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Divorced but passport was orginally maiden name

by Shelley
(Mandeville, la USA)

Question: I received my passport before I was married, then once I got married, I sent it in for the stamp that shows my married name. I am now divorced and went back to my maiden name. I need to renew my passport.

Do I have to mail in my divorce decree? I cant find it. My driver's license, original passport, social security card all have my maiden name on it. (which is what I need it to say)

Thank you,

Answer: You must submit the official document that proves the legal name change. Even though your passport originally had your maiden name in it, it was apparently amended with your married name. That will be the name that is on record with the State Department.

If you were divorced in Iowa, you can obtain a certified copy of the divorce decree at the Clerk of District Court in the county where the divorce was granted. If the divorce was not granted in Iowa, click the link below for more information.

Vital Records Information

Comments for Divorced but passport was orginally maiden name

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Maiden name
by: Anonymous

Question: I renewed my passport in 2014 with my maiden name. I have married and widowed and took my husband's name but I'd like to keep my maiden name on the passport. Is this possible?

Answer: Yes, it is possible. You renew your passport and not send any name change documents. Having said that, you need to enter your married name in section 9 as other names you have used.

Marriage and Divorce
by: Anonymous

Question: I received my passport in 2018 when I was unmarried. Igot married and never changed my name on my passport and then got divorced and am now back to my maiden name (on my passport). The passport has the correct name and doesn’t expire until 2028. Can I still use it? Again name changed and changed back but I never changed my passport. Thanks!

Answer: Yes, you can definitely use your passport. The marriage and divorce does not have any bearing on your ability to use your passport to travel, just make sure to book tickets in the name that appears in it.

New Passport - Divorced & Remarried
by: Anonymous

Question: I am applying for a new passport (never had one). It asks for spouse's information but also asks if you have ever been divorced. I have been divorced (20 years ago) but have been remarried for over 15 years. When I enter the info and dates in the online app, it looks like the divorce answer and dates is about my current spouse, so dates look odd. Marriage: 2006, divorce 1998. Will this be a problem or do they mean if I'm currently divorced?

Answer: The form is asking if you have ever been divorced in the past.

Help for my Mom
by: Anon

Question: Hi, my mom and I are trying to arrange a special trip for the two of us to Europe. She's gone through a divorce since renewing her passport and has changed back to her maiden name on her DL. She doesn't need to renew her passport until 2029 but if she tries to use it while traveling, will there be a problem? Will she need additional identification?


Answer: Your mother does not need additional identification. As long as her tickets are booked in the name that appears on her passport, she should be okay.

Match passport information
by: Anonymous

Question: My passport was issued in my maiden name. I have since married and divorced but kept my husband's last name, I want my new passport under the same name. I want my passport to match all my documents (ID, bills, etc) if possible.

Answer: Yes, it is possible. You may submit your passport for renewal and use your marriage certificate as proof of legal name change.

Passport Renewal ~ Divorce / Name Question
by: Anonymous

Question: My passport (issued in 2003) is in my maiden name. I got married in 2004 and divorced a few years later. I never changed my name back after my divorce. What documents do I need to provide to update my passport?

I was confused based on some answers given to previous people and what I found on the website "Please note: You do not need to submit proof of the name change if your name has changed due to marriage and you present an ID issued in your new name. You must include the details of the marriage on the second page of Form DS-11."

Thank you in advance for your help.

Answer: From my understanding, your old passport is in your maiden name but you go by your married name after the divorce.

Since your passport is over 15 years old, you can no longer renew it. You need to submit a new application with DS-11. You do not need to submit marriage/divorce documents as long as the ID you present with the application matches the name you enter in the form.

For example: if you enter your married name in the form and present a driver's license in your married name, the passport will be issued in that name even if your citizenship evidence has your maiden/birth name. There will be no need to submit other documents but you need to indicate details of your marriage and divorce in the application form.

Here's a list of what you need:

1. Form DS-11 (complete but do not sign yet)
2. Proof of U.S. citizenship - can be a U.S. birth/citizenship/naturalization certificate or the expired undamaged passport (original or certified copy, plus a photocopy)
3. Photocopy of primary ID bearing the name you enter in the application form (present the actual ID to the agent)
4. One new passport photo (must be taken w/in the last 6 months)
5. Payment for fees

Schedule an Appointment

Current processing times are 6 to 9 weeks for routine service and 3 to 5 weeks for expedited service (costs an extra $60). These times do not include mailing times and may change without prior notice.

