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I have dual citizenship and have different names on my passports

by Areli
(Mason, OH)

Question: I am a Mexican citizen living legally in the U.S. with a Green Card (I have a valid Mexican Passport). I am engaged to a U.S. Citizen, considering changing my name, and also considering applying for naturalization in the near future.

If I go through with the name change, I will not be changing my name in Mexico, so my names would not match. What issues will I face (esp. while traveling to and from Mexico/U.S.)? For example, the name on my airline tickets would not match one of the Passports (once I have dual citizenship and a U.S. Passport). Should I just not change my name, and is it even allowed for my names to be different? Thanks...

Answer: There is no guarantee that you would have problems using two passport with different names in them but it is quite likely that you will. Passports should be used which have your current legal name in them. The best solution is to request a name change in your Mexican passport after you get married. You can do this through the nearest Mexican embassy or consulate general. There are consulates in both Chicago and Detroit. Contact information is provided below.

Consulado General de México en Chicago
204 S. Ashland Ave
Chicago Illinois., 60607
(312) 855-1380

Consulado de Carrera de México en Detroit
The Penobscot Building
645 Griswold Avenue
17th. Floor, Suite 830 Detroit Mi., 48226
Atención al Público: 8:00 a 17:00hrs.
(313) 964-4515/4532/4534

Comments for I have dual citizenship and have different names on my passports

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Dual US-Japanese citizen, different last name on passport.
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I am at some point going to need to return to the United States for personal reasons, but have an issue regarding the entry and exit process of Japan.

My US passport prints my full name, Japanese included, however my Japanese passport omits my US last name.

I do not wish to change my name just so that both passports have matching names, but do not want to cause issues when traveling.

What is my best course and options?

Answer: Please contact the U.S. Embassy or Consulates in Japan for advice. They are better informed about Japan's current exit policies.

Follow up on: Two passports different first name spelling
by: Anonymous

Question: I have follow up question on my previous post regarding traveling with a Brazilian passport.

1. Which passport would I have to show to TSA, the Brazilian passport would match my ticket info but my ID and documents in the US match my Lebanese passport.
2. On the return flight, they will ask for passport and PR card information which would not match the Brazilian passport, how would I handle that?

Thanks a lot!

Answer: 1. Show TSA your Brazilian passport since it's what matches your tickets.

2. You may present both Brazilian and Lebanese passport plus your green card. Please contact the airline you are traveling with to confirm.

You may also contact the CBP for more information.

Two passports different first name spelling
by: Anonymous

Question: I have two passports, a Lebanese passport and a Brazilian passport, my first name is spelled differently on the two passports. I am a US permanent resident and the US documents match my Lebanese passport.

I am planning to travel to Europe and planning to use my Brazilian passport. My question is which name should I use to book my round trip ticket? If I use the name on the Brazilian passport, which passport will I have to show when leaving the US and how would the airline handle it when I check in for the flight to the US? The name on my PR card will not match the name on the ticket. Thanks!

Answer: Since you will be using your Brazilian passport, you need to book tickets in the name that appears on it. You will only be using your green card upon re-entry to the United States so the name difference should not matter, you may present your Lebanese passport with it.

Tengo doble nacionalidad
by: Anonymous

Question: Tengo doble nacionalidad, venezolana y colombiana, entre como venezolano y mi proceso migratorio es como venezolano, pero ese pasaporte lo tengo vencido, puedo utilizar el de mi otra nacionalidad para viajar? Ósea el colombiano ese está vigente. Tienen el mismo nombre y todos los datos filiatorios son iguales y auténticos, ya he viajado antes como venezolano se reflejará un registro?

Answer: Necesito más información para responder a su pregunta. ¿Estás en Estados Unidos? Si es así, ¿tiene una tarjeta verde o una visa estadounidense válida?

Two completely different last names on passports
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a US passport and a Spanish passport. They have completely different last names on them.

