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How do I get a passport if I've been denied because of child support?

by Hope / Walter
(Snellville, GA usa)

Question: I'm trying to travel in 10 days but just received notice that my passport was denied because of arrears. The court order when into effect December 10th of last year. I agreed to pay the arrears with my current support. Only paying $50 of my $489 payment a month. What are my chances of getting my passport approved before my departure on September 15? What steps do I need to take? It's a holiday weekend and I can't do anything until Tuesday.

Answer: The only way to get a passport if you are in arrears of child support is to make acceptable arrangements for payment of the arrears.

Following is the process that must be completed in order for you to obtain your U.S. Passport. It is based on Section 51.70 (a) (8) of Title 22 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

1. Before you submit the application for a United States passport, you should enter into contact with the state agency to which you owe child support and make arrangement to pay your arrears.

2. Then the State Child Support Enforcement Agency needs to report the fact that acceptable payment arrangements have been made to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

3. Following this, HHS has to remove your name from their list of those with unpaid arrears and send the updated list to the U.S. Department of State.

4. Finally, Passport Services has to receive the updates list from HHS and verify that your name has been removed before your passport application can be processed.

Note, it may take 2-3 weeks after being notified that arrangements for payment have been made before Passport Services is permitted to process your application.

Comments for How do I get a passport if I've been denied because of child support?

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Arrears terminated
by: Anonymous

Question: My arrears were terminated by the mother of my child. What’s the next step in me applying for a passport?

Answer: You need to contact the Office of Child Support Enforcement handling your case. If sufficient arrangements/agreements have been made, the office will take your name off the passport denial list and notify passport services. When this is confirmed, you may apply for your passport.

If Parents agree
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. I owe around 30k in child support. I have a current amount taken out of my check and an additional amount taken out for back support every week. If my ex is in agreement as well, and is willing to put this in writing to the enforcement agency, is it possible to allow me to have a passport to travel as long as payments continue to remain current?

Answer: As a general rule, your debt should be paid in full in order to be taken off the passport denial list. You need to contact the enforcement agency to make arrangements and then they can decide if the arrangement is sufficient. If they decide to take you off the denial list, they will be the one to notify passport services.

Exception with outstanding chid support
by: Anonymous

Question: My friend owes close to $200k in child support due to missing his trial and his wife getting a default decree. He does not have the ability to pay. He has a child overseas. His passport has expired preventing him travel. Is there a way for him to get an exception to renew his passport. He is on a payment plan but it is impossible for him to pay off $200k in his life time. He is very worried. Any ideas?

Answer: Please have your friend contact the Office of Child Support Enforcement handling his case.

US travel passport agency error
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a paid trip for June 29th. I paid for expedited 7-9 weeks passport renewal; I got a letter dated June 15th from US travel passport agency on Jun 24th, 2023 that my passport cannot be processed due to my child support arrears.

Not understanding that when I been off child support since August 2022 paid in full to zero balance. I also sent a copy of zero balance child summary to US travel passport agency. Hope I don’t lose out my 8,000.00 trip due their error. Military veterans get no break with the government you served for.

Answer: You need to contact the Office of Child Support Enforcement that handled your case and tell them about the error. Once confirmed, they can take your name off the list and your application will proceed.

This may take up to 3 weeks so you might have to adjust your bookings. I strongly recommend not making any final arrangements until you receive your passport.

by: Anonymous

Question: My child support case was closed on 6/1, can I use a letter of clearance from the child support agency to get my passport even if HSS has not cleared my name from its Certification List?

Answer: You need to have your name removed from the denial list before you apply for your passport.

Time of process
by: Anonymous

Question: I paid the balance of my Arrears in Jan of 2023, a few months later I received the payment history on my account that shows a zero balance. I want to apply for a passport but the account still shows active though I was told it takes 60 days to close the account. It has now been five months, how do I know it is safe to apply for a passport?

Answer: You may contact the Office of Child Support Enforcement handling your case to find out for sure that you have been taken off the passport denial list.

Can I use my passport?
by: Anonymous

Question: My passport was suspended due to having back child support. I have made arrangements for my back child support to be paid. Is there anything I can do so that I can use my passport to travel out of the country while still making payments?

Answer: Please contact the Office of Child Support Enforcement handling your case regarding your passport suspension.

Have paid. Now what?
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello, I was denied a passport for child support and have paid it off. The letter said I needed to call. I have tried calling and waited on hold for hours literally. What do I do now?

Answer: The state agency reports to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) that you've made payment of what you owe. HHS then removes your name from their list and reports this to passport services. This may take 2-3 weeks. Once passport services verifies that your name as been taken off the list, your application will proceed.

Would I receive a new passport if I was still denied?
by: Press

Question: My North Carolina caseworker told me 8 months ago that my passport had been canceled even though I was only $239 behind in Florida. I have of course since paid that and am not in arrears.

I applied for and received my new passport because my old one was going to expire before I leave the country for a trip in November. My wife is paranoid that my new passport would not be active also even though I received it from the state agency last week. If it was still denied, there is no way I would have received the new one, right?

Answer: There is no need to worry. Your passport is valid for travel. Have a safe trip!

Paid child support.
by: Kevin C

Question: I have paid my child support off. I have tried calling. I am unable to get anyone on the phone. Will my passport process on its own? or will I need to let them know that I have paid?

Answer: You need to contact the Office of Child Support Enforcement. The agency handling your case will notify HHS that you have made payment and that your name should be taken off the list. Once passport services verify that your name has been removed, your passport application will be processed.

by: Anonymous

Question: I applied for my passport with expedited 5-7 weeks of processing. 5 weeks later, I received a denial letter regarding child support arrears. Per instructions, I received a case closure letter from the state and sent it off, along with a copy of the denial letter.

1). How long will it take to get my passport once the documents are received? Will expedited processing still apply?
2) Why do I have to physically mail in documents to a PO Box, when everything is done electronically?

Answer: 1. It takes about 2 to 3 weeks HHS to remove your name from the denial list. Once the Department of State verifies that your name has been taken off the list, your application will proceed as an expedited service. It should take 5 to 7 weeks to complete. So in total, your wait time should be around 10 weeks excluding mailing times.

2. Mailing remains the standard method of submission for most applications for government services.

by: Mike

Question: If I am on SSI DISABILITY but owe back pay more than $2500. Am I able to get a passport?

Answer: Please contact the agent handling your child support case for answers to your question.

Passport for work
by: Anonymous

Question: I owe arrears and am on the denial list but I am making payments. Is there a way to get the passport for work despite arrears not being paid in full?

Answer: Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case to find out if it's possible to get your name off the denial list.

CS Arrears has been paid, how long before passport?
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm renewing my passport and I paid my arrears a month ago. How long does it take for the system to update my case in order to get my renewed passport approved?

Answer: It takes about 2 to 3 weeks for HHS to notify the Department of State's passport services that your name has been removed from the denial list. Once passport services has verified that you're no longer on the list, your passport application will be processed.

Standard service currently takes 6 to 9 weeks while expedited service takes 3 to 5 weeks. These processing times do not include shipping times on the front and back end.

Passport Denied
by: Anonymous

Question: I had an old child support case that was completed. I have never owed more than $2500 in child support but I was denied a passport due to the dept of HHS and they gave me no details. I am beyond annoyed but clearly, no one can give me answers.

Answer: We cannot provide answers as well since we are not a government agency. We recommend that you contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case to clarify this.

I’m disabled but I have a child support debt
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi guys, I’m disabled and social security takes some amount to pay my child support, I owe more than 50,000. Can I get a passport now that I’m disabled ?? Where do I have to go?

Answer: Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case regarding your concern.

US citizenship renunciation
by: Anonymous

Question: My children are adults, but I owe back CS and I still have a valid passport. I've lived overseas for 10 years, and I am in the process of applying for US citizenship renunciation, can my renunciation be denied if I owe CS?

Answer: Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case for answers to your question.

Citizenship renunciation
by: Anonymous

Question: Can I renounce my US citizenship once my passport is on the denial list?

Answer: Please contact the USCIS for questions regarding citizenship.

Denied for Child Support but I dont have kids.
by: Anonymous

Question: I receive a letter that my passport was denied for unpaid child support. The thing is I don't have any children. I reached out to the local child support service and they confirmed. Sent the State Dept proof. What else can I do to get this cleared up?

Answer: If you have already sent proof that you do not have any children, your application should be approved and processing should commence. Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

Waiting for approval
by: Anonymous

Question: Applied for a passport in January I was denied due to arrears. Paid the full amount in February and now it's May and my status is still in process. My trip is in 6 weeks and I have been in weekly contact with the Child Support Enforcement Agency and she doesn't understand what the hold up is either. How do I find out what I can do to get my passport? It's been 3 months, not 3 weeks.

Answer: Please call the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 regarding your concern.

by: Anonymous

Question: I submitted an application for a passport. A week later I received a letter stating that I could not get a passport because I owed back child support. I do have dual citizenship so I traveled with my Denmark passport to my dad's funeral. Can I travel back to the US without my passport but with my FL drivers license?. If not, can I get a passport overseas to return to the US despite my child support debt (I'm on a plan payment right now).

Answer: You need a U.S. passport (valid or recently expired) to re-enter the United States. While you will not be expressly denied entry, you may face considerable delays at your point of entry.

Please contact the U.S. Embassy in Copenhagen or the consulate in Nuuk about getting a passport to travel back. Your child support case may still affect your ability to get a passport but you can still try.

Paid arrears years ago.
by: Ben

Question: I paid my arrears off in 2016. I have a passport and did at that time. I called the state that had the hold on it and confirmed they released the hold in 2016. What guarantee do I have that the state department has the correct status? Can't get my flight to walk away from a 10k family vacation because someone didn't check a box. How do I confirm I'm good to go? Do I need a new passport or is the one I have (unexpired) go to use?

Answer: If your current passport still meets the requirements of your destination, you should be able to use it for your upcoming trip.

You may contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency that handled your case or the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 to confirm that you have been taken off the denial list.

Awaiting Name Removal
by: Andrew

Question: Is there a number I can contact directly to see if my name has been taken off hold? I paid my child support off and since it was a large amount, ORS has a hold on it until 5/23/2022. Then they can release it on their end to Federal.

I know it takes 2-3 wks to be released on their end. But who can I call to make sure I am off the list to go apply for my passport? (I am hopefully going to attend my family reunion out of the country and need to know if I need to make arrangements).

Answer: You need to contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case. They should be able to provide a more concrete timeline so you can make the arrangements.

Denied passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I was denied my passport because I owe arrears. I have a court order to pay 100 a month until my arrears are paid in full.

I was even denied my tax return of 5700 and that was taken from me to pay my balance. If my ex and I agreed on 100 a month and we have a court order to garnish it from my check every week, why was I still denied my renewal? I even paid the extra fee to get my passport expedited.

Answer: As a general rule, your arrears must be paid in full in order to be taken off the passport denial list. Please check with the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case to find out how much you still owe so you can make payment of the remaining arrears and be taken off the list.

Need passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I have been paying my arrears for over 10 years, my kids are grown and married, the mother is deceased. Is there any way I can stop paying the arrears now to get a passport?

Answer: Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case to regarding your concern.

Arrears paid
by: Anonymous

Question: I received a letter in January. Paid arrears in full. HHS confirmed they removed my name. I sent documents to NPIC. I received a second identical letter in March. What is the hold-up?

Answer: We do not have access to the information you require. Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 regarding your concern.

Disabled while in arrears for child support
by: Anonymous

Question: I was recently granted SSI and I am fully disabled. I was wondering if I could get a passport now even though I was in the arrear before being granted my disability?

Answer: Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case to find out if there are any changes in light of your current situation.

by: Anonymous

Question: If I'm 200 dollars behind on child support, do they put me on the passport denial list?

Answer: Only those who owe over $2500 in child support are placed in the passport denial list.

by: Anonymous

Question: If I owe 14k in child support and just paid 5202 and I have extra payments being taken out on my paycheck, can I still get a passport? My passport status still says processing. How long will it hold my passport status before denial or acceptance? I spoke to child support today and they said they would send a notice to whoever makes the decisions to get me off the denial list.

Answer: It takes several weeks for your name to be taken off the denial list once acceptable payment arrangements are made.

Insufficient Information
by: Anonymous

Question: If my passport is denied because of insufficient information, will the passport office return all my paperwork so I can reapply? What happens next? I'm so concerned.

Answer: Your application will not be denied right away. Passport services will contact you with instructions on how and where to send a new form. Please keep an eye out for a letter and email from the Department of State.

Passport denial
by: Anonymous

Question: If my passport is on hold due to child support, can I get the hold temporally removed due to a death of an immediate family member overseas which I have to go to?

Answer: Passports are not normally placed "on hold" due to child support. If you have a passport, you are likely able to travel with it. However, if you do not have a passport or need to renew one, you need to settle your arrears in full before you can be taken off the denial list.

Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case for more information.