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New Passport, 2nd marriage
by: Anonymous

Question: I am applying for a new passport.
In my first marriage I was widowed after 1 year, I remarried 24 years ago.
I listed my maiden name, my windowed married name and my current married name. Do I need to submit my first marriage license, husband's death certificate, and my current marriage license?

Answer: There will be no need to submit your old and current marriage certificates and your late husband's death certificate as long the name you enter in the application matches the name on the ID you present with it.

Divorced, new passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I’ve been divorced for over 20 years but still use my married name on my driver's license and SS card. Do I need to show my divorce decree?

Answer: Since you are still using your married name, there is no need to submit your divorce decree.

Need divorce certificate, or divorce decree?
by: Anonymous

Question: I was divorced in 2012 and remarried in 2014. I brought my marriage certificate to show my current name compared to my maiden name. I listed my 1st married name. I was told I needed a copy of the divorce decree. Do I actually need the divorce decree, or will the divorce certificate be acceptable?

Answer: Usually, the divorce certificate will suffice but if the Department of State requires the decree, then you should submit it. You may call the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

I want my Not Legal Maiden Name
by: Ally

Question: I have finally decided to change my name back to my maiden name after being separated for 4 years and divorced for 2 years. I will soon look into how to legally change my name back to my maiden name in the courts, but currently, I am still legally using my married name. I want my maiden name on my passport. I want my Maiden name (Love) on my passport because I will very soon change it, but my current legal last name is my married name (loathe). What do I do? My passport will expire in a few months.

Answer: You may submit a new passport application instead of a renewal. The passport will be issued in your maiden name if you complete the form with it and present an ID bearing your maiden name as well.

New applications need to be submitted in person at a local acceptance facility.

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Divorced but never changed back to maiden name. Divorce decree sufficent?
by: grace

Question: I got my passport 14 years ago in my maiden name. I got married but never changed my passport information and it expired. I am now divorced but I never went back to my maiden name. I still have my married name.

I am renewing through mail, I have a copy of my divorce decree but not my original marriage certificate. Do I need my marriage certificate to prove from maiden to current name? Or will the divorce decree suffice as I am still using my married name?

Answer: You need your marriage certificate to document the legal name change from maiden to married.

by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. I was previously married but divorced. I went through the process to change my passport back to my maiden name.

I have since remarried and would like to change my passport to reflect my new last name. I did list my former married name on the application since it was used legally, however just a reminder: I changed my passport post-divorce to reflect my maiden name.

Do I still need to include a divorce decree? If so, do we receive the originals documents back?

Answer: There is no need to include your divorce decree. You will only need to send in your most recent marriage certificate to change your passport from maiden to new married name. Send the original or a certified copy. The document will be returned to you in a separate mailing once processing is complete.

Renew passport in process of Divorce
by: Anonymous

Question: My Passport has always been in my maiden name - I last renewed it a few months before getting married and never changed it to my married name. It is now expiring and I need to renew it, but I am also in the middle of the divorce process - I don't know how long it will be before I legally go back to my maiden name once the divorce is finalized, but I need to renew my passport right away.

Can I still renew it in my maiden name, even though I haven't changed back to my maiden name yet? Do I need to document any name change on my renewal form, or can I simply keep it all as my maiden name?

Answer: Your renewal should be straightforward since your passport is still in your maiden name. There is no need to submit name change documents.

Passport Renewal by Mail

Please mail the following to the address on the form:

1. Form DS-82
2. Current passport
3. One new passport photo
4. Payment for fees

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Divorced and remarried
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, my passport that is old and expired was in my maiden name. I got married in 2011 and divorced in 2018. I never changed my passport however I got remarried later in 2018 and now I need a new passport.

I sent in all of my documentation: my original marriage certificate but received a letter that they need a court certification of a name change with no specifications seeing as how the marriage and divorce were so close. My marriage certificate had my previously married name on it would that be the documentation they are needing or are they simply needing a marriage certification from wherever I got it in the county?

I’m just trying to figure out since my trip is at the end of March and I just received this yesterday and how quickly I should get this back?

Answer: Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 to find out what specific documents they require for your application to proceed.

We also recommend waiting until your new passport arrives before making any final travel arrangements.

