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How to answer Question 20 on form DS-82?

by Victor
(New York, NY)

Question: My wife an I are considering taking a cruise later this summer or early this fall. We are considering places throughout Europe but do not know exactly where or which seas and ports (i.e. Adriatic, Aegean, Baltic, Mediterranean, North?).

Both me and my wife have passports that we got on our trip to Italy around 9 years ago so we just want to renew and we both qualify for the DS-82 form. However, since we do not know the exact location at this time we do not know how to fill out question 20 on that form. How specific does it have to be?

Answer: You can just write N/A or "unknown" on question 20 of Form DS-82. You can also just leave it blank. Passport services understands that many American citizens renew their passports without having specific travel plans.

Comments for How to answer Question 20 on form DS-82?

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One wrong travel dates
by: Anonymous love

Question: Hello. I sent in my DS-82 application with the travel date but I realized my vacation group changed the travel date one day later (7th not 8th). Will my application still be fine?

Answer: Yes, your application will be okay. Travel dates do not affect an application unless you requested expedited service.

Alternative destinations
by: Anonymous

Question: I may go to Mexico, Columbia, or Brazil, so I wrote these as just like that for #20 on the renewal form. Is that acceptable?

Answer: Yes. It is not an issue.

Thank you!
by: Anonymous

Thank you for the info regarding Question #20 on DS-82. Very helpful!

Very helpful
by: Anonymous

Very clear answers to questions like mine about #20. It helped me sort out the correct answer for my situation.

Q20 expedited Renewal Requirement
by: Anonymous

Question: Do I need to include travel plans for expedited renewal + include an itinerary as part of the mail-in process? I'm getting confused as to what I need and don't need.

Answer: For expedited renewal by mail, there is no need to include specific travel plans. You should just include the $60 expedite fee, send the application to the address below and write 'expedite' on the envelope.

National Passport Processing Center
PO Box 90955
Philadelphia, PA 19190-0955

You will only need to present travel itineraries for Urgent Travel requests (in-person appointments).

Travel plans, 2 directions
by: Anonymous

Question: It is confusing because filling out the form online says to leave it blank. Then on the printed form, it says if no travel plans, please write "none".

Answer: Either way is okay.

DS 82 prefill form not allow to enter birthplace of another country
by: Anonymous

Question: The DS82 prefill form does not allow me to enter Vietnam as my birthplace.

Answer: We recommend that you print the form and complete it by hand instead. Please use black ink.

Email and Phone
by: Anonymous

Question: Can the email and phone fields on both pages be left blank or simply 'NA'.

Answer: You need to provide contact information so passport services can reach out to you in case there is an issue with your application.

Known departure date, unknown return date
by: Anonymous

Question: I am taking a one-way trip to Canada from the United States, should I write "unknown" on the "Return Date" Section of question 20?

Answer: Yes, you may.

Handwritten DS-82
by: Jo

Question: What if I handwritten the DS-82 and my application will be rejected, will I get my old passport back?

Answer: Your application will not be rejected just because you complete it by hand. Should there be any issues with your form, passport services will contact you with instructions on how and where to send a new duly-completed form.

#20 travel plans
by: Emma

Question: So I wrote I will be departing next month and I wrote "Spain" as the country of destination.

Now I just ended up changing my mind and I will be going to Greece instead but I have already mailed in my application yesterday. Would I be questioned by airport customs if they see on their system that I’m going to a different country instead of the country that I originally wrote on my application?

Answer: No, you will not be questioned.

Travel dates
by: Anonymous

Question: What if you put in travel plans. Like we are set a trip to the Dominican on May 31. So we added that on the application. Now those dates might move due to pricing. Am I able to change my travel dates even though I put dates on my application?

Answer: There is no need to change the travel dates in your application. Those fields are not mandatory.

Box #20 on DS-82
by: SVJ Burns

Question: I already completed the form online and printed it. I then hand-wrote "None" in all spaces for #20. Is this OK, or do I need to do a new form? Thanks.

Answer: You have to re-do the form. You either complete everything by hand or use the online form-filler again and just affix your signature after. Do not make any handwritten markings except your signature if you use the online form-filler.

#20 question
by: Kathie

Question: My form filled D82 asks me to write "none" in #20 if I have no travel plans. However, I thought I was not to manually write on this pre-filled form, just sign, date, and send. Shall I leave it blank? Thank you.

Answer: Yes, you may leave it blank.

by: Anonymous

Question: Can I just fill out DS82.pdf from my computer and print instead of using black ink only?

Answer: You may. Please do not forget to affix your signature on the form before mailing it.

