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Renew passport for 19 year old daughter away at college

by Sherry
(Chester,MD USA)

Question: My older daughter is getting married in Costa Rica November 6th. My 19-year-old daughter is her maid-of-honor. She is attending Oklahoma University.

I live in Maryland and have her passport here in Maryland. I happened to look at it and saw it expired last May 3. I did not realize minor's passports were only good for 5 years.

I can mail her passport to her in Oklahoma, but want to make sure she will be able to get a new passport by November 4th (her flight is Nov 4). What will she need to get her new passport and can she just go to a post office in Oklahoma? Thank you for your help.

Answer: Your daughter should appear in person at a passport application acceptance facility and submit a completed, unsigned Form DS-11 along with evidence of citizenship, proof of identity, a copy of the ID, one passport photo and payment.

She is not required to submit her most recently issued passport although it can be used to prove her U.S. citizenship. She can also use her original birth certificate or a certified copy for this, making it unnecessary to show the old passport.

Routine passport processing takes 4-6 weeks so she should get her new passport in plenty of time for her trip if she applies soon.

If he prefers to get her passport faster, she can request expedited service. There is an additional $60 for this service but she will get her passport in 2-3 weeks.

For more information , click the appropriate links below.

How to Get a New Passport

Oklahoma Passport Offices

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US passport renewal of a 19-year-old
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter is studying in the U.S. and visiting India for 20 days. Her passport expires in June 2019. How do I get her passport renewed (from 5 year minor to 10 year adult) at Chennai. How long does it take to get her passport as she is in India only 20 days.

Answer: Your daughter may apply for her new passport while she is in the U.S. Since she is already of legal age, there is no need for parental consent or presence. She may also apply for her passport at the U.S. Consulate General in Chennai. Processing takes approximately 2 weeks.

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Get answers to these questions and more in our Ultimate U.S. Traveler's Guide to Passport Expediters.

You can also visit our library of articles about passport expediting.

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About the Author: For over 20 years, the U.S. Passport Service Guide team has helped hundreds of thousands of travelers with their travel document questions and shared advice about how to make traveling abroad simpler, safer, and more enjoyable.

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