Special circumstances
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I’m behind in my CS and am unable to pay due to being out of work. My grandmother who raised me lives overseas is really sick and probably will not live very long. My question would be is there any way I can be granted a temporary passport to attend her funeral when the time comes?

Answer: As a general rule, your arrears need to be paid in full in order to be taken off the passport denial list. Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case to find out if any concessions can be made in your situation.

by: Anonymous

Question: Child support took any & all arrears which wasn't much from my bank account. I received a letter from CSEA on the 3rd of this month stating PAID IN FULL.

Spoke with a Supervisor on Mon the 13th & Thursday the 16th of this week. She said they spoke to the appropriate people & I should be receiving my passport. I wake up today with a denial letter dated the 6th & my birth certificate. They knew I had to go through hearings and everything. Child Support did say that they notified them so this wouldn't happen. Please help.

Answer: It takes 2 to 3 weeks for your name to be taken off the denial list. It must have been a miscommunication between the agencies. Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 for further assistance.

How do I get my passport?
by: Martin Robledo

Question: I applied for a passport and was denied due to past-due child support. I have since paid the amount in question at the child support agency. What do I do to get my passport?

Answer: The State Child Support Agency handling your case will notify the Department of State passport services regarding your removal from the denial list. This will take between 2 and 3 weeks. Once removed, your application will resume processing.

Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

Almost Caught Up
by: Anonymous

Question: As of this message, I am only $437.41 behind in CS but and that is from the interest that built up when I was behind. I want to know in advance of when I get it to $0 how I get the ball rolling with the Texas Attorney General on getting this going.

For once I would like to go to the UK to visit family instead of them coming out here to visit me. I know thanks to income taxes I will totally have that amount paid off, so ending of February beginning of March as I file my taxes early every year. I want to know because the moment the arrears say $0 for the interest, I want to get my passport situation fixed so I can visit family in the summer. This would be also my first time traveling outside the US so this would be a big thing for me.

Answer: Based on information from the Department of State's website, it takes about 2 to 3 weeks for HHS to take your name off the passport denial list after your arrears are paid in full. Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case for more information.

denial list
by: Jaime

Question: If I am on the passport denial list, would I have received a letter saying I am on that list?

Answer: No, you will not be notified. If you owe over $2500 in child support, you are automatically entered into the denial list. You will only be notified if your passport is revoked.

Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case for more information.

Emergency travel document
by: Anonymous

Question: Is it legally possible to get an emergency temporary travel document due to the death of a family member if my passport has been revoked because of child support payments?

Answer: Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case to discuss the possibility. You may also contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778.

Passport withheld despite agreement made with HHS
by: Anonymous

Question: A few months ago we reached an agreement during my child support hearing wherein the arrears was decided after deducting my regular monthly contributions. It was unanimously decided that the arrears would be spread out and included into the monthly support amount which is deducted on a biweekly basis from my check, does this not constitute an acceptable agreement with HHS to void a hold on my passport renewal?

Answer: The general rule is that the arrears must be paid in full first before you can be taken off the list. It is possible that you need to wait until the whole amount is paid off, albeit spread out, before you are taken off the list. This is just my assumption so you need to contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case to clarify the matter.

Ineligible due to child support
by: Anonymous

Question: My husband received a letter stating he was ineligible on 8/24 due to child support arrears. The letter said he has 90 days to payoff or be denied.

On 9/3 he paid in full. On 9/14 we received an email from CS saying hold was released and passport has been notified. Now, what is the next step? I sent a letter to passport services letting them know the hold was removed, but when I called I was told to resubmit a new application. I'm so confused. Our trip is October 23 and we did select expedited shipping.

Answer: There should be no need to resubmit the requirements since it has not been 90 days since the original submission. Please contact the NPIC again and ask to speak to a supervisor to clarify this.

Application paid for expedited services
by: Anonymous

Question: I paid for my passport application and receive expedited services. I then received a letter in the mail that it has been denied due to child support arrears. I paid the arrears in full and contacted my state who then notified DHS. It’s been 3 weeks. Once they have removed me from the list will my application still be expedited? I’m due to travel in 7 days.

Answer: Yes, the application should still be expedited. Expedited service can take up to 12 weeks.

Since you are traveling in a week, you need to follow up at a regional agency. Agencies require an appointment which must be within 3 business days of your departure date.

Schedule an Appointment

Please confirm with DHS that you have been removed from the denial list.

Arrears paid 3 weeks ago no info if name off list
by: Anonymous

Question: I paid 2375.00 almost 3 weeks ago! How does one find out if my name is off the list and passport can be processed? Getting zero answers from HHS. They said the caseworker would call in 4-6 weeks! So is it 2-3 weeks for name removal or 4-6 when a caseworker decides to call. Honeymoon set for October 16. What is a due diligent process in getting answers and not sitting on hold for 4 hours?

Governor of Missouri told us backed up from Covid so do we cancel or is there hope for a honeymoon?

Answer: We do not have access information on specific child support cases. We can only tell give you information that's available online (which you already know).

We recommend contacting the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case again to followup on your name's removal from the denial list.

Once removed, you may apply for a passport and request for expedited service. Note that this may take up to 12 weeks. Count 12 weeks from the time you are able to submit your application and judge from there if you need to cancel your trip or not.

Are applications held if denied
by: Anonymous

Question: How long are applications held if denied, to pay arrears?

Answer: It usually takes 2 to 3 weeks for HHS to remove your name from the denial list after the State Agency reports that appropriate payments/arrangements have been made. Once passport services verifies that your name has been removed, they will process your application.

We strongly recommend that you pay your arrears in full before submitting a passport application to avoid complications.

by: Anonymous

Question: I paid my child support off in full. Is there anyway to get off the list sooner than 2-3 weeks?

Answer: Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case regarding your concern.

Dilation of a hold on passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I am disabled. I used to make direct payment to the ex-wife. After 14 years of making direct payment to her, she reported to the AG I never paid child support. The AG sent my name to the HHS list. I cannot get my passport. How long the hold stays in effect. The two children are adults now.

Answer: Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency regarding the issue. They may need proof that you have been paying child support like fund transfer records, receipts, etc.

Closed account
by: Anonymous

Question: Can I renew my passport with a closed child support case?

Answer: If by "closed case" you mean that all arrears have been paid in full, your name is likely off the denial list. You may renew your passport.

Does $2,500 include interest
by: Anonymous

Question: Does the $2,500 amount include interest or is it just the arrears? In other words, if I pay the arrears to below $2,500 but still owe more in interest will I be denied?

Answer: The full amount (arrears and interest) must be paid in full in order to be taken off the passport denial list. Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

by: Storm

I keep seeing the same thing. "If you owe more than $2500 in child support arrears you will not be able to get a passport". The truth is if you owe $100, 500, $1000, in arrears they won't take your name off the list. What you can do is make a deal with the custodial parent to pay off the arrears in full. Say you owe $10K in arrears, you can settle on paying $6k in full if they agree and probably get the state to waive any fees also. You would have to do this for all of your arrears if there is multiple children and do it at the same time.

Confused in Minnesota
by: Anonymous

Question: I've already signed payment arrangements to pay back arrears with the state I live in (Minnesota). After talking to my child support officer, she keeps telling me that all the arrears have to be paid before they will remove my name from the list. Is she wrong? If so, should I go above her head and talk to her supervisor? I really only need a passport for 2 weeks, after that I really don't care to have one.

Answer: She is not wrong. The arrears need to be paid in full to be taken off the denial list.

Ineligible list
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi! How can I find out if I'm still on the ineligible list to get a passport. I was due to child support arrears, but have my balance down now below $2500.

Answer: The arrears must be paid in full in order to be taken off the list. Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency for more information.

Child support with expiring EAD
by: Anonymous

Question: Can a judge order for EAD renewal if you're being taken to court for child support and the EAD expires a month after court date? I'm not interested in renewing. Thanks.

Answer: Please speak to a lawyer regarding your legal issues.

Passport application denied
by: Alex

Question: I am a US citizen and my passport application was denied due to my arrears in child support. My question is what if I get my citizenship in Nicaragua and get a Nicaraguan passport will I be able to travel in and out of the United States with a foreign passport and avoid a travel denial?

Answer: Please consult a lawyer regarding the legality of your plan.

by: GHS

Question: It says right in this article that "IF PROPER PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE".

Why do you tell the guy in the comments below "Per Department of State, your name can only be taken off the denial list when the child support debt is paid in full."

So which is it? What gives? I thought this was through the U.S. Department of State. Are you trying to say it is up to the individual states? Sounds like a lot of double talk.

Thanks, Andrew

Answer: Hi, Andrew. Here is what the State Department's web site says regarding child support payments in verbatim:

"If you owe $2,500 or more in child support, you are not eligible to receive a U.S. passport.

Pay your child support arrears to the appropriate state child support enforcement agency before applying for your passport.

If You've Already Applied for your Passport

1. Make arrangements to pay your child support arrears with the appropriate state child support enforcement agency.
2. The state agency reports to HHS that you've made acceptable payment arrangements.
3. HHS removes your name from their list and reports this to us. This may take 2-3 weeks.
4. We verify that HHS removed your name.
5. We process your application normally.

Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency for more information.

by: Danno

Question: Have had acceptable arrangements for 15 yrs, and is paid down to $2200 interest only. State CS Agency refuses to remove Passport Denial til paid in full. Can they bluff & BS ? Do I have any recourse?

Answer: Per Department of State, your name can only be taken off the denial list when the child support debt is paid in full.

How do I get a green card holder in the passport denial list?
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi my ex husband owes 45,000 dollars of Child support. He always travels back and forth to the Dominican Republic and he never gets caught. He is also able to renew his passport. How do I get him in the denial list for passports?

Answer: The denial list only applies to U.S. passport applicants. Since he is a green card holder, you need to speak to a lawyer to find out if there's legal precedence in putting a hold on the other parent's travels.

by: Josue M

Question: Hello, I want to take out my passport but they had denied it cause of the payments. If the mother takes me off child support for 2 months, will I get my passport?

Answer: Hello, Josue. Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case for answers to your question.

Child Support Arrears over 18
by: Anonymous

Question: My kids are all over 18 years old. I owe about 15,000 in back support. I currently pay almost $900 a month in arrears. I was told if you make arrangements with child support to pay off the arrears, and again I have no current monthly obligations, they they can take your name off the blocked list. Is this true? When I called them they said no, all arrears must be paid in full before they take a name off the list.

Answer: If they said they cannot take you off the list because of your child support debt, it is so. The decision of taking one off the denial list is on the child support enforcement agency handling the case.

by: Anonymous

Question: Hello, I have a valid Passport but just received a notice that I’ve been placed on the denial list. I also have applied for a visa to another country. Is my passport still good to be used? Will my visa be denied?

Answer: You should still be able to use your passport and the child support issue should not affect your visa application.

by: Anonymous

Question: I need my passport for work to travel out of country and usually return same day. I was denied due to child support back pay. Can my job provide me with a letter saying that it is for work only? I need passport to pay my child support.

Answer: Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case to make arrangements.

Child support in collections
by: Anonymous

Question: My past child support is in collections. Will this affect my passport?

Answer: If you currently have a valid passport, it should not be affected by your child support issues.

Discovering which state agency has reported me
by: Daniel

Question: How do I go about finding out which state agency has reported me for back child support. I have children in three different states and have arrangements in place with all state agencies how to remove their payments from my income check every month. So how would I find out which agencies have reported me so I know which ones to contact to have them send in the forms to release me for a passport?

Answer: You need to contact each State Child Support Enforcement Agency you have cases with to find out.

by: Anonymous

Question: Can I renew my passport if I owe child support?

Answer: If you over $2500 in child support, your renewal application will be denied.

Passport question
by: TDJ

Question: I am currently paying $1050/monthly for child support including arrears for my one daughter. Will I be able to apply for a passport? Who do I contact to ensure my name is off the ineligible list?

Thank you!

Answer: Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case regarding your concern.

Emergency travel
by: Anonymous

Question: My father is near death in Haiti. I owe more than $10000 child support. Kids are grown. Any way I can be granted permission to travel?

Answer: If you have a valid passport, you may travel. If you do not, you need to contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case.

Past due child support waived
by: Anonymous

Question: If my child support order has been cancelled and back pay has been waived, what do I do to get my passport?

Answer: HHS needs to take you off the denial list and notify the State Department about the fact. This takes around 2 to 3 weeks. Once this is confirmed, you may submit your passport application.

Please help!
by: Anonymous

Question: So I’ve been making child support payments the last 4 years but owe 20k. Could I get my passport or do I need to pay off everything before?

Answer: The debt must be paid in full in order to be taken off the passport denial list. Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case for more information.

Passport card
by: Anonymous

Question: I need proof of citizenship in order to renew my drivers license. But my passport was revoked due child support arrears. Can I still get a passport card to show proof of citizenship?

Answer: If you still owe over $2500 in child support, your application for a passport card will still be denied. You can use other forms of citizenship evidence instead like your U.S. birth certificate or Citizenship/Naturalization Certificate if you are not a natural-born American.

