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The birthdate on my passport and license do not match

by Lucy
(Pompton Plains, NJ)

Question: My name is Lucy. I'm a foreigner who became an American. My passport says 1955 which is the correct date but my license and social security card say 1960, the wrong date. How do I start to correct it?

A few years back, I went renew my license and had to show the passport. I was sure they were going to correct it, but they gave me a license and never mentioned it; the same thing happened this year. As my retirement is approaching, I want to correct it. What do I do? Thank you.

Answer: Since your passport is correct, you do not need to do anything with it. If your birth date is incorrect on your driver's license and Social Security card, then you need to submit requests for corrections to these documents.

The SS office that serves your area is:

2ND Floor
2200 State Rt 10
Parsippany, NJ 07054

The MVC that serves Morris County is listed below.

101 Ridgedale Avenue
Morristown, NJ 07960

Comments for The birthdate on my passport and license do not match

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Fecha de nacimiento incorrecta
by: Anonymous

Question: Tramite el pasaporte de mi hija pero llego con la fecha equivocada ella es del 03_16_15 y el pasaporte dice 03_15_15 habla proble si viaja a México?

Answer: No es un problema.

Wrong birth date
by: Anonymous

Question: My passport says my birth date is 5/25 but my actual birthday is 5/26. Would this cause issues of me traveling and if so how do i get it fixed?

Answer: Birth dates usually do not cause issues when you travel. However, since it's an error, it is ideal to have it corrected.

Corrections are processed free of application fees unless you request expedited service. If you are traveling soon, I recommend that you apply for the correction when you return from your trip.

Wrong eye color
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter is traveling to Costa Rica with school in April. We just noticed her new passport lists her eyes as brown instead of green. Will this be an issue?

Answer: It should not be a significant issue but to avoid questions, it is best that you have the error corrected.

Corrections are processed free of charge. If you do it soon, you should have the corrected passport in plenty of time before her trip next year.

Birth-year mismatch between passport and social security
by: Maria

Question: I just corrected the birth year on my social security, now my passport birth year is now incorrect. Should I get this corrected now or wait until my passport expires? Thank You, Maria.

Answer: Hello, Maria. It is best that you have it corrected now. If you wait until the passport expires, you will need to submit a new application instead of a renewal.

Incorrect Place of Birth
by: Anonymous

Question: I just got my passport today but I noticed that my place of birth was incorrect. It says the state where I currently live but my actual place of birth is the Philippines. Are there going to be issues in any airports if I travel internationally with an incorrect place of birth on my passport?

Answer: There should not be any issues.

Daughter's wrong year of birth
by: Miguel

Question: Hello,

My daughter's birthday is on 11/30/22 but the date on the passport states 11/30/23 a date that has yet to come. Will this be an issue if we are traveling internationally?

Answer: It might not be an issue since it's clearly a printing error. Having said that, I recommend that you have it corrected before you travel to avoid any issues.

If you are traveling soon, please contact the airline you are traveling with to find out if the error will be an issue.

Wrong Place of Birth
by: Anonymous

Question: I am traveling to Europe in a month and I noticed my passport has the wrong place of birth. Can I still travel?

Answer: Yes, you may still travel.

Help! Birth date wrong
by: Anonymous

Question: I recently submitted my daughter's passport for processing. The birth date is wrong (16 instead of 13) with the correct month/year. Will she still be able to travel to the Philippines with us? Or would it be denied because all other documents don't match the DS-11 form? Help, we leave in 24 days I need to know what to do!

Answer: Details on the form must match the supporting documents. It is likely that you will have issues with the application. Also, standard processing takes 10 to 13 weeks and expedited service takes 7 to 9 weeks excluding shipping.

So unless you employed the services of a private expediter, you will not have the passport in 24 days. Please call 1-877-487-2778 to schedule an appointment to process the application in person.

Birth month error
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter's birth month was printed incorrectly on her passport. We’re traveling internationally soon. Is it okay for her to travel with this passport error and have it fixed when we return?

Answer: Yes, that should be okay.

Wrong Place of Birth
by: Anonymous922

Question: Hi,
I just got my passport in the mail and will travel in the next few weeks. I just noticed that the place of birth says Florida when I was born in Virginia. Can I still travel even though the birthplace is wrong?

