. citizen because my father was born and lived in the U.S. until he was 18. He then came to the Panama Canal Zone and I was born in Panama and lived in the Panama Canal Zone until I was a year old, but I'm not sure if the Panama Canal Zone (back in 1992-1993) is considered as residing in the U.S. Can my son become a citizen as well based on this? He was born in Panama too and we currently live.

Answer: Please contact the U.S. Embassy in Panama City regarding your concern.

Children becoming citizens after the age of 18
by: Joe

Question: My son (23) and daughter (24) we both born in Germany while I was stationed in the Army. Due to me deciding to spend the rest of my life in Germany, we never had seen it as a priority to register them as U.S. citizens. Both have German citizenship. They now have decided they want to become American citizens, can they use the old documentation to help the process or do they need to apply for green cards?

Answer: Hi, Joe. Please contact the USCIS regarding citizenship issues.

I will be a citizen and my son is 16
by: Victor

Question: Hi, I hopefully will be a citizen in about 12 months. My son is 16, I’ve read that by the INA 320 he will become a citizen automatically, but how we will prove that he is a citizen to get his passport? Do we have to fill an expensive N-600 to get him proof he is a citizen? Thanks.

Answer: Hello, Victor. Your Certificate of Naturalization should serve as your child's proof of citizenship.

U.S. citizen through parents
by: Jean

Question: I have been a U.S. citizen since 2006. My son came to the USA in 2007. I did not apply for his certificate of naturalization. Now he 19 years old. Is he a citizen of the United States as of now or not?

Answer: Please contact the USCIS regarding citizenship concerns.

Report of birth
by: Roxanne

Question: Hi, I am planning to go to the Philippines this year. I am going with my 13-year-old son who was born in the Philippines. He wanted to stay there for at least 2 years. I just got my U.S. naturalization last December 2018 so he's automatically a US citizen too. Do I have to report his birth in Philippine embassy here in the U.S. even if he was not born from here?

Answer: Please contact the Philippine Embassy regarding your concern.

by: Anonymous

Question: I am applying for my citizenship this year and my daughter just arrived last September. She is now 18 years old. Can I carry her name for a citizenship also?

Answer: No, you cannot. Only minors under the age of 18 can obtain citizenship by virtue of a parent's naturalization. Please contact the USCIS for more information.

Passport for minor
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a U.S. citizen. When I was five, I moved to live in a country in Europe. My son is 5 years old an he is a green card holder. We moved to USA on April 2018. When can I apply for his U.S. passport?

Answer: Before you can apply for your child's passport, you need to establish his U.S. citizenship. Please contact the USCIS regarding this.

Need answers
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a U.S. citizen. My baby was born in Mexico. He is now 10 months old. What can I do so he can travel to Texas ASAP?

Answer: Your child needs to have proof of U.S. citizenship in order to enter the United States. This should be a Consular Report of Birth Abroad which can be obtained from the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City or any of the U.S. Consulates located all over Mexico.

by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. I became a citizen 7 years ago and my son was the 17 years old. I did not get a passport for him at the time. He is now 24 years old. Can I still get his passport?

Answer: You need to contact the USCIS to establish your son's claim to U.S. citizenship. After that is done, he can apply for a U.S. passport on his own since he is already of legal age.

by: Anonymous

Question: I became a citizen on the year 2000. I petitioned my daughter when she was 14. So we know that she is automatically a citizen. Now she's 23 What do we need to apply for her passport?

Answer: Please contact the USCIS for assistance in getting proof of her U.S. citizenship. Once this is done, she may apply for her new U.S. passport.

My child
by: Mike

Question: I am a U.S. citizen. I was born here and lived here all my life. I am now married and have a 6-month-old boy who is abroad in Palestine with my wife as she waits for her visa. What do I have to do to get my son citizenship or a temporary visa to leave with his mother and come here to make him a citizen? She is almost at the end of her visa wait and is leaving in 3 months.

Answer: Hello, Mike. You may seek assistance from the U.S. citizen services desk at the U.S. Consulate General in Jerusalem regarding your son's citizenship.

A question no one can answer, Help!
by: Bill

Question: I was born in the US and lived there until I was 35 years old. I now live in Mexico and am married to a woman from Argentina. Our daughter was born here in Mexico. We are not sure if we want to get her a US or Argentinian passport for her second passport. We want to travel to the US, but from what I read, she cannot get a US visa because she is eligible for US citizenship, because I am a US citizen.