CP arranges
by: Anonymous

Question: My fiancee and I want to take a cruise next spring . He has arrears on his child support but he is paying it back along with his regular support. Can he get a passport?

Answer: The arrears need to be paid in full in order to be taken off the denial list. Please have him contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling his case for more information.

My dad is stuck in foreign country
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. My dad has been in China for the last 18 years but he is legally a U.S. citizen. When he left 18 years ago, he was not aware he was put on child support by the state, so when he reapplied for a U.S. passport, he had accumulated over $100,000 of child support back payments. He has no way of coming back, and he is stuck in a foreign country with no passport and no citizenship. How can he come back since he has been put on the passport denial list? I need help to know the appropriate steps to take.

Answer: First step is to contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling his case to make arrangements and discuss his inclusion in the denial list. Once the child support issue is resolved, he may contact the U.S. Embassy in Beijing or any of the U.S. consulates located all over China regarding his passport.

Military passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I am joining the military soon and my spouse owes more than 2,500 back child support from his previous marriage/children. I may be deploying over seas and was wondering if he would or would not be eligible for a no fee passport to travel with me and our children.

Answer: He may be able to apply for a military dependent passport. Please contact the travel desk of your military installation to verify this.

Passport Card
by: Anonymous

Question: If my passport book was denied because of child support, would my passport card be denied as well?

Answer: Yes, it will be unless you make acceptable payment arrangements and pay your arrears in full.

by: A.J.

Question: So, here is a two part question:

1. Are there any exceptions, for any reason, that will someone on this list to receive a Passport?

2. Since no current support is due in my case, all the kids are well into their 20's, does this make a difference if it is only old arrears?

Answer: Hi, AJ. Your questions are best answered by the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case.

by: Anonymous

Question: I am inquiring about having my passport block lifted. I have had my passport denied because of child support arrears. The only reason I have an arrears is because I was automatically billed for 2 years of back child support when I went to court. I currently have never missed a payment since January 2013. As a government employee, I have made every payment on time. Also, I have less than 15 monthly payments left to be completely through with paying off my arrears. I was advised since I have made my payments on time and currently follow my agreement, I could request this block be lifted. What is considered an agreement?

Answer: Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case regarding your concern.

Passport renewal
by: Anonymously

Question: Can I get my passport renewed if I owe less than $3000.00 to the IRS?

Answer: You should be able to.

Denied but Paid off
by: Anonymous

Question: If I was put on hold for a passport but paid off my balance, how long does it take to get my passport? Also can I then get my passport expedited?

Answer: It usually takes 2 to 3 weeks for DHS to notify passport services that you are no longer in the denial list. Once this is confirmed, you may request for expedited service.

What’s the time frame from being removed from the HHS list?
by: Anonymous

Question: I made acceptable payment arrangements with the state child support enforcement agency last year for the balance of my arrears. The program is a year contract that expires in July of 2019. My current balance according to the agency is $1,389. As part of the arrangements made, at the end of the program any balance will be forgiven as long as I make consistent payments which I have.
My passport expired last year, so as I applied for renewal, my passport application was denied, my arrears at that time was over the $2,500 minimum.

I applied again for my passport as I have lowered my balance under the state minimum required, again I was denied because my name was put on the HHS list. I have a flight purchased and scheduled to leave in 3 days. If I go in person to the the child support office and request to be removed from the list will that be cleared in enough time to make my flight. Is 3 days enough time?

Answer: According to the State Department's website, removal from the HHS list and reporting said removal to passport services takes 2 to 3 weeks. Please contact the HHS for more information.

Time it takes to know your passport has been denied?
by: Anonymous

Question: Approximately how many days does it takes to know that your passport have been denied for child support reasons?

Answer: There is no set timeline. Please call customer service at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

Child support military
by: Anonymous

Question: Saw the answer for my question on deployment passport. Military passport was what we applied for and denied. A no fee military passport. Does that still require that clearance? We have the letter and sending. Will that work?

Answer: Please contact the travel desk of your unit regarding your concern.

What are acceptable arrangements
by: Anonymous

Question: If I have an order saying I will have child support & arrears taken directly from my paycheck and the other parent agrees to me getting my passport in the order. Does the count as an acceptable arrangement? Will that allow me to get my passport even if I am 17k in arrears?

Answer: Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case.

Child support
by: Anonymous

Question: Deploying in 8 weeks, no fee passport denied because of $7400 back child support. I am already in a payment plan. I saw on the Florida web page that you can request through some letter, from an 04 and above, saying because of your military duties to approve to be taken of the denial list. Has anyone done this and how quick can it be accomplished?

Answer: You need a military passport for your deployment. If you want to obtain a civilian (blue) passport for leisure/business travel, you have to contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case about being taken off the denial list.

Ex-husband 5000 in arrears and got passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My ex-husband has not made a payment since last October, and made only a few since last April to October. We went to court and he was told he had to pay the arrears and I agreed to reduce his weekly child support to just help me with medical, since he owed $5,000 and wasn't paying. He still isn't paying and on Saturday he received his passport in the mail along with his other family members who are all traveling in January. How did this happen? He has been more than 4,500 in arrears since last April 2018. How was he able to get his passport? Yes, this is through a court order and YES we had a trial that the judge ruled that he was in contempt. I contacted the local state agency about this and they still have not responded to me. As my ex boasts that he isn't going to pay the arrears, this was really the last hope of possibly getting him to pay his arrears and now he has his passport.

Answer: You may call the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case to clarify the situation.

Child Support is cleared
by: CB Anonymous

Question: I have documents stating that I no longer owe any further payments for Child support. Yet I am still not cleared in the database. My trip is scheduled for tomorrow. I have been in contact with the passport office almost daily. Today, I was told that I need to wait to hear from D.C. and to call back in the morning. Will it be possible to get this cleared up before my 8:00 p.m. flight?

Answer: Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency regarding your concern.

I would like to get my passport
by: William

Question: I'm working currently with a temp agency and they want to give me a job working for a cruise line. I applied for my passport but they sent me a letter stating that child support has a denial on it.

What should I do to get the passport so I can get the job for the cruise line? Other than that, I would lose this job because they're waiting on me to get my passport. But child support has a hold on it.

I would really love to get this job, it is a great opportunity for me. They're already taking money out of my pay and back child support pay and they're also taking my income tax. What should I do?

Answer: Your child support debt must paid in full or acceptable payment arrangements need to be made in order for your name to be taken off the passport denial list. Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case for further assistance.

Child support
by: Anonymous

Question: I already have my passport, it does not expire until 2027. I pay what I can for child support but I am in arrears. I do a lot of travel for my work. I am worried that my passport may be denied because I recently exceeded the $5,000 amount. Is there anyway to check whether this is the case or not before I leave the country again? If this is how I make my main source of income at the moment then what steps do I need to make in order to prevent my passport from being denied? Any help would be great, thank you.

Answer: If your passport has been revoked, you will have been notified by mail. If this has not happened, you may travel overseas and back to the United States without issues.

Back child support
by: J Elkins

Question: My whole family is going to Cancun on March 14th and I can't go because I owe back child support. Everything is already paid for -- plane, hotel, everything. I'll have to cancel in the next few if I can't get my passport.

I don't owe nearly as much as they say I do because we lived together from 2004 to 2018. We were in a lease. The last 3 years of the lease, I paid the whole rent $1200.00 a month plus utilities. I have paid child support in the past. I thought that the court stopped the payment but it's been on going since 2002 now they say I owe $73.000. How can this be? I really want to go to Cancun with my family. I know my family will really miss me if I can't go. There must be a way. I have no problem paying back what I owe. Can anyone help? 407 575 8253. l hope and pray that everything will work out.

Answer: The computation of arrears, payment arrangements and removal from the passport denial list are all handles by the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case. Please contact them for assistance regarding your concern.

I have Child support Arrears
by: M Lamb

Question: Please help me. I have a child support arrears of $11,200.00, I made arrangements with the Child Support Agency to pay out of my SSA retirement payment $281.70 every month. Why are they not releasing my passport? I have a emergency in my country and need to travel.

Answer: The arrears must be paid in full for your name to be taken off the passport denial list. If your passport was held for some reason, you need to contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case regarding the issue.

Can I use my expired passport?
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I have a 2nd passport to travel and visit my elderly parents. Due to child support arrears I can't renew my USA passport.

My question is, can I use my expired USA passport with my 2nd passport to return back home to the states.

Thank you in advance.

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, you are bound by law to depart and re-enter the United States using your U.S. passport. If your second passport is a foreign passport, you will be violating the law by using it to leave the U.S.

by: Anonymous

Question: I have an emergency, my aunt died and I would like to attend the funeral ceremony but my ex requested back child support for our daughter and because of that I have been denied my U.S. passport . How could I get an emergency passport or something temporary to go to the funeral ceremony and come back?

Answer: Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case or passport services at 1-877-487-2778.

I pay child support but owe the arrears
by: Anonymous

Question: I pay child support every month and has been for 8 years but owe arrears. How can I get a passport?

Answer: Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case to find out if arrangements can be made so you can apply for your passport.

What if my children live outside the US?
by: Anonymous

Question: I cannot see or visit my children without a passport. As part of the original court agreement, it was specified that the enforcement of this rule would only happen at my ex’s request. She has written a letter supporting that I should be allowed to renew my passport - otherwise I am being denied the right to see my children. How can this be how this law is supposed to work?

Answer: Please consult a lawyer or contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case.

Child support through SSDI
by: Anonymous

Question: I became disabled from injuries December 2013. I could not work for 3 years and didn't file for a modification because I didn't think it would be a permanent thing. So every month I was racking up $2,500 per month in past due child support for one child even though his mother was married to a millionaire.

After 36 months, I began to receive SSDI and each month they garnish half of my check. My son stopped residing with his mother that same month and turned 18. I have paid $1,187 every month since May of 2016 and she received half of the back pay of 2 years from SSDI. I will be paying for 40 more months. Since the money comes from my SSDI it should not matter if I leave the country for a short while. What are my chances of getting a passport?

Answer: Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case regarding your concern.

Cruise travel
by: Anonymous

Question: I know that cruise lines do not require a passport for closed loop itineraries, departing and returning to the same U.S. port. I am a U.S. born citizen.

Is it possible to travel with my birth certificate and gov't issued ID on a 7-day cruise even if I have been denied a passport due to owing child support arrears?

Answer: Yes, you can travel with said documents.

Payment plan
by: Anonymous

Question: I have child support and it's more than 2500 that's owed. Any possible way to get a passport and pay payments to obtain passport while still currently paying child support? Or must I pay the entire bill 1st. There has to be some kind of way to get a passport. Please help.

Answer: You need to contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency regarding your concern.

Application fee
by: Anonymous

Question: About three or four years ago, I applied for a passport but I was denied because I owed child support back pay. Now I am all cleared up. Do I still have to pay the application fee over again?

Answer: Yes, you need to send a new application and pay the applicable fees.

Owe one state but paid off the one she is current in
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello, I am currently up to date in the state where she lives and the state we left behind has closed my case. Yet they won't let go of the arrears. Anything I can do? Can they still deny me since its closed in that state and the current state is up to date?

Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case.

My problem
by: Vann M

Question: Good day to you! I have a problem about the child support agency. I paid the balance in full, they said that after 3 weeks is they will remove my name from the denial list but after 3 weeks they still didn't remove my name.

They already stopped deducting from my salary and now it's been a month but they still haven't released my name. I'm very sad. I always call them every week but there is no progress at all. I really want to apply for a passport but I don't understand why the agency makes me suffer when I don't owe any money from them anymore.

What should I do?? Should I consult a lawyer and ask for help? What are things that I should do?? I always call them but no good news at all. Can I submit a application for passport a now or so I still need to wait for the release of my name?

Answer: The 3 weeks is just an approximation -- not a definite timeline. It is highly unlikely that the agency is making you "suffer" intentionally. At this point, all you can do is follow-up on your case so you can apply for your passport ASAP.

Work passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Can you get a passport for work purposes if you're paying child support?

Answer: You can apply for a passport. However, if you owe over $2500 in child support, your application will be denied unless the debt is paid in full.

Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case for payment arrangements.

Dual citizenship
by: Anonymous

Question: Been denied passport for CS arrears. I have used a passport from my country of origin to leave and re-entered with my Citizenship Certificate. I know that US citizens must leave with a U.S. passport. Is it illegal to leave with a dual passport? What is the penalty? Is it legal to re-enter w/ a Citizenship Cert.?

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, you are bound by law to depart and re-enter the United States using a valid U.S. passport. Please contact the CBP regarding penalties and sanctions.

Please answer me
by: Anonymous

Question: Good day to you! I paid my child support debt in full. I just want to ask if it take a few weeks for the child support department before they are going to send a request to HHS to remove my name in denial list. I am in hurry to get my passport. Please answer me.

Answer: It takes 2 to 3 weeks DHS to notify passport services that you have been removed from the denial list.