Maiden name on passport, ran out got married/divorced in 2004
by: Anonymous

Question: My passport has my maiden name on it. I want to renew it but I was divorced in 2004. My passport has never been renewed; it still has my maiden name on it. Is this straightforward to do?

Answer: Yes, it is quite straightforward to do. It looks like your passport was issued over 15 years ago so you need to submit a new application as if it's your first time.

You need to submit your application in person at an acceptance facility. Please prepare the following:

1. Form DS-11
2. Evidence of U.S. citizenship (can be your old passport or original birth certificate)
3. Government-issued ID bearing your maiden name (bring original plus photocopy)
4. One new passport photo
5. Payment for fees:

Application: $110
Execution: $35 (separate check)
Expedite (optional): $60
1-2 days delivery (optional): $18.32

Most facilities require an appointment.

Schedule an Appointment

Standard processing currently takes 8 to 11 weeks, excluding shipping on the front and back end. Expedited service takes 5 to 7 weeks. If you have plans to travel soon, we recommend that you make final travel arrangements after you receive your new passport.

I have been divorced since 2006
by: Anonymous

Question: I have been divorced since 2006. I only use my Maiden name. Do I need to bring my divorce papers to get a passport for the first time?

Answer: There is no need to bring your divorce decree.

Maiden name on expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I obtained a passport when I was 16, which expired in 2019. It has been 12 years since it was issued.

I’m going through the process of renewing by mail and wanted to make sure to include a divorce decree if necessary - I was married in 2017 and divorced in 2020. During the divorce, I went back to my maiden name. This name is identical to the one on my expired passport and so I wasn’t originally thinking I need to include my divorce decree.

I wanted to make sure it wasn’t needed since under the "other names used" section I wrote my old married name? Will this cause confusion/problems? Do I need to send in the divorce decree even with my legal name now matching the expired passport?

Answer: While you need to include your old married name in other names used, you do not need to submit proof of legal name change. This is because you are not changing the name on your passport. There is no need to submit your divorce decree with your renewal application.

Name on Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I got a passport in 2014 prior to being married. I was married from 2017 until 2021 and I'm back to my maiden name. I have a vacation out of the country this December, is my passport valid again or would I need to renew?

Answer: Your passport should be valid until 2024 unless it was issued with less than 10 years validity. It was not invalidated when you married and changed your legal name.

You may use your passport for travel. Just make sure to book your tickets in the name printed in your passport.

by: Ayla

Question: I've been divorced for 14 years. My old passport has my ex-husband's last name. To renew my passport do I need a divorce decree?

Answer: Hi, Ayla. If you changed your name back to your maiden name, then yes, you need to submit your divorce decree as proof of legal name change. Please send the original document or a certified copy.

However, if your passport was issued more than 15 years ago, you can no longer renew it. You need to submit a new application. There will then be no need to send your divorce decree. Please prepare the following requirements:

1. Evidence of citizenship (birth certificate/naturalization certificate/citizenship certificate) - original plus photocopy
2. Form DS-11
3. Government-issued ID bearing your current legal name - original plus photocopy
4. One passport photo
5. Payment for fees

by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. I recently applied for a passport. My concern is I’m married but my last name is the same. I didn’t use my husband's last name or his bday. Will I get rejected?

Answer: As long as the name on the application is supported by your citizenship and identification documents, there should be no issues.

Applying for passport for 1st time
by: Angel Duncan

Question: I am applying for a passport, I was married and divorced over 20 years ago. I have had my maiden name since. What documents are needed? Besides birth cert, and driver license.

Answer: Hi! You need to apply in person for your first U.S passport. Please prepare the following requirements:

1. Form DS-11 (must be signed in front of a passport agent)
2. Original or certified copy of your birth certificate plus photocopy
3. Photocopy of driver's license (present the actual license when you apply)
4. One passport photo
5. Payment for fees

You need to apply at an acceptance facility. Appointments can be secured here: http://usps.com/scheduler.

Name change remarried
by: Anonymous

Question: My original and now expired passport has my maiden name. I was married and then divorced. I never updated my passport so it still has my maiden name. I have since remarried and changed my last name again. My document supporting this change shows the last name from my previous marriage since I never changed it after the divorce. Do I need to provide my the certificate from my first marriage, divorce decree from my first marriage and the marriage certificate from my 2nd marriage?

Answer: Yes -- to provide a link between the name in the old passport to the name you want in the new one.