Answer: Certain criteria must be met for a child born abroad to obtain U.S. citizenship through his/her U.S. citizen parent. Please contact the USCIS regarding your child's citizenship claim.

Once this is resolved and it is established that your child can claim U.S. citizenship, you may apply for his U.S. passport.

U.S. passport
by: Pornchai

Question: I came to the USA with a U.S. passport at 13. It has since been lost. Do I need to see USCIS or just submit passport application with file search. I've never met my father but came here with a U.S. passport. I have no other verification of citizenship. My mother came with me with green card through her other marriage.

Answer: Since you were issued a passport in the past, you may request for a file search, the result of which will be used as your U.S. citizenship evidence.

U.S. passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. I became a U.S. citizen before my kids turned 18. What do I need to get them their U.S. passport?

Answer: Certain conditions must be met for children to obtain U.S. citizenship by virtue of a parent's naturalization. Please contact the USCIS regarding these conditions.

Once your children's claim to U.S. citizenship is established, you may apply for their U.S. passports.

by: Rey

Question: My mother is a U.S. citizen. I was 13 years old when she she became a US citizen. I am now 44 years of age and a green card holder. Can I get a US passport through my mother or without my certificate of naturalization?

Answer: Hi, Rey. Certain conditions must be met in order for a child to obtain U.S. citizenship by virtue of a parent's naturalization. Please contact the USCIS regarding your claim to citizenship. Once this is established, you may apply for a U.S. passport.

Getting a U.S. passport
by: Rey

Question: I'm getting a U.S. passport. My mother became a U.S. citizen before I turned 16. Can I get a US passport without certificate of naturalization?

Answer: You need to get a Certificate of Citizenship from the USCIS.

Child Passport
by: ss

Question: Hey, I have a U.S. passport but I never worked there. I live in Lebanon, I am married and I have newborn girl. Can I apply for immigration from Lebanon and when I go to the states I ll get a passport for her and visa form my husband? Thanks.

Answer: Please contact the U.S. Embassy in Beirut about getting a U.S. passport for your child and a visa for your husband.

U.S. citizen parent not residing in the U.S. for 5 years
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. I am a U.S. Citizen who hasn't resided in the U.S. for a total of 5 years. How can I apply for my child's citizenship if I've only resided in the U.S. for 2 years? Thank you.

Answer: Please contact the U.S. Embassy or Consulate in the country where you currently reside regarding your concern.

by: S Al-Moumen

Question: Hi. I need your advice. I recently become a U.S. citizen and I want to apply for a green card for my wife and son. Can I apply for green card without my son having a passport? My son was born before I become a US citizen.

Thank you.

Answer: Please contact the USCIS regarding green cards.

Green card
by: Susi

Question: I have a question regarding green card. My mom was born and raised in the U.S. and then moved to Norway (she still keeps her US passport) and married my dad (he is Norwegian) Am I eligible for green card, I am 39 years old. Thank you!

Answer: Please contact the USCIS regarding your concern.

Parent Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. My parent is a naturalized citizen and I will be using them to get my passport. She does not have her naturalization certificate but she has a valid passport. Can I use that instead?

Answer: A valid U.S. passport services a evidence of U.S. citizenship.

U.S. passport through my father
by: Anonymous

Question: I started living in the United States when I was thirteen years old. I’m now 21 years of age, my dad became a US citizen before I was born. Am I eligible to apply for a U.S. passport?

Answer: Please contact the USCIS about establishing your claim to U.S. citizenship. Once this is done, you may apply for a U.S. passport.

Temporary Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello, six years ago my daughter was issued a temporary U.S. passport in Manila. I am a U.S. citizen, born and raised. She was 13 at the time. Long story short, life carried on I forgot about things. Kids went to school, life went on. She is now 19 and in high school.

Am I able to obtain a social security number and U.S. citizenship document for her? I need to find out what I can do because she is now pregnant and I need to get her insurance. The passport expired when she was 16. I really need help. She is intellectually challenged and cannot read so I have to do all of that for her.

Answer: Please contact the Social Security Administration regarding your daughter's SSN and the USCIS regarding proof of U.S. citizenship.

Minor's Citizenship
by: Anonymous

Question: My husband is a U.S. citizen and resides in the USA. I traveled outside the USA and gave birth to my son outside of USA at that time my husband was residing in USA and has had been there for 10 years already.