Answer: Yes, you can travel with the error on the birth place.

Required Document for Birth Date Correction
by: Anonymous

Question: After a year, we just realized my daughter's passport has the incorrect birth month and day printed on her passport. What documentation is required to include with the DS-5504 other than a new photo?

Answer: You should send the original or a certified copy of your child's birth certificate for the correction application.

Wrong Birth Month
by: Anonymous

Question: My husband's certificate of naturalization has an incorrect birth month. His passport was issued a few years ago with the incorrect birth month as well. His Real ID was issued recently with the incorrect birth month, based on passport. Can I correct the passport by providing a certified translation of his foreign (Mexico) birth certificate?

Answer: Yes, you may submit his translated birth certificate as proof of the correct data.

Date of birth
by: Anonymous

Question: I got my passport this week and need to submit it to my company by Friday. I notice that the year on my passport is wrong. The date and month are correct but the year is 2 years off. Am I still able to use it even though it's wrong?

Answer: Yes, you may use that passport. You can also apply for a correction later on. Corrections are processed free of charge unless you request expedited service which costs $60.

Wrong DOB
by: kate

Question: My passport came and the date of birth is off by 1 year. I will be traveling soon, can I still use this passport and correct it when I get back?

Answer: Yes, you can.

How to Apply for a Correction

Apply for passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter's birth certificate is here and I noticed that I put the wrong date of her mother's birthdate. Is it going to be an issue when I apply for her passport?

Answer: It might cause some questions to be raised when the mother presents an ID that does not match the details on the birth certificate.

Wrong place of birth on passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. I received my passport book yesterday and realized It has wrong place of birth which should have been "Vietnam" - where I was born. Instead " Virginia, USA ", where I’m currently living. Unfortunately, I have a flight coming in 1 week. Can I use that passport to travel and get it fixed when I return later? Thanks for your help.

Answer: Yes, you may travel with that passport and have the error corrected when you return. Have a safe trip!

Just received Birth certificate - dates don’t match ID
by: Anonymous14

Question: So my father, now in his 80s, has gone through his life stating his birthday as one day (let’s pretend Jan. 1 for ease of explanation). So all his life on his driver's license, military records, etc it says Jan. 1.

But I recently requested his birth certificate from his home state and it states Jan. 2nd. So how can I get a passport for him with this date mismatch? It’s not like he can change all his other records at this late stage in life. Thank you.

Answer: The birth date is one of the essential identifying data for passport applications. Any discrepancy between documents may cause issues with an application. Having said that, the mismatch may be dismissed if other data match. We recommend that you contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 regarding the issue.

Wrong birth month on passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, just received my passport and it has the wrong birth month. Can I still travel with it?

Answer: Yes, you may travel with that passport and have the error corrected when you return.

Correct birth date on passport
by: On A Chu

Question: Hi, I came to this country in 1981 with my older brother from a Hongkong refugee camp. He reported my birth date wrong by 5 years.
I went back to Vietnam and got my birth certificate. How do I correct this birth date on my passport and also my driver's license?

Answer: You may apply for a correction at no cost to you. Please mail the following to the address on the form:

1. Form DS-5504
2. Current passport
3. Proof of the correct data (original or certified copy of your birth certificate)
4. Signed statement explaining the error on the previous passport
5. One new passport photo
6. Check for expedite and 1-2 days delivery fees (optional)

As for your driver's license, you need to contact the DMV.

Passport wrong birth month
by: Mary

Question: I just got my passport and it has the wrong birth month, but the correct birth date and year are correct. We’re leaving the country in a week and we’re going to the Philippines with my family. I already submitted the form to correct the mistake regarding the birth month. But I haven’t received my new passport with the correct birth month. Will this be a problem? Thank you!

Answer: Hi, Mary. You will not be able to travel without a valid passport. Since you have not received the corrected passport yet, you must wait until you have it before you can travel.

Wrong birthdate
by: SY

Question: My 6-year-old son's date of birth is wrong on his passport. We are flying to Mexico within 14 days. Is he still able to travel and use his passport?

Answer: Yes. You can have the error corrected when you get back. Have a safe trip!

