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Does a child need a passport to visit Mexico?

Question: A 5-year-old child will be traveling with a birth certificate, social security card and a mother with passport card. Does the child really need a passport to get back into the US?


We are taking the family dog. Only 5lbs. Has license, rabies certtificate. Does the dog need anything else?

Answer: U.S. citizen children under age 16 arriving by land or sea from contiguous territory may also present an original or copy of his or her birth certificate, a Consular Report of Birth Abroad, a Naturalization Certificate, or a Canadian Citizenship Card.

A passport is only required for a minor to return to the U.S. when traveling by air. For more information about getting a passport for a child, click the link below.

Get Passport for Child

Click the link below for an article about taking your pet to Mexico.

Taking a Dog to Mexico

Top 5 Questions About Expedited Passport Couriers

1. How can you get a passport when you're in a hurry?
2. What exactly does a passport expediter do?
3. Are passport expediting services legitimate?
4. How can I identify a reliable passport expeditor?
5. Is expedited passport service worth it?

Get answers to these questions and more in our Ultimate U.S. Traveler's Guide to Passport Expediters.

You can also visit our library of articles about passport expediting.

In a Hurry? Get Reliable Expedited Passport Courier Service:Expedite My U.S.Passport Now!
About the Author: For over 20 years, the U.S. Passport Service Guide team has helped hundreds of thousands of travelers with their travel document questions and shared advice about how to make traveling abroad simpler, safer, and more enjoyable.

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