My husband had to settle down his business and shifted to different states so my son and I stayed outside of USA until he settled down. That took about 7 years and now my son is 5 years old. Both my son and I are outside of USA and my husband has finally settled down and started business in USA. Can he now apply for my son's passport from the USA?

Since my husband used to visit and go back every two years we havent applied for our son's citizenship or informed as we were waiting for my husband to settle down in one state. Is there anyway now that my husband being a U.S. citizen and currently residing there apply for my 5-year-old son's U.S. passport from within USA?

Answer: Your husband cannot apply for your son's passport in the United States if you are still overseas.

What he can do is contact USCIS about establishing your son's U.S. citizenship and getting proof of it.

Once you have proof, you may apply for your child's passport at the U.S. Embassy or Consulate in the country where you currently reside. The child needs to appear in person with you when the application is submitted.

Your husband also has to be there with you but if for some reason, he is not available, he can send you a notarized Form DS-3053 to be submitted with the rest of the application requirements.

Citizenship under INA 320
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi! I am a US citizen by birth but since I was 1 year old, I have lived overseas.

I am married to a non U,S. citizen and we have 3 children all under 18 years old. I want to move to the U.S. without my husband to expand our business there and to also take the kids with me to acquire their U.S. citizenship. Would it be a problem since the law says:

Legal and Physical Custody of U.S. Citizen Parent

•A biological child who currently resides with both biological parents who are married to each other, living in marital union, and not separated;

And we are not divorced (and neither intend to be). Please advice if my kids will be able to get the US citizenship. Thank you in advance for your reply.

Answer: According to USCIS, A child of a U.S. citizen residing outside of the U.S. obtains U.S. citizenship if "the child’s U.S. citizen parent or U.S. citizen grandparent meets certain physical presence requirements in the United States or an outlying possession."

This can be a problem since you have been living outside the United States since you were a child yourself. Please contact the USCIS for further assistance regarding the matter.

About passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My dad was a citizen when I came to the U.S. I was 12 years old and a green card holder. I am 30 years old and married can i still file citizenship trough my father?

Answer: Please contact the USCIS regarding your concern.

U.S Passport
by: Sisi

Question: I'm 22 years old with a green card. My father became a U.S. Citizen when I was 17. I've been told I can apply for U.S passport without having to obtain a certificate of citizenship. What documents do I need to submit with my application other than (original green card, copy of original birth certificate and a certified English translation and the original Certificate of Naturalization for my father). Is there any other document I need to submit?

Answer: Please contact the USCIS regarding your concern.

My 17-year-old daughter
by: Moe

Question: I became a US citizen in 2016. My daughter is now 17 years old, she was born in Iran. Is she qualified for automatic U.S. citizenship or can I apply for her green card and bring her to the United States? She’s waiting overseas. If she’s automatically a U.S. citizen and I can apply for her U.S. passport without her dad being here, I can apply and she can fly to United States with her U.S. passport. Would you please comment?

Answer: Hello, Moe. Certain conditions must be met in order for a minor child of a naturalized citizen to automatically obtain U.S. citizenship. Please contact the USCIS for these conditions and for advice on how you can get your child to the United States.

US citizen
by: Karla

Question: Hello, I am a 19-year-old U.S. citizen but I don’t live in the U.S. (I lived there only 2 years after I was born in Orlando.) I am pregnant now and my fiance is not a U.S. citizen. Next year, after my child is born, we want to move to the US and live here.

Can we do a passport for my kid, or a green card? Or what is the best option? ( I read that my kid cannot be US citizen when I didn’t live in the US for long). Also I want to marry my fiance, can he also move with me on a working visa or can he get a green card or become a citizen?

I don’t know what is the best option for us when we want to live in Florida but they are not Americans like me.

Thank you for answer!

Answer: Please contact the USCIS for information about citizenship and immigration.

Child citizenship
by: Anonymous

Question: My wife just became a U.S. citizen. Does my stepson become a U.S. citizen as well or well we have to pay for him to become a citizen?