Wrong year of birth
by: Anonymous

Question: I am an international student, I have the wrong year of birth (1993) on my passport before traveling to the USA in 2018. I didn’t have the time to change it before traveling. So all my documents in the USA have 1993 instead of 1989. I am returning to my country this year and will be renewing my passport. Can’t I fix the error before my return or continue to use the wrong year?

Answer: Since this is an immigration issue, please contact the USCIS.

Passport birth date is wrong
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm leaving the country in a couple of days, and I just realized the date of birth on my passport is wrong (wrong month). I do not have time to get my passport fixed before I am supposed to leave. Will I still be able to travel internationally even though my passport birthdate doesn't match the birthdate on my ID?

Answer: Yes, it should be okay.

Wrong birthdate on passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a passport that has my birthdate wrong by one day. I will be traveling in a couple of months to England. Can I use my passport or do I need to get fixed?

Answer: You may use the passport to travel and then apply for a correction when you get back.

Wrong birth month
by: Anonymous

Question: I just got my passport and it has the wrong birth month, but the correct birth date and year. I leave out of the country soon and won’t have time to change this. Will this be a problem?

Answer: It's not going to be an issue as long as your tickets match the name on your passport. Please contact the airline you are flying with for more information.

Wrong date of birth and name change
by: Lin Vann

Question: Hi my name is Lin Vann. I have questions about my husband's wrong date of birth. His passport and citizenship are the same with name and date of birth but his driver's license is different and his name changed.

The worst part is I tried to sponsor my parents from another country and all our personal tax returns and w-2 used the same date as his driver's license.

I really need some help here so I can fix this problem asap.

Lin Vann

Answer: Hello, Lin. You should contact the DMV since the error is in the driver's license.

Wrong birth year
by: Anonymous

Question: I am traveling to Mexico in 3 weeks, I don’t have time to get my birth year corrected. My passport says 2006 but I was born in 2005. Will this affect me getting onto a plane out of the country?

Answer: The wrong birth year will not be an issue. Have a safe trip!

Wrong birthdate on passport
by: Kristine

Question: Right before Covid hit, my family applied for passports to take a vacation. The trip was postponed for 1-1/2 years. We just discovered his birth month and year were correct but the day was the 18th and should have been the 16th. He is 16 and has a valid driver's license with the correct date and we have his birth certificate. We are leaving in a month and I am wondering if we can still travel or if I need to have this fixed before we leave? Will this cause a big problem?

Answer: You may travel with the error on the birth date. It will not be an issue.

wrong birthdate on passport
by: AK

Question: I was born in China in 1952 but I do not have a birth certificate. My parents made a notarized document for my birthdate according to Chinese Calendar day and one year younger. Therefore, the birthdate on my citizenship is according to that notarized paper.

But I have been using my right birthdate on my Social Security and Driver License since I came to the USA in the '70s. Can I change my passport to my real birthday? please advise. Thank you.

Answer: In order to have identifying information changed your passport, you need to provide legal documents bearing said information. Since you do not have a birth certificate and your citizenship document has the "wrong" birthdate, you will have a hard time proving that the other date is the "right" one, even if your IDs have it. It is also best that your passport match your citizenship evidence.

Change DOB on my license
by: Samuel zazuetaAnonymous

Question: My driver's license says 1964 and my passport says 1965. Need to change my license.

Answer: You need to present proof of the correct data, usually your birth certificate, to the DMV.

Mismatch birth date
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi,
My mom's foreign passport date of birth does not match her current permanent resident id ( green card) and she does not have her birth certificate from the foreign country. What shall I do? All of her information in the U.S is with her permanent resident ID date of birth. How can we fix her foreign passport?

Answer: You need to contact the embassy of her home country regarding the change.

Mismatched birth date
by: Anonymous

Question: My mother was born in West Indies and was naturalized in the 60s in the Virgin Islands. When my mother moved to the States, I realized then that her foreign birth certificate and naturalization dates are different (BC says the 28th and Naturalization says the 20th). I left it alone then because I was afraid of the anti-immigrant climate we now live in. Now because of REAL ID requirements, it's coming up again. Social Security has the right date (same as the foreign birth certificate), but the passport and naturalization document (and hence the drivers license) has the incorrect date. I don't know how to fix this without possibly creating an immigration issue for my mother. She's been a citizen since her early 20s and she's now in her 80s. I'm not sure what to do.