I dont know
by: Anonymous

Question: Can you tell me about the box in the upper RT hand corner of the DS-82 Appl w/ the D, O, S & NRF, please? I’m not finding any answers elsewhere on the matter.

Answer: You do not have to do anything with those boxes. Those will be filled in by the passport agent who will process your application.

Question 20
by: Anonymous

Thank you for mentioning that the travel date and location could be left blank it lessened my anxiety after mailing the forms.

by: Anonymous

Question: What do I write in block # 15 "Occupation" on form DS-82 if I’m currently unemployed? Thank you.

Answer: You may write NA.

How to answer travel plans when already abroad
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello! I'm currently in Australia on a working holiday visa, and I have been here since Nov 2019 and plan to stay at least Nov 2021. Under travel plans, it won't let me set a date for my travel earlier than today. Should I set my date of travel from today to Nov 2021 even though I am already here or just leave it blank?

Answer: You may leave it blank.

Mailing Address
by: Anonymous

Question: DS-82 form, I leave #18 Permanently Address Blank because it’s the same as my #8 Mailing Address, is this Okay? I mailed my renewal already.

Answer: Yes, it is okay.

Form DS82
by: Anonymous

Question: I am living in India temporarily and will be in the U.S. soon. However, I have no permanent address there since I was living in a rented apartment. What should I write as permanent address.

Answer: You can use the address that you will be using in the foreseeable future.

Change of name and renewing expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My passport expired last year and have not renewed it. I got married on Aug 8 last year. I’m renewing and changing my name on the passport using my marriage certificate as supporting document. Do I need two forms to complete - change of name and renewal form? Also, what do I write as the date and place of legally changing my name, the date of marriage and place of marriage or the registered date and place of registration? Thanks!

Answer: Form DS-82 should cover both renewal and name change. Please prepare the following and mail them to the address on the form:

1. Form DS-82
2. Current passport
3. Original or certified copy of marriage certificate
4. One new passport photo
5. Payment for fees

Please enter the date and place your marriage was solemnized (wedding).

You may visit the following web pages for more information:

Passport Renewals
Passport Name Change

What if I want to expedite it?
by: Anonymous

Question: I wanted to expedite mine because of a possible upcoming trip within the next month. However if I'm correct, it states you have to answer if you are expediting.

Answer: Expedited service takes 2 to 3 weeks to complete via mail. If you apply ASAP, your passport should arrive in time for your trip.

If you want the passport sooner, you may apply at a regional passport agency. In order to be entertained, you need to present proof of immediate international travel (in 2 weeks or 4 weeks if you also need a visa) in addition to the renewal requirements. Regional agencies process applications in 1 to 8 business days.

Thank you!
by: Anonymous

It is our first passport renewal and I couldn't find the answer anywhere. Thank you!!

Travel plans
by: Anonymouss

Question: Your answers are saying that you can leave the area blank where it says travel plans however mine won't let me out unless I feel that in do you have an answer for that.

Answer: Please enter 'Not Applicable' in the field.

Very useful
by: Anonymous

Thank you for the information. Like others, I wasn't sure if it was OK to leave it blank.

Time saver
by: NJ resident

Saved me some valued time. Thank you.

Now I know
by: Minnesotan

Thank you for answering; I was afraid to leave it blank.

Very helpful
by: Steve

Just the info I needed. Thanks.

by: Anonymous

Your website is very helpful.

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More Passport & Travel Information

Getting a Passport Expedited at a Post Office
Requesting express service at post offices and other facilities that accept application forms from U.S. citizens.

Applying at a Regional Passport Agency
Where processing centers are located. How to schedule an appointment. What documents to take with you.

Using a Registered Courier Service
How to pick a legitimate courier service company to assist in getting your passport quickly.

Routine vs. Expedited Passport Service: How to Choose
Guide to help you decide if standard or fast track processing is the best option for your situation.

How to Renew a U.S. Passport Fast
Learn to expedite passport renewals as quickly as the same day. Where and how to renew passport in a hurry.

Top 5 Questions About Expedited Passport Couriers

1. How can you get a passport when you're in a hurry?
2. What exactly does a passport expediter do?
3. Are passport expediting services legitimate?
4. How can I identify a reliable passport expeditor?
5. Is expedited passport service worth it?

Get answers to these questions and more in our Ultimate U.S. Traveler's Guide to Passport Expediters.

You can also visit our library of articles about passport expediting.

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About the Author: For over 20 years, the U.S. Passport Service Guide team has helped hundreds of thousands of travelers with their travel document questions and shared advice about how to make traveling abroad simpler, safer, and more enjoyable.

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