An example of the name difference (not my real names):
US PASSPORT: John Gregory Smith
SPAIN PASSPORT: John Gregory Jones-Williams

How do I book tickets between Spain and the US? What happens if I show customs my plane ticket with one name and my passport with another name? Is it best if I legally change my name in the US (I can’t in Spain) to match my Spanish name?

Answer: Book your tickets in the name that appears on the passport you will be using to travel.

However, keep in mind that as a U.S. citizen, you will be required to present your U.S. passport when you depart and re-enter the United States. Because of this, you should book at least your tickets flying out and back into the U.S. in the name that appears on your U.S. passport.

As for the name change, it is not necessary but to avoid issues like this in the future, it is ideal.

Certificate of dual citizenship available through embassy?
by: Hiroshi

Question: I have a US passport and a Japanese passport but with different names, and I'm currently applying for university in Australia using my Japanese name.

The university has asked me to provide them with a certificate or a statement that indicates that I am the same person on each passport. Is there such a document or a way to verify that? It is confusing because they have not indicated which specific document they need, just evidence that I am the same person on each passport.

Thank you.

Answer: Hello, Hiroshi. You may contact the closest U.S. Embassy or Consulate or the USCIS regarding your concern.

by: Anonymous

Question: I moved to the USA when I was young with a certain name and when I grew up I relinquished my former name and took on the latter. I now want to adopt another name that contains the surname of my dad. Would that be a problem for me when traveling?

Answer: Traveling should not be an issue as long as you book your tickets in the name that appears on your passport.

Different first name on my passports
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I have a U.S. passport and a Vietnamese passport. I'm planning to travel to Vietnam from the US, and my ticket has a name that matches my Vietnamese passport. On both passports, I have the same middle name and last name except my first name. I changed my first name when I got naturalized in the U.S.

I'm worried that with my ticket having a different first name from my U.S. passport upon coming back to the U.S., I might be barred from entry to the U.S. by customs and border control. Should I bring both passports with me and the name change petition when traveling to ensure that I can get back to the U.S.? Thank you.

Answer: You only need to present your U.S. passport upon departure from and arrival back in the United States. The name on your tickets should not be an issue when you re-enter the country.

Different names on passports
by: Anonymous

Question: I will get a G visa to the US on my non-European passport, but if I want to travel anywhere from the US, I will need to use my European passport. They have different surnames. Will I have problems using 2 passports and which name should I use on my tickets?

Answer: Holding multiple nationalities and passports is not against U.S. laws. You may travel with whichever passport meets your destination's requirements. With regard to tickets, you should book them under the name that appears in the passport you are using to travel.

Round Trip Ticket
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a dual citizen of the United States and Korea. Both passports have the same last name, but the first names are different on the two passports. When I purchased a round-trip plane ticket originating in Korea and ending in America, I used my Korean passport name and I used my Korean passport to leave Korea. Upon entering America, I used my American passport, with no problems.

But now, I am worried about the return of half of my plane ticket. I know that when I present my Korean passport to the airline representative, the representative will just match my Korean name to my Korean passport without any problems. But what will happen when I come to the departure gate, where I must present my boarding pass (under my Korean name) and my US passport (under my American name) to the American departure gate officer? Will the officer just ask me to produce my Korean passport (since only my Korean passport has the name that matches the boarding pass), and then, I should be okay?

Answer: Yes, you should be okay. Please contact the airline you are traveling with to confirm.

Different surnames on different country
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm a dual citizen and using the surname of my father in my US passport but I'm using my mother's surname in the passport of the other country. Can I travel using 2 passports with different surnames?

Answer: It's not ideal but as long as your tickets match either passport, you should be okay.

Dual Citizenship- airline ticket
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi! I have a US passport (under my maiden name) and a Swiss passport (under my married name). When traveling anywhere in the world I usually use my Swiss passport so my Miles are registered under that name. I am buying my ticket to the US and the airline will only use the name on my miles card (ie my Swiss passport). Can I book my ticket to the US under my Swiss passport and still enter the US with my US passport or will that cause a problem at check-in? I am happy to travel with both passports, but do not want an issue when checking in.