Answer: The citizenship is most important. Please contact the USCIS regarding this.

Naturalization date of birth correct
by: Anonymous

Question: My citizenship naturalization date of birth is correct, my birth certificate from Mexico is the same as my citizenship documents. My driver's license and SS aren’t. I just found out when applying for a passport. What can I do? I did contact Immigration travel, she suggested I change my drivers license and ssi with correct information.

Answer: The advice was sound. You need to have the documents with the wrong data corrected.

Certificate of Birth
by: Ms. Ann

Question: I have a very unusual situation. My mother was 15 when I was born. When she turned 18 she went to the Dept of Health to apply for a birth certificate for me. What she received was a Certificate of Birth that states it was copied from the original birth record and list the birth certificate number. I have used this document since birth and am now 56 years old. It got me through school, marriage and children. But it stopped at the passport office. They accepted it but then sent a letter saying this is not your birth certificate please submit it. I requested it. Got it in the mail and it had a different date than what I thought was my birth date (only one day off). My ID and legal docs, job, social security admin credit cards, bank, insurances, have the wrong date but if I submit my original BC it has a different date from my passport application and ID. What do I do? Where do I begin? I need a passport for a trip.

Answer: Hello, Ms. Ann. Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 to speak to a customer service representative regarding your concern.

Birth date not matching
by: Anonymous

Question: I tried to get a real ID but DMV says their system shows my birthday doesn’t match the passport but the birthday on my passport is identical to my driver license. I don’t have my birth certificate or citizenship naturalization document anymore since my Mom passed away many years ago. What do I do?

Answer: You may request for a copy of your naturalization certificate from the USCIS.

Incorrect birth date
by: Anonymous

Question: The birth date on my passport is incorrect (wrong month) and doesn’t match my license. I’m a US citizen. Can I still fly internationally?

Answer: Yes, you can. However, it is recommended that you have the error corrected. Corrections are processed as a free service.

Birthdate on birth certificate does not match legal documents
by: Anonymous

Question: I was born in Puerto Rico and raised in the US since I was a toddler. My Puerto Rico birth certificate has a wrong birth date of March 20. I was born on March 14. My late parents never corrected the birth date on my birth certificate. I was not aware of this discrepancy until I obtained my PR birth certificate. We have used March 14 on all my legal documents, i.e., social security, school records, medical records, life insurance, driver's license, etc. I have called, left messages, and emailed the Department of Health Demographic Registry in Puerto Rico, but they have not responded to my inquiries. Could I obtain a US passport with birth dates that don't match on my PR birth certificate and my driver's license?

Answer: It may be possible but questions will certainly arise. Please contact passport services at 1-877-487-2778.

The birthdate on my passport and license do not match
by: Anonymous

Question: My name is Todd. I have a complicated situation. My passport and Citizenship stated I was born year "1953". My Texas driver license and Social Security stated "1955". I am applying for Social Security benefits, they asked for my birth certificate, of which I don't have. My parents lost all documents when we moved back from overseas. I am American adopted born in Vietnam. When we came back from overseas, my parents enrolled me in school, at the time they question my actual birth year due to my growth. Therefore, they change my birth year to "1955" I have used that year all my career life. Please advise next steps. Thank You!!

Answer: Hello, Todd. We removed your last name and contact information for security purposes. Your issue is best addressed by the Social Security authorities since it's their benefits you are looking to claim.

If you have any passport-specific questions, we'll be happy to answer them.

wrong date of birth
by: Anonymous

Question: I was naturalized in 1990 but my date of birth was incorrect. It is listed as 2/03/69 but the actual date is 2/13/69. My SS card and driver's license has on record 2/13/69. But my certificate of naturalization and passport has 2/03/69. I don't have any birth certificates or old green card to prove otherwise. What do I need to do?

Question: Contact the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services about correcting your Certificate of Naturalization. Once it is corrected, you can apply for a passport correction.

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About the Author: For over 20 years, the U.S. Passport Service Guide team has helped hundreds of thousands of travelers with their travel document questions and shared advice about how to make traveling abroad simpler, safer, and more enjoyable.

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