Acceptable payment arrangements
by: Anonymous

Question: Does "acceptable payment arrangements" mean the entire arreas owed? Or making a payment arrangement of a lump sum or monthly payments on top of what is currently being paid or taken out of a paycheck for child support?

Answer: This is better discussed with the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case.

Passport renewal
by: Anonymous

Question: I owe more then $2500 in back child support but I have set up payments. Would they still deny me a passport??

Answer: Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency to see if you can be taken off the passport denial list in light of the payment arrangements.

Trying to get a passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I owe about 2,800 in my balance for my child support and owe about 1,050 in arrears. Can I still get a passport?

Answer: Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case to find out if what you owe in total is substantial enough to disqualify you from getting a passport.

I can't understand HHS
by: Anonymous

Question: Last April 9, the Child Support Agency told me that I have a $2,400 balance and they told me to wait 3 weeks to follow up whether my name will be removed from the denial list or not.

But after 3 weeks, the HHS still didn't remove my name from the denial list. I called the HHS to follow up but they still didn't remove my name. I have already waited 3 MONTHS now but the HHS did not do their job.

By the way my balance in child support now is $1,700 after I paid that off in August, no more Child support debt at all.

My question is, why didn't they remove me? I followed up every week but no progress at all. Did they want me to pay it all before they remove me? Is it possible that after I paid it off, they will finally delete me? If not, what should I do to escalate and delete my name from the denial list?

Please advise me because every time I call them, no progress at all and they sound arrogant too like "Please be more patient Sir because you are not the only one in the list,thousands of people too in the list, so be understanding!"

It stresses me a lot because I want to get my passport. Please tell me what to do.

Answer: Ideally, the debt must be paid in full in order for your name to be removed from the denial list. Once you're at zero balance, your name should be removed in 2-3 weeks.

Passport for business purposes
by: Anonymous

Question: If you owe back child support and are making payments but what is owed is more than the $2500, can you still get a passport in Texas for business? With my business, we travel at least 3 times a year.

Answer: Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency regarding your concern.

by: Emilio

Question: I'm behind child support every month and I can’t get my passport. I need travel out of the country driving. What do I do when I come back with no passport?

Answer: Citizens will have issues re-entering the United States by land without a valid passport, card or any other WHTI-compliant.

Embassy took my passport.
by: Keith

Question:The Manila Embassy confiscated my passport when I went to apply for my child's. They stated I owe support which I do now and have hired an attorney to settle it.
The embassy document they gave me states I have been declined a passport renewal but I wasn't renewing..my passport is still valid until 2021.

They say I have 90 days to fix this. Now I am stuck in a 3rd world country without my passport and it's not smart to be here without one. From what I have read they have no reason to take my passport as I should still be able to travel until it needs renewed. I was not renewing as I mentioned.

I cannot abandon my 3 children here and fly to the U.S. My attorney will represent me in August. Why did they take my passport if I was not trying to renew? It also has my visa in it and if you have no visa here you could be sent to prison for years and years.

Answer: You need to contact the embassy and clarify the situation. Ask to speak to someone in position so you will get a resolution to your issue.

Passport and DL
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm sorry but I see no law that says child support enforcement agency can prevent me from getting a passport or revoking one. Nor do I see a law that says they can suspend my DL. It may be stipulated in their rules but if you want someone to pay child support you don't suspend their DL so they can't work. Absolutely stupid. What if I have to leave the country for work?

Answer: Owing child support does not revoke your driver's license. If you want to read more about child support as it relates to passports, you may do so here.

by: Anonymous

Question: It was determined by the courts that I do not owe the child support b/c child is not mine. I am going on a trip and my passport is restricted. I have the preliminary papers, now I am waiting on judge to sign off. If it does not come, what can I do to go on trip June 25?

Answer: A passport is required to travel outside of the United States. The exception is when you are going on a closed-loop cruise, in which case you will only need to present your birth certificate and valid government-issued ID.

Just trying to see if I'm on a no passport list
by: Anonymous

Question: How or who do you contact to see if you are on a no passport list?

Answer: Please contact the Department of Health and Human Services regarding your concern.

My problem
by: Anonymous

Question: Good day! The child support department told me last 2 months that I should wait 3 weeks for the HHS to remove my name from the denial list .And I already waited 2 months for the HHS to remove my name but until now they still hadn't removed it.

I call them every week but no progress at all. Every time that I call the child support department, they always say that they haven't received any confirmation yet.

My question is: every time that I call the child support department, do they call and follow up with the HHS regarding my issue? What should I do?

Answer: We are not aware of the process that goes behind child support issues but if your case is in progress, it should be resolved soon. All you can do at this point is to followup on your case.

Back child support
by: larry

Question: Can I get a passport if they are taking out back support out my regular child support?

Answer: Please contact the state child support enforcement agency handling your case for assistance.

Denial of passport renewal due to child support arrears
by: Anonymous

Question: My ex and I are in the middle of negotiating the payment amount. She would like to settle for a lesser amount to be received as a lump sum and is willing to remove the claim. Would that allow for my name to be removed from the list?

Answer: Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency regarding your concern.

Dual citizen asking for emergency passport for return
by: Anonymous

Question: I owe child support of more than $75,000 back pay. I've been trying to settle the arrears with my ex but she wants it all in full to settle it . I have a 5-year-old daughter who is living abroad who is longing for a father. I wanted to visit her but was denied a passport I'm currently paying my cs and arrears on a regular basis. Also, I'm a dual citizen with another passport which I can use to travel out of the U.S but can obtain a emergency passport when I get back to the U.S? I just wanted to be with my daughter on her birthday.

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, you are required to depart the United States using a U.S. passport. If you are have already made acceptable payment arrangements, you may appeal your case with the state child support enforcement agency and possibly get your name taken off the denial list.

I lost hope
by: Anonymous

Question: It's one month and 1 week since the Child support Department told me to wait 3 weeks for the HHS to remove my name.I called the HHS earlier and they told me to call them periodically. Yhey said that they handle thousand of cases of removing names in denial list. I lost hope because I already waited long. I believe before that it only take 2-3 weeks for them to remove me from the list.

Answer: We are sorry to hear about your predicament. Unfortunately, only HHS has control over child support issues. Having said that, hope is not lost. While it has taken longer than expected, your name should be removed from the list sooner rather than later since you already settled your arrears.

My problem
by: Van

Question: Last month, I was informed to wait 3 weeks before I call the Child support department again to see if the HHS already removed my name from denial list. The HHS hasn't removed my name yet, the Child support Dept. staff told me to be patient and wait couple of weeks to call them again because they are waiting of confirmation from HHS.

My Question is: Does it really take that long for the HHS to remove the name from denial list? Because as I have researched, it only take 2-3 weeks. It makes me sad because I want to get my passport. Please make it clear to me. Thank you.

Answer: Hello, Van. According to the State Department's page on Child Support, it does take 2-3 weeks for HHS to remove your name from the denial list and report it to passport services.

You need to contact the HHS or the child support enforcement agency again to follow-up.

Owe Past Due CS
by: Anonymous

Question: I've been paying CS for over 30 years now and it's just been arrears that I've been paying. It's always been garnished out of my check and also current for the full amount that has been due. Would I be able to apply for a passport even though I'm only paying arrears but over the $2500 amount. Is there any special circumstances that can be made due to be always paying on time?

Answer: Please contact the state child support enforcement agency handling your case. If acceptable payment arrangement have already been made, you MAY be taken off the denial list and be able to apply for your passport.

My Question
by: Van

Question: Please give me a clear answer because I feel sad when I read the information you put in this site. I'm 58 years old and I have a $2000 child support balance, I made arrangement of it and when I called the Child support Department 3 weeks ago,they said that I can get a passport and just wait 3 weeks to call them to know if the HHS remove my name in Denial list.

My question is did Child support department staff tell the truth that my name will be remove after 3 weeks? Or you will say again that I need to pay it full before they will remove my name as what you automatically said to people who asked questions here. Please make it clear because it put us in burden.

Answer: If you were informed that you will be removed from the list, there is no reason to believe otherwise. The state child support enforcement agency has prerogative over whether or not to remove one's name from the denial list after payment arrangements have been made.

Here's what the State Department says about child support issues:

"If you owe $2,500 or more in child support, you are not eligible to receive a U.S. passport.

Pay your child support arrears to the appropriate state child support enforcement agency before applying for your passport.

1. Make arrangements to pay your child support arrears with the appropriate state child support enforcement agency.
2. The state agency reports to HHS that you've made acceptable payment arrangements.
3. HHS removes your name from their list and reports this to us. This may take 2-3 weeks.
4. We verify that HHS removed your name.
5. We process your application normally.

Please Note: Direct all questions about your child support arrears to the appropriate state child support enforcement agency. We have no information about your child support obligations, just if you have arrears greater than $2,500."

Arrears in child support
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi,

My partner was denied the passport renewal since he had a child support arrears. We booked the flight tickets overseas to meet my parents for the first time. We are planning to get married this year and have a trip in 5 weeks. His ex-wife submitted the claim many years ago when they had a court verdict to take care of children taking a turn every other year. It turned out she was not able financially or for any other reason to take care of them, and my partner raised them alone for 15 years. She still demanded the money to be paid and he never did. It is a very important event in my life to introduce him to my parents. We live in another state and his ex is not wiling to return any calls at this time. What can we do to get a passport to take this trip? The amount is too high to ever satisfy her claim, roughly over $100k. Please, advise.

Answer: By law, the arrears need to be paid in full or payment arrangements have to me made in order to be taken off the passport denial list. Since your partner's situation is uncommon, we recommend that he appeal with the child support enforcement agency handling his case. He may also want to seek the advice of a lawyer regarding the matter.

by: NY Chef

Question: I am behind on my child support and I need to travel for work outside the country. I'm sure I am on the list. What do I do?

Answer: In order to be taken off the denial list you need to pay your arrears in full or make acceptable payment arrangements. Please contact the child support enforcement agency handling your case to make arrangements.

by: Joan

Question: My boyfriend owes $2,200 in child support. The Child Support Department told him to wait for 3 weeks to see if the HHS will remove his name from the denial list. My question is this: are they telling the truth that they will remove his name?

Answer: Hi, Joan. Citizens who owe over $2500 in child support are placed in the passport denial list. The debt must be paid in full in order to be taken off the denial list. Your boyfriend needs to contact the child support enforcement agency handling his case regarding the issue.

Total bull
by: Anonymous

Question: Look here people, stop letting HHS, DHS, CSEA, all that take away your rights. There is NO US law that says child support people can take your passport. Sue them if they do.

Answer: Owing over $2500 in child support disqualifies a citizen from obtaining or renewing a passport. It is very rare for a passport to be revoked in these cases.

by: Jorge

Question: If child support closed my case and I do not have a debt anymore, can I get my passport?

Answer: Once you are taken off the denial list, you can apply for a passport.

Passport valid
by: JD

Question: I am currently living overseas and owe back child support. I was just notified about my passport. Since I already have it, can I still travel? I am making payments but fell behind due to government taking my pay for a year.

Answer: Yes, you will still be able to travel. However, you will not be able to renew your passport unless your arrears are paid in full.

Grown children, mother deceased
by: JD

Question: I had fallen into arrears when I lost my job, fell into about $4000. A couple years later, my youngest became of age and child support enforcement ended. After a few years of on and off work and CS payment, my ex passed away. So even if I get a new job that I can afford to pay off arrears, am I still obligated to do so? And where does it go to in order for my passport restriction be lifted?

Answer: You need to contact the child support enforcement agency handling your case regarding your concern.

Passport renewal denied
by: Randy D

Question: The final judgement in June 2013 was to pay $983.74 monthly to be deducted from my pay including a percentage toward the arrears. For the last few years, my income tax returns were held. If however, I am still current on the payments, should my renewal be denied? Please help.

Answer: The arrears must be paid in full in order to be taken off the denial list. Please contact the child support enforcement agency handling your case for more information.

How long after paying my child support balance can I get my passport?
by: Anonymous

Question: I made a payment last week for $22,051.61 and my balance is now zero. How long should I wait before I send my passport application?

Answer: The child enforcement agency handling your case is responsible for notifying passport services that you are no longer in the passport denial list. This should take several days. We recommend that you contact the child enforcement agency to verify whether or not your case has been updated and if passport services has been notified of the change.

Passport app denied - but just paid off CS arrears
by: Tom

Question: My brother had just over $2500 in child support arrears. Before applying for his passport (for my destination wedding), he made a payment to get that balance to around $200. His application was denied late last week. He shortly thereafter sent in a check for a remainder of the balance. Does he just need to wait 2-3 weeks once his state processes the final payment to remove him from the list and Passport Services will automatically finish processing the application? Or will he need to inform Passport Services and pay an additional application fee? Thanks for your assistance.

Answer: The Child Support Enforcement Agency will notify Passport Services that payment of the arrears has been made, after which he will be taken off the denial list. Please call the enforcement agency regarding your concern.

Need passport - emergency
by: rick

Question: Hi. I have been paying my child support and I was denied my passport. Is there a permit that will allow me to leave the country for two weeks because if a emergency?

