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Extra passport pages in my renewed passport

by Rebecca
(Maywood, IL, USA)

Question: I would like to renew my passport now (even though it doesn't expire in the next five years) for a trip around the world. Is it possible to get a renewed passport with extra pages added at the time of renewal? I would like my passport renewed but WITH EXTRA PAGES due to the number of countries I'll be visiting and all the visas. Can I request these pages at the same time I'm renewing the passport?

Thank you!

Answer: Yes, you can order the 52-page passport book instead of the standard 28-page version. Just indicate your choice when you fill out Form DS-82. You can mail the completed application form along with your current passport, one passport photo and payment of fees to the address in the form.

For more information about how to renew your passport, click on the following link:

Passport Renewal by Mail

Effective January 1, 2016, The U.S. Department of State no longer issues additional visa pages. This service has been discontinued to enhance the security of U.S. Passports and to adhere to international passport standards.

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Passport card
by: Anonymous

Question: I currently hold a valid passport book and valid passport card. They do not expire for many more years. However, I need to renew my passport book because I am running out of visa pages. Can I just renew my passport book WITHOUT renewing my passport card? Can I travel by sea to the Caribbean with my passport card while I am waiting for my passport book to be renewed?

Answer: Yes, you can renew your passport book without renewing your card. For good measure, you may request for the 52-page passport book, especially if you are planning on traveling a lot in the next few years.

Also, you may travel to the Caribbean via sea using your passport card.

How to renew passport if birth certificate was lost
by: Kim Dinh

Question: Hello,

Help please. How can I renew a passport for my child if her birth certificate was lost?

Answer: You need to request for a new copy of your child's birth certificate from the local vital records office. While you may use the expired passport as evidence of U.S. citizenship, you still need the birth certificate to establish parental relationship.

52 page passport cost for 2016
by: Anonymous

Question: My passport will expire in Aug. 2016 and I have to renew it soon. I would like to know what the cost is for a new 52 page passport as of 1/1/16. Thank you.

Answer: The application fee to renew a passport book is $110 for an applicant age 16 or older.

Do I get extra " Time " if I renew my Passport earlier than expiration date?
by: Grandma Lucy

Question: My Passport will be due on 1/2017, yet I only have 2-Visa pages left. If I am applying a renewed " Extra Pages " Passport now, do I get that 1-year extra length of time ( from 10/ 2015 to 1/2017 ) for my new Passport ?
Thank you.

Answer: If you apply to add pages to your passport, the fee will be $82 and it will still expire in 01/2017.

If you apply for a renewal, the fee will be $110 (presuming you were age 16 or older when you current passport was issued) but your new passport will be valid for 10 years from the date of issue.

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2. What exactly does a passport expediter do?
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Get answers to these questions and more in our Ultimate U.S. Traveler's Guide to Passport Expediters.

You can also visit our library of articles about passport expediting.

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About the Author: For over 20 years, the U.S. Passport Service Guide team has helped hundreds of thousands of travelers with their travel document questions and shared advice about how to make traveling abroad simpler, safer, and more enjoyable.

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