Thank you

Answer: You may use your Swiss passport to board and present your U.S. passport upon entry to the United States. Safe flight!

Name Incorrect and State Dept. Refuses to Correct.
by: Anonymous

Question: Am in the process of getting dual citizenship with Portugal. Just renewed my passport and discovered that my last name is spelled incorrectly (State Dept. put a space between Da and Costa of my last name. My birth certificate shows my last name completely together. My Portuguese passport will be based on the info. on my US passport.

Now if my US passport is incorrect, my Portuguese passport will also be incorrect. How can I get State Dept. to correct my US passport?

Answer: You may submit your passport for a correction. Please mail the following to the address indicated in the form:

1. Form DS-5504
2. Current passport with error
3. Proof of correct data (original birth certificate)
4. One new passport photo

There is no fee for the correction but if you request expedited service, you need to pay the $60 expedite fee.

Dual citizenship passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter and I have dual citizenship: U.S and Mexican. We were both born in the U.S. Is it possible to travel to Mexico (round trip) with a Mexican passport without having any issues?

Answer: As U.S. citizens, you are required to leave and re-enter the United States using valid U.S. passports. You may use your Mexican passport while you are overseas.

First Name Change as a Dual Citizen
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a dual citizen of Spain and the U.S. and I am getting my first name legally changed in the U.S. Would I have to change my name in Spain as well to be able to use my Spanish passport? And could I get that done at the Spanish embassy?

Answer: Since the question concerns your Spanish passport, please contact the Embassy of Spain.

3 Citizenship
by: Anonymous

Question: I am dual citizen in two countries: UK and the Philippines. I got married in the USA, have a green card, work and pay taxes as a normal resident. Could I apply for US citizenship too as my 3rd country?

Answer: Please contact the USCIS regarding citizenship concerns.

I have two different names from two different citizenships
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello! I am Brazilian and have both my father and mother's last names, but I also got my Italian citizenship, in which I could only add my father's last name. I'm traveling to the US with my Italian passport (one last name), but my vaccination proof has my Brazilian name (two last names). How can I explain that to the Customs? Thank you.

Answer: Please contact the CBP regarding your concern.

Traveling to France and passports have different last names
by: Anonymous

Question: I have dual citizenship, France and US, and am traveling to France next week. My US passport expires in a little less than three months, so I will use my US passport to leave and enter the US but my French passport to enter France. My US passport is in my married name, as is my ticket, but my French passport is in my maiden name. Will I have any issues? I will have a certified copy of my marriage license to show my name change.

Answer: It should not be an issue since your tickets match your U.S. passport. Have a safe trip!

by: Anonymous

Question: I traveled to the U.S. for vacation and found out that I am pregnant and can’t go back home because I am very far along. The father of the child and I are citizens of another country and the child would most likely become a U.S. citizen. I would like to put the child’s last name as his father's but the father and I are not married and he can’t be present. Would it be an issue when trying to apply for a passport for my Newborn if his last name is different from mine and no father is listed?

Answer: It should not be a problem.

I have the same problem
by: Anonymous

Question: I have dual citizenship and I have different names in my passports. I have always traveled by car or bus and I’m planning on traveling for the first time by airplane to Mexico. But I’m a little nervous because when I was little, my dad applied for my citizenship and put my mother’s last name as my middle name. I would like to know if I will have any problem in the airport since one of my passport will not match the ticket.

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, you are required to depart and re-enter the United States using your U.S. passport. As long as the name on your tickets match that on your U.S. passport, there should be no issue.

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Applying at a Regional Passport Agency
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Using a Registered Courier Service
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Routine vs. Expedited Passport Service: How to Choose
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How to Renew a U.S. Passport Fast
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About the Author: For over 20 years, the U.S. Passport Service Guide team has helped hundreds of thousands of travelers with their travel document questions and shared advice about how to make traveling abroad simpler, safer, and more enjoyable.

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