Answer: Individuals who owe more than $2500 in child support arrears are placed in the passport denial list. The only way to be taken off this list is to pay the arrears in full. Please contact the child support enforcement agency handling your case to appeal and possibly take you off the list.

The Law
by: K Turé

Question: Where is it stated that it is by law that one can't get a passport if they owe over a certain amount? I keep seeing articles and seeing it posted on the passport website but have yet to see a written law stating that by the United States. There is no constitution that states this.

Answer: Please read the State Department's page on Child Support Payments for details on this law.

When do I get my birth certificate back if I got denied
by: Anonymous

Question: When do I get it back my birth certificate.

Answer: Please call the National Passport Information Center at 1-877-487-2778.

States without real ID
by: Anonymous

Question: If someone is on the passport denial list because of back child-support and live in a state without real ID, are they effectively barred from all air travel (within the state included) now that TSA/airport will no longer accept IDs from these states?

Also can military personnel get a red passport while being on the denial list because of back child support?

Answer: Residents of states that have not been issued an extension for Real ID who owe back child support are not necessarily banned from air travel. TSA has a list of acceptable IDs you may use for domestic air travel. However, you will need a passport book to travel overseas.

Please contact the National Passport Information Center regarding the military passport and back child support. You may call them toll-free at 1-877-487-2778.

Child support
by: sue

Question: I would like to know I can see if my name is on the list. I do owe child support. I would like get a passport.

Answer: If you owe more than $2500 in child support, you are automatically entered into the passport denial list. Please contact the child support enforcement office handling your case to find out for certain.

Letter from children mother
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I owe child support back pay. But I'm currently on a payment plan. Would my children's mother be able to make a letter stating to HHS that I'm paying my back pay as requested and would they be able to lift off the ban so I'm able to get my passport?

Answer: Please contact the child support enforcement agency handling your case for assistance.

What happens to my money I paid
by: Anonymous

Question: So I was denied because of child support. I pay but I have back pay. How do I get my money back?

Answer: Passport fees are non-refundable. Please call customer service at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

Owe child support
by: Anonymous

Question: If I owe child support and my passport is revoked, who will send me the letter? DCSE or State Department?

Answer: The Office of Child Support Enforcement will notify you.

Paternity in question
by: Anonymous

Question: My partner is being denied a passport due to child support issues over a man whose mother claims my partner is his father. My partner volunteered for paternity testing several times but the mother didn't follow through. This man was raised by another man as his father & my partner never signed or agreed he fathered this child or had a relationship with this mother. She is deceased now. How can this be resolved?

Answer: We recommend that you contact the local family court or your lawyer regarding the issue.

First time passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My husband owe over 30.000 dollars in back child support. He make arrangements with child support to pay back. He has been paying on time. Can he get his passport?

Answer: By law, child support arrears need to be paid in full before one can be taken of the passport denial list. Please contact the state child support enforcement agency for advice on the matter.

Payment arrangements
by: Anonymous

Question: If I make payment arrangements with the department which I have my a child support through to pay the arrears can I still be awarded a passport for travel? Or does it have to be paid in full on order for me to travel? I keep reading 2 different answers through the Department of State it says that if I made payment arrangements on the arrears then I had been awarded a passport and then I see and responses to comments below of that the arrears would have to be paid in full and order for me to travel with a passport.

Answer: The removal from the passport denial list is controlled by the state child support enforcement agency handling your case. Please contact them for reconsideration.

Military and child support arrears
by: Anonymous

Question: My children's father is over $20,000 in arrears, but is stationed with the military overseas. He has been stationed overseas for the last two years, travels back and forth to the US plus travels between countries. I believe he just shows his military ID and gets to travel, I do not think he has a passport. Shouldn't his travel still be checked, regulated or approved since he is using his ID as a passport?

Answer: Members of the military are issued official passports which can use only when in the line of duty. This passport cannot be used for personal travel. As to the regulation of travel, the military passport is only used for official travel which has accompanying orders.

Child Support Arrears
by: Raul

Question: If I owe back child support, can I apply for a passport card (land & sea travel) without being denied?

Answer: You will still be denied a passport card if you owe over $2500 in child support. You need to pay your arrears in full to be taken off the passport denial list.

Not in arrears
by: John

Question: I got word from the passport office that my passport is held up because of child support that's been paid off since 2008. Apparently it was never updated and there is nothing showing that I have any orders in place. How can I fix this??

Answer: Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency for issues regarding child support.

Child support
by: Anonymous

Question: I owe 9,000 on child support which I didn't know about until a month ago. I no longer have child support but still owe that amount. I'm making payments. Am i still eligible for a U.S. passport?

Answer: Individuals who owe more that $2500 in child support are placed in the passport denial list. In order to be taken off this list, you need to pay your arrears in full. Once this is done, DHS will contact Passport Services to take you off the list. You will then be eligible for a U.S. passport.

by: Anonymous

Question: If I owe over $10,000 in arrears and I'm on SSI disability, can I still get a passport or what do I need to do?

Answer: Please contact the child support enforcement agency that manages your child support case for assistance regarding the matter.

HHS list
by: Anonymous

Question: My name is being taken off the certified list. Do I need to contact passport services to have my application processing resumed or just wait to hear from them?

Answer: HHS removes your name from their list and reports this to Passport Services. This may take 2-3 weeks. Passport Services verifies that HHS removed your name and processes your application.

Please call 1-877-487-2778 to speak with a customer service representative for more information.

British citizen
by: Anonymous

Question: Would I be able to obtain a British passport owing back child support in the U.S? I have an elderly mother that I would like to see before she dies. Where is the humanity in this?

Answer: Please contact the British Embassy for concerns regarding British passports.

by: Anonymous

Question: I don't owe child support anymore but I owe interest on it. My ex and I went to court; he settled on $10,000 and I pay $100 a month. Got it down to little under 5,000 I still make my payments and they take my taxes but I can't get a passport.

Answer: The arrears must be paid in full for your name to be taken off the passport denial list. We recommend that you contact the Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case regarding your issue.

Passport Denial List
by: Anonymous

Question: My child support account is currently being moved to another state because both parties live elsewhere. The original state has zero'd out my child support arrears on my credit and I suspect they've also released the passport block. It's possible I've got a short window before the new state resubmits the passport block. Is there anyway to find out if you are on the passport denial list without asking the state or paying the $110 and getting rejected. I learned first hand, you don't get that money back if you are rejected.

Answer: You need to contact the child support enforcement agency handling your case to get this information.

Destination wedding
by: Michelle

Question: My fiancé was told by child support that he owes $17,000 for one child and $20,000 for the others. The mother of his child that he owes the $17,000 to has been to the child support office several times filing that she doesn't want the arrears but they won't take that off his balance. The other mother fraudulently obtained assistance from the State of Illinois while married to him. We are planning a destination wedding in the Dominican Republic in a month and he was denied his passport. How can we 1) have the arrears from the one mother of his child dropped? 2) have the mother of the other kids held accountable? and 3) get a temporary passport or one with restrictions so that we can wed? Surely, one can be granted. He is making monthly payments but his profession was truck driving and they stripped him of his license. He is currently able to get his license and is working on getting back in the truck. What can be done? Who can we get help from here in the State of Illinois?

Answer: Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency for assistance regarding the matter.

Division of Child Support Services, Illinois
Department of Healthcare and Family Services
509 S. 6th St.
Springfield, Illinois 62701
Office: (800) 447-4278
Fax: (217) 524-6049

Payment arrangement has been made, what is next?
by: Michelle

Question: My husband made payment to the child support agency and was told today that passport was released. What is the next step? When can my husband call passport services to inform them that passport was released? Also, husband paid expedited service for passport, will this service still apply?

Answer: Once you make arrangements to pay your child support arrears with the appropriate state child support enforcement agency, the state agency reports to HHS that you've made acceptable payment arrangements.

HHS removes your name from their list and reports this to Passport Services. This may take 2-3 weeks. Passport Services verifies that HHS removed your name and processes your application.

Please call 1-877-487-2778 to speak with a customer service representative for more information.

by: Michelle

Question: My husband owes about $5000 in arrears. He is been deducted every pay period for arrears and current payment. He applied for passport and was denied. Can he be able to get letter from child support stating he is in compliance with child support?

Answer: As a general rule, the arrears have to be paid in full in order to be taken off the passport denial list. Please contact the child enforcement agency to see if they can provide a resolution regarding the matter.

Need go back to the USA
by: yasooo

Question: My passport was held by the embassy in Lebanon because of a child support. I need to pay a large amount of money -- more than $30,000. I'm not working And I do not have the money and I can not travel to my country except by paying the amount. The law made the decision and I don't know what to do about it.

I called the child support office and they refused to talk to me. I called several attorneys asking for help they never call back. I have no money, my visa is expired, I have no passport and the embassy didn't help me.

Answer: Please contact the U.S. Embassy in Beirut for advice on how to obtain a passport to get back to the United States without having to pay your child support arrears outright in full. We recommend going to the embassy in person.

To get my passport back
by: Anonymous

Question: I am in Iraq and they took my passport. I paid my child support arrears worth $3000. How long do I have to wait to get my passport back?

Answer: Once full payment of arrears has been recorded, passport services will be notified and your name will be taken off the denial list. This may take several days. Please contact the agency that took your passport or call 1-877-487-2778 to speak to a customer service representative.

Denied Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I owe arrears of $650. They sent me a check for $600 3 months ago so I thought I must have overpaid. My payments were coming out of my social security check each month. So I just applied for a passport and got denied. They said I need to pay $650 before I can get a passport. They made the mistake and that is keeping me from getting my passport right now. What can I do about this issue?

Answer: Please contact the child support enforcement agency that manages your child support case for clarification.

by: Anonymous

I have 2 child support cases. One is local and the other is interstate. My local arrears are 0 now. My interstate are at $5600. I'm on a payment plan, purchased a plane ticket without knowing this. My son will be emancipated 10-2-17 because he will be 19 years old. CS is going to continue taking the same amount out of my check until the arrears are paid. That process will take 15 months. I will lose the plane ticket that I purchased. Since I'm on a payment plan, is that acceptable for me to obtain a passport? Or if I get it below $2500, can I then get removed from the block and obtain my passport?

Answer: Please contact the child support enforcement agency that handles the interstate case.

Can they deny me of travel if I have arrears of $2880?
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a valid US passport but have arrears of $2880 in child support. Can they prevent me to leave the country? I plan to travel in 3 weeks time.

Answer: If you have a valid U.S. passport, you may travel outside of the United States unless there is a standing order that prohibits you from leaving the country.

Owing over $2500 in child support arrears will place you in the passport denial list. This means your application for a renewal will be denied unless the arrears have been paid in full.

by: Rochester, NY

Question: My fiancé was denied his passport because of arrears owed on his child support although they are deducting this monthly from his disability check. He owes under $2500.00 and upon calling NYS Child support they advised him he has to pay the entire balance in full before they would allow him. This site and the NYS state specifically says under $2500.00 if someone owes in the ballpark of $2300.00 what are the next steps to dispute denial and proceed as we have arranged vacation for July.

Answer: Individuals who owe more than $2500 in child support must pay the arrears in full in order to be taken off the passport denial list. Please contact the closest Child Support Enforcement Agency.

find out if my passport is good
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. I' out of the country and I have a passport. l was in arrears on my child support but I just recently paid it all off. How do I know if I can travel again?

Answer: All U.S. citizens with a valid U.S. passport may travel unless there is a ban or order for that individual to not be allowed to travel. Since you have paid your arrears in full, you will be taken off the passport denial list. When it's time to renew your current passport, you should not face any issues.

Passport denial
by: Anonymous

Question: I live in California and they already garnish my husband's paycheck every 2 weeks. He still owes $30,000.00 and he was denied a passport. Paying that off to 2,500 is impossible. Does anybody know if they make exceptions for anything?

Answer: Exceptions may be made for life and death emergencies. Please consult your lawyer or the child support office for further clarification.

Travel Documents
by: Anonymous

Question: I owe more than $5000 on my CS but I'm paying right now. It is being taken out of my check every pay period. When I applied for my passport I was denied but now I have an emergency and I only have less than 5 days. Can I get any kind of travel document to get me back in the States?

Answer: There is no temporary travel document that a person can use in lieu of a passport. If you have a serious medical emergency or the imminent death of an immediate family member requires that you travel using a passport, you may try applying at a regional passport agency. It is very likely that your application will be denied immediately. You can then contest the decision through the Office of Child Support for the state in which you owe arrears. Since arrangements have been made for your payment, they may consider your request but there is no guarantee.

For more information, contact the state child support enforcement agency.

Special Exceptions for Health
by: Anonymous

Question: I owe child support and have been denied a passport. Payment arrangements have been set up and are currently being made. Though the balance is still we'll over $2500 due to interest. I've been accepted into a certain 9-day program in Cancun for detrimental health concerns. Is there a special kind of temporary document that could be used for that specific circumstance, time period and location? Thanks.