Answer: According to the Child Citizenship Act, a foreign-born child under the age of 18 automatically obtains U.S. citizenship when a parent is naturalized as long as certain conditions are met. Please visit the USCIS page on child citizenship for these requirements.

by: Edgardo

Question: I have been a U.S. citizen since 2003. I left the Philippines last October 2017 and I was there for 2 1/2 months. Before I left, my fiancé was 1 month pregnant with my child. Is my child automatically U.S. citizen? Can I file for my child's citizenship here in the United States or do I have to go back in the Philippines to do that? I am filing for a fiance visa for his mom but I need to make sure that he is coming with her? What do I need to do?

Answer: Hi, Edgardo. According to the website of the U.S. Embassy in Manila, it is preferable that the U.S. citizen parent be present when filing for the Consular Report of Birth Abroad soon after the child is born. You may then apply for the child's passport at the same time.

Once the child has a U.S. passport, there will be no issue for him to enter the United States.

Please note that there are certain requirements that you must submit when applying for the CRBA. Please contact the U.S. Embassy in Manila for more information.

Applying for Certificate of Citizenship
by: Heriberto

Question: My parents became citizens in 1999, I was 12 years old then and I never got a certificate of citizenship, just the US Passport. Is it necessary to apply for a certificate of citizenship using form N600? Thanks.

Answer: Hello, Heriberto. The U.S. passport may serve as your proof of U.S. citizenship. If you need to apply for a new passport and need evidence of U.S. citizenship, you may request for a file search instead.

U.S. passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a U.S. citizen through my dad. I was born in the Philippines. I have a consular report of birth abroad. I have a 16-year-old son who is currently residing in the Philippines. I gave birth of him a year before I came to the United States. Can I apply for his U.S. passport so he can be with me?

Answer: There are certain conditions that must be met for a child born abroad to obtain U.S. citizenship. We recommend that you contact the USCIS regarding your child's citizenship first and what you need to obtain a U.S. passport for him.

I need a passport or certificate of naturalization
by: Anonymous

Question: Please my mother became a US citizen last year 2017. I am living in Nigeria and I am 36 years. A married man. Do I also qualify to be a US citizen? What should I do to come to US immediately?

Answer: Only children under 18 years of age automatically acquires citizenship once a parent is naturalized.

Please contact the USCIS for questions about immigration.

I became a US citizen in 1990
by: Liz

Question: My daughter was 6 years old, when I became a US citizen, I never applied for a passport for her, she is now 32 years old can she still apply for a US passport?

Answer: Your daughter needs to get evidence of U.S. citizenship in order to apply for her U.S. passport. You need to contact USCIS for this.

Green card through my dead U.S. citizen father
by: Henry

Question: My father, born abroad from my American grandfather, he died before he submitted my green card petition. I live in the USA. Is there any way to get permanent residency from my relatives/ancestors?

Answer: Please contact the USCIS for concerns regarding residency and citizenship.

Certificate of Citizenship
by: Anonymous

Question: My wife and I became naturalized citizens in 2017. We applied for U.S. passports immediately. We also applied for our daughter's U.S. passport who was a permanent resident at the time. We all got our U.S. passports.

My question is, do we still need to apply for our daughter's Certificate of Citizenship even if she already has a U.S. passport?

Answer: There is no need to apply for a citizenship certificate. Your daughter's U.S. passport will suffice as evidence of U.S. citizenship.

by: Anonymous

Question: My father became a naturalized citizen 7 years before I was born. At 3 years old, mother and I became legal residents. I am now 31 years old, legal resident since 1988. Am I automatically a citizen by right? Or do I have to apply for naturalization?

Answer: Hi. The USCIS would be able to assist you better with your concern.

Born in the USA but living in different country
by: Anonymous

Question: Not U.S. citizen but our children were born in the United States. Can they still renew their passports? And can they still re-enter U.S. when they reach 18 yrs old? Can they still acquire their US citizenship at the age of 18 even though they have been living in another country?

Answer: You need to apply for new passports for your children at the U.S. Embassy or Consulate where you currently reside.

They may re-enter the United States without issues anytime as long as they arrive with valid U.S. passports. U.S. citizenship does not expire.

U.S. citizen
by: Anonymous

Question: I have been a U.S. citizen since 2010. I have a son in a different country. He was born in 2004. How can I make him a U.S. citizen? Does he become one by me becoming a U.S. citizen? I want him to come here I just want to know the process.

Answer: Hi. Please contact the USCIS for questions about U.S. citizenship by virtue of a parent becoming one.