No name change
by: Anonymous

Question: If I've kept my maiden name when I got married, then got divorced, and continue to still have the same name, why do I need to provide a copy of the divorce decree stating the "resumption" of my maiden name that was never changed?

Answer: Passport services reserves the right to require any and all documents to support your identity.

Name change 2 times
by: Donna B.

Question: Why do I need a divorce document from my first marriage? My maiden name never changed -- it's the same as my birth certificate that was 40 years ago. I don't have those documents anymore.

Answer: Hi, Donna. Passport services reserves the right to request for pertinent documents for a passport application. This is to prove your identity.

Returned to maiden name, married name in other names?
by: Anonymous

Question: I am renewing a passport. My original passport was in my maiden name and I never changed it to my married name though I did change my name on my driver's license to my married name. I am now divorced and have returned to my maiden name. Do I need to list my married name in the other names section?

Answer: Yes. Please enter all names you have legally used in the past.

Name change
by: Anonymous

Question: I received my passport in 2007, at the time I was not married. I got married and changed my maiden name to my married name. When I got divorced it was so bad that my ex husband never sent me my divorce papers. I am renewing my passport and sent my old passport with my maiden name. Would I still need my divorce papers for renewing my passport even though it was already in my maiden name?

Answer: You do not need your divorce papers.

Divorced but still use married name
by: Anonymous

Question: I have never had a passport but although I am divorced I still use my married name (mainly because I thought it was best for the kids at the time). What will this entail? Will I need any divorce document because I do not have it. I am afraid I only have my Birth certificate.

Answer: The passport will be issued in the name you enter in the application form as long as it is supported by either your birth certificate or the ID you present.

If you use your married name, passport services may require you to submit the original or a certified copy of your marriage certificate. It is best if you are ready with the document.

Name change
by: Kathleen G

Question: After my divorce I went back to my maiden name. My children still carry their father's name. I would like to have my married and maiden name hyphenated. Do I have to go back to court?

Answer: You may apply for a passport name change by submitting a the original or a certified copy of your marriage certificate.

Unexpired passport with married name
by: Anonymous

Question: I am divorced and have my maiden name back. My passport has my married name, but is hyphenated with my maiden and married. It is not expired yet, can I still use it, if I have my divorce decree and driver's license with me.

Answer: You may travel using your current passport as long as you book your tickets in the name that appears on it. TSA's Secure Flight Program requires that names on passports and airline tickets match.

Please help.
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello, I am applying for passport for the first time. I received my citizenship certificate 2007; at the time, I was married. I kept my maiden name. Now I am divorced and applying for a passport. Do I need to provide my divorce papers when applying even though my name was never changed?

Thank you.

Answer: There will be no need to send your divorce documents to apply for your new passport.

Married/divorced and keeping married name
by: Anonymous

Question: I need to renew my expired passport. It was issued in my maiden name. I have since married and divorced but kept my husband's last name. So, I need to include my marriage certificate showing my name change to obtain a passport with my married name. Do I also need to include my divorce certificate even though I do not use my maiden name?

Answer: Please include both marriage certificate and divorce decree plus a letter of explanation with your passport renewal application form.

never change name on passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello,

I have a passport in my maiden name and never changed it when I got married. I am now divorced and went back to my maiden name. Does that mean my passport is still valid? It has not expired yet and everything matches my current name.

Answer: Your passport is valid until the date of expiration.

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More Passport & Travel Information

Getting a Passport Expedited at a Post Office
Requesting express service at post offices and other facilities that accept application forms from U.S. citizens.

Applying at a Regional Passport Agency
Where processing centers are located. How to schedule an appointment. What documents to take with you.

Using a Registered Courier Service
How to pick a legitimate courier service company to assist in getting your passport quickly.

Routine vs. Expedited Passport Service: How to Choose
Guide to help you decide if standard or fast track processing is the best option for your situation.

How to Renew a U.S. Passport Fast
Learn to expedite passport renewals as quickly as the same day. Where and how to renew passport in a hurry.

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1. How can you get a passport when you're in a hurry?
2. What exactly does a passport expediter do?
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5. Is expedited passport service worth it?

Get answers to these questions and more in our Ultimate U.S. Traveler's Guide to Passport Expediters.

You can also visit our library of articles about passport expediting.

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About the Author: For over 20 years, the U.S. Passport Service Guide team has helped hundreds of thousands of travelers with their travel document questions and shared advice about how to make traveling abroad simpler, safer, and more enjoyable.

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