Answer: Child support arrears must be paid in full in order to be taken off the denial list and obtain a passport.

If you are traveling to Mexico by land, you may not need a passport. Any of these Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative-compliant documents should suffice:

-Trusted Traveler Programs (NEXUS, SENTRI, or FAST)
-State Issued Enhanced Driver's License (when available)
-Enhanced Tribal Cards (when available and approved by DHS)
-U.S. Military Identification with Military Travel Orders
-U.S. Merchant Mariner Document when traveling in conjunction with official maritime business
-Form I-872 American Indian Card

I owe back CS

Question: I just recently have had some thoughts of getting a Passport to take my fiance to England for a surprise trip for our pre wedding. When I brought it up to my parents they said I might not due to owing over 2500 in back CS. In that case Does Texas if you know own put you on a hold list? And if getting married or for a special occasion Mayne allowed a slight lift on the hold? Also what US Territories could I goto without having anything but a birth certificate and valid DL?

Thank you

Answer If you owe $2500 or more in child support arrears, you cannot get a passport. In order to be removed from the passport denial list, you must pay the arrears in full.

A passport is not required to travel to any U.S. territory.

Expidite services
by: Anonymous

Question: I am in Thailand and my emergency passport was denied due to being in arrears of $3200 plus fees which totals $5000. It is the 24th of February and my flight to Europe is on the 1st of November. I was informed by someone that if I pay the arrears and the interest and fees to zero that they can expidite my clearance with the passport office. If this is possible, how long does it take to expidite? Same day, 2,3,3,5 days?

Answer Following are the steps that need to happen before you can get a passport.

1. You need to pay your child support arrears with the appropriate state child support enforcement agency.

2. The state agency reports to HHS that you've made acceptable payment arrangements.

3. HHS removes your name from their list and reports this to the U.S. Deparment of State Passport Services. This may take 2-3 weeks.

4. Passport Services verifies that HHS removed your name.

5. Apply for a passport. If you are abroad, you can do this at the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate General. Passport applications submitted at these locations usually take 2-3 weeks to process.

Direct all questions about your child support arrears to the appropriate state child support enforcement agency. Passport Services has no information about your child support obligations, just if you have arrears greater than $2,500.

Owe back child support in NY and NJ
by: Anonymous

Question: I am living overseas and have been for 5 years since my divorce. The initial back child support was for my first child. That amount was unfairly calculated by the court, and all attempts to make the judge see this was futile. The amount must be in excess of 50,000 by now From NY. Post my divorce, I also had child support from NJ. Far less but also about 20,000....These amounts are stagaring, but I realize I must deal with them before my passport expires. It was Me specifically that put my name on the list.

Since I am currently overseas and have been for about 5 years, I now have about 5 months to the expiration date.

1.) Can I apply to have my passport renewed since I still have 4 to 5 months in it?

2.) Given that I am overseas, would I not be entitled to a renewal to travel back home?

3.) If I do apply right now before the passport expires, can the US embassy withhold my passport? (Not that it's going to do me much good when it expires, but currently very few countries would allow travel 5 months to expiration). Please let me know. thanks

Answer Once you reach $2500 in arrears, your name is placed on the passport denial list. Unless revoked, your passport continues to be valid until the date of expiration. Full payment is usually required for a name to be removed from the list and be issued a passport. If you apply for a renewal, you will not be issued a full-validity passport. The embassy may initially deny your passport and require you apply for a special, limited-validity passport or may immediatly issue the limited-validity passport so that you can return to the United States. Please contact the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate for more information.

Payments or Pay in Full
by: Anonymous

Question: My fiancé is thousands and thousands of dollars behind in child support payments due to unemployment, but now he is making regular payments. Will he still be denied? Is it up to the local agency?

Answer If he owes $2500 or more, he will be denied a passport until he pays the amount in full. Please contact the state agency to which he makes the payments for more information.

Over due child support
by: Anonymous

Question: travel.state.gov > Passports & International Travel > Your Passports > Child support Payments and Getting a U.S. Passport

I'm getting conflicting responses. According to the page listed above, you have to be making payments on past due child support; not pay it off? And then find out if your off the HHS list. I'm not sure what to believe and don't know how to contact them to verify.

Answer The page you cite states the following.

You should make arrangements to pay the state where child support is owed BEFORE you submit your application for a U.S. passport.

Once payment is arranged, it may take 2-3 weeks before Passport Services is permitted to process your application.

This does not refer to arrangements to pay out over time but to pay. It is necessary to pay the amount in full before your name is removed from the passport denial list. For more infomration, contact the state child support enforcement agency to which you owe arrears for more information.

Passport Re-new to a father of my children that own $35,000 in Child Support
by: Lola

Question: How can I obtain information about how my ex-husband that owes $35,000.00 in child support was able to renew his US passport. He has already traveled out of the county. He just came out of jail for medicaid fraud and to pay a restitution for over four millons dollars. I called child support office and I was not given an answer about how he got it or where I can check if his name is still on the list with HHS. Please, can somebody help me?

Answer Please contact the state agency to which child support should be paid to discuss the issue with them.

Paid for a passport that was denied because of child support arrears
by: Anonymous

Question: I would like to know if the payment that I sent to get my passport that was denied is credited in my account for when I pay off the child support in full and resend my application to get my passport again?

Answer You have 90 days to resolve the issue. After that, you will have to pay the fee again if you apply since application fees are non-refundable.

Still no passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I was denied a passport because I owed child support of $753. I paid off what I owed in support. I was also charged for the passport application on my credit card. I still do not have the passport. What do next? It's been about 18 days.

Answer Routine processing of passport applications takes 4-6 weeks.

Missionary trip
by: Texas

Question: My husband owes back child support and was denied a passport a few years ago because of it. With these circumstances, can someone get a temporary passport for a missionary trip?

Answer It is not possible to obtain a temporary passport for a missionary trip. In order to be removed from the passport denial list, arrears must be paid in full.

My brother is in hospital with cancer
by: traveler1

Question: My brother is in the hospital with cancer. I have been overseas on a project. I still owe about $37,000 on four grown adult children. My passport expired. I need to see my brother. Can I get a passport to return to the USA? My state is Florida.

Answer Please contact the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate General for information about obtaining a passport abroad.

New cs debt
by: Anonymous

Question: My boyfriend is settling with his ex in the next week for $16,000 in arrears. He has a current passport and we plan on his traveling to live with me in Germany in the next month or so. He has paid monthly except for an increase in his cs obligation put him behind 1100 the past month.

Will they block his passport? Or will the "use until expire" you stated above be in play? He hasn't a job Germany as yet and has a great one in NYC but has taken his language exam to immigrate so this is our last step.

He's contacted the state agency and they say they don't normally block passports for back support. So we aren't sure of what to believe.

Thanks for your time! Any help is appreciated!

Answer Unless your boyfriend has received a letter informing him that his passport has been revoked, it is valid until the date of expiration. He can continue to use it until then. Once it expires, he will not be able to renew his passport until he pays the arrears in full.

Owe but pay
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello, I was at a point where I owed around 15,000 in back pay. For 4 years now, I have paid every month and been down to 8000. If I have been paying, will I be able to get my passport or will it be a waste of time to go? I really miss my grandma and my grandfather recently passed away.

Answer Once child arrears reaches $2500, it must be paid in full before your name will be removed from the passport denial list.

passport for students
by: Anonymous

Question: Is there any exceptions for a passport that is needed for college abroad? Another words, a study visa?

Answer A valid passport book is required for all international travel by air. If you plan to study abroad, you will also need a study visa stamped in your passport.

by: Tom

Question: My daughter is getting married and she has chosen the wedding venue to be in Mexico City. Her Mother and I are on good terms and I have been paying monthly for 15 years but still owe around $40,000. I have every intention of continuing to pay as I have been but I cannot imagine missing my daughter's wedding and neither can her mother. Is there anything we can do to get me to the wedding?

Answer Once arrears reaches $2500, the amount must be paid in full before your name will be removed from the passport denial list. After an application is denied, some states allow the applicant to contest the decision but this is usually only in cases of a serious medical emergency, the imminent death of an immediate family member or travel related to employment. Please contact the state's child support enforcement agency to which you owe arrears for more information.

Process take to have my name removed
by: Anonymous

Question: My passport renewal was denied because of a $41.71 balance. My arrears at one point reached the $2,500 threshold but because I had a $41.71 balance my account never reached $0.00 which caused me to remain on the rejection list. I paid the balance today plus an extra week to be safe. I contacted my local child support agency and my account will reflect $0.00 as of today.

My question is typically how long is does the process take to have my name removed so I can reapply for my passport? Does Child support update the list daily, weekly or monthly? Is the list updated electrically so I can expedite the process? Once the passport agency has reviewed my clearance how long does the passport agency take to issue my new passport?

Answer Once payment is arranged, it may take 2-3 weeks before Passport Services is permitted to process your application. For more information, please call 1-877-487-2778 to speak with a customer service representative.

What if arrears are less than $2500?
by: Anonymous

Question: What if I owe less than $2500.00 on arrears and I'm on a payment plan? Do Ii still get denied a passport?

Answer Only those who owe arrears of $2500 or more are placed on the passport denial list. Once that amount is reached, the arrears must be paid in full for a name to be removed from the list. Please contact the state's child support enforcement agency to which you owe arrears for more information.

US Embassy in Central America will not give me info via email
by: Anonymous

Question: I submitted a passport renewal application in person in Central America and a week later the embassy via email said there was an error with my application and said I needed to come in to tell me about it. They said because of federal regulations they have to see me in person to tell me about the "error". I am over 2,500 in child support arrears and so figure that is the "error" and so they must have denied my application. My question is if I go into the embassy, will they take my current passport against my will and issue me a temporary one so that I must return to the USA? Is there a federal regulation that the embassy cannot communicate on the details of your application unless in person? Also, if I pay off the child support balance due and am taken off of the US State Dept. denial list, will the embassy simply process my application automatically when they see this (if within 90 days of the application) or will I need to contact the embassy to initiate the application process? Or, since the application is denied, will I have to submit a new one because it is done through the Embassy? Thanks

Answer We do not have access to your application and, therefore, cannot determine the reason you were asked to appear at the embassy.

If you submitted form DS-82: Application for a Passport Renewal, you would have been required to submit your previously-issued passport as part of the process. The application cannot be processed unless you submit your passport.

If you owe more than $2500, it is possible that your new passport will be denied. A previously-issued passport can also be revoked.

Please contact the state's child support enforcement agency to which you owe arrears to discuss the steps you can take to resolve the situation.

US Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My US passport has been denied 7 months ago because on that time I owed $6000 for child support. Now I owe $2200. Can I apply for my US passport now?

Answer Once the arrears reach $2500, you are usually required to pay the balance in full before your name is removed from the passport denial list. Please contact the state's child support enforcement agency to which you owe arrears for more information.

Passport Renewal
by: Harry

Question: The passport renewal agency does NOT but should recognize the court orders on the payment of arrears. Those that have for often very good reasons fallen behind in CS and subsequently ordered and and comply with repayment Court Orders signed by a judge, should be permitted to renew their passport. HHS needs to get with the program, recognize and follow court orders, stop holding people in arrears hostage, it ridiculous.

Answer Many states have a zero arrears policy, which means that generally the arrears must be paid in full before the passport restriction will be removed.

Once a passport application or renewal has been denied, some states allow you to contest the decision through the state's child support enforcement agency if travel is required for employment, a serious medical emergency, or the imminent death of an immediate family member.

by: Mike jone

Question: Hi. I owe child support for two kids. I owe $1875 for one and $2200 for the other. Is that $2500 per child or $2500 total? Will I be able to get my passport?

Answer Please contact the state child support enforcement agency to which you the arrears to inquire if you have been placed on the passport denial list.

How is his passport still valid?
by: Anonymous

Question: My ex-husband owes over $20000 in child support, doesn't live in US, hasn't seen his child for about 8 years and still travels to other countries with his US passport. How is his passport still valid if he owes that much child support?

Answer An individual is only placed on the passport denial list after reaching arrears of $2500. If the person has a valid passport at that time, it can be used until it expires. Once the passport expires, a new passport will not be issued. Please contact the state child support enforcement agency to which your ex-husband owes the arrears for more information.

US Passport Card
by: Anonymous

Question: I was issued a US Passport Card before I was ordered to pay child support. I am making monthly payments but I sill owe over $5000 in back child support. I was denied a Passport Book. My question is can I still use my valid Passport card to enter the US from Mexico by car?

Answer Your passport card is valid until the date of expiration unless you have received a letter of revocation. You can also use other WHTI-compliant documents to travel to Mexico by land.

need help
by: Anonymous

Question: I was denied my passport. I have been on a payment plan for sometime now. I was given a wedding gift for a trip to Mexico that is paid for 2/10/17 and cannot be changed. What can I do.? Please help me.

Answer If you were denied a passport due to child support arrears in the amount of $2500 or more, you must pay the arrears in full in order for your name to be removed from the passport denial list. Please contact the state child support enforcement agency to which you pay child support for more information.