Im a new Citizen
by: KrisCA

Question: Hi. I gave birth to my child in the Philippines while I was an immigrant and did not know I could have brought her back with me. She's now 9 years old. I have recently become a U.S. citizen. Can I get her a US passport now or do I have to petition her first to get a green card?

Answer: Hi. Please contact the USCIS for questions about U.S. citizenship by virtue of a parent recently becoming one.

Can I bring my kids
by: Ys

Question: I became United States citizen last year. My 2 kids were born in the United Kingdom.

My wife she was accepted to come to the USA.
Can my kids apply while here on a visa waiver? They can live in the USA for 90 days in the USA. Can I use that time frame to apply for them? I didn't add them on file while applying for my wife.

Answer: Your children need valid U.S. green cards or an I-551 stamp on their passports for you to apply for U.S. passports for them. Please contact the USCIS for more information.

Passport for my son and daughter
by: Jhaymes

Question: I am a naturalized American citizen through my dad. I’m a legitimate son, his only son. He died in the U.S. when I was only 3 months old in the Philippines. By that time, I was already naturalized (2002). My son and daughter are now 25 & 23 in the Philippines. Can they get a passport for them to be here with me in the U.S?

Answer: According to the USCIS, a child born outside the U.S. is a citizen after birth if he/she was under 18 from December 24, 1952 to February 26, 2001 AND he/she was residing as a Green Card holder in the U.S. and both parents naturalized before his/her 18th birthday or

-If one parent died, that the surviving parent naturalized before the child turned 18.

-If the parents legally separated, that the parent maintaining legal and physical custody naturalized before the child turned 18.

-If the child was born out of wedlock and paternity has not been established by legitimation, the mother naturalized before the child turned 18.

It seems that your children do not meet any of the conditions. Still, they can come to the United States using visas in their Philippine passports. Once in the country, you may be able to work on a more permanent status for them.

Can I get my son a passport?
by: Analyn

Question: Hi, I become a US citizen recently. I am planning to get my son a passport through my Naturalization Certificate as he automatically becomes a citizen, too. He is only 10 years old.

Can I apply using my naturalization certificate, his father's consent and his green card?

Answer: Yes, you can apply for your child's passport using the documents you mentioned. Please contact customer service at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

Passport for my daughter
by: Jay

Question: Can I get my daughter a U.S passport without the certificate of citizenship? She was born abroad. I became a U.S citizen within a year after she was born. My wife and daughter resides with me now here in Texas.

Answer: Yes, you can. Under the Child Citizenship Act of 2000, your child automatically acquires U.S. citizenship when certain conditions are met.

These conditions, as well as requirements for a U.S. passport are outlined in the following web page: Click Here

Appling for citizenship
by: Anonymous

Question: I got a green card in 2014 and have been living in U.S. since 2015. When can I apply for citizenship and my son's who also has a green card? My son had to stay out of the U.S. for 8 months to complete his studies. will he get citizenship automatically when I get mine?

Answer: Please direct all questions regarding citizenship to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services office.

Claiming citizenship for 20-year-old kid
by: Anonymous

Question: I have been a U.S. citizen for the last 30 years but currently residing in Pakistan with my family. My son is 20 years old and I haven't been to the USA since his birth. Can I file citizenship for my son to study in the USA?

Note: I have a valid and recently-renewed US passport.

Answer: Please contact the USCIS for assistance in establishing your son's claim to U.S. citizenship.

Derive citizen
by: Anonymous

Question: I got my derived citizenship through my dad. I have my U.S. passport. I have not gotten my certificate of citizenship yet. Do I need it to get my wife her green card? Do I need to have the certificate of citizenship?

Answer: A U.S. passport attests to your U.S. citizenship. However, we cannot tell you if is enough to allow you to get you wife permanent residency. Please contact the USCIS for assistance.

Petitioning my son to stay in the U.S.
by: Stella A

Question: I'm a U.S. citizen and my son came here as a tourist at the age of 31. Can I file for him to stay with me?

Answer: According to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services website, a U.S. citizen may petition for his/her unmarried sons and daughters (21 or over) or married sons or daughters (any age) - Your son or daughter’s child(ren) and legal spouse may be included on this petition.

Please contact the USCIS for more information.

How to re-apply my case for my U.S. citizenship
by: Arnold M

Question: My grandfather was with the American Air Force during World War II and my dad is an American by birth. How come the U.S. Embassy in the Philippines did not issue any U.S. passport to me? They gave me permanent residency instead and I've been in the United States for 8 years now.

Answer: Please contact the USCIS for assistance in establishing your claim to U.S. citizenship.

Need help
by: Anonymous

Question: About 7 years ago my cousin was deported for a crime. I just found out his father was a U.S. citizen, when he was under the age of 18 yrs. What can I do to request a passport for him?

Answer: First you need to establish his claim to U.S. citizenship though the USCIS. Once this is done, he needs to apply for his passport in person at the U.S. Embassy or Consulate in the country he is currently residing.

British Children
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm an American born and raised but my children have British Citizenship and were born in the UAE. How easy would it be to acquire US citizenship and passports for them?

Answer: Please contact the USCIS for assistance regarding establishing your children's claim to U.S. citizenship.

by: Anonymous

Question: I was issued a US passport as a derivative of my parents. I found out a year ago I was not eligible for one because at the time I did not qualify (due to my age). I was stripped of my US "citizenship". How do I handle having a US passport that technically should not have been issued to me?

Answer: Please call 1-877-487-2778 to speak to a customer service representative.

Green card for baby born outside the U.S.
by: Anonymous

Question: My husband is a U.S. citizen and I am a green card holder. My child is born in India; is it possible to bring my child to the USA?

Answer: A child of a U.S. citizen born outside the United States may acquire U.S. citizenship if certain conditions are met. Please contact the USCIS for more information about citizenship for the child. If you are in India, you may visit the U.S. Embassy or Consulate for assistance.

Citizenship through parent
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter is 20. Is she able to apply a passport through my citizenship? Would i able to apply a U.S. passport for my daughter?

Answer: First, you need to establish your daughter's eligibility to U.S. citizenship through yours. Please contact the USCIS to see if your child has acquired U.S. citizenship.

Once your child's U.S. citizenship is established, she may apply for a U.S. passport on her own since she is of legal age.

by: Jonathan

Question: My father (US Citizen) petitioned me to become a LPR so i can derive citizenship, but I don't think I will get my immigrant visa in time because I am turning 18 in September. Can i still get citizenship? Or what can I do? I really want to become a U.S. citizen.

Answer: Please contact the USCIS for questions about obtaining citizenship.

by: Vicki

Question: My parents became naturalized U.S. citizens before I turned 18. This was before 2004. I am 31 years old now. Does that make me a US citizen? I've been told I don't need to have the certificate of citizenship and that I can go to a passport facility to acquire my passport.

Answer: According to the USCIS, a child born outside the United States is a U.S. citizen if he/she was under 18 from December 24, 1952 to February 26, 2001 and was residing as a Green Card holder in the U.S. and both parents naturalized before the child’s 18th birthday. Please contact USCIS to confirm this.

Once you have established our U.S. citizenship, please apply for a Certificate of Citizenship which you can submit with your application for a U.S. passport.

Us passport
by: Oscar

Question: I'm a U.S. citizen. My sons are 15 and 17 and are permanent residents. Could I get them a U.S. passport? They have been residents since 2008.

Answer: According to the USCIS, a child born outside the U.S. is a citizen after birth if at least one parent is a U.S. citizen, the child is currently under 18 and residing in the U.S. in the legal and physical custody of the U.S. citizen parent pursuant to lawful admission for permanent residence.

Based on this, your children qualify for U.S. citizenship. First, you need to file for a Certificate of Citizenship for them. Once you have this, you can use this as proof of U.S. citizenship when you apply for their passports.

Child over 18 now but came to the U.S at age 16
by: AnonymousJam

Question: Can the child child apply for citizenship even though the child is now 18? Also the child came to the U.S at age 16 but did not get a green card before age 18; the child attends high school and works as well for proof that the child was present in USA before age 18. Thanks in advance for the answer back.

Answer: Please contact the USCIS for concerns regarding citizenship.

Citizenship Concern for my Son
by: Anonymous

Question: I became citizen in 2012 .My son was living with me from 2007. The children's mother has custody of them when we got divorced in 2003. But my son migrated to the USA in 2007 and I am solely responsible for him. I applied for his United States passport and they are asking for proof of custody. Legally (on paper), I don't have custody but I physically took care of him all by myself. What do I have to do to resolve this mater.

Answer: We recommend that your consult an attorney about custody issues.

My daughter is 3-years-old and a green card holder.
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a US Citizen and my daughter is now 3 years old she received her green card and now we are in the US. I was told at the embassy that if she stays in the US for 6 months she can apply for naturalization. I wanted to know if that is true or I can apply for a passport for her.

Answer: Please call 1-877-487-2778 to speak with a customer service representative.

Green card.
by: Anonymous

Question: What do I need to do with my green card? I have become a citizen through my parents, I have my U.S Passport. I just don't know what I need to do with my green card.

Answer: Please contact USCIS.gov about green card issues.

List of documents
by: Anonymous

Question: I have tried to get school, medical or tax documents that prove that I was living with my dad when he got his certificate of naturalization but since it's been a long time ago no one keeps those records anymore or it doesn't have his name on it. Is there a list somewhere that can tell me what else I can provide. I called the customer service for us passport but they were no help and just told me an agent will call me, but couldn't tell me how long before they will call me. Any idea how long I have to wait?

Answer: Did you try contacting the U.S. Census Bureau to see if there was a census taken during that period?

If your father filed tax returns in the U.S. during the time you lived with him, he should have listed you as a dependent. You can request a record of a tax return for each year he filed and your own tax records if you worked and filed them at that time. If you order online or by phone, you should receive your tax return transcript within five to 10 calendar days. You should allow 30 calendar days for delivery of a tax account transcript if you order by mail.

Did you contact the schools that you attended? Many states require schools keep permanent student records for not less than 60 years. This record includes the student's name and parents' names.

Did your father keep any records from that time period? If so, look for documents that include both yours and your father's names.

Over 18 now
by: Anonymous

Question: I was under 18 when my dad got his naturalization certificate and i thought that only marriage certificate will be needed to proof that i was under his legal and physical custody but now they want more documents: combination of documents such as school, tax, medical, or court records that documents you were in the legal and physical custody of your U.S. citizen parent(s) after you entered the United States for lawful permanent residence and before your 18th birthday." What are some examples of those documents?

Answer: Contact the schools where you studied and see if they can provide a transcript. It should include your parents' names. If you were employed and filed an income tax report, you can send a copy of that. Contact the U.S. Census Bureau to order a personal census record. Any doctor you visited before age 18 should have your record on file. Contact them to get copies.

My status
by: May

Question: Hello! My mom became a US citizen in Oct 1999. We were minors and green card holders and resided in the US for almost 2 years. but at the time my mom became a citizen, we were not residing in the US. Are we US citizens too? What can we do?

Answer: Please contact USCIS for answers to questions about US citizenship.

Certificate of citizenship
by: Nadia

Question: How about when renewing my son's passport. Don't they need the certificate of citizenship with the old passport?

Answer: No, a Certificate of Citizenship is not required if you submit his previously-issued passport.

Citizenship certificate
by: Nadia

Question: My son is 12 years old and he was per many resident of USA (he had a green card) and his dad is citizen. He got his US passport one year ago but not a certificate of citizenship. How can we get his citizenship certificate?

Answer: You can apply to get your son a Certificate of Citizenship. However, it is not necessary. A U.S. passport is proof of citizenship.

My son is 10 years old
by: Anonymous

Question: My son is 10 years old and he is a permanent resident of USA (he has a green card). Me and my wife are citizens of USA. Can he receive his US citizenship outside of US in the USA Embassy of my Homeland or he needs to come back to US to receive it?

Answer: A child born outside of the United States automatically becomes a citizen of the United States when all of the following conditions have been fulfilled:

* At least one of the child’s parents is a U.S. citizen by birth or naturalization;
* The child is under 18 years of age;
* The child is residing in or has resided in the United States in the legal and physical custody of the U.S. citizen parent pursuant to a lawful admission for permanent residence.

It is not necessary that your son be residing in the United States in order to obtain U.S. citizenship. However, you must prove that he did at one time reside in the United States.

His green card only proves that he was lawfully admitted to the United States. Separate evidence establishing that the child has resided in the United States in the legal and physical custody of the U.S. citizen parent(s) may be requested.

Please contact the U.S. Embassy or Consulate for assistance with this issue.

I'm a USA citizen and my son is 17 yrs old and a permanent residence. How can I apply for US passport?
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a USA citizen and my son is 17 yrs old. We're here in Korea because my husband works as a contractor. I applied for US passports for both of us but they said no to my son becaue they want us to submit a "Certificate of Citizenship"? What should I do? He's a permanent resident and I want get a US passport before he turns 18 next year. Please help me. What can I do?

Answer: It is not possible to obtain either a passport or a Certificate of Citizenship for your son if he is not residing in the United States. The N-600, Application for Certificate of Citizenship state the following conditions.

1. Your parent must be a U.S. citizen;

2. You must be the biological child of that U.S. citizen parent;

3. You must be lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence; and

4. You must be living in the United States in the legal and physical custody of your U.S. citizen parent.

These conditions must be met before the applicant turns 18 years of age.

My mother became a citizen before I was 18 but I'm 25 now.
by: Anonymous

Question: I know I waited too long for this but my aunt told me that's how she got her son's passport when she became a US citizen. I have all the proof needed to prove I'm a citizen through my mother. I would like to know if I can just go and get a passport without a citizenship certificate? If so, what do I need?

Answer: You should apply for a new passport at an application acceptance facility. Besides all the regular requirements, you need to submit the following.

Proof of your relationship to the U.S. citizen parent. For the biological child of the U.S. citizen this will usually be a certified copy of the foreign birth certificate (and translation if not in English). In circumstances where it is not clear that the birth certificate is adequate proof of a biological relationship between the child and the U.S. citizen parent, other types of evidence, including medical and/or DNA tests, may be requested;

Proof that you are residing or have resided in the United States in the legal and physical custody of the U.S. citizen parent(s) pursuant to a lawful admission for permanent residence. The I-551 stamp endorsed in your foreign passport or your permanent resident or "green" card will establish lawful admission for permanent residence, but not the fact that you are residing in or have resided in the United States as required by INA 320(a)(3). Separate evidence establishing that you have resided in the United States in the legal and physical custody of the U.S. citizen parent(s) may be requested;

Proof that you are or were under the age of 18 when all conditions were met.

18 year old applying for passport
by: Grainne

Question: Hello. We naturalized 2010 my daughter was 11, we applied for US passports and received them for us and her. She is now 18 her passport expired last week and she needs to renew or apply for a new one. She does not have a document of naturalization. Do we send her ours and her original birth certificate to support the application-will she ever get a naturalization certificate of her own or is it because she is now applying as an adult? Thanks.

Answer: Your daughter must apply in person for a new passport at an application acceptance facility. She can submit her previously-issued passport as evidence of U.S. citizenship. For more information, visit http://uspsg.net/newppt

U.S. citizen mom wants a U.S. passport for her 9 year old who carries a green card
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a US citizen and my 9-year-old holds a green card. I want to apply to get her a US passport. Can I do that? What form will I need to send? Where do I send them to and from where?

Answer: All passport applicants must prove both U.S. citizenship to be issued a U.S. passport. If your daughter does not have a Certificate of Citizenship, then you must submit the following.

* Proof of the child's relationship to the U.S. citizen parent. For the biological child of the U.S. citizen this will usually be a certified copy of the foreign birth certificate (and translation if not in English).

* Proof that the child is residing or has resided in the United States in the legal and physical custody of the U.S. citizen parent(s) pursuant to a lawful admission for permanent residence.

* Proof that the child is or was under the age of 18 when all conditions are met.

For a list of other required documents, visit How to Get a Passport for a Minor.

For further assistance, contact the National Passport Inforation Center by calling 1-877-487-2778 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays.

my status
by: Anonymous

Question: So my mom has beat into me that I am a citizen cause she is. I am 17 and applying for colleges. I will soon become independent. So, would I still be a citizen? Or must I apply for my passport now?

Answer: If you were born in the United States, you are a U.S. citizen by birth. If you were born outside the United States, then you have automatic citizenship in the following circumstance.

You were residing as a Green Card holder in the U.S. and both parents naturalized before your 18th birthday; OR

If one parent died, that the surviving parent naturalized before you turned 18.

If the parents legally separated, that the parent maintaining legal and physical custody naturalized before you turned 18.

If you were born out of wedlock and paternity has not been established by legitimation, the mother naturalized before you turned 18.

If any of the above apply to you and you beleive that you do possess U.S. citizenship, then you need to apply for a Certificate of Citizenship. This serves as evidence of citizenship when applying for a passport.

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How to Renew a U.S. Passport Fast
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About the Author: For over 20 years, the U.S. Passport Service Guide team has helped hundreds of thousands of travelers with their travel document questions and shared advice about how to make traveling abroad simpler, safer, and more enjoyable.

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