Passport qualifying paying arrears
by: Anonymous

Question: I've been paying on my arrears in child support for a while now though payroll garnishments, is there a way for me to qualify for a passport?

Answer If you owe $2500 or more in child support arrears, you are not eligible to get a passport. Please contact the state child support enforcement agency to which you pay child support for more information.

passport release
by: Jerry

Question: I am in Japan ready to come home to visit my parents, but Georgia revoked my passport because I owed child support. I paid $19,300 balance so it is now zero. They still will not release my passport so I am in a country without a passport.

Answer Please contact the Georgia's Department of Human Services, Division of Child Support Services to resolve this issue. If the arrears have been paid in full, your name should be removed from the passport denial list. You might also contact the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo for assistance.

by: Anonymous

Question: How can you check to see if you are on the list?

Answer Contact the state child support enforcement agency to which you owe arrears to discover how much you owe and if your name has been included on the passport denial list.

NC Passport inquiry
by: Frederick

Question: I owe arrears in the state of PA; however, I have now been living in NC for approximately 2 yrs and have no longer been receiving anything from PA. My children are all grown now. Can I get a passport in NC?

Answer If you owe $2500 or more in child support arrears, your passport application will be denied. Please contact the state child support enforcement agency to which you paid child support for more information.

can i get a temp passport for medical serives
by: mike

Question: I was denied a passport card but my doctor is in Tijuana, Mexico. Can I get a temporary passort? I see my doctor two times a month.

Answer Please call 1-877-487-2778 to speak with a customer service representative.

by: us

Question: My father is extremely ill and doctors said it can be any day now. He is hospitalized in Ireland where he is citizen. I am a citizen of the United States (born here). How can I get a passport to visit him and say my final goodbye?

Answer In order to get a passport quickly, you need to either apply at a regional agency or employ the services of a registered courier service. Either way, you can get a passport as fast as the same day as long as you have all the appropriate documents.

Received passport for emergency
by: Anonymous

Question: I was paying child support consistently and then my ex decided to file for spousal support since she has never worked a day in her life. This somehow is in the same bucket as child support and made my $0 balance go up to $15000 for back payments to her. I had applied for a rush passport through a rush agency and they said I was denied for an emergency trip to see my dying grandmother. This is the only reason I found out I owed this much. I provided documentation and they granted me a "temporary passport" saying I can use it for the 2 weeks granted but the passport doesn't expire until 2026. I never received mail saying it was revoked. I now have my grandfather who is ill and I'm wondering if I can travel with this since it is not expired. Is there a "do not fly" list they could have placed me on? Will I get stuck abroad if they scan my passport and somehow see that I was only granted travel for that time period? Since it was an outside agency to apply for my passport, did this slip through the cracks since I did not receive one that had an expiration date at the end of those 2 weeks?

Answer Please call 1-877-487-2778 to speak with a representative at the National Passport Information Center.

Passport needed for work
by: Anonymous

Question: My ex/noncustodial parent is paying like they are suppose to yet has a significant amount of arrears. If he needs to do global travel for his job, can he get his job to issue a letter to the state child support agency to have his passport renewed? This would be okay by me. There just seems to be no other away around this in such little time.

Answer Please contact the state child support enforcement agency concerning this issue. Some states approve the issuance of passports for emergency or work-related matters.

If I got left in Mexico
by: Anonymous

Question: If I was on a cruise to Mexico and missed the ship embarking and got left behind in Mexico but had my California driver's license and my birth certificate, would they let me back into the U.S if I walked thru customs at the border in San Diego?

Answer You should be allowed to enter the United States although you would probably be delayed due to the fact that you do not possess a valid passport. There is a possibility in the near future that Americans who try to reenter the United States without a passport will be fined.

How do I know if I'm off the HHS list?
by: Anonymous

Question: I received a letter saying I was going to have my passport suspended due to back child support. If that has been paid in full, how do I verify that my name is not on the HHS list before I try to leave the country? Is there a number to call?

Answer Please contact the state child support enforcement agency in your state. Once the arrears are paid in full, it is that agency that must report to HHS that payment has been made. HHS, in turn, reports to the U.S. Department of State.

What can I do?
by: Anonymous

Question: When I was court ordered to pay child support I was not notified by mail or directly. I actually did not find out until 3 to 4 years later. By that time I had accrued over $19,000 in back child support. Is there any way to fix this without having to go to court? I believe the person has the right to know they are being legally obligated to pay child support before interest charges are put in to play. My ex mother in law knew I no longer lived in the residence that she had the court send the notification to so I was not notified about the court date or the obligation. Is this even legal to make someone pay interest fees for something they didn't even know existed?

Answer Please contact the state child support enforcement agency in your state or an attorney for answers to your questions. We can only answer questions related to U.S. passports.

I need help
by: Antoine

Question: I just did paper work on my passport and a couple weeks later I get a paper saying I was denied cause I have child support arrears. If they are taking it out my check every two weeks, why can't I get my passport? It's crazy. Someone please tell me.

Answer: If you owe $2,500 or more in child support, you are not eligible to receive a U.S. passport. All questions about your child support arrears or the status of a payment should be directed to the appropriate state child support enforcement agency.

by: Michael Morris

Question: I'm currently paying child support arrears. I need to know if I can obtain a passport to attend a family member's funeral. Currently, I am making payments as ordered.

Answer: If you owe $2,500 or more in child support, you are not eligible to receive a U.S. passport. All questions about your child support arrears or the status of a payment should be directed to the appropriate state child support enforcement agency.

by: Anonymous

Question: My question wasn't really answered. I've been denied passport renewal and I'm on the list for that, but will that list also flag the use of my birth certificate for a closed loop tour? Will I be able to cruise just with a birth certificate so long as the cruise line will accept that documentation? Or will My birth certificate also be flagged by customs due to being on the no passport-renewal list?

Answer: A passport is not required to reenter the United States when traveling on a closed-loop cruise. However, a passport may still be required to enter the countries you visit during the cruise. Please contact the cruise line for information about travel document requirements.

Child support arrears loan
by: Danny Welsh

Question: A friend was denied a passport due to child support arrears. Turns out he's owed $2500+ and been on the passport denial list for the same 17 years since he first learned he had a son (at that child's age of 3). He's paid the court-ordered amount all but 33 weeks for the last 17 years. I'd like him to be the best man in my wedding in Mexico. What do you advise? Are there child support arrears loans available by any credible company? I mean, the guy has a very strong payment record and he can afford to have paid this $9000 the state says he owes over the last 17 years...come on, were talking about $10 per week!...but he cannot afford to pay it all at once. The both of us are pretty mystified that the state sets the amount that comes out of every paycheck, and he has never received word of a passport block (or for that matter even being in arrears) until receiving a passport application denial in the mail this week. That to me is a sign of a flawed system, but I'm not crusading to change the system. Just looking to see if there's someone smart enough yet to have figured out they can make a nice business offering passport loans at reasonable interest to pay off child support arrears to good men just like my friend who have been screwed by a crappy system.

Answer: We know of no institution that offers loans specifically to pay child support arrears. However, there are a few options your friend can pursue. The list is provided in no particular order.

1. Pay arrears with a credit card.
2. Apply for a personal loan.
3. Contact the state child support agency to see if they have a debt compromise program.

Can I add pages in my Passport if I am in rear for Child Support?
by: Titi

Question: The law talks about new passport or Renewal denial, but not clear about adding pages in a valid passport when you owe. Is it possible to add pages to your passport when you are in arrears for child support?

Answer: It is no longer possible to add visa pages to a passport. If you need more pages, you must apply for a passport renewal.

Birth Certificate?
by: SteelersFan

Question: If I have been denied renewal of my passport due to a child support arrearage, can I still take a closed loop cruise using just my birth certificate as identification for exit and reentry?

Answer: A passport is not required to reenter the United States when traveling on a closed-loop cruise. However, you may need a passport to enter the countries you will visit during the cruise. Please contact the cruise line for information about travel document requirements for your trip.

Need Passport in NC to Earn A living
by: Anonymous

Question: I live in NC. My income for 25 years at the salary level that child support was calculated was all based on international travel. In addition have custody of special needs child. This required very specific work schedule and projects. All occurred at time of financial crisis. Ex initiated having passport revoked which prevented doing the work trained to do. Areas have grown to more than $100,000 despite fact was unemployed and made a max of 30% of income that support figure was based. There is no way can pay amount and I don't feel it justified. Ongoing high stress over 15 years of debt obligations has had negative impact on health. Without passport there is 0 chance I can recover financially, career potential or healthwise. Each year not practicing my line of work results in rapid skill obsolescence and dramatic income reduction. Can you please suggest plan of action? I see no way out. I have limited funds. Can you refer attorney or support organization that can help. I am grateful for your advice and help. Thank you for your consideration!

Answer: The child support services in each state have different regulations concerning the payment of arrears and special circumstances allowed for removing a name from the passport denial list. Some states will review a case if the travel is required for employment, a serious medical emergency, or the imminent death of an immediate family member. Please contact the North Carolina Office of Child Support Enforcement for more information.

Olympic Games Athlete in Rio 2016
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a US athlete in weight lifting for the 2016 Rio games. I owe back child support, though that child is now over 40. I have not in recent years had a passport because of this issue.

I understand Brazil is not requiring athletes to obtain a visa for the period of the games.

Is there a waiver available under federal law since the Olympics are federal (US athletes) not athletes from the various states?

Answer: If you owe more than $2500, your application for a passport will be denied. You can apply, receive the denial letter and then try to appeal to have it overturned based on the special circumstances. Alternatively, you can try to get a congressman from your state involved to possibly obtain a limited-validity passport.

Non-Custodial Parent Arizona
by: Anonymous

Question: Dear Sir or Mama

Could you help me discover if Arizona is a Non-Arrears State for eligibility for passport. I am current on the Court Order Fiscal Responsibility, but have custody privilege with (Child) or custodial Parent.

So could you help me with the facts about passport eligibility in Arizona. Character defamation and opportunity to a greater standard of living is argued traveling abroad....

Answer: Please contact the Division of Child Support Services, Arizona Department of Economic Security

PO Box 40458
Phoenix, Arizona 85067-0458
Customer Service: (800) 882-4151
Metro Phoenix/Maricopa County: (602) 252-4045
Fax: (602) 771-8191

Entering the U.S.
by: Anonymous

Question: I owe about $7500.00. I have a valid passport but I have been out of the US for over a year. When I try to come back in, will customs take away my passport?

Answer: It is unlikely that your passport will be taken from you. Revoking a passport does not happen often. However, you will unable to renew your passport once it expired unless you pay the arrears in full.

by: Anonymous

Question: I owe more than 37,000 in child support. I was just issued a passport. Can my passport be revoked?

Answer: Your passport can be revoked but it does not happen often and is a very difficult process.

by: Trey

Question: I was wondering if you knew if Wisconsin is a zero arrears state? I'm going to contact the child support office. But I have a court order and am paying on the back child support each month. I saw on the Federal site that if you have an approved payment on arrears some states take you off the list. Just wondering if Wisconsin is one of those.

Answer: Please contact Wisconsin's child support office for answers to questions about arrears and passport denial.

Speedy process
by: Anonymous

Question: So my company is needing me on a job out of the country and I've never had a passport but I did have some back support that was preventing me from getting one but I just cleared it up my question is what can do to get my name off the HHS list sooner so my company can pay to have my passport expedited? Can I get official documentation from the state I owe and take it in with when I do my oppointment with the passport agency? Any help would be appreciated

Answer: Once payment is arranged, it may take 2-3 weeks before Passport Services is permitted to process your application. Please contact your state's office of child support services to verify that they have contacted the U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources concerning your situation. It is HHS's responsibility to remove your name from the list of outstanding arrears and contact the U.S. Department of State.

Passport for work travel
by: Anonymous

Question: I owe more than $25000 in arears. I need to travel for work. Can I still be issued a passport for strictly business?

Answer: It is sometimes possible to obtain a passport for work-related matters even if you owe more than $2500 in arrears. Each situation is reviewed on a case-by-case basis. You may be required to apply for a passport and have your request denied first. Then, you would contest the decision through your state's office of child support services.

Please contact your state's office of child support services for more information.

Signed Court order
by: Anonymous

Question: I've commented on this before. I had a judge signed court order and was paying 3x the minimum assigned in the order. My passport renewal was denied until it was paid off. Ridiculous! What's the point of a court order then? That rule/law needs to change. They should be so good at catching illegal aliens.

Answer: As mentioned before, many states have a zero arrears policy. This means that, once a name is placed on the passport denial list, arrears must be paid in full in order for the name to be removed.

If you believe strongly that the rule/law needs to change, we suggest you contact your state speaking with state senators, lawmakers and members of the assembly.

passports should be approved
by: Anonymous

Question: I don't see why you can't issue a passport to a man or woman that owes arrears as long as they are making steady payments on those arrears. The states should be required to make an attempt to make reasonable arrangements for those who are paying there arrears on a steady basis.

Answer: Many but not all states have a zero arrears policy concerning those whose arrears surpass $2500. Please contact the office of child support services in the state for which you owe arrears for information about their policy.

Child support
by: Anonymous

Question: I was denied a passport because of back child support. The letter stated that some states will allow you to get a passport if you make payment arrangement. What are the states?

Answer: Please contact the state child support enforcement agency to which you owe arrears for information about having your name removed from the passport denial list.

No consistency
by: Anonymous

Question:In my experience with this problem, there is a disconnect between the county/state agency and HHS. I had a signed court order by the judge repaying arrears and it didn't matter. One entity told me the arrears had to be zero, yet 2500 is mentioned. If the court establishes a repayment schedule, and it's being complied with, why shouldn't the county/state/HHS change their policy and follow the order?

Answer: An individual is only placed on the passport denial list once arrears reach $2500 or more. In order to have his or her name removed from the list, arrears must be paid in full.

Child suport
by: GG

Question: If I owe $1,877 in child support for like 2 years and haven't made a payment, can I still get my passport renewed?

Answer: Only applicants who owe $2500 or more in arrears are denied passports. You can contact the appropriate state child support enforcement agency to find out if your name has been added to the passport denial list.

Custodial parent owes arrears interest
by: Anonymous

Question: I've been the custodial parent of two children for two years. Previously, I had partial custody and accrued back child support plus interest. The support arrears are paid off but I owe $44,000 in interest. The court does not object to me getting my passport. Is there a way for me to obtain one?

Answer: Please contact the appropriate state child support enforcement agency to find out if your name has been removed from the list of outstanding arrears.

child support arrears
by: Joe

Question: You will not be granted a passport/renewal even with a court order. I had a judge signed payment schedule and was 100% compliant and it didn't make a bit of difference. I just paid off the arrears as per the order and when it got down enough I paid the rest off and was done with it. I read and was told it had to paid off; some say 2500, 2000; there's no consistency.

Answer: The law states that a person who owes $2500 or more in arrears is not eligible to obtain a passport. Once arrears pass that amount, they must be paid in full before a passport will be issued.

by: Anonymous

Question: I currently owe more then 50,000 dollars in arrears. There is no way possible I will be able to pay that off in my lifetime. I'm currently making regular payments but it's not enough to cover the interest. Can I still get a passport?

Answer: If you owe $2,500 or more in child support, you are not eligible to receive a U.S. passport.

Need passport for my job
by: Anonymous

Question: My son is 27 years old and ex-wife has been married over 15 years... I am backing back child support and was denied a renewal of my passport. International business is part of my portfolio and I can't do my job... In jeopardy of losing my job because I can't get a passport... Any advice on how to get my passport reinstated?


Answer: Child support arrears must be paid in full in order to be removed from the passport denial list.

Are we out of their system?
by: Joe

Question: Arrears have been paid, my child support is done. Is my information, name, etc removed from this system? Somewhere I feel the payors should receive written proof that we're out of their system and have PAID this off. Restoring/improving one's credit may require proof of satisfying any outstanding debt.

Answer: All questions about your child support arrears or the status of a payment should be directed to the appropriate state child support enforcement agency.

Renewing expired passport
by: Joe

Question: I couldn't renew my passport in March 2015 due to arrears. I have satisfied and paid off the arrears in Total. Will my passport be simply and easily renewed using the standard form and photo, despite the fact it's expired about 6-7 months now? The county probation person told me, "Im good to go", but I have nothing in writing. I was also told by a Judiciary court of NJ representative that a passport will be renewed within 5 years of expiration. Is that true? (obviously excluding a child). Thanks.

Answer: Once arrears are paid in full, the state agency should contact the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. HHS should then contact the U.S. Department of State so that your name can be removed from the list of outstanding arrears.

Passports can be renewed by mail up to 5 years after the date of expiration if all other criteria are met. The passport cannot be significantly damaged and must be submitted with your application.

For a complete list of requirements, visit Passport Renewal Requirements.

Will I be denied
by: Anonymous

Question: I currently owe 2000 in child support, but it has been above 2500 in the past. I am getting remarried next week in the Carribean, and I am not sure if my passport is valid (after reading all these posts).

I have been paying back my support for years now, but since I lost a leg in a car accident, I was out of work for a long time, and I'm honestly doing the best I can.

Answer: A person who owes more than $2500 in child support cannot obtain a passport. Rarely are passports revoked.

If you possess a valid passport, you should be able to use it without any problem.

Passport denied
by: Anonymous

Question: Because they said I owe back child support which I don't then what I'd like to know is can I apply for my British passport because my mother is British and I'm entitled to British citizenship and would be able to come in and out of the country on that Passport?

Answer: Please contact British passport services for informating regarding the acquisition of a British passport. Note, however, that American citizens are required by law to present a valid U.S. passport when entering the United States. If you do not owe back child support, you should contact the state agency to resolve the issue.

traveling with ex
by: Joe

If your passport is not expired presuming you have one, you can go. If you don't have one, you will not be issued one until your arrears are satisfied, regardless of your agreement. I am in a simlar situation, and was told no. A court order signed by a judge seems not to matter.

Passport to go out of country with ex wife
by: Anonymous

Question: I owe back way in child support, way over the 2500 amount, and my ex wife, children and I want to take a trip to Ireland next year. I have a pmt system set up with the state I live in (Illinois). Will we all be able to take this trip out of the country? Can I get a passport?

Answer: If you owe $2,500 or more in child support, you are not eligible to receive a U.S. passport. You should make arrangements to pay the state where child support is owed BEFORE you submit your application for a U.S. passport. All questions about your child support arrears or the status of a payment should be directed to the appropriate state child support enforcement agency.

Owe Arrears only
by: ADAnonymous

Question: Hi, I have settled all child support debt and I am paying on the arrears. I have been for the last past 10 years. I only owe arrears. Can I get a passport? I'm in good standing.

Answer: If you owe $2,500 or more in arrears, you will not be issued a passport. Contact the state agency to which you owe child support to verify the amount of your arrears and whether or not they have communicated your payment arrangement to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and requested that your name be removed from the list of outstanding arrears.

trying to make a living
by: Anonymous

Question: If I work for the federal government and have a job offer to work overseas and I owe back child support can I get a passport? I'm making payments towards the back amount every month.

Answer: If you owe $2,500 or more in child support, you are not eligible to receive a U.S. passport. Some states require you pay the full amount before a passport will be issued. Contact the state agency to which you owe child support for more information.

by: Anonymous

Question: I'm supposed to go to Mexico in a month for a wedding. I owe over $6000 on arrears but have been on a payment plan for a while now and the child is now in my custody so it is all old monies owed. Will they deny my passport?

Answer: Please call 1-877-487-2778 to speak with a customer service representative about this issue.

by: Anonymous

Question: So I was told from the child support agency if I try to renew my passport before it's expiration date, I wouldn't be denied if I owe money. I just got a note from passport agency with a denial. Is this correct? I'm in New York?

Answer: Did the denial letter specifically state that the passport was denied due to the fact that you owe child support? Individuals that owe $2500 or more in child support cannot get a passport.

by: Anonymous

Question: I am overseas and my passport was taken by the US embassy when I went to add more pages for non payment of child support. I immediately paid the entire amount due and have all receipts to prove it. My problem is I have my work permit that needs to be renewed. In order to do so, I need the passport. I was told it takes 2 to 3 weeks for them to process. Is there anyone or a phone number I can call to accelerate the process? If I don't get my permit renewed, I will loose my job.

Answer: Once you make payment, the State Child Support Enforcement Agency reports to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources that acceptable payment has been made. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources removes your name from a list of outstanding arrears and provides the U.S. Department of State with the updated list. Once Passport Services receives the list, they verify that your name has been removed.

We recommend that you contact the U.S. embassy to see if they have received an updated list and whether or not your name has been removed. If not, you might contact the state child support enforcement agency to make sure they have contacted HHS. If that has been done, then you might contact HHS to verify that your name has been removed from the list of outstanding arrears and ask how long it will be until the updated list is sent to the Department of State.

Passport renewal should be granted
by: Joe

Question: I have been paying CSA for ten years; my children are all emancipated. I live and work in NJ, as do my children and x wife. A descrepancy in the official emancipation of my children, and hence reduction in CS is what led to my arrears. Rather than pay another small fortune by filing a motion, I drafted a Consent Order which included a payment schedule (All signed by the judge). I have been in total compliance since it went into effect. I see no reason to block and essentially hold me hostage; and indeed both my x wife and myself communicated to the administrative office of the court, we did not want anything adverse done provided I was in compliance. I have been for more than one year and now its time to renew my passport. I would like to think someone can use some common sense here and grant my renewal. After ten years, if I was going to jump ship, I would have done it already. No one with a mortgage, car loans, small business loans are forbidden from getting or renewing a passport. In my opinion neither should I. Requiring an amount be below 1000-2500 in the presence of a signed court order and payment schedule is wrong. The minimum arrears weekly payment is 45 dollars; I have been paying 3 times that every week. I am interested in your reponse.

Answer: In order to issue you a passport, the U.S. Department of State Passport Services must receive the list of outstanding arrears from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and verify that HHS has removed your name from the list. In order for HHS to remove your name from the list, they have to receive a letter from the state agency to which you owe child support showing that acceptable payment arrangements have been made. Therefore, the process begins with the state agency to whom you owe child support. You need to contact that agency and ask if they can send the report to HHS.

Child now living with parent
by: Anonymous

Question: If you owe back child support but the mother of your child is deceased and your child now lives in your home, can you get a passport?

Answer: Contact the state agency to which you owe child support. A passport can only be issued once the state agency reports to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) that the debt has been resolved.

Children live outside the U.S.
by: Anonymous

Question: My children live in Canada. Are there any exceptions to obtaining a passport in such a case? Yes, it is possible to drive across the border without a passport but there may be times when it is best to fly.

Answer: When traveling by air from Canada, U.S. citizens are required by U.S. law to present a U.S. passport book.

How do you know if you're on the list?
by: Anonymous

Question: Is there a way to see the list before applying for a passport? I currently have about 1500 in back child support that I'm paying down. I know it says if you owe more than 2500 then you're on the list. I did owe more than that at one time and have been consistently paying down the arrears for a few years now. Is there a way to know if it will be denied before applying?

Answer: Contact the state agency to which you owe child support.

Florida Child Support System is Broken
by: Anonymous

Question: I submitted an application for a passport. A week later I received a letter stating that I could not get a passport because I owed back child support. The Child Support system in Florida is broken. The Clerk of the Courts for the county the order came from says that I actually overpaid my child support by over $400. I do not owe child support. I have talked with the person in Tallahassee who handles the "HHS List" of back child support and he said that my name has been removed. How long will it take to get my passport now?

Answer: The state HHS must make a request to the Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) to have your name removed from the Passport Denial Program. Once this has been verified, OCSE will contact the U.S. Department of State with the updated list.

The Passport Agency holds the application for ninety days from the date of the denial letter. If the Passport Agency receives verification that your name is no longer in the Passport Denial Program before ninety days have elapsed, a new fee will not be necessary. Otherwise, a new application and fee will be required.

Father getting passport even owing in arrears
by: Anonymous

Question: My child's father was issued a new passport and he owes over 8000 in arrears. How is this possible? He is going to China next month. Will he still be able to leave the country or enter back in with this not being paid?

Answer: Contact the Office of Child Support Enforcement to verify if your child's father is listed in the Passport Denial Program.

Department of State Overide rules
by: Anonymous

Question: Will the Department of State override the child support rule if you have employment or employment opportunity in another Country? Would the US Department of State deny a US Citizen an opportunity to continue paying his/her share of US Income Tax??

Answer: The Department of State usually only provides passports for those who are in arrears of child support in cases of emergency medical care or a life or death emergency pertaining to a family member. Proof must be provided of the emergency in order for a passport to be granted.

passport and child support
by: Anonymous

Question: If I owe 10,000 in child support but have been making my payments every week for the past five years and continuing to pay can I get a passport? My daughter is getting married out of the country. SAFARI

Answer: No. Arrears must be paid in full and name cleared before a passport will be issued.

Passport and Child Support Payments
by: Anonymous

Question: If you are paying arrears thru court order and you have no current will you still be denied if you owe more than 9000 on arrears.

Answer: The back child support must be paid in full before your name will be released to get a passport. However, check with your local child support agency to see if there is anything else you can do.

by: Anonymous

Question: I own about 7000 on child support,becouse I am on desability I am paying 150 every month and the balance increases every month because of the interest. I never can pay the balance. Is there any option to have my passaport back?

Answer: If you owe $2,500 or more in child support, you are not eligible to receive a U.S. passport. You must pay the child support you owe BEFORE you submit your application for a U.S. passport.

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About the Author: For over 20 years, the U.S. Passport Service Guide team has helped hundreds of thousands of travelers with their travel document questions and shared advice about how to make traveling abroad simpler, safer, and more